Tag Archive: Christopher Stevens

Daily Video 7.22.14

Benghazi Gate – Machine Gun & Sandbags Denied, Mounted Machine Gun Not A Pleasing View – Outnumbered





Published on Jul 22, 2014

” Benghazi Gate – Machine Gun & Sandbags Denied, Mounted Machine Not A Pleasing View – Outnumbered
Sources: Militia Group Moved In Next Door To Benghazi Consulate In 2011
Treasonous!!!!! “






Hillary Clinton Asked To Inscribe “Hard Choices” To Ambassador Stevens




Go Jason . LOL … ” You have more security than Chris Stevens had in Benghazi.” Shame on you Hillary . Shame on you .

Here Are Some Things I Expect To See As A Natural-Born American Taxpayer.





” Dear Rep. Trey Gowdy,

  I probably speak on behalf of many (millions?) of American citizens when I say I am most happy at the US House of Reps. forming a select committee to fully investigate Benghazi.

  However, right from the get-go, I have reservations on what the intended outcome of this committee will be. You see, I don’t trust most folks in Washington, Deceit.

  Will House Speaker John Boehner make a premeditated political show of this thing by reverse engineering it to appear to seek the truth in Benghazi, but actually just produce nothing but Republican-advantageous noise and prosperous backroom deals all during this 2014 election year?

  So, the charter or mission statement and limits of jurisdiction and judicial empowerment of said committee must be disclosed up front to all Americans to see for themselves if the stated mission is to be a noble-full-weight-of–the–law mission or a theatrical-no-one-will-be-punished mission, especially if Boehner and his pals risk being indicted for his involvement in any Benghazi-associated cover-up.

  If we fast forward to the year 2017 and see Barry Soetoro-Obama retiring with a hefty pension, hefty health care package, hefty Security coverage, new Obama Presidential Library, and lucrative speaking engagements instead of rotting in a jail cell for any convicted treasonous involvement with the Benghazi murders, then we will know. And my grandson in the year 2074 will know when he is my age, that this so-called select committee never intended to find the whole truth and never intended from the get-go to punish anyone involved in Benghazi….and America just drifts out to sea as a lawless, immoral disheveled ship of state.


  Here are some things I expect to see as a natural-born American taxpayer:


 1) You pretty much set up the mission and have free-reign to prosecute like the trained and experienced professional you are; let the cards fall where they may and the convicted get punished per existing laws. Why you? Because you appear to be a Nun among Whores in Washington, Deceit.

 2) Include private citizens who have shown a commitment to pursue this case to a whole-truth-and-consequence conclusion, such as Tom Fitton and Larry Klayman of Judical Watch, Sherriff Joe Arpaio and LT Mike Zullo, the Citizens Committee on Benghazi, Orly Taitz, and other outside professionals.

 3) Set a timetable and move this investigation along expeditiously, say, completed by October 2014 or sooner if possible. If any stonewalling, delays, resistance, lying, boycotts, witness tampering, etc. are detected, swiftly fine or imprison the offenders for contempt or obstruction of justice. “


Read the read at Western Journalism












CIA Officer Confirmed No Protests Before Misleading Benghazi Account Given



benghazi a cloud over the white house

Abandoned Americans Chris Stevens , Tyrone Woods , Sean Smith & Glen Doherty 

Sacrificed on the alter of Obama’s re-election chances

” Before the Obama administration gave an inaccurate narrative on national television that the Benghazi attacks grew from an anti-American protest, the CIA’s station chief in Libya pointedly told his superiors in Washington that no such demonstration occurred, documents and interviews with current and former intelligence officials show.

  The attack was “not an escalation of protests,” the station chief wrote to then-Deputy CIA Director Michael J. Morell in an email dated Sept. 15, 2012 — a full day before the White House sent Susan E. Rice to several Sunday talk shows to disseminate talking points claiming that the Benghazi attack began as a protest over an anti-Islam video.”




michael morrell

Ex-Deputy Director CIA Michael Morrell



” That the talking points used by Mrs. Rice, who was then U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, were written by a CIA that ignored the assessment by its own station chief inside Libya, has emerged as one of the major bones of contention in the more than two years of political fireworks and congressional investigations into the Benghazi attack.

  What has never been made public is whether Mr. Morell and others at the CIA explicitly shared the station chief’s assessment with the White House or State Department.

  Two former intelligence officials have told The Washington Times that this question likely will be answered at a Wednesday hearing of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence during which Mr. Morell is scheduled to give his public testimony.

  Another former intelligence official told The Times that Mr. Morell did tell the White House and the State Department that the CIA station chief in Libya had concluded that there was no protest but senior Obama administration and CIA officials in Washington ignored the assessment.

  Why they ignored it remains a topic of heated debate within the wider intelligence community.

  A third source told The Times on Monday that Mr. Morell and other CIA officials in Washington were weighing several pieces of “conflicting information” streaming in about the Benghazi attack as the talking points were being crafted.”


Read more on the lies and deceit here 









Evidence Casts Doubt On Ex-CIA Leaders’ Claims On Benghazi Mortar Attack





” If former CIA Director David Petraeus and his ex-deputy Michael Morell are recalled to testify on Benghazi, they can expect hard questions about the mortar attack on the CIA annex which killed two former Navy SEALs.

  Republican Mike Rogers, chairman of the powerful House Intelligence Committee, is weighing whether to recall one or both of those officials over their Benghazi congressional testimony.”





” Rogers said the evidence suggests a highly skilled team carried out the mortar strike. Fox News has confirmed five rounds were fired in under a minute, with three hitting the annex roof — a target roughly the size of two convenience stores.

” This was exceptionally good shooting. It was clearly accurate. They adjusted their fire, which is a term a mortar crew might use, so they went a little long and a little short and they fired for effect,” Rogers said. “When you fire for effect and you have three rounds hit exactly where they were intended that ended up taking the lives of our American heroes there, that tells me that they knew exactly what they were doing. So that was either significantly preplanned, or it was a mortar crew that was exceptionally good.”


    Spontaneous my a** … Lies , lies and more lies . It took only two ranging shots from these spontaneous amateurs to be able to drop the next three rounds right on the Annex roof ? Sure . And ponder this little fact found near the end of the story :

While the CIA annex was heavily fortified, its security cameras intact and a drone overhead throughout the attack, there is apparently no video of the mortar strike itself.”

Read more at Fox . 







Main Stream Media Sponsor Boycott






    Hillary lied to our faces while standing in front of the caskets of Glen Doherty , Christopher Stevens , Sean Smith and Tyrone Woods . She looked their families right in the eye and lied , lied , lied . Is that someone we want for a president ? Remember the Benghazi four .

   Benghazi alone is reason enough for Hillary to be finished politically even if you were inclined to forgive her the rest of her sins . No more Clinton’s in the White House .









Walton, Benioff Join Billionaires Backing Clinton In 2016





” Billionaires Alice Walton, George Soros and Marc Benioff are helping to finance a super-political action committee encouraging former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to run for president, according to a report filed yesterday with the Federal Election Commission.

  Benioff, the chief executive officer of San Francisco-based Salesforce.com, was a top fundraiser for President Barack Obama’s 2012 re-election campaign and hosted the president for a Democratic fundraiser at his residence last November. His wife, Lynne Benioff, also contributed $25,000.

  Soros, who’s given millions of dollars to Democratic causes, funded the super-PAC, as did his son Robert Soros, managing partner of Soros Fund Management LLC.

  The super-PAC for Clinton, a U.S. senator from New York from 2001 to 2009, received $25,000 each from developer William Rudin, chief executive officer of Rudin Management Co. in New York, and Jon Stryker, a New York architect who gave about $2 million to Priorities USA Action, a super-PAC that helped re-elect Obama and is now converting to a pro-Clinton effort.

  The pro-Clinton super-PAC received $25,000 from the Houston law firm of Steve and Amber Mostyn, who gave about $5 million to Democratic groups and candidates in the 2012 election.”


Bloomberg has more







Inhofe Demands Obama Answers On Benghazi





“ An outrageous lie” is what Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-OK) called President Obama’s comments on the Benghazi scandal during his pre-Super Bowl interview with Fox’s Bill O’Reilly.  He was responding to Obama’s statement that there was no cover-up regarding Benghazi, and beyond that, that the Obama administration was sharing its best information with the American people in the days following the attack.

