Tag Archive: CNN

This Is The Video CNN Will Play When The World Ends






” Thirty-four years ago, at the launch of Ted Turner’s Cable News Network, the founder made a grandiose and specific promise about his newly created round-the-clock operation. “Barring satellite problems, we won’t be signing off until the world ends,” Turner declared. And in anticipation, he prepared a final video segment for the apocalypse:

  We’ll be on, and we will cover the end of the world, live, and that will be our last event. We’ll play the National Anthem only one time, on the first of June [the day CNN launched], and when the end of the world comes, we’ll play ‘Nearer My God To Thee’ before we sign off.

  People thought he was joking. We have proof that he wasn’t. Below is the never-before-seen video the last living CNN employee will be required to play before succumbing to radiation poisoning, the plague, zombies, or whatever crazy end Turner saw coming. “

Jalopnik has the whole story

Eric Garner’s Daughter Is Asked If Her Father’s Death Is A ‘Black and White’ Issue – You’ll LOVE Her Response!






” Eric Garner’s daughter appeared on CNN to discuss the death of her father. Peppered with questions, it’s clear that reporters have already made up their mind on what happened in this case, and are on the same side as Rev. Al Sharpton and the race baiters.

  But when the daughter was asked if it was a racial issue, she said it isn’t, and is instead a “national crisis.”

  Even when pressed further for clarification, Erica Garner replied, “I really doubt it. It was about the officer’s pride. It was about my father being 6’4″ and 350 pounds and he wants to be the top cop that brings a big man down.” “


Headline Politics











CNN Poll: Trust In Government At All-Time Low






” The poll also indicates that the public’s trust in government is at an all-time low.

  Just 13% of Americans say the government can be trusted to do what is right always or most of the time, with just over three-quarters saying only some of the time and one in 10 saying they never trust the government, according to the poll.

” The number who trust the government all or most of the time has sunk so low that it is hard to remember that there was ever a time when Americans routinely trusted the government,” CNN Polling Director Keating Holland said. 

” But polls conducted by the University of Michigan consistently found a majority of Americans in the 1960s and early 1970s saying that the government could be trusted all or most of the time – until Watergate. In 1972, 53% said they trusted the government always or most of the time. By 1974, that figure had plummeted to 36%, and except for a brief period of patriotic sentiment immediately after the 9/11 attacks, it has remained under 50% ever since,” Holland added.”


CNN has the details












CNN’s Piers Morgan Signs Off With Final Blast At U.S. Gun Laws







” Piers Morgan wrapped his three-year CNN run tonight with (gasp!) a full hour of discussion about the missing plane. But in his four-minute final remarks, he couldn’t resist taking a parting shot at the NRA. “I assumed that after 70 people were shot in a movie theater, and then, just a few months later, 20 first-graders were murdered with an assault rifle in an elementary school, the absurd gun laws in this country would change,” he said. “But nothing has happened. The gun lobby in America, led by the NRA, has bullied this nation’s politicians into cowardly, supine silence. “


Read on









Piers Morgan Ending Nightly CNN Show






” CNN and Piers Morgan are pulling the plug on his low-rated ‘Piers Morgan Live” program, The New York Times reports.

  Morgan and CNN President Jeff Zucker mutually agreed to end the 9 p.m. weeknight show after discussing its failure to connect with audiences, CNN executives and Morgan told the Times’ David Carr. 

  The program is expected to end in March, and no replacement has been named.”


England is looking better all the time , eh Piers . We must give him some credit for self-awareness though …



” “I’m in danger of being the guy down at the end of the bar who is always going on about the same thing,” Morgan told the Times, adding that there were probably lots of people in the heartland angry “about this British guy telling them how to lead their lives and what they should do with their guns.” “


Read more at NewsMax








Bloomberg And CNN Pretend Americans Don’t Want Guns





” We reckon that anti-gunners will do just about anything to try to trick people into thinking that gun sales are tanking and that Americans therefore are ready to support the full array of restrictions envisioned by our “transform the United States of America” president, Barack Obama.

  Yesterday, Bloomberg Businessweek featured an article by Kyle Stock that juggled monthly numbers of firearm-related checks conducted by the National Instant Criminal Background System (NICS) to make it appear that, as Stock put it, “Americans, apparently, may finally have enough guns and ammunition.”  Stock explained, “FBI background checks, a leading indicator of firearm demand, have also been dropping. Federal applications to make a gun purchase last month were one-third fewer (sic) than a year ago.”

  Today, CNN published a similar item. Titled “Gun Sales Are Plunging,” the article, by Aaron Smith, says “Background checks by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, considered the most accurate means of tracking gun sales, plunged by a third in January compared to the year before.” “


NRA has the story and as is the norm , the MSM’s data is skewed to push their agenda … no surprise there .











