Tag Archive: Cleveland

Police Shooting Of Pre-Teen In Cleveland Caught On Surveillance Video That Contradicts Cops Claims

” Last week police in Cleveland shot and killed12-year-old Tamir Rice, claiming the boy tried to pull a (fake) gun out of his pants when ordered to put his hands up. The interaction was instigated by a 911 caller who said he saw someone with what was a “probably fake” gun.

  Now surveillance video appears to contradict police claims, as it shows the police officer shooting Rice immediately after getting out of a moving patrol car.

  There could be more than 300 million (real) guns in America, and an infinitesimally small proportion are used to commit crimes. Politically expedient fearmongering over guns, however, can lead to frivolous 911 calls that, in combination with trigger-happy yet largely immune cops, can be fatal. “


9-1-1 Caller Says Gun Held By Cleveland 12-Year-Old Shot By Police Was ‘Probably Fake’






”  The man who called 9-1-1 before a 12-year-old boy was shot by police told dispatchers the gun was “probably fake.”

  The man told police he was at the park near Cudell Recreation Center and could see “a guy with a pistol” on the swing set pulling the weapon from his pants and “scaring the s–t out of everyone.”

” There’s a guy with a pistol, and it’s probably fake,” he said quickly, “but he’s pointing it everybody.”

  When police arrived, a group of people were sitting around a table under a gazebo next to the rec center’s parking lot. A rookie officer in the car saw the pistol sitting on the table, and watched the boy grab it and put it in his waistband, Jeff Follmer said.

  The officer got out of the car and told the boy to raise his hands. Instead, police said, the boy reached into his waistband and grabbed the pistol.

  The officer fired two shots, at least one of which hit the boy in the stomach.

  The boy was rushed to MetroHealth Medical Center in serious condition, though his condition was not immediately known Saturday night. “












“ISIS Terrorist” Crosses Canadian Border On Lake Erie Into The United States





Published on Sep 8, 2014

” ORDER Breakthrough by James O’Keefe — Now out in Paperback! http://goo.gl/fgUuKO. In a Project Veritas investigation released Monday, James O’Keefe exposed the lack of security along our border with Canada. In the follow-up to the investigation that featured O’Keefe crossing the Rio Grande disguised as Osama bin Laden, the latest investigation illustrates the lack of border security by simulating a terrorist infiltration across Lake Erie and into Cleveland.”












Possible Black On White Hate Crime In Cleveland, Ohio Caught On Tape




Published on Jun 12, 2014

” Cleveland Police are investigating an attack on a 10-year-old girl as a hate crime, and the attack was captured on video and posted on-line.

  It happened on Leeila Avenue off Bellaire Road on the west side.

  A video posted on YouTube shows a white girl on a scooter ambushed and beaten by a black girl. The beating went on for about 12 seconds until you hear voices in the background calling for it to stop.

  A Cleveland Police report shows the attacker is 13 years old. The victim, Danielle Fair, says she felt bullied.

  A neighbor says she saw it all, and she heard the attacker use a racial slur. 

” Cracker. She called her a cracker,” said Jessica Jaworski.

  The attack looked planned, with the camera rolling even before the beating even started.

  We went to the home of the teen throwing punches.

” Nobody was waiting. I don’t have to talk to you. It’ll all come out in court,” a woman at the door told 19 Action News. 

  The victim’s mom and dad want justice. They say their daughter never said anything to provoke the beating. Dad says he even tried talking to the other girl’s grandfather instead of calling police.

  But now, a First District Detective is working the case. Hate crime or not, it’s a vicious attack.”













Cleveland Police Suspend 63 Officers Who Fired 137 Shots Killing Unarmed Man And Woman In High-Speed Chase After Pair Panicked

And Sped Off While Being Pulled Over




” More than 60 Cleveland police officers involved in an unauthorized car chase in which 137 shots were fired, killing two unarmed people, have been suspended. 

A panicked driver and passenger fleeing police were shot dead in November following a 23-minute pursuit in which more than 60 cruisers sped through residential neighborhoods.

While only two police cars are allowed to give chase, dozens of cruisers joined the pursuit because they believed the two victims were armed.

Police Chief Mark McGrath announced today that 63 of the 104 officers involved will be suspended for up to 10 days, while 13 directly involved in the shooting could face criminal charges. The police union said it would appeal the decision. “





” Jumping into his patrol car and radioing for help, the officer pursued driver Timothy Russell, 43, and passenger, Malissa Williams, 30, who allegedly refused to stop.

That’s when gunfire erupted, with 13 officers firing 137 rounds at the car.

Russell was shot 23 times and Williams 24 times in what civil rights groups described as an ‘execution-style killing’. The pair was unarmed.”











He Has No Legs. His Best Friend Is Blind. Together, They Win At Everything They Set Their Minds To.



Blind , Legless




” When I watched this the first time, I was hypnotized and a teary mess. The second and third times, things didn’t change. Their story is amazing. Watch it. Share it. Enjoy the wondrous and happy ending. And remember not to take things for granted. If you aren’t hooked by 1:30, you are a stronger person than I am.”







A reader saw a post of ours regarding a woman who went undercover in Egypt to recover her kidnapped son and asked us for help . If anyone has information on this case perhaps you would help . Please read the post and decide for yourselves . We cannot attest to the veracity of these claims and present this information copied in it’s entirety from the site at the link . Feel free to pass this along and perhaps we can help reunite father and son .

Missing Child Updated May 11, 2013, 8:23 AM Blake Edward Cleveland, Missing, Abducted, Abused

free website tracking

I have Full Physical and Legal Custody of Blake, he has been taken from me to a place that is very dangerous.
Watching the news and seeing the violence In Egypt, you must know the danger that exists there for Blake.

For simple clarification, Blake and all persons related to him are Citizens of  and born in the  United States of America and have no ties or marital relations in the Middle East.  

Why Jennifer fled this Country to Egypt is a mystery, as well as, all of the possible reasons why Jennifer fled.
Share this URL with all of your contacts and encourage them to do the same:
http://sites.google.com/site/blakeclevelandmissing12inms/If you would like to be kept up to speed, Send me a Friend Request on FaceBook or Follow me on Twitter.

Blake is listed on INTERPOL’S website as a missing person, arrangements have been made with to return Blake to the USA.
Jennifer has fled the with our son. They took off March-22-2012 and have evaded law enforcement and ignored the warrants for their arrest.
Jennifer also fled with her new husband Brandon Houff. 

Here you will find this basic information on a similar website for Arabic 




طفل مفقود بليك كليفلاند ‏١٣ عام جائزة مالي

ة ٦٠٠٠ جنيه


حياة بليك فى خطر طالما هو مع جينيفر


Help Find Blake T-S  




Before It’s News






Wanted by the State of Mississippi and the Justice Department for International Parental Kidnapping



Please contact anyone you know in Egypt or the Middle East and ask them to please help locate Blake

here are Three photos of  Blake Edward Cleveland

             Blake Edward Cleveland DOB 06/30/1999
If identified please call 911, Call your Local FBI or whatever Local Law Enforcement that is available to you as all law enforcement officials have an ORDER AND WRIT OF ASSISTANCE DIRECTING ALL LAW ENFORCEMENT to return the child to his Father William D. Cleveland.


                                                                           The Mother Jennifer Houff who is on the run from the law DOB march 16 1977 green eyes dyes her hair blond sometimes, she is about 5ft 5inchs tall and normally weighs about 110 -122 pounds

Jennifer’s LAST KNOWN address 308 LaSalle Court in Flowood, MS


 call MR. Cleveland at 601-265-1147

 Here are photos of the Kidnapper

there is a International Warrant for her arrest

Jennifer changes her looks often and may be wearing contacts to change her eye color, Jennifer changes her hair color the most, Jennifer can easily be spotted if she is bare footed her  big toe is unusually short and the rest of her toes are unusually longer than normal, she has an uncontrollable laugh when she is nervous.


Here is a photo of the Husband of the Kidnapper (He is with Jennifer and Blake and they are on the run from the LAW), his name is Brandon K. Houff his date of birth is January 26 1976
his eyes are blue, what is left of his hair is brown (he was wearing a glue on wig the last time I saw him) his height is 5ft 11inches, weight is about 185 pounds
my advice to you Brandon is to bring Blake to Law Enforcement and help save him from DANGER, allow Blake to have a future free from the type of life that you live with Jennifer


CNN Gives 30 Times More Coverage To Tabloid Stories Than Benghazi Hearing




” On Wednesday evening, CNN barely covered the congressional hearing on the Benghazi attack from earlier that afternoon. Instead, the network provided wall-to-wall coverage of the Jodi Arias trial verdict and the Cleveland kidnappings.

