Tag Archive: Clash of Civilizations

US Christians Back Emerging Private War On Iraq Jihadists






” After fighting with rebels in Libya and Syria, Matthew VanDyke has rolled up in northern Iraq, but the celebrity American revolutionary-cum-filmmaker has traded his fatigues for a three-piece suit.

  VanDyke, who rose to fame as a foreign fighter backing Libyan rebels against Moamer Kadhafi, has just finished leading his new military contracting firm through its first assignment — training Christian volunteers to take on jihadists.

  Funded by Christian groups from abroad, mainly from the United States, the Nineveh Plains Protection Unit (NPU) aims to bring a local Christian militia to bear against the Islamic State group that has seized swathes of Iraq and Syria.

  VanDyke is one of the best-known — and least camera-shy — figures in an expanding and complex constellation of foreign fighters, organisations and donors getting involved in a private war against the jihadists.

” This is an extension of my work as a revolutionary,” he says as he takes a sip from his cappuccino in a cafe in the Kurdish capital of Arbil. “What gives somebody else the right to sit home and do nothing?” 

  The 35-year-old came to prominence in 2011 when he joined Libyan rebels in the fight to overthrow Kadhafi. He was held by regime forces in solitary confinement for more than five months.

  The film “Point and Shoot” directed by Marshall Curry, which won the best documentary award at the Tribeca Festival last year, recounts the 35,000-mile motorcycle odyssey that led VanDyke to Libya and which he describes as “a crash course in manhood”.

  Not one to shy away from self-aggrandizement, VanDyke’s official website claims that his own documentary on the Syrian conflict, in which he volunteered in 2012, won no fewer than 82 prizes.

  A few months ago, VanDyke changed tack and decided to form his military contracting firm, the Sons of Liberty International (SOLI), with the training of a few hundred NPU volunteers as a first assignment.

  The Nineveh in the NPU’s name refers to a northern region which Iraq’s Assyrian Christians and other religious minorities consider their ancestral home.

  IS last year declared a “caliphate” over parts of Iraq and Syria it had seized, forcing hundreds of thousands of civilians to flee their homes, including many Iraqi Christians.

  The mostly Sunni Arab group has been accused of persecuting other communities and this week was reported to have taken several hundred Assyrian Christians hostage in northeastern Syria.

  A US-led international coalition launched an air war on the jihadists in August and dispatched forces to train Kurdish and Iraqi federal troops who hope to eventually retake lost ground.

  In the meantime other — less official — parties have been drawn into the conflict from abroad.

  The NPU, for example, is being funded by the American Mesopotamian Organization (AMO), a California-based group founded by Assyrian-Americans.”



    Even as we mourn the loss of the first western volunteer to die fighting ISIS the news is filled with encouraging reports of private citizens and organizations , Christian and otherwise , stepping up to the plate as the western powers , those dauntless defenders of liberty , dither , bluster and wring their hands .

   Read the rest of this article at Yahoo News and see the links below for many similar tales …



Daniel Hannan: Westerners Joining ISIS to Fight for a Cause

The names: Who has been recruited to ISIS from the West

Westerners Join Iraqi Christian Militia To Fight ISIS

Kurdish fight against ISIS draws dozens of Westerners

How ISIS and other jihadists persuaded thousands of Westerners to fighttheir war of extremism

Dozens of Westerners join battle against ISIS














ISIS Jihadists Kidnap 90 Christians In Syria






” Jihadists from the Islamic State group have kidnapped at least 90 Assyrian Christians in northeast Syria, a monitor said on Wednesday.

  The abductions took place on Tuesday after IS seized two Assyrian villages from Kurdish forces in the province of Hassakeh, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

  The Britain-based monitor had no details on the missing Assyrians, who were taken from two villages — Tal Shamiram and Tal Hermuz — after they were attacked by IS.

  IS has destroyed churches and Christian shrines in Syria, and demanded that Christians living under its rule pay a tax known as jizya.”



Read more of the poor , misguided ISIS members’ search for gainful employment here 












Children Of The Caliphate




” They stand in the front row at public beheadings and crucifixions held in Raqqa, the Islamic State’s stronghold in Syria. They’re used for blood transfusions when Islamic State fighters are injured. They are paid to inform on people who are disloyal or speak out against the Islamic State. They are trained to become suicide bombers. They are children as young as 6 years old, and they are being transformed into the Islamic State’s soldiers of the future.