CNN Lays Off More Than 40 Journalists



” CNN has laid off more than 40 senior journalists in its news gathering operation – including a pregnant producer who was two weeks away from giving birth to twins – as part of a reorganisation of the business under Jeff Zucker.

  The cutting of production and editorial staff at the Time Warner-owned group comes as Mr Zucker tries to re-establish CNN as the dominant force in 24 hour cable news, a crown it lost several years ago to Fox News Channel.”

Read more at the Financial Times


… Half Under Age 30 Never Watch News





” Network news viewers are declining in unprecedented rates, from an average of 48 million nightly network news viewers in 1985 to 24.5 million in 2013, according to Pew Research analysis of Nielsen Media Research data.

  Young people aged 18-29 are the least likely to watch network news regularly (only 11 percent did so in 2012), and 49 percent of people in this age group say they never watch the news.”













40,000 New Laws Take Effect In 2014



40K new lawsClick Picture For Video


” Harvard law professor, author of “Taking the Stand” Alan Dershowitz discusses the fascinating new laws of 2014.”




   That’s CNN’s take and below is Fox News’ report on this massive collection of new laws being foisted on an unsuspecting citizenry in the name of the Nanny State .  




Surprisingly Unanimous Journalist Panel: Media Lean Left, Exist In Socially Liberal Echo Chamber


Echo Chamber




” “Top journalists from The New York Times, NBC News and CNN acknowledged Wednesday that, generally speaking, the national media has a liberal bias,” Politico’s media reporter Dylan Byers noted in a December 18 post recapping a Politico Playbook breakfast discussion held earlier on Wednesday morning.

More than one panelist opined that it’s not just that journalists tend to be liberal on policy questions but that they live and work in environments which are socially liberal. “I live in northwest Washington, none of my neighbors are evangelical Christians [and] I don’t know a lot of people in my kid’s preschool who are pro-life,” New York Times writer Mark Leibovich noted. Fellow Washington, D.C.-based journalist Jake Tapper picked up on that thread: ” 


Read On 











” On Friday, George Soros-funded hit group Media Matters for America declared victory over its arch-nemesis Fox News. In a puff piece by Amanda Terkel for the Huffington Post, Media Matters leaked that “in the coming years, Fox will no longer be the center of Media Matters’ universe.” What changed? Nothing, really, considering that Fox News still effectively dominates the ratings, with better numbers than MSNBC and CNN combined. But Media Matters reports that it has “effectively discredited the network’s desire to be seen as ‘fair and balanced.’”

  However, polls show that simply isn’t the case. The 2012 Public Policy Polling TV News Trust poll showed that 34 percent of respondents trusted Fox News more than ABC News, CBS News, CNN, MSNBC, Comedy Central, NBC News, and PBS. Even among Democrats, Fox News polled better than MSNBC. The 2013 numbers were similar.”


Read The Rest









CNN And MSNBC Lose Almost Half Their Viewers In One Year



” It’s been a tough year for the liberal cable news outlets.

  Data released Tuesday show CNN shedding 48 percent of total viewers since last November and MSNBC dropping 45 percent.

  The numbers were even worse in the all important demographic of people aged 25 to 54 as CNN’s ratings dropped 59 percent and MSNBC’s 52 percent.”




Further reading:


Fox News Destroys Competitors In November Ratings

” Fox News triumphed in the cable news ratings battle in November, grabbing more total day and primetime viewers than its two rival competitors — CNN and MSNBC — combined. 

  It marks the 143rd consecutive month that Fox News has come out on top, and it ranked second in all of cable for the month of November — behind only ESPN. It featured the top 14 programs in all of cable news.”


Nov. 2013 Ratings: CNN Shows Hit Year Lows

” While all the news networks were down this month compared to last November, due to the 2012 election, CNN was down the most. In the key A25-54 demo, the network was down -62% in primetime and down -59% for total day viewing.”





To quote the Professor : “Heh”








A Phalanx Of Lies





” CNN has been pondering what they call “a particularly tough few days at the White House.” “Four out of five Americans have little or no trust in their government to do anything right,” says chief political analyst Gloria Borger. “And now Obama probably feels the same way.” Our hearts go out to him, poor wee disillusioned thing. We are assured by the headline writers that the president was “unaware” of Obamacare’s website defects, and the NSA spying, and the IRS targeting of his political enemies, and the Justice Department bugging the Associated Press, and pretty much anything else you ask him about. But, as he put it, “nobody’s madder than me” at this shadowy rogue entity called the “Government of the United States” that’s running around pulling all this stuff. And, once he finds out who’s running this Government of the United States rogue entity, he’s gonna come down as hard on him as he did on that videomaker in California; he’s gonna send round the National Park Service SWAT team to teach that punk a lesson he won’t forget.”


As usual Mr Steyn is the “Must Read” of the day .