From the hours of 5 p.m. until 11 p.m. ET, CNN gave a whopping 4 hours, 9 minutes of coverage to the two crime stories, but a measly eight minutes to Benghazi — over 30 times more coverage. And three of CNN’s prime-time shows didn’t even mention Benghazi.

The 8 p.m. and 10 p.m. ET hours of Anderson Cooper 360 featured over one hour and twenty minutes of material on Arias and the Cleveland abduction, but not a second on the hearing. The 9 p.m. ET hour of Piers Morgan Live aired over 40 minutes on the two stories, but completely ignored the Benghazi hearing.”








Ariel Castro Charged In Cleveland Kidnapping



A Cleveland police officer is present outside the home of Amanda Berry's sister in Cleveland, Ohio, May 8, 2013. REUTERS-John Gress



Cleveland resident Ariel Castro was charged on Wednesday with kidnapping and raping three women who were rescued from his house on Monday after nearly a decade in captivity.

Castro’s two brothers Pedro and Onil, originally arrested in the case, were not charged, said Cleveland city prosecutor Victor Perez at a news conference.

The charges came as police revealed that the women, who were rescued on Monday after one of them, Amanda Berry, fled with the help of a neighbor, had not seen any previous chances to escape in nearly ten years of captivity.

“They were not in one room, but they did know each other and they did know each other was there,” he added.

Castro, 52, faces four counts of kidnapping relating to Berry, now 27, Gina DeJesus, 23, Michelle Knight, 32, and Berry’s 6-year-old daughter who was conceived and born during her mother’s captivity, authorities said.”







” Three young women, reunited with their families for the first time in nearly a decade, were talking to investigators Tuesday about their life in captivity amid reports that the women were forced to endure years of sexual abuse and beatings inside a rundown house on Cleveland’s west side.

Amanda Berry, Gina DeJesus and Michelle Knight bolted to freedom Monday after Berry’s screams alerted a neighbor who helped her break free.

Police have arrested three brothers, Ariel Castro, 52, the owner of the house and a former Cleveland school bus driver; Pedro Castro, 54; and Onil Castro, 50, in connection with the alleged abductions.”










'House of horrors': Anthony Castro and his father stand in front of the door to the basement in 2001




” Ariel Castro padlocked the doors leading to his basement, his attic and his garage and never allowed his family inside, his son has exclusively revealed to MailOnline.

Chilling photographs from 2001 show a grinning Castro, who is accused of holding three women captive for a decade, standing in front of a locked door – behind which unimaginable horrors may have been unfolding in the basement.

By that point, one of his alleged victims, Michele Knight, had already been missing for a year.

In an interview with MailOnline, his son Anthony Castro, 31, has spoken of his shock at his father’s alleged crimes and revealed how Ariel Castro asked him just weeks ago whether he believed the kidnapping of Amanda Berry – one of his victims – would ever be solved.

‘If it’s true that he took her captive and forced her into having sex with him and having his child and keeping her hidden and keeping them from sunlight, he really took those girls’ lives,’ he said.”



The three suspect brothers









Pictured: Suspect Accused Of Taking Three Teens Arrested With His Brothers



Arrested: The prime suspect has been identified as 52-year-old Ariel Castro

” The prime suspect in the astonishing kidnapping case of three women held captive for ten years has been taken into custody – as well as two of his own brothers.

Ariel Castro, 52, of Cleveland, Ohio was arrested on Monday after one of his alleged victims escaped his home and called police.

Neighbors in the street were shocked to hear that Castro, who was once a school bus driver in the Cleveland area, could be capable of abducting three innocent teenagers from the street and tying them up with chains in his basement.

Castro’s Facebook page depicts a man with a passion for motorcycles and the bass guitar.

His last post to the social networking site on May 2 says: ‘Miracles really do happen, God is good :)’

The man who came to Amanda Berry’s rescue, Charles Ramsey, expressed disbelief that his neighbor could be capable of such a disturbed and shocking crime.

He told NewsNet5: ‘I’ve been here a year. I barbeque with this dude, we eat ribs and what not and listen to salsa music. Not a clue that that girl was in that house or that anyone else was in there with.”

Amanda 911 Call

Amanda Berry’s Family Reacts To Her Being Found

More Family Reaction: Amanda Berry

History Of Missing Teens Case

Social media reaction to Amanda Berry, Gina DeJesus found

Neighbor Describes Ariel Castro


11pm: Cleveland Kidnapping Suspect Information

Charles Ramsey Interview, Cleveland Man That Found Amanda Berry






” Amanda Berry, Gina DeJesus and Michele Knight, three Ohio women who went missing about a decade ago, were found alive Monday in a residential area just south of downtown Cleveland.