  The Islamic State has put in place a far-reaching and well-organized system for recruiting children, indoctrinating them with the group’s extremist beliefs, and then teaching them rudimentary fighting skills. The militants are preparing for a long war against the West, and hope the young warriors being trained today will still be fighting years from now.

  The young fighters of the Islamic State could pose a particularly dangerous long-term threat because they’re being kept away from their normal schools and instead inculcated with a steady diet of Islamist propaganda designed to dehumanize others and persuade them of the nobility of fighting and dying for their faith.

” [The Islamic State] deliberately deny education to the people who are in the territory under their control, and not only that, they brainwash them,” said Army Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster, who’s tasked with thinking about future threats and planning for the Army’s future. “They engage in child abuse on an industrial scale. They brutalize and systematically dehumanize the young populations. This is going to make this a multigenerational problem.” “


This article from Foreign Policy is a real eye-opener , or should be , if we had some real leadership . 












Is America At War With ‘Radical Islam’?





Published on Jan 21, 2015

” MRCTV’s Dan Joseph asks people if America is at war with ‘radical Islam’? “












Ralph Peters Tells Bill O’Reilly How To Fight Jihad




‘Two Dead’ In New Paris Siege






” Two people have been killed in a Kosher store in eastern Paris where a ‘heavily armed’ Islamic terrorist is currently holding as many as six hostages, police believe.

  Sources in the Paris force said the suspected murderer was Amedy Coulibay, 32, who is wearing body armour and brandishing two Kalashnikov automatic weapons. He was said to have screamed: ‘You know who I am’ as he stormed the store.

  He is understood to be working with a woman called Hayat Boumeddiene, 26, who police claimed was ‘armed and dangerous’.

  Shots rang out close to the Porte de Vincennes while the two brothers believed to be behind the murderous attack on the Charlie Hebdo satirical magazine were themselves hold up north of the capital. 

‘ There is a hostage situation – shots have been fired,’ said a Paris police spokesman, who said up to five people were originally being held in Vincennes, and there were ‘believed to be two fatalities’.

  A 20-year-old student is among the hostages taken at the kosher shop in Paris. The young woman, whose name remains unknown, called her uncle who works nearby from the basement of the building where she was being held.

  There are also unconfirmed reports that there is a serious incident developing near the Trocadero in central Paris.

  The siege at the grocery store occurred after the Charlie Hebdo killers in Dammartin-en-Goele – currently holed up with a hostage at a business premises – were believed to have made contact with an associate.

  Police immediately scrambled phone signals in the area – but not before the killers were able to make their call.

  It is now feared that Said Kouachi and his brother Cheriff contacted Amedy Coulibaly – and possibly ordered him to take hostages in a bid to force police to allow them to escape.

  It is not known whether Boumeddiene was in the Kosher store with Coulibay.

  It means that two sieges by suspected Islamic terrorists are playing out at the same time, as fears grew that they would be looking to cause another bloodbath.

  Coulibay is believed to be the one responsible for shooting a policewoman dead in south Paris on Thursday.

  The revelation has led police to link it to the murder of 12 people around the offices of the Charlie Hebdo satirical magazine on Wednesday.

  Clarissa Jean-Philippe, 27, was unarmed and directing traffic in Montrouge, in south Paris, when she was gunned down by Coulibay, who was still wearing body armour and using an automatic assault rifle.

  The murderer has been identified by police who said he belonged to the Buttes Chaumont network, which sent Jihadi fighters to Iraq. “

    Try as we might , we were unable to find any hard information among the wire services regarding another alleged attack in the Trocadero area near the Eiffel tower although the Daily Star is reporting the Trocadero incident as a false alarm .

More at The Daily Mail

Ohio Airport Jihad: “Armed With Knives” Hashim Hanif Ibn Abdul-Rasheed Attacks Police At Airport







” A 41-year-old Ohio man armed with several knives tried to buy a plane ticket with a fake ID before being gunned down by police after lunging at an officer with a blade outside the Columbus airport, police said.

  Hashim Hanif Ibn Abdul-Rasheed had parked illegally outside the ticketing terminal and was acting bizarrely as he tried to buy a ticket to an undisclosed location Wednesday afternoon. He showed off a woman’s ID to try and make the buy at one point before he was rebuffed, cops said.”