” Gloria Borger and CNN seem inclined to swallow the line that the president of the United States is not aware that he is president of the United States: For the media, just a spoonful of bovine manure makes the Obamacare medicine go down.”


Bovine manure indeed … Read it all 











Kristol Schools CNN Liberals Piers Morgan and Marc Lamont Hill on Government Shutdown




” Editor of The Weekly Standard Bill Kristol fiercely went after Piers Morgan and Marc Lamont Hill over the government shutdown Tuesday on CNN.

Kristol derided Morgan for the CNN host’s grilling of Rep. James Lankford (R., Okla.) over Congressional pay during the shutdown and yet completely ignoring the subject of compensation with White House Press Secretary Jay Carney earlier in the show.

The discussion then became tumultuous as Lamont Hill objected to Kristol pointing out the principal reason for the government shutdown is that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D., Nev.) will not accept a vote on either a one year delay of Obamacareor removing the special Congressional subsidies in the new Obamacare exchanges:

MARC LAMONT HILL: But 800,000 people aren’t be paid.

BILL KRISTOL: Rght, they aren’t, that’s right. Because there’s a government shutdown. Why is there a government shutdown? Because the Democratic Senate and President Obama will not accept two propositions, that the individual mandate should be delayed for a year even though the exchanges have opened in total chaos today, and the second one, that Congressmen should abide by the same rules as everyone else who goes into the exchanges. Those are such unreasonable demands that the President of the United States can’t even negotiate with the speaker about it? Jay Carney can’t make an argument against why those are good pieces of legislation?”

Read the whole thing here










Jon Stewart, Daily Show Team Rip CNN Apart for Confusing,

Frenzied Shooting Coverage



Published on Sep 17, 2013

” September 17, 2013 – Jon Stewart opened Tuesday night’s Daily Show with a powerful indictment of how cable news covered the Washington Navy Yard shooting, aimed squarely at the “breathless wrongness” of CNN. Stewart spent not one, but two whole segments mercilessly tearing CNN apart for how awfully it covered the shooting, especially all the unnecessary speculation.

Stewart yelled at one CNN reporter, “You’re just standing in front of a camera naming shit you see!” and likened it to “walking down the street with a five-year-old.” He ran the gamut from one anchor demanding to know the size of a building to another asking about the clothes someone who may have been the suspect possibly wore. And even tempering the speculation wasn’t enough, with Stewart advising that if what you’re about might be incredibly wrong, “don’t say them out loud!”

Stewart concluded that the “vomit onto the screen” CNN was projecting “is a feature, not a bug,” and figured out exactly what game they’re trying to play after playing a clip of Jeff Zucker boasting about CNN’s Boston coverage ratings.

“The lesson they take from this is, it doesn’t matter how much they betray our trust, we’ll keep coming back. We’re in an abusive relationship with CNN! And it’s time we kicked those bastards to the curb, because we have to remember, this network was created by Ted Turner, not Ike Turner.”
In the second segment, Stewart’s team of correspondents (John Oliver, Jason Jones, Samantha Bee, and Aasif Mandvi) appeared in a pack outside CNN’s headquarters to give them a taste of their own medicine.”








Zimmerman Trial Day 8: Live Video, Analysis of State’s Case & Witnesses



” Today we will again be covering the Zimmerman Trial live, all day, with streaming video. Continuing commentary will be posted in the Twitter feed of selected contributors below the first video feed, and breaking news will be added at the bottom of this post.

During the lunch recess, or immediately thereafter, we will post a mid-day update (not just a list of tweets this time!). We’ll then follow up with the usual detailed end-of-day wrap up, including video and embedded Tweets, at the usual time in the evening.”








CNN Poll: Majority Doesn’t Trust Obama, Approval Rating Suffers Severe Drop




” President Barack Obama’s approval rating dropped a shocking 8 percentage points over the last month — one of sharpest, fastest plunges in his presidency, according to a new CNN poll released early Monday morning.

For the first time in Obama’s time in office,  more than half of the public doesn’t feel that the president is honest and trustworthy, the CNN/ORC International poll showed.

Specifically, Obama’s approval rating stands at 45 percent, down from 53 percent in mid-May, CNN reported. A shocking 54 percent of respondents told pollsters they disapprove of how Obama is handling his job. That was up 9 points in just a month. “






MSNBC Falls Below HLN In May, Rachel Maddow Hits Lows



” HLN’s wall-to-wall coverage of the Jodi Arias trial has had substantial ratings legs. Surging around the time of the May 8 verdict, the network notched an extremely rare monthly victory: It topped MSNBC in total day and primetime. And with CNN posting its second consecutive month as a distant primetime runner-up to Fox News Channel, MSNBC is in a very precarious fourth place.

