Tag Archive: Chris Matthews

Video: Obama Is The Loser Of The Year, Says …


Loser Of The Year


” A moment of epiphany from Morning Joe today, and from an unlikely source. Chris Matthews, who’s known for feeling thrills rather than chills about Barack Obama, acknowledged today what has become the consensus view everywhere but on certain segments of his own network (via Newsbusters): 


JOE SCARBOROUGH, HOST: Let me ask you losers, political losers of the year?

CHRIS MATTHEWS: Terrible year for the president. I mean, it’s terrible, this…

SCARBOROUGH: Can you go back a year? One year ago, the president was getting ready for his second inauguration. So much hope. This has been a terrible year.

MATTHEWS: There’s another piece of it which you’re subtly getting at. It’s not just that it’s a bad year in terms of the rollout. There’s an erosion in interest. It feels like a very long presidency now. It feels like the seventh or eighth year of a presidency. “











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Obama Dismisses IRS Targeting Of Conservatives


Obama Hardball




” President Obama rejected the notion that the IRS’ targeting of Tea Party groups was illegal — or even improper — during his interview with MSNBC’s Chris Matthews on Thursday.

  But the interview became interesting when the Hardball host asked why Americans were growing increasingly skeptical of government. Obama noted that the media never seems interested in government success stories. “When we do things right, they don’t get a lot of attention,” he said.”



   Perhaps Dear Leader would be so kind as to point out these elusive , ignored government triumphs … Well ? We’re waiting … and we’ll have a long wait , we’re sure . We are having a very difficult time recalling anything at all that the State has gotten right in our lifetime … excepting the occasional military accomplishment .


” OBAMA: That’s not — that’s not something that’s reported about. If, on the other hand, you’ve got an office in Cincinnati, in the IRS office that — I think, for bureaucratic reasons, is trying to streamline what is a difficult law to interpret about whether a nonprofit is actually a political organization deserves a tax exempt agency. And they’ve got a list, and suddenly everybody’s outraged.”



   With toadies such as “Tingles” Matthews controlling the mainstream airwaves it is impossible to imagine any government success stories that would be buried on page thirty six . 

   For those with a strong stomach below we have included the entire interview below .














NewsBusted 6/25/13

Matthews: Obama Has ‘Never Done Anything Wrong in His Life’

Chris Matthews Sours On Obama





” President Obama “obviously likes giving speeches more than he does running the executive branch,” Chris Matthews said tonight.

“What part of the presidency does Obama like? He doesn’t like dealing with other politicians — that means his own cabinet, that means members of the congress, either party. He doesn’t particularly like the press…. He likes to write the speeches, likes to rewrite what Favreau and the others wrote for the first draft,” Matthews said.”









From Freedom Outpost










NewsBusted 4/02/13

Published on Apr 1, 2013

— Easter 2013
— Joe Biden’s 3rd Vacation
— Supreme Court
— Same-Sex Marriage
— Chris Matthews
— Facebook
— President Clinton
— April Fool’s Day
— Kim Jong Un
— Actor Jake McClain
— Jim Carrey
— N.R.A.

Tax Deal Is A Victory For Hollywood Cronyism





” Whereas “you guys”—by which Matthews meant the good guys, the Hollywood liberals—donate to Obama “for cultural reasons because you share values with the president.”

“That’s exactly right,” Reiner said. “And it’s interesting. But the Hollywood community is the only donor base, as you call it, that would—that has no quid pro quo.”

Yes, it is interesting. It is interesting that Matthews and Reiner were so completely and totally ensconced in their blanket of self-righteousness that they never stopped to consider that “people on Wall Street and the business world, in Texas and around there,” might also donate to Republicans because they share Republican cultural values. ”


No Quid Pro Quo Here …


” The sordid details of the fiscal cliff bill are more difficult to ignore. Once again the “only donor base” that “has no quid pro quo” saw its quo multiply nicely. The tax break that allows film and television studios to expense millions of dollars if they operate within the United States costs around $300 million a year. It was set to expire at the end of 2012. However, the efforts of Chris Dodd at the Motion Picture Association of America and of other Hollywood minions ensured that American taxpayers would provide this subsidy to Katzenberg and Spielberg and Clooney and company for at least another two years.”


Only In Obamerika Do Those Clamoring Loudest For Tax Hikes Receive The Best Tax Breaks


” The Sunlight Foundation Reporting Group has the most comprehensive catalogue of the gifts included in the fiscal cliff bill for Obama’s favorite constituencies. There is the Production Tax Credit, which benefits the alternative energy industry and its liberal benefactors. There is the exemption for New York City bonds, which is intended to help the city recover from a terrorist attack that occurred 11 years ago but which also helped line the pockets of Goldman Sachs and the future members of Democratic administrations employed there. There is a tax credit for maintaining railroad tracks for which BNSF Railway lobbied intensely. BNSF is a subsidiary of Berkshire Hathaway, which is of course the conglomerate operated by the billionaire Democratic donor and oddball Warren Buffett.”




Video Caption

Chris Matthews loses it, after poor performance by President Obama

  “An alarmed Chris Matthews was hysterical after President Obama turned in a poor debate performance.

“I don’t know what he was doing there.” Chris Matthews exclaimed. “He had his head down. He was enduring rather than fighting.” 

“What was Romney doing?” asked Matthews. “He was winning.” “


Click Through To See The Video 



  “Senior Obama campaign adviser Robert Gibbs on Sunday defended the president‘s plan to appear on ABC’s “The View” while skipping any private meetings with world leaders gathered in New York this week for the United Nations General Assembly.”