Tag Archive: China

Daily Video 4.1.15

China Unveils Country’s First 3D Printed Car





Published on Mar 25, 2015

” This 3D printed car uses 500 kg of filament, and costs about $1770 to create. More info at:http://3dprint.com/53532/chinese-3d-p… “












Diplomatic Disaster: Obama Humiliated By Allies’ Rush To Join China’s New Bank






” The battle of wills between Beijing and Washington over a China-sponsored development bank for Asia is turning into a rout, and the Obama administration has found itself isolated and embarrassed as its top allies lined up this week to join the proposed Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank.

  In what one analyst dubbed a “diplomatic disaster” for the U.S., Britain became the first major European ally to sign on as a founding member of the Shanghai-based investment bank, joined quickly by France, Germany and Italy, which dismissed public and private warnings from the U.S. about the bank’s potential impact on global lending standards and the competition it could provide to existing institutions such as the U.S.-dominated World Bank.

  Luxembourg, a major global financial center, revealed this week that it would sign up. China is also wooing Australia and South Korea, two of America’s closest Asian allies, to join before the March 31 deadline. A South Korean wire service reported Wednesday that Seoul was “seriously considering” the offer.

   With 32 countries on board and more expected in the coming days, Chinese state media have begun to gloat about the failure of the Obama administration to rally even its closest allies and trading partners to shun the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank. They noted that U.S. officials have long lectured China, now the world’s second-largest economy, to take a more active “stakeholder” role in global economic affairs, but then tried to undermine the investment bank almost from the time Chinese President Xi Jinping floated the idea of an Asian development fund during a trip to Indonesia in October 2013.”

    We challenge anyone to inform us of even one single thing that the present administration has accomplished that has benefitted the United States . Continue reading about the latest failure of Obama/Clinton “smart diplomacy” here .

Ancient Chinese Buddha Statue Has A Mummy With Surprises Inside





” A 1,000-year-old Buddha statue from China has revealed some surprises, after being given a thorough medical exam, including CT scans and an endoscopy.

  The statue contains the mummified body of the Buddhist master Liuquan of the Chinese Meditation School, according to the Meander Medical Center in Amersfoort, Netherlands, where the statue was scanned.

  The Drents Museum in Assen, Netherlands, which exhibited the statue last year as part of its “Mummy World” exhibition, said the monk lived around the year 1,100.

  Some scans showing the mummy were taken prior to the exhibition, and a second round of scanning was done in September after the exhibition was taken down. “


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More Robots Coming To U.S. Factories




” Manufacturers will significantly accelerate their use of robots in U.S. factories over the next decade as they become cheaper and perform more tasks, constraining payroll growth, according to a study out Tuesday.

  The development is expected to dramatically boost productivity and slow the long-standing migration of factories across the globe to take advantage of low-cost labor, says the Boston Consulting Group report.

” Advanced robotics are changing the calculus of manufacturing,” says Harold Sirkin, a senior partner at the management consulting firm.

  A handful of nations, including the U.S. and China, are poised to reap the biggest benefits of the automation wave.

  About 1.2 million additional advanced robots are expected to be deployed in the U.S. by 2025, BCG says. Four industries will lead the shift — computer and electronics products; electrical equipment and appliances; transportation; and machinery — largely because more of their tasks can be automated and they deliver the biggest cost savings.

  About 10% of all manufacturing functions are automated, a share that will rise to nearly 25% in a decade as robotic vision sensors and gripping systems improve, BCG says.

  That’s prodding manufacturers to replace workers. BCG says manufacturers tend to ratchet up their robotics investment when they realize at least a 15% cost savings compared with employing a worker. In electronics manufacturing, it already costs just $4 an hour to use a robot for a routine assembly task vs. $24 for an average worker.”

USA Today












World’s First 3D-Printed Apartment Building Constructed In China




” While architectural firms compete with their designs for 3D-printed dwellings, one company in China has quietly been setting about getting the job done. In March of last year, company WinSun claimed to have printed 10 houses in 24 hours, using a proprietary 3D printer that uses a mixture of ground construction and industrial waste, such as glass and tailings, around a base of quick-drying cement mixed with a special hardening agent.

  Now, WinSun has further demonstrated the efficacy of its technology — with a five-story apartment building and a 1,100 square metre (11,840 square foot) villa, complete with decorative elements inside and out, on display at Suzhou Industrial Park.