Pamela Geller has more on the latest example of “workplace violence” from the “Religion Of Peace™ “… 













ISIS Releases New Video, Warns “Fighting Has Just Begun”







” The Islamic State/ISIS/ISIL has released its initial ‘rebuff’ propaganda response to President Obama’s declaration of war against the ‘non-islamic’ terrorist organization. The brief video entitled “Flames of War” is shot like a blockbuster-movie-style trailer and threatens US troops and the White House. As Politico reports, the militant terror group vows that the “fighting has just begun” in the minute-long video, which features clips of American military forces under fire and a wounded U.S. soldier being taken from the battlefield. The video concludes as the words “Flames of War” flash on the screen, followed by “Fighting has just begun” and ends ominously: “Coming Soon.” Even more concerning perhaps is al-Qaeda branches calling for all jihadists to unite against the common threat from a US-led coalition. “



Zero Hedge has more










The Structure Of The Islamic State (ISIS)


Isis releases map of 5-year plan to spread from Spain to China  -  The Structure of the Islamic State (ISIS)




” Anyone that thinks this is some errant group of wild-eyed Muslims, think again. My colleagues and I warned for years of this threat. We were derided, called conspiracy theorists and right wing nuts.

There is conspiracy theory and conspiracy fact. The global jihad is conspiracy fact.

The Structure of the Islamic State (ISIS)

  Much has been written and said about the Islamic State in Iraq and Sham (the Levant) — ISIS.   Most of the commentators have looked at ISIS as another terrorist organization, an al-Qaeda off-shoot, waging a guerrilla war with cohorts of unorganized thugs. The Afghani-style gear, the pickup trucks, the all black or army fatigue uniforms which most ISIS fighters wear, the unshaven beards, the turbans, hoods and head “bandanas” with Arabic inscriptions have added to the confusion.”


Screen Shot 2014-09-14 at 5.10.16 PM



” In fact, ISIS is much more than a terrorist organization; it is a terrorist state with almost all governing elements. Over the last three years, since the beginning of the civil war in Syria, the Islamic State developed from an extremist fringe and marginal faction participating in the civil war to become the strongest, most ferocious, best funded and best armed militia in the religious and ethnic war that is waged today in Syria and Iraq.

  But first, what is the name of this entity and what are the borders of the Islamic State? From the first days of its appearance in Syria in 2011, the organization was known as ISIS.  However, since the declaration in Summer 2014 of the establishment of an Islamic Caliphate headed by Ibrahim ‘Awad Ibrahim Al Badri al Samarra’i, alias Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi — now the self-declared “Caliph Ibrahim” — ISIS has been transformed into the “Islamic State” (Al Dawla Al Islamiya ) in order to stress the fact that the Caliphate is not to be limited to Iraq, Syria, Israel (Palestine), Jordan  and the Levant, but its ambitions lie well beyond those limited borders.”



Read more from Pamela Geller










Stand With Us




” While we mourn the thousands who lost their lives and the emergency responders who bravely give their lives in the 9/11 attacks 13 years ago today, it’s important, especially now with the threat from terror organizations like ISIS and Hamas to recognize and expose evil.

  This is actual footage shown of Palestinians celebrating at the sight of terrorist attacks against the United States on 9-11-2001. It was shown on CNN, MSNBC and FOX News.

  We continue to hold out our hand for peace, but the embrace of hate against any group of people must stop for peace to be achieved. “

From Blaine Cooper






PC Kills …










Boko Haram Attacks Kill 400 Nigerian Villagers


Boko Haram Kills 400




” An attack by suspected militants from the Boko Haram Islamist group left at least 400 people dead in three villages in northeastern Nigeria, according to local officials.

  The attackers, some disguised in military uniforms, raided the villages on June 3 using “sophisticated weapons” and “started killing from house to house,” Abba Aji Khalil, chairman of a local vigilante group set up to combat the militants, said by phone late Wednesday. Yuguda Ndurvua, a local clergyman, said many villages in the area “are being attacked almost on a daily basis.” 

  The gunmen targeted the villages of Attangara, Agapalwa and Ngoshe, where 37 Islamist militants were killed by a local Christian militia in an ambush on June 1, in reprisal, according to Peter Biye, a lawmaker representing the area in the House of Representatives.