  The Foundry asked Inhofe to further elaborate on the reasons for his indignation over the administration’s obfuscation, and his concern for American security and Middle East policy.

  Dale: Given his reaction to the O’Reilly interview, what would the Senator like to ask the President if he could?

  Inhofe: “While he failed to answer this question to O’Reilly, I would still ask it because it’s the question I’ve sought an answer to for several months now: If your top security advisors told you that this was a terrorist attack, why did you send then-Ambassador Susan Rice to the Sunday shows to blame a YouTube video and not even mention the attacks were associated with terrorists? Here is what some of his national security advisors have said: “


The interview continues









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Gen. Dempsey’s ‘Failures In Leadership’ Cited In Benghazi Disaster



Failure Of Leadership



” Congress generally has given the Pentagon a pass on failing to come to the aid of Americans in Benghazi — that is until now.

  Six Republicans on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, led by Vice Chairman Saxby Chambliss of Georgia, have issued a blistering criticism of Army Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, who as Joint Chiefs chairman is the nation’s highest-ranking officer and chief military adviser to President Obama.

  Under the heading “Failures in leadership — General Dempsey,” the senators singled out the four-star officer for not having an emergency plan in place in al Qaeda-infiltrated North Africa, including Benghazi, Libya.”









The Heritage Foundation Requests Your Opinion In A Survey On Benghazi


Benghazi Survey

Click Graphic To Participate In The Survey



” The Heritage Foundation is conducting a survey of conservatives and Republicans about the new revelations that the Benghazi attacks could have been prevented, and we need your opinion.

  Your answers will help Heritage experts develop and promote our principled, conservative solutions on foreign policy and national security. We are your voice in Washington and we want to know what you think.”










Judge Jeanine Pirro Opening Statement – Justice For Benghazi Terror Attack – Hillary 2016?




Published on Jan 18, 2014

” If Benghazi Was Preventable, Should It Derail A 2016 Run Hillary Clinton 2016?
Judge Jeanine Pirro Opening Statement – Justice For Benghazi
**Please Click Below to SUBSCRIBE for More “Mass Tea Party” Videos:
http://goo.gl/Z5ShLs “









Devastating Benghazi Timeline Reveals Obama MIA





” Release of the Government Accountability Institute (GAI) Benghazi timeline comes as a new Senate report published Wednesday concluded that “the attacks were preventable.”

  As the GAI timeline reveals, Obama failed to attend his daily intelligence briefing for the five consecutive days leading up to the September 11, 2012 attack of the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi.”


Breitbart has more







US Commandos Were Poised For Raid To Capture Benghazi Suspect





” When U.S. commandos grabbed a former al Qaeda operative in Tripoli this month, American forces were just hours away from potentially launching a more dangerous covert raid to capture a militia figure facing charges in the deadly Benghazi terror attack, U.S. officials tell CNN.

U.S. special operations forces were ready, if ordered, to enter Benghazi and capture Ahmed Abu Khattalah, a leading figure in the Ansar Al-Sharia militia. But the mission never materialized.

But the mission never materialized, partly because there was so much publicity inside Libya and in the western press about the al-Libi capture.

But the inability to get Khattalah is leading to sensitive questions inside the administration about the tradeoff between getting al-Libi and going after the perpetrators of the politically charged Benghazi attack.”


    We all know the administration has absolutely no interest in bringing the Benghazi terrorists to justice . Testimony from the terrorists responsible would be nothing but an embarrassment to an administration with so much to hide .









BENGHAZI: CBS 60 Minutes Full Coverage [Transcript and Video]


CBS Benghazi Report



    Free Patriot has the complete video and transcript . While it is about time that a major news network acknowledged that shame that is the Obama administration’s handling of the Benghazi terrorist attack , 60 minutes ,after promising some sort of bombshell revelations , comes up short . 

   Nothing new here to those of us that have been paying attention.



” When Chris Stevens was killed in Benghazi, Libya, on the anniversary of September 11th last year, it was only the sixth time that the United States had lost an ambassador to its enemies. The events of that night have been overshadowed by misinformation, confusion and intense partisanship. But for those who lived through it, there’s nothing confusing about what happened, and they share a sense of profound frustration because they say they saw it coming.

Tonight, you will hear for the first time from a security officer who witnessed the attack. He calls himself, Morgan Jones, a pseudonym he’s using for his own safety. A former British soldier, he’s been helping to keep U.S. diplomats and military leaders safe for the last decade. On a night he describes as sheer hell, Morgan Jones snuck into a Benghazi hospital that was under the control of al Qaeda terrorists, desperate to find out if one of his close friends from the U.S. Special Mission was the American he’d been told was there.”















CBS To Drop “Benghazi Bombshell” On Obama [Video Report]



” Listen to James Rosenthal talk here with Bill O’Reilly about what he knows that CBS knows that we’ll all know on Sunday, that the Hussein Obama administration does not want us to know! Whew!”


Courtesy Of Free Patriot.org







What Difference Does It Make , Hillary ?


Hillary Heckled



” Hillary Clinton continued her post-retirement speaking tour in Buffalo last night, but it didn’t go undisturbed. A heckler began yelling in the middle of her speech, shouting “Benghazi! Benghazi! You let them die!” Clinton responded by insisting that issues need calm discussion, not yelling:



Ed Morrissey said it best .


” I seem to recall when Congress asked Hillary Clinton to sit down and tell them the truth about what happened in Benghazi that her reaction didn’t exactly follow her own advice:”




Benghazi Heats Up When CIA Employee Refuses To Be Gagged



” A CIA employee who refused to sign a non-disclosure agreement barring him from discussing the Sept. 11, 2012 terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya, has been suspended as a result and forced to hire legal counsel, according to a top House lawmaker.”




More below:


CIA suspends employee who refused to sign Benghazi non-disclosure agreement
Report: CIA Employee Who Refused to Sign Non-Disclosure Agreement on Benghazi Suspended
CIA employee suspended after refusing to sign a non-disclosureagreement about Benghazi attack










Spitting On Their Graves: Democrats Leave Benghazi Hearing Before Testimony From Families of Victims



” During the second portion of a House Oversight and Government Reform hearing about Benghazi Thursday on Capitol Hill, the majority of Democrats on the Committee left the room and refused to listen to the testimony of Patricia Smith and Charles Woods. Ms. Smith is the mother of Sean Smith, an information management officer killed in the 9/11 Benghazi attack. Charles Woods is the father of Navy SEAL Tyrone Woods, who was also killed.”









Independent Review Board To Testify On Benghazi Attack This Week Rep Trey Gowdy (R-SC)

Published on Sep 15, 2013

” Search For Answers On Benghazi Continues One Year After Attack
Independent Review Board To Testify On Benghazi Attack This Week Rep Trey Gowdy (R-SC)”










House Oversight: State Dept Obstructed Benghazi Probe





”  A new report from Oversight accuses the State Department of willfully obstructing the Congressional investigation into the attack and the actions of the Obama administration before, during, and after the sacking of the consulate.  As The Hill notes, the report also accuses the Accountability Review Board of obstruction and participating in a softball attempt to sweep the scandal under the proverbial rug:

The State Department willfully obstructed a congressional investigation of the deadly attack on a U.S. diplomatic post in Benghazi last year, according to the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.

State Department officials routinely refused requests for documents on its investigation into the September, 2012, attack, including interview transcripts and summaries of eyewitnesses to the attack, according to a committee report obtained by The Hill.


In a sadly-related note, TPM reports that State didn’t even bother to mark the anniversary with an official commemoration of the four Americans who died in the line of duty.  Instead, Foggy Bottom employees had to organize a memorial on their own:


Staffers at State Department headquarters in Washington, D.C. held their own private ceremony Wednesday to commemorate the first anniversary of the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya after finding out the agency would not be organizing a formal, official memorial service.

The Sept. 11, 2012 Benghazi attack left four people dead, including the American Ambassador to Libya, Chris Stevens, and Sean Smith, an information management officer in the department’s foreign service.”














Special Operations Speaks





” Justice for Benghazi Rally…We are growing impatient.”