  The 3D printer array, developed by Ma Yihe, who has been inventing 3D printers for over a decade, stands 6.6 metres high, 10 metres wide and 40 metres long (20 by 33 by 132 feet). This fabricates the parts in large pieces at WinSun’s facility. The structures are then assembled on-site, complete with steel reinforcements and insulation in order to comply with official building standards.”


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Wife Chops Off Cheating Husband’s Penis, Twice







” A jealous wife in China chopped off her cheating husband’s penis as he slept, then snuck into his hospital room after he had it sewn back on — and hacked it off again and tossed it out the window.

  Fan Lung, a dad of five, sealed his fate when he decided to use his wife’s cellphone to send his secret lover a hot and heavy email, Central European News reports.

  The 32-year-old forgot to log out of his account after the message was sent, which is how his 21-year-old wife, Feng — who is now under arrest for grievous bodily harm — came across the saucy exchange and snapped.

  The jilted wife went berserk, grabbed a pair of scissors, stormed into their bedroom and cut off his penis while he was sleeping.”



The woman’s second attempt was much more successful …



” Lung was rushed to the hospital, where doctors were able to save the appendage and sew it back on.

  But Feng was able to sneak into the recovery room, where she chopped his penis off a second time and threw it out the window, according to CEN.

  Despite desperate search efforts, authorities were unable to find Lung’s manhood. Police believe it may have been stumbled upon by a stray dog or cat, according to CEN.”














Christianity Is Exploding In China And The Communist Party Isn’t Happy







” There’s nothing secret about Chongyi Church, one of the largest in China. Its lighted steeple and giant cross penetrate the night sky of Hangzhou, the capital of coastal Zhejiang Province.

  Nearly everything at the church is conspicuously open: the front gate, the front door, the sanctuary, the people, the clergy. Chinese or not, you are welcome seven days a week. No layers of security guards or police exist. Walk right in. Join up. People are nice; they give you water, chat. Do you have spiritual needs? Visit their offices, 9 to 5.

  For China, it is a stunning feeling. Most of the society exists behind closed doors and is tough, driven, material, hierarchical. The country values wealth, power, and secrecy – not to mention that both government and schools officially, at least, promote atheism.

  Yet Chongyi looks and feels like any evangelical mega-church in Seattle or San Jose. There are big screens, speakers blaring upbeat music, coffee bars. The choir is a huge swaying wash of white and red robes. Chongyi seats 5,000 people and holds multiple services on Sunday.

  While Christianity is waning in many parts of the world, in China it is growing rapidly – despite state strictures. The rise in evangelical Protestantism in particular, driven both by people’s spiritual yearnings and individual human needs in a collective society, is taking place in nearly every part of the nation.

  Western visitors used to seeing empty sanctuaries in the United States or Europe can be dumbfounded by the Sunday gatherings held in convention center-size buildings where people line up for blocks to get in – one service after another. In Wenzhou, not far from Hangzhou, an estimated 1.2 million Protestants now exist in a city of 9 million people alone. (It is called “China’s Jerusalem.”) By one estimate, China will become the world’s largest Christian nation, at its current rate of growth, by 2030.”


Business Insider











Harbin International Ice And Snow Sculpture Festival






” The Harbin International Ice and Snow Sculpture Festival, commonly known as Harbin Ice Lantern Festival or simply called Harbin Ice Festival, mainly consists of four theme parks:Harbin Ice and Snow World, Harbin Ice and Snow World, Songhua River Ice and Snow Harbin Valley, and Zhaolin Park Ice Lantern Fair.”





” The festival has been held since 1963. It had been interrupted for a number of years during the Cultural Revolution but had been resumed by 1985. Along with Japan’s Sapporo Snow Festival, Canada’s Quebec City Winter Carnival, and Norway’s Ski Festival. The Harbin International Ice and Snow Sculpture Festival is listed as the top 4 ice and snow festivals in the world.”




” Traditionally, the Harbin International Ice and Snow Sculpture Festival open in mid-December and last to the late February. But its official opening ceremony usually held on January 5th each year. And the time is usually considered as the official date of the formal beginning of the festival. The festival includes many interesting activities and events, such as ice and snow carnival, international ice sculptures competitions, ice lantern show, sliding, ice-sailing, sledging, ice hockey, ice football, speed skating, cross-field skiing and Alpine skiing competitions, fishing, swimming, ice and snow film art show, painting exhibition, calligraphy display, photo exhibition, folk song and dance performances, wedding ceremonies on ice, trade talks, trade fairs and all kinds of national or international sports events etc.”