The man who seemingly helped rescue the girls, a neighbor, said he heard a woman screaming before doing some investigating. After making the startling discovery the man called 911. You can listen to his 911 call here.

His name is Charles Ramsey and he also gave quite an interesting interview with local news station WJW-TV after it was confirmed that the girls were OK.

Here’s how he remembered the day’s events occurring:

“I went to McDonald’s. I came home. I’m eating my McDonald’s. I got the day off from work, so naturally you’re doing nothing. And I hear this girl screaming and she’s going nuts. So I come outside and I know there’s nobody that’s supposed to be screaming next door to my house because there’s no girl that lives in that house. So that’s a dead giveaway that something’s wrong.”


” The woman’s voice was frantic and breathless, and she was choking back tears. “Help me. I’m Amanda Berry,” she told a 911 dispatcher. “I’ve been kidnapped and I’ve been missing for 10 years and I’m, I’m here, I’m free now.”

Those words led police to a house near downtown Cleveland where Berry and two other women who vanished a decade ago were found Monday, elating family members and friends who’d longed to see them again.

Authorities later arrested three brothers. They released no names and gave no information about them or what charges they might face.”

Defiant Teen Gets Life Sentences In Ohio Shooting





” Wearing a T-shirt with “killer” scrawled across it, a teenager cursed and gestured obscenely as he was given three life sentences Tuesday for shooting to death three students in an Ohio high school cafeteria.

T.J. Lane, 18, had pleaded guilty last month to shooting at students in February 2012 at Chardon High School, east of Cleveland. Investigators have said he admitted to the shooting but said he didn’t know why he did it.



  A defiant deviant til the end , he couldn’t resist one last taunt towards the families of the slain : 



“The hand that pulls the trigger that killed your sons now masturbates to the memory,” he said, then cursed at and raised his middle finger toward the victims’ relatives.”



   There is a special place in Hell reserved for the likes of this thing . Let’s hope he gets to check in sooner rather than later .




 What About The ” Anti-Romney ” Districts ?


So Lets Get This Straight , 139-5 Romney makes this county ” the most anti-Obama ” county , yet how many of you have heard of all the voting wards , districts  and precincts where Obama got every single vote ? Why isn’t that news ? If it  wasn’t for the new media reporting it we wouldn’t know , yet CNN goes out of their way to try and spin a story of how ,  Texas has the  ” the most anti-Obama ” county  , even though  Obama got 3.4 %  .

Anybody hear a” Dog Whistle” ?





  ” In a CNN video, it is revealed that the most anti-Obama area in the United States is King County, Texas. There, Mitt Romney won by a landslide as Barack Obama only got five votes. “

Obama Won Dozens of Cleveland Districts with 100% of the Vote


  ” President Obama must have run a great campaign considering the tremendous numbers he put up in numerous big cities. Over in Philadelphia, he was lucky enough
to get 90% percent turnout in some
districts with over 99% of the vote.

  In Cleveland, in some districts he did even better with an astounding 100% of the vote in dozens of locations . “

  Imagine a world where simply pointing out what the law is is regarded as a crime … oh wait , we needn’t imagine it , it’s here now and it’s called Obamaworld . 




Voter Fraud Billboards to be Taken Down in Ohio and Wisconsin

There , We’ve Said It …. Guess That Makes Us RACISTS !

  ” An election-related billboard in Cleveland’s Ward 5 has caused a stir, prompting some complaints that it discriminates against minority groups and felons. “
We would like to know two things , why does  pointing out the fact that something is illegal constitutes racism ? 
 And number two , if someone is not capable enough to be able to procure a valid form of identification for themselves why should we consider them capable enough to play a role in determining our future ? 

” The advertisement, posted at the intersection of Community College Avenue and East 35th Street, warns that “voting fraud is a felony” in bold lettering. It also states that the penalty is punishable by up to three and a half years in prison and a $10,000 fine.

The ad also shows a gavel and sound block and lists that it was paid for by a private family foundation. The billboard is operated by Clear Channel Outdoor.”

* Let us pray that he ends up with even less than that on election night .


  “In the Spirit of Andrew Breitbart Conservatives Will Confront Corrupt Media at “Occupy the Truth” March and Rally”

  ” On Saturday August 18th conservatives from across the Midwest will converge on Cleveland,
Ohio and demand that the media report the truth on the #Occupy terrorists.”