  Boko Haram’s violent campaign to impose Islamic law in Nigeria, Africa’s biggest oil producer, is attracting growing international condemnation, especially after the kidnapping of more than 200 schoolgirls in April. Recent attacks condemned by world leaders are only the latest in a five-year conflict that has left thousands dead.”













Sharia Sweden: Swedish Newspaper Hacks Disqus, Goes To Commenters’ Homes With Cameramen





” Sweden was once wealthy, beautiful, and modern. But all that has changed. It has become as totalitarian as Saudi Arabia or Iran. Their immigration policies have overwhelmed the culture and the treasury of the Swedes. One U.N. report says that Sweden will soon be a third-world nation.

  The worse it gets, the more restrictions there are on freedom and speech. Strict enforcement of the blasphemy laws under the sharia — “do not criticize or insult Islam.”

  This video is chilling. One of Sweden’s biggest newspapers, Expressen, used criminal hackers to break into Disqus and get the email addresses and identities of commenters online, and to reveal the persons behind the nicknames or anonymous user IDs. The newspaper sent a reporter and a cameraman to one person’s home and asked them about things they had written on different websites. Expressen published the names and photos of some people, which led to at least one person losing his job.”


Read more from Pamela Geller 








Angola Continues To Close Down Mosques, And Burns Qurans



Bulldozing A Mosque

” A recent report has come out saying that the Republic of Angola has closed down or destroyed most mosques in its country, and the crackdown continues.

There were 78 mosques in Angola, now they have been reduced to only a few, because most of them were closed down except the remaining number in the capital city of Luanda, and the only reason why they are still there is because of the world’s protest against the anti-Islamic policy.According to David Ja:

The mosques in Luanda were supposed to be closed yesterday but because of an international furor about reports that Angola had banned Islam, the government decided not to …So, at the moment, mosques in Luanda are open and people are going for prayers.

Also, according to Ja, the Angolan government began to shut down mosques in 2010, and they justified the measure by saying that Islam “was an invasion of Angolan culture and a threat to Christian values.”

And it most definitely is.”



    And we can say that as long as the extremists continue to use mosques as safe houses , refuges , weapons depots and places to plan and facilitate the destruction of the western cultures they are political structures and not houses of worship and as such should be viewed with the same opinion one would have of a drug dealer’s home base or an enemy army’s headquarters .

 The largely unspoken (by the western side anyway) war that rages between Islam and ALL non-believers is the Muslim’s own choice . No one is trying to subvert Islam or force their conversion to Christianity so as long as they engage in war on the infidel , us infidels had better be prepared to fight back . The most basic first step in this clash of civilizations is to take away the enemy’s safe havens . 

   As long as the adherents of Islam hide their martial intentions behind a cloak of piety they should be considered poseurs and recognized as the terrorists/cultural combatants that they are and be made to pay the price for their cowardly ways .










Angola ‘Bans Islam’, Dismantles Mosques, According To News Reports



” A number of news outlets have reported that Angola has “banned” Islam and started to dismantle mosques in a bold effort to stem the spread of Muslim extremism.

  Angola is a majority-Christian nation of about 16 million people, an estimated 55 percent of whom are Catholic, 25 percent of whom belong to African Christian denominations, 10 percent of whom follow major Protestant traditions, 5 percent of whom belong to Brazilian Evangelical churches and where only between 80,000 and 90,000 people are Muslim, according to the U.S. State Department.

  Weekly French-language Moroccan newspaper La Nouvelle Tribune published an article on Friday sourcing “several” Angolan officials, including the Southwest African nation’s minister of culture, Rosa Cruz, who reportedly offered the following remarks, which have been translated from French: “The process of legalization of Islam has not been approved by the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights, their mosques would be closed until further notice.”

  OnIslam.net reports that the African economic news agency Agence Ecofin wrote that Cruz made the statement at an appearance last week before the 6th Commission of the National Assembly. The website goes on to note that, “According to several Angolan newspapers, Angola has become the first country in the world to ban Islam and Muslims, taking first measures by destroying mosques in the country.” “


   This makes a lot of sense and no doubt will be seen as a very controversial move , especially by the atheistic Left . We can hear the moralizing already . To be fair though , there will probably be plenty of carping from our own libertarian side as well , but the way we see it , Islam is less a religion and more a political cult and thus unworthy of the basic protections on freedom of religion .

    This is a surprising development and yet it makes perfect sense from a survival point of view and confirms what we were saying only the other day about the believers of Africa being the ones to strike the first blow for Christianity in the looming “Clash of Civilizations“. More power to Angola , let’s hope this spirit of self-preservation continues to spread . 







Muslims Feed People To Crocodiles, Christian Militias Respond With Crusade





” Bloodthirsty violence and the cruelest of murders have been done upon the Christians of the Central African Republic under the hands of the devil ridden Muslims, “who imagine mischiefs in their heart; continually are they gathered together for war” (Psalm 140:2).

The Muslims, who are a part of a Islamic group called Seleka, bound five people and through them into a crocodile and hippo infested river.

Jislain Ngangaguende, who survived this brutality, recalled his horrid experience:

I started to drink water so I brought my head up, but a soldier saw me and tried to shoot me… I stayed down for minutes and when I came up they were gone. I bit on a branch and moved up the river but my hands were still tied behind my back. I thought I was dead but the power of God made me get out.

Entire villages have been reduced to ghost towns; one man taking shelter in a hospital, in whose voice you can just sense the purest of pains, described the hell he is enduring:

We’re here because of the Seleka, who came to our village, looted, ransacked and killed … We’ve lost our houses, our fields, our goods. Houses were razed with all our things in. We are… I don’t even know what to call us. We have nothing now. I can’t even go to my house or fields. If they see me there, they’ll kill me. “


   Thankfully the Christians have had enough and are banding together and forming militias to take the fight to the enemy , the barbarism that is Islam .



Pissed off Christians with guns



” But the Christians of this land are not putting up with this tyranny as helpless victims, but fierce lions, in a holy militia so ferocious, they battle with “the people that delight in war” (Psalm 68:30).

  They call themselves the Anti-Balaka, or Anti-Machete, and they are a force to be reckoned with. They believe in the exclusivity of Christianity, and are not like the comfortable men of the West who sell their souls for any heresy for the sake of fame and recognition. They fight not for celebrity status, but for that Battling Messiah, Who will storm Satan’s soldiers, to “tread them in mine anger, and trample them in my fury; and their blood shall be sprinkled upon my garments, and I will stain all my raiment.” (Isaiah 63:3)”



    Will Africa be the location of the start of what Samuel Huntington described as the “Clash of Civilizations” ? As difficult as it is to even acknowledge Islam and its adherents as civilized , there seems to be little doubt that , given the chimerical existence of “moderate” muslims , that the non-Islamic world is being thrust into a growing conflict with the extreme factions of the muslim world , one that is becoming increasingly impossible to avoid . 



Professor Huntington :

Conflict Islam & West



The “Clash of Civilizations” has been a low-level war since the very beginnings of Islam and will not come to an end until the “Religion of Peace” either manages to rid itself of the extremist element that has since it’s very inception,  maintained control through terror and threats or until it is crushed once and for all by the forces of the true religions of peace … Christianity , Hinduism , Judaism , Buddhism and the rest . Until then , however , it is becoming increasingly obvious that the cowardly western Church will have to count for it’s continued existence on the poor adherents in places like Syria , Nigeria and the Central African Republic .

   It is quite ironic that the saviors of the Christian religion will most likely come from the “Dark Continent” even as the West , home of Christianity succumbs to the sickness of doubt , political correctness and Dhimmitude . Yes , while the Churches of the West roll over in appeasement of the Islamic onslaught , the African continent , home of the fastest growing Christian population on earth is finding it necessary to fight back .



  Professor Huntington continues :


Clash Of Civilizations



   The willful blindness of the progressive West combined with the current politically correct attitude of moral relativism is only exacerbating the situation and adding fuel to the fire that is bursting forth from Allah’s minions and if left unchecked will surely consume the world , particularly if Iran and or other Muslim terrorist states are allowed the horrendous power of the atom . While the West dithers our future and that of the peace loving peoples throughout the world may come to rest on these ragtag groups of brave native Africans , willing to fight for their God , their beliefs and all of our existence .





Video Shows Angry Mob Stripping Christian Women



“A disturbing video uploaded to YouTube on Tuesday shows what appears to be an angry Muslim crowd in Upper Egypt beating and stripping two Coptic Christian women in broad daylight in a rural area.