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Waterfall Freezes Over On The Yellow River






” Tourists have been flocking to a section of China’s Yellow River in far greater numbers recently as part of the Hukou Waterfall has frozen over in the incredibly cold weather.

  With temperatures dropping to as low as -12° Celsius, part of China’s second-largest waterfall has become a wall of ice, making it seem like someone has emptied the contents of a fire extinguisher over the entire scene.

  The Hukou Waterfall is situated where the provinces of Shanxi and Shaanxi meet and it is roughly 66-ft high.





   Meanwhile , as scientists proclaim 2014 the “hottest year everrecord snowfalls , ice buildups and other cold weather-related events continue to pile up even as winter just begins .  Then again , the “crisis” is no longer global warming , but climate change . 









North Korea Internet Access ‘Totally Down’






” North Korea experienced sweeping and progressively worse Internet outages extending into Monday, with one computer expert saying the country’s online access is “totally down.” The White House and the State Department declined to say whether the U.S. government was responsible.

  President Barack Obama said Friday the U.S. government expected to respond to the hacking of Sony Pictures Entertainment Inc., which he described as an expensive act of “cyber vandalism” that he blamed on North Korea. Obama did not say how the U.S. might respond, and it was not immediately clear if the Internet connectivity problems represented the retribution. The U.S. government regards its offensive cyber operations as highly classified.”


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It’s Official: America Is Now No. 2





” Hang on to your hats, America.

  And throw away that big, fat styrofoam finger while you’re about it.

  There’s no easy way to say this, so I’ll just say it: We’re no longer No. 1. Today, we’re No. 2. Yes, it’s official. The Chinese economy just overtook the United States economy to become the largest in the world. For the first time since Ulysses S. Grant was president, America is not the leading economic power on the planet.

  It just happened — and almost nobody noticed.

  The International Monetary Fund recently released the latest numbers for the world economy. And when you measure national economic output in “real” terms of goods and services, China will this year produce $17.6 trillion — compared with $17.4 trillion for the U.S.A. “



You voted for “fundamental change” and the man has delivered …



” As recently as 2000, we produced nearly three times as much as the Chinese.

  To put the numbers slightly differently, China now accounts for 16.5% of the global economy when measured in real purchasing-power terms, compared with 16.3% for the U.S.

  This latest economic earthquake follows the development last year when China surpassed the U.S. for the first time in terms of global trade.”




    These two paragraphs should send chills down any forward-looking American’s spines , especially amongst the young …




” Make no mistake: This is a geopolitical earthquake with a high reading on the Richter scale. Throughout history, political and military power have always depended on economic power. Britain was the workshop of the world before she ruled the waves. And it was Britain’s relative economic decline that preceded the collapse of her power. And it was a similar story with previous hegemonic powers such as France and Spain.

  This will not change anything tomorrow or next week, but it will change almost everything in the longer term. We have lived in a world dominated by the U.S. since at least 1945 and, in many ways, since the late 19th century. And we have lived for 200 years — since the Battle of Waterloo in 1815 — in a world dominated by two reasonably democratic, constitutional countries in Great Britain and the U.S.A. For all their flaws, the two countries have been in the vanguard worldwide in terms of civil liberties, democratic processes and constitutional rights.”




Market Watch has more on the latest (dubious) accomplishment of Barack Obama’s administration 











Lame Duck Swims To Asia




” If President Barack Obama expects to escape the spate of brutal post-election news by traveling 6,000 miles and 12 time zones to Asia, he’s in for a surprise.

  Regional players are taking stock of whether the U.S. president once seen as a global rock star will now have diminished heft on the world stage, and some are delivering their verdict well ahead of his arrival Monday for an eight-day trip to China, Burma and Australia.

  Global Times, an English-language newspaper published by China’s state-run People’s Daily, has carried two withering editorials in recent days.

“ The lame-duck president will be further crippled” in the wake of a GOP victory, the newspaper warned in one before the voting was complete. “He has done an insipid job, offering nearly nothing to his supporters. