Tag Archive: civil rights violations

Tamir Rice ‘Directly And Proximately’ Responsible For Own Police Shooting Death, Says City






” The death of Tamir Rice was “directly and proximately” caused by the 12-year-old’s own actions, the city of Cleveland has argued in a defense document following a civil claim from the boy’s family. Rice was shot dead by a police officer last November.

  When he was shot, Rice was holding a toy gun which police mistook for a real firearm. The incident sparked widespread criticism that officer Timothy Loehmann, who killed Rice, employed a drastic overuse of force.

  The city of Cleveland’s defense, filed with the US district court on Friday, argues that both Rice and members of his family are to blame for any damages, injuries and losses arising from the incident. The argument lists 20 lines of defense, including that Rice did not “exercise due care to avoid injury” and that members of his family, including his mother and teenage sister, who have lodged the claim, sustained damages “caused by their own acts”. “



   Read more on the city of Cleveland’s attempt to excuse their police officer’s wanton killing of Tamir Rice by blaming the victim at the Guardian and in case you’ve missed it you can catch on the horrifying execution and it’s aftermath by reading our previous posts here , here and here .

   Be sure to watch the above video and see the young man gunned down before the police car is even brought to a stop and bear in mind that the city medical examiner ruled the shooting a homicide .













Orlando Pays $15,000 To Man Who Was Jailed For Video-Recording Cops




Alberto Troche

 Click pic to go to video


” The city of Orlando has agreed to pay $15,000 to a man who was jailed and had a cell phone pulled from his hand by a police officer because he video-recorded officers arresting another man who was calling for help.

  Alberto Troche, 26, of Orlando, sued the city and Officer Peter Delio in March in Orlando federal court, accusing them of violating his civil rights.

  Troche and the city agreed to a $15,000 settlement several weeks ago, according to federal court records.

  Now, his lawyers have asked a U.S. magistrate to make the city pay another $44,000 for the hours they worked on the case.

  The Orlando Police Department has also changed its policies on how to handle people who video-record them in action, said Troche’s attorney, J Marc Jones.

  Officers may not order members of the public to stop video-recording them or arrest or try to stop them, so long as they are in a public place, have not crossed a police line and are not interfering, according to a policy directive signed by Police Chief John Mina two months after Troche filed suit. 

  Officers also may not demand that a person recording them identify themselves, may not demand to know why they are making the recording and may not intentionally block or obstruct their camera, according to the directive.

” A bystander has the right under the First Amendment to observe and record … (police officers) in public discharge their duties,” the directive says.”


Orlando Sentinel












As Border Security Expands, Complaints Of Abuse Rise Among Americans


Border Security



” A series of lawsuits filed in recent months in federal courts along the U.S. border with Mexico highlight what advocates say is a growing list of complaints against two U.S. agencies that have expanded rapidly amid the clamor to secure the nation’s borders.

  In one lawsuit, centered on events in Chula Vista, Calif., a Border Patrol agent is accused of leaping on the hood of a car driven by a mother of five and shooting her dead. She was unarmed. The agent had been fired from his previous job as a sheriff’s deputy for a variety of misconduct.

  In a second case, a Customs officer in Brownsville, Texas, violently pushed a disabled woman to the ground. She had a miscarriage the next day. Border officers also had to call firefighters to remove handcuffs that allegedly had bound her wrists too tightly.

  For a third woman, her return to the United States was intrusive and painful. She was pulled from a line at an El Paso, Texas, border crossing, apparently on the suspicion that she was carrying drugs. She was handcuffed. Over the next six hours, agents escorted her to a hospital, where they oversaw the probing of her anus and vagina, forced her to take a laxative and then watched as she moved her bowels. When no drugs were found, they ordered her to submit to an X-ray and a CT scan.

  When the ordeal was over, the officers asked her to sign a consent form before they allowed her to return to her home in New Mexico. When she refused, the hospital billed her thousands of dollars for the procedures.”




