Tag Archive: Chris Christie

In New Jersey, A Flintlock Pistol Can Get You A 10-Year Jail Sentence






” Where is there any justice in locking up a 72-year-old man for up to 10 years for having an antique flintlock pistol? I’m sure in the Garden State authorities can find frivolous reasons, but there really isn’t any justification for such a prosecutorial overreach.

  NRA News’ Ginny Simone ventured into New Jersey to speak with Gordon VanGilder, public enemy No. 1 in Cumberland County. VanGilder is a retired teacher whose career spanned 34 years. He’s an admirer of 18th century artifacts and historical memorabilia and bought the pistol to go with his collection. The pistol featured in Simone’s report is approaching its 300-year anniversary.

  This case will impact Gordon’s pension as a New Jersey educator, his ability to vote, and his reputation. He will be a convicted felon if the State of New Jersey is successful in their crusade against him.”



This from the state run by a potential “republican” presidential candidate … read more at Townhall












Ready, Set . . . Run!





Mr O’Rourke starts with the leading democratic contenders …



” Senator Elizabeth Warren

  • Native American ancestry — a fund-raising plus if she gets her own casino.
  • Warren is an expert in bankruptcy law, giving her a vision for our nation’s future.
  • As a minority, woman, and politician who chased Scott Brown into New Hampshire (showing buff chauvinist Republicans where to stick their glutes), Warren is a triple threat.
  • She masterminded the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, making Americans feel so financially protected. (US consumer spending rose .4 percent in June!)
  • And she turned left — the only direction GPS units give in the hybrid cars that vegan aroma therapist Democratic primary voters drive.


Hillary Rodham Clinton

  • Hillary retains her iron grip on second place.
  • Whoever’s out in front of her is so far out front we don’t know who it is. (At this point in 2006, the current president was as likely to be nominated as a small-time community organizing junior Senator from Illinois with a name like somebody who tried to blow up an airplane with an underpants bomb.)
  • Hillary carries more baggage than the Boeing she used as secretary of state, visiting every country that later blew up or fell to pieces in her quest to fulfill the secretary of state’s mission, which is to accumulate frequent flier miles.
  • On the upside, she’s familiar with the White House — knows where the extra toilet paper is stored and where the spare key to the nuke attack briefcase is hidden (Truman Balcony, second pillar from the right).
  • And there’s no threat of Bill campaigning for her. The ex-First Lady has improved her aim with candy dishes and table lamps.


Vice President Joe Biden

  • Joe on Barack Obama: “You got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.”
  • Joe on diversity: “In Delaware, the largest growth of population is Indian Americans, moving from India. You cannot go to a 7-11 or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. I’m not joking.”
  • Joe expressing his faith in Obamacare: “I’m told Chuck Graham, state senator, is here. Stand up Chuck, let ’em see you.” (Former Missouri State Senator Chuck Graham is paraplegic.)
  • Joe on Obama’s foreign policy: “Watch, we’re going to have an international crisis.”
  • Has anyone ever spoken for the common man like Joe? “




And then moves on to the top Republican candidates …




” Governor Chris Christie

  • Christie is back in the GOP primary lead with 2016’s top bumper sticker, SIT DOWN AND SHUT UP.
  • Pundits claim Christie won’t play west of the Jersey Shore. These pundits were raised by pot-smoking parents and went to Montessori schools.
  • “Sit down and shut up” is how all important family discussions begin and end in the rest of America. America’s “family of voters” applauds this concise statement of foreign and domestic policy goals.

Senator Rand Paul

  • Ron Paul gives Rand Paul the common touch, something for Rand to share with all voters. Everybody’s dad is like that, parked in the Barcalounger watching too much Fox News. Rand feels our pain.
  • Rand also has libertarian principles such as individual responsibility. I feel I can trust him. That is, I feel I can trust him to keep mum about having principles until after he’s elected and maybe longer.



Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal

  • Who says Republicans aren’t diverse?
  • Bobby’s (legal!) immigrant dad is an engineer. His mom studied nuclear physics. To paraphrase Joe Biden, “You cannot go to a university engineering department or a physics department unless you have a slight Indian accent.”
  • Governor Jindal is a good guy, intelligent, reasonable. He might partner well with Big Chris.
  • Vice President Jindal: “Here is a good, intelligent, and reasonable plan for legislative action.”
  • President Christie: “Sit down and shut up.” “



Read the rest 










New Jersey Bill Is Outright Gun Ban On .22-Caliber Rifles And Leads To Confiscation


By newly proposed NJ law this is now an “assault” rifle … slippery slope ? Nah



” New Jersey has become ground zero this year for legislative battles over gun control.

  The Brady Campaign ranked the state third in the nation for most restrictive firearms laws, yet anti-gun Democrats who control the legislature are determined to go all the way to gun bans and confiscation.

  The New Jersey Assembly’s Law and Public Safety Committee was scheduled to hold a public hearing on Monday (postponed for snow) about a bill that reduces the maximum magazine capacity from 15 to 10.

  Since the legislation covers both detachable and fixed magazines, it has the effect of to banning popular, low-caliber rifles.

  The Association of New Jersey Rifle and Pistol Clubs gave the draft legislation to top firearms experts in the country to determine what guns would fall under the expanded ban.

  They discovered that the bill would affect tube-fed, semi-automatic rifles because the magazine cannot be separated from the gun.

  Thus, the experts found that at least 43 common rifles would suddenly be considered a prohibited “assault firearm,” such as the .22 caliber Marlin Model 60, Remington Nylon 66 and Winchester 190.

  Just having one such gun would turn a law-abiding owner into a felon overnight.”

Emily Miller has more . From a state that banned certain pellet rifles this should come as little surprise . I guess the feeling among NJ pols is that their constituents are as corrupt as their leaders .









Why Pols From New Jersey Aren’t Born To Run



” Indeed, over the past decade or so, New Jersey has started to earn belated props in the public imagination, with television shows such as The Sopranos, Boardwalk Empire, and even Jersey Shore using the state as a backdrop for meditations on the American Dream. The recent and quick rise of Gov. Christie himself speaks to what might even be considered a New Jersey cultural bubble. He’s the first serious presidential contender to come out of New Jersey since Woodrow Wilson.

  Yet the Garden State — insert a not-inaccurate joke about the entire place being a Superfund toxic waste dump here — has been a national punchline at least since Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton rowed across the Hudson River from New York to shoot it out in Weehawken. (Needless to say, Burr, a native of Newark who happened to be U.S. vice president at the time, won.) “



Read more












Bruce Springsteen & Jimmy Fallon: “Gov. Christie Traffic Jam” (“Born To Run” Parody)



Jimmy Fallon Springsteen Bridgegate




” Bruce Springsteen & Bruce Springsteen rework “Born To Run” to address the Fort Lee, NJ bridge scandal.”









Leno’s Take On Chris Christie & Bridgegate


Jay Leno Christie



” As the Hillary-loving media predictably pile on embattled New Jersey Governor Chris Christie (R), they’ve completely forgotten how many scandals the current White House was involved in last year that the President claimed he had no knowledge of and his always dutiful press backed his play.

  With this in mind, NBC Tonight Show host Jay Leno on Thursday began his opening monologue on the growing Bridgegate joking, “Pundits are saying this could hurt [Christie’s] 2016 presidential campaign. The ironic thing is now that Christie is denying everything he sounds even more presidential (video follows with transcript and commentary): “


Read more at NewsBusters








 “Shame On You, Mr. President!”




Published on Jan 11, 2014

” “Justice cannot be fueled by partisan Presidential Politics” says FNC’s Judge Jeanine Pirro in her Opening Statement segment on ‘Justice’ as she scorches President Obama for all the scandals and the endless dragging of feet by his administration in getting to the bottom of them.”









How Chris Christie’s Bridge Scandal Unfolded




” Aug. 13, 2013 – Bridget Kelly, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie‘s deputy chief of staff, emails David Wildstein, a Christie appointee at the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. “Time for some traffic problems in Fort Lee,” she writes. “Got it,” he responded.

  Sept. 6, 2013 – Wildstein orders the authority to close two of three access lanes between Fort Lee, N.J., and the bridge.