The video opens with a crowd shouting “Nasara” (Christians) before the two women are set upon by this crowd. The video shows many passers-by having no visible reaction to the events. The accents of the attackers seem to support claims that the attack happened in Upper Egypt.

The video was originally uploaded by someone named Mina Mouris, whose Youtube account name switched to James Knowing. The account has been removed now and the video was removed by the original user later on Tuesday but many have downloaded it, and a mirror copy was uploaded on an account owned by someone who often expresses Islamophobic sentiments.”

HT/Knowledge is Power







The World’s Muslims: Religion, Politics and Society



” The percentage of Muslims who say they want sharia to be “the official law of the land” varies widely around the world, from fewer than one-in-ten in Azerbaijan (8%) to near unanimity in Afghanistan (99%). But solid majorities in most of the countries surveyed across the Middle East and North Africa, sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia and Southeast Asia favor the establishment of sharia, including 71% of Muslims in Nigeria, 72% in Indonesia, 74% in Egypt and 89% in the Palestinian territories.

In most countries surveyed, majorities of Muslim women as well as men agree that a wife is always obliged to obey her husband. Indeed, more than nine-in-ten Muslims in Iraq (92%), Morocco (92%), Tunisia (93%), Indonesia (93%), Afghanistan (94%) and Malaysia (96%) express this view. At the same time, majorities in many countries surveyed say a woman should be able to decide for herself whether to wear a veil.”










President Obama Coldly Reads From Script: Chapter Closes On Boston ‘Tragedy’





” What the president didn’t say speaks volumes. Delivering his lines coldly from a script, Obama made the following self-contradictory statement:

Obviously, tonight there are still many unanswered questions.  Among them, why did young men who grew up and studied here, as part of our communities and our country, resort to such violence?  How did they plan and carry out these attacks, and did they receive any help?  The families of those killed so senselessly deserve answers.

This dastardly act was not ‘senseless’ — it appears to be motivated by the anti-American agenda of apparently sane, well-to-do jihadists from Chechnya. It is a vicious attack, yes. It is a tragedy, fine. But more importantly, it is another jihad-inspired terrorist attack on U.S. soil.

This narrative is inconvenient for the administration and runs directly counter to left-wing explanations for terrorism. Third world terrorists are supposed to be motivated by ‘relative deprivation’ or ‘class disparity.’ Obviously, that’s not the case for these upper class bombing suspects.

Foreign terrorists who strike the nation are supposed to be upset about America attacking their countries and wronging their peoples. Again, these men of Chechen ancestry would more logically attack Russia, rather than the U.S. — which never invaded Chechnya.

Like we saw with the Benghazi terrorist siege, the president is restrained when calling actual terrorism — “terrorism”; meanwhile, ‘terrorism’ language is reflexively invoked to describe those Republicans who want a balanced budget and tea party activists who want to limit our national debt. Tea party ‘terrorists,’ and ‘hostage’-takers are epithets sputtered out by Democrats without thinking or blinking.”










Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick and the Imam

” On May 22nd, Massachusetts Governor Patrick embraced the radical leadership of the Muslim American Society (MAS), including Imam Abdullah Faarooq who told followers they must “pick up the gun and the sword” in response to the arrests of local Islamic extremist Aafia Siddiqui and terror suspect Tarek Mehanna. Full sermon by Imam Faaruuq is available here:”

   We are allowing our leaders to sow the seeds of our own destruction . The enemy within is in our midst , right here , right now . 

Clash of Civilizations

  “For the world as a whole, it appears Samuel Huntington’s Clash of Civilizations thesis is being borne out by events. And not in the vulgar sense that some read the man’s work—that Islam and Christianity cannot coexist peacefully. But rather that civilizational fault lines are real, and are a source of instability that radicals are now doing their utmost to exploit:”

– Notice Anything?”


  “WWIII. It’s a term people throw around loosely nowadays in this world in which many Americans take for granted. September 11,
2001 now seems to be a distant memory for many. With several buildings down, thousands killed, and America in fear of what could happen next, the majority of Americans seemed content
having a stronger presence abroad. But now, that sentiment has changed dramatically, and it
appears as if the loosely thrown around WWIII is not really all that far off.”