 Astute readers will take note of the fact that McClatchy’s headline about “increased border security” is clearly refuted by their own accompanying graphic which shows the number of agents increasing even as the arrest of illegals declines . The only ones to feel the wrath of “increased security” are the American citizens whose rights are increasingly violated by a rogue government .









Taped Confrontation Between Teens, Police Leads To Arrest, Questions About First Amendment Rights



Airsoft Teens Arrested



” A video taped confrontation between teenagers and police led to an arrest and questions about a person’s first amendment rights.

  It all started when a group of teenagers were on a field in Radcliff playing a military style game of airsoft.

  A neighbor called the Radcliff Police Department, “I didn’t hear no weapons fire or anything like that,” the caller is heard telling the operator. “They may have been paintball rifles, I don’t know but it seemed odd,” she said.

” The officers they came out of the trees with their assault rifles and I was right over there,” Anderson recalled.

  A GoPro camera was recording, when an officer noticed it he asked them to shut it off.

  Seaman, who was next to the camera, told Anderson, “You don’t have to.”

  The officer is then heard in the video saying to Seaman, “You want to go to jail friend?”

  When Seaman did not give the officer his name, he was arrested.

” It sounds like a possible retaliation by police, retaliation is a strong word, but that’s what it is,” First Amendment expert Attorney Jon Fleischaker said.”


Read more








Roadside Violation: Drivers, Passengers Say Police Searched Inside Underpants



GA Police Roadside Strip Searches




” Officers are supposed to pull drivers over for traffic violations, but a Channel 2 Action News investigation found traffic stops leading to a violation of another kind.
  Driver after driver told investigative reporter Jodie Fleischer officers searched inside their pants while they were stopped for minor traffic violations. In several cases, the invasive searches targeted passengers who were riding in the car.  
” He was like, ‘Just unbuckle all your clothes,’ and put his hands down inside my pants,” said Terry Phillips.
  Forest Park police had pulled over Phillips’ wife for a suspended registration.
  Phillips consented to a search. However on the officer’s dashboard camera recording Phillips can clearly be heard protesting when he realized the extent of the officer’s intentions.
” That’s illegal, man, you can’t do that. You can’t do that,” said Phillips to the officer. The officer continued.
  Phillips filed a complaint with the Forest Park Police Department and hired an attorney.”




Read much more on this blatant and widespread abuse of authority by the Forest Park PD .









Antonio Buehler Lawsuit Could Revolutionize Filming Police




” On Jan. 8, the police-accountability Peaceful Streets Project announced its founder Antonio Buehler had filed suit against the Austin Police Department (APD), City of Austin, chief of police and five APD officers for civil rights violations.

  The lawsuit claims Buehler’s freedom of speech and right to be protected against unlawful searches and seizures were violated when he was arrested on Jan. 1, 2012 and during subsequent arrests. The suit also holds Austin and the APD police chief liable for not providing proper training and policies for officers on the issue of citizens’ right to film police.

  The incident on Jan. 1, 2012 made national headlines after a video of it went viral, and Buehler became something of a folk hero to police accountability activists for standing up for his rights.”











Chicago Cops Shot Kids, Mothers Say



” Chicago police opened fire on a car full of kids and wounded two of them “without provocation, cause or justification of any kind,” two mothers claim in court.
   Catherine Waller and Abena Andoh sued Chicago, its police Officers J.E. Morlock and K.W. Flaherty, and other unknown officers on behalf of Waller’s son D.B., and Andoh’s son D.H.
   The mothers claim Morlock and Flaherty stopped a car containing their kids and “several other minors” three days before Christmas last year, on the South Side.
   Two passengers fled.
  “Seconds later, one or more of the defendant officers opened fire on the remaining occupants of the vehicle, which included D.B and D.H.,” according to the complaint.
  “Defendant officers shot more than a dozen rounds into the vehicle filled with minors without provocation, cause or justification of any kind.
  “That is, no weapon was brandished nor was there any act of violence or aggression directed at or toward defendant officers. “


From Courthouse News Service