The soft start for All In With Chris Hayes has not helped. Hayes, down 32 percent in total viewers fromThe Ed Show last May, has offered a poor lead-in for MSNBC’s primetime flagship, The Rachel Maddow Show, at 9 p.m. The show delivered its lowest-rated month since it debuted in September 2008 (717,000 total viewers) and its second lowest with adults 25-54 (210,000). Maddow was topped by typical time slot victor Sean Hannity and CNN’s Piers Morgan.”








See How Tornado Turns Debris Into Missiles


Published on May 22, 2013

” CNN’s Chris Lawrence stands next to a “tornado” at a research facility where they put tornado shelters to the test. For more CNN videos, visit our site at http://www.cnn.com/video/

CNN’s Morgan: Hey, Maybe Government Can Become Tyrannical After All

” In a conversation with Penn Jillette, CNN’s anti-gun zealot – who has spent the last six months deriding the suggestion that the American government can’t be trusted when it comes to gun control – has had a change of heart after watching the IRS and DOJ/AP scandals unfold.”



Jon Stewart Takes CNN To Task With Epic Mockery Of Network’s Jodi Arias Trial Coverage


” Jon Stewart has repeatedly ridiculed and slammed CNN in the past few weeks, most recently on Monday during an interview with Christiane Amanpour. He gave the cable network a brief respite Tuesday night before going right back to hammering them for one particularly odd moment in their otherwise unexciting coverage of the Jodi Arias trial: Ashleigh Banfield doing a satellite interview with Nancy Grace… when the two of them were a few feet away from each other in the same Arizona parking lot.

Stewart explained how Banfield and Grace were set up as if they were in different locations, it’s pretty obvious that the same vehicles are going through both shots. Which meant either they were sitting pretty close to each other or, as Stewart hypothesized, it could be that Arizona is plagued by a “seven-mile long Bus Ness Monster.”

Stewart was amazed by the audacity of CNN making his “pretty shameful” gesture, though he figured it could have been because Banfield has taken out a restraining order against Nancy Grace. They did try to create the illusion of not being so close to each other, and when Grace couldn’t hear Banfield right, Stewart just shouted at her to “take your finger out of your fucking ear because she’s right there!” He asked, “Is anyone at CNN allowed indoors anymore?” “


CNN Gives 30 Times More Coverage To Tabloid Stories Than Benghazi Hearing




” On Wednesday evening, CNN barely covered the congressional hearing on the Benghazi attack from earlier that afternoon. Instead, the network provided wall-to-wall coverage of the Jodi Arias trial verdict and the Cleveland kidnappings.

From the hours of 5 p.m. until 11 p.m. ET, CNN gave a whopping 4 hours, 9 minutes of coverage to the two crime stories, but a measly eight minutes to Benghazi — over 30 times more coverage. And three of CNN’s prime-time shows didn’t even mention Benghazi.

The 8 p.m. and 10 p.m. ET hours of Anderson Cooper 360 featured over one hour and twenty minutes of material on Arias and the Cleveland abduction, but not a second on the hearing. The 9 p.m. ET hour of Piers Morgan Live aired over 40 minutes on the two stories, but completely ignored the Benghazi hearing.”








Still Think Islam Is A Religion Of Peace? – You Won’t After Seeing This




” While many in the media, including Fox News, CNN, the Washington Post and others, including politicians like Barack Hussein Obama and Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN) continue to promote the lie that Islam is a “peaceful religion,” Freedom Outpost is allowing David Wood of “Answering Muslims” to respond to their claims from the Qur’an, in context, to demonstrate the lie that is being perpetrated on the American people that Islam is a religion of peace. Many of my own friends think Islam is harmless, but the reality of the Qur’an’s teaching tells us something very different. If you have any doubts that Islam is not a peaceful religion, this short video clip should convince any thinking person to reconsider an evaluation of Islam.


Federal Taxpayers Get Billed For $1 Million Bus Stop




” Is a luxurious bus stop worth $1 million? Commuters boarding buses at the newly constructed stop in Arlington County, Virginia, don’t seem to think so, as CNN reported.

According to one rider, “This is cute, but cute ain’t warm. Cute ain’t dry.” While $1 million can buy the stainless steel and heated pavement and seating that adorn this “Super Stop,” in this case it didn’t even buy a bus stop that protects people from the elements while they wait.

A chorus of public disapproval erupted following the bus stop’s debut, leading Arlington County to announce Friday that it was suspending any work on the other 23 planned Super Stops while it reviews this one’s design and cost. Steven Del Giudice, Arlington’s Transit Bureau chief, told CNN, “We’ll look at ways that wemight be able to save money on future stops” (emphasis added). How reassuring a statement for federal taxpayers, who funded $800,000 of the project cost through federal transportation grants.”



Imagine that … a million dollars and it can’t even keep you dry … Oh and note the county it is built in …