  Sept. 9, 2013 – The Port Authority shuts down the lanes, causing a massive traffic jam. Fort Lee Mayor Mark Sokolich contacts the Port Authority about an “urgent matter of public safety in Fort Lee.” Christie’s aides don’t respond. The closings continued for four days.”


See the rest here at the Washington Examiner










WATCH: Jon Stewart NAILS IT On NJ Gov. Chris Christie Bridgegate Scandal




Published on Jan 9, 2014

” Being from New Jersey, Jon obviously has a personal attachment to this issue. Check him out at his best in this video.

   **** This video is presented for parody under the protection of Fair Use. The Daily Show is the property of Viacom and is in no way associated with this user account. *** “









A Machine For Crushing Christie’s Enemies




” New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie’s aides deliberately induced a big traffic jam as revenge against a mayor who wouldn’t endorse him. Christie denies that he was aware they were doing this. Let’s suppose, just for the sake of argument, that Christie’s telling the truth. Does that get the governor — and would-be president — off the hook?

  Not necessarily. Marc Ambinder explains why, leading off with the portrait of Christie in the recent book Double Down:

  Double Down‘s Christie was megalomaniacal, self-possessed, and obsessed with reciprocity: You do well by him, and he’ll do well by you. You fundraise without his permission in New Jersey, and he’ll cut the donors off. Loyalty trumped all. If Christie perceived you as disloyal, you were out of his inner circle. That’s in passive voice because Christie would leave it to his lieutenants to enforce this code of honor….”

Read more at Reason

Email Scandal Mars Christie’s Chances For Presidency; Governor Apologizes





” That sound you’re hearing is the air going out of New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie’s 2016 Republican presidential aspirations, thanks to the scandal known as Bridgegate.

  We’ve always known that Christie, a former federal prosecutor, has a temper. He can be nasty and combative — particularly when it comes to entrenched liberal interests like labor unions — and, frankly, that’s what a whole lot of Republicans like about him. (His temper is also beloved by Democrats who believe his explosive tendencies are their best secret weapon against him.)

  He’s popular with Republicans and Democrats because of what passes these days in politics for an “independent streak.”

  Last summer, in a stunningly petty act, Christie’s minions apparently ordered the closure of bridge lanes leading into New York City to punish a Democratic mayor who refused to endorse him for reelection.

  In an explosive story Wednesday, the Bergen Record revealed a cache of private emails that seemed to show Christie’s staff and appointees orchestrated the closure of lanes leading onto the George Washington Bridge to plague the small town of Fort Lee, whose Democratic mayor, Mark Sokolich, had failed to endorse Christie for reelection.”









New Jersey’s Disappearing Doctors


Doctor Drain


” New Jersey is experiencing a shortage of doctors. In fact, it’s projected that by 2020 the state will be about 3,000 primary care physicians short of what is needed to give optimal health care.

The top five reasons for physicians leaving are:

  • Better salary offered outside of New Jersey
  • Cost of living in New Jersey
  • Better job/practice opportunities in desired locations outside of New Jersey
  • Taxes in New Jersey
  • Affordable Housing “







Poll: Rubio Drops From First To Sixth Nationally Among Republicans After Immigration Push




” The good news for Rubio fans? He’s just six points back of the new leader, Rand Paul. That’s how open the field is. (And how silly polls two years out from a primary are.)

The bad news? He was at 21-22 percent in PPP’s polls earlier this year, which means he’s lost more than half his support. No wonder he’s wasting no time in making repairs.”










Christie: October Special Election for Lautenberg Senate Seat






” Gov. Chris Christie said Tuesday that he wants to hold a special election in October to fill the U.S. Senate seat made vacant by Frank Lautenberg’s death on Monday, and that he intends to appoint someone to serve in the meantime.

At a news conference where he laid out the process he intends to follow for filling the seat, Christie didn’t answer the big question of whom he’ll appoint to the seat in the meantime.

   The move could bring criticism for putting more elections on the calendar, which can be expensive. The state Office of Legislative Services says each election costs the state about $12 million.

   In this case, there would be two elections — an Aug. 13 primary and the special election on Oct. 16.”

“The people must choose,”








Sen. Lautenberg Dies, Christie Expected To Name Successor

” Sen. Frank Lautenberg, D-N.J., died overnight of complications from viral pneumonia, his office said Monday.

At 89, Lautenberg was the oldest senator—and the last World War II veteran serving in that legislative body. He enlisted at 18 and served in the Army Signal Corps in Europe during the war.

Lautenberg served on the Senate committees on Appropriations; Commerce Science and Transportation; and Environment and Public Works. He had struggled with health problems earlier this year and already had announced that he would not run for re-election in 2014.

Gov. Chris Christie, a Republican, has the power to appoint someone to fill the vacancy, according to The Bergen Record, which was first to report the news. Christie is expected to schedule a special election to find a permanent successor—a decision that is sure to impact what was already considered a heated race to replace the late senator.”

    If there was a real republican governor in NJ this could be a positive gain for the GOP side of the aisle , but alas that seems not to be the case . Anyone care to speculate who might be on the gargantuan Governor’s short list ? 

     And let us remember that Lautenberg gained the Senate seat that he just vacated under very dubious circumstances when Robert Torricelli , who had the nomination , dropped out due to ethical scandals after the date for nomination had passed and the New Jersey Democratic party appointed him in violation of New Jersey election law .

      New Jersey has certainly produced some “admirable” individuals in politics over the past decade or two . It is easier to name the nationally known Jersey pols who haven’t been involved in scandals of one sort or another and while Lautenberg seemed to be an honest individual , the bulk of his prominent compatriots were considerably less exemplary in their behavior … Robert Menendez , Jon CorzineJim McGreevey , Robert “The Torch” Torricelli … What a bunch of losers New Jersey Democratic party has foisted on the American people .



Dennis Miller Time – Chris Christie/Barack Obama/Eric Holder – Bill OReilly – The Factor – 5-29-13

No Moore: Obama Flubs Name Of Oklahoma City Devastated By Tornado, Calls It ‘Monroe’




” During his visit to the Jersey Shore with New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie Tuesday, President Obama referred to the wrong city in Oklahoma devastated by a tornado last week.

Even though Mr. Obama had just visited the city of Moore, Okla. Sunday and toured the path of destruction the tornado left, in remarks in Asbury Park, New Jersey Tuesday he sent a shout-out to the victims in Monroe, Okla., which is more than 200 miles to the east of Moore.

“You can count on the fact that you won’t be alone. Your fellow citizens will be there for you. Just like we’ll be there for folks in Breezy Point and Staten Island, and obviously we’re going to be there for folks in Monroe, Okla.” “

Our “smartest president ever” adds to his ever-growing collection of idiotic gaffs













CPAC: Chris Christie’s Not Invited This Year




” All they’re doing here, whether they realize it or not, is throwing him into the briar patch. Christie was never going to run as the conservative choice in 2016 and lord knows he’s not going to run as a conservative to get reelected in New Jersey. That’s how Democrats will try to paint him, of course, but now he has fresh evidence to rebut the charge — he’s unwelcome at the preeminent gathering of American conservatives. CPAC’s unwittingly helping him burnish his brand as the country’s most formidable centrist Republican. Expect him to gets lots of mileage out of it in interviews over the next month.

Maybe Netroots Nation will snap him up for this year’s gala instead. Exit question: Was last night’s photo op with FLOTUS the last straw? ”


   While we acknowledge the fact that there have been and will be others who are even less conservative than Christie invited to attend CPAC , we feel that any “republican” that says ” I agree with Andrew Cuomo on probably 98% of the issues” does not belong anywhere near the podium of any conservative gathering .

Kept Conservatives: Prominent Right-Wingers Who Sound Very Liberal




” We’ve had a wide variety of conservative: the neo-cons, the paleo-cons and most recently the crunchy cons. Have you ever noticed how many of the most prominent conservative voices in America sound more like liberals? I have, and I believe they are in class all their own: they have a special mission and fit a particular profile.

They are what I like to call ‘kept cons.’ They are ‘kept’ by liberals in that kept cons generally work for liberal institutions and seem to fill the role of token conservative; they write conservative columns for national liberal newspapers or appear as conservative hosts or commentators on CNN or MSNBC or CNBC; but they don’t sound all that conservative. You can spot them slamming Sarah Palin or tamping down on the Tea Party.”





   This is the primary reason the GOP keeps losing . The ” kept con’s” aren’t only in the liberal media establishments , they are sitting the congress as we speak . They are called RINO’s and establishment ” go along to get along ” GOPers . Their lack of core beliefs beyond keeping their elective office goes only to being liked by the media and their opponents across the aisle . Their thoughts always go something like this … ” I’m a gun owner but …” or ” I support tax reform but … ”  or “I support securing the border but … ” 






   There is always a caveat and typically that caveat is a watered down version of the liberal talking points of the day . No core beliefs insight whatsoever . This is the root of GOP troubles . You have to stand for SOMETHING if you expect people to stand with you . 





     If all you have to offer is leftwing-lite or pseudo-liberalism why should you expect to be supported by anyone that has any real beliefs at at ? They are not liberal enough for the libs and certainly not conservative enough for the right . Guess here that leaves you Mr Graham , Mr Brooks … It leaves you with a dying constituency that cannot possibly garner enough votes to win elections . Welcome to the backwaters of American politics , enjoy it because that is where you shall spend the rest of your days . 





     The time for choosing has arrived and as the BlogFather himself is wont to say ” that which can’t continue , won’t” . Enjoy those fancy DC cocktail parties because that is all the celebration you’ll be seeing .






This last bit sums up the current state of affairs far more eloquently than I could ever hope to . 




” Their usual message is always something like, “I’m a conservative but these other people, these gun owners/southerners/TEA Partiers/Tax Cutters/Randians/Supply-siders/Pro-lifers/Climate Change Deniers/Libertarians/Gun Nuts/ Gold Bugs, etc., are beyond the pale.

The kept conservative’s announced job is to represent the conservative point of view, but their real job is to give the illusion of balance without really challenging any of the core tenets of liberalism. They spend lots of time ‘reinventing’ the Republican Party, and the new invention is always the same: more liberal. They live among liberals, their friends are liberals, and, of course, they are paid by liberals.”


Rand Paul hits Chris Christie for
criticizing NRA ad, grandstanding on Sandy relief bill


” I’m intrigued and oddly impressed at how obviously Paul’s maneuvering for 2016. First
the trip to Israel, then the bill to nullify any executive actions taken by Obama on guns, now this double-barreled shot at grassroots
conservatives’ new bete noire. One of the things about the elder Paul that some people loved and others found off-putting was that he never seemed terribly interested in ingratiating himself with
mainstream conservatives. If you’re a fan, maybe you took that as proof of principle, that he was above gladhanding political nonsense towards people foolish enough
not to embrace libertarianism
wholeheartedly. If you aren’t, you took it as evidence that he disdained the rank-and- file Republicans whose votes he’d need to win and wasn’t willing to bend towards some of their concerns. It’s an open question how similar Ron and Rand are on policy , but from a pure retail standpoint,
Rand seems way more willing to play to the wider GOP base. The clearest example to date was him endorsing Romney last year
while Ron predictably refused. But dumpingon a guy who’s irritated everyone to the right of “Morning Joe” lately is another small yet effective way to do it: “

“4 Ways the GOP Convention Can Win it for Romney”

   ” The issues that voters care most about in poll after poll this cycle are the economy, job creation, and federal budget deficits that will
once again exceed a trillion dollars for the fourth year in a row. Providentially, the Republican ticket has an enormous level of credibility on these issues, with
Mitt Romney’s long track record of
private-sector success and Paul Ryan’s record of offering specific budgetary reform.

  Republicans have an opportunity to speak directly to voters on these issues, which will also highlight how the Obama campaign has avoided addressing them at all. “

This man possesses some of that spine that is in scant supply inside the Beltway .

“He is the most ill-prepared person to assume the presidency in my lifetime,” Christie told some 600 Kentucky Republicans at a Lexington hotel. “This is a guy who literally is walking around in a dark room trying to find the light switch of leadership.”

This demonstrates the value of  governorships as incubators of real leadership . They actually have to take responsibility for their decisions unlike congressional denizens .
    Who besides governors are actually dealing with the issues of the day ? Think Scott Walker , Jan Brewer , Bobby Jindal , Chris Christie .

“Now listen,” he said, “this country’s problems are too serious, too serious, to spend another
day with a bystander in the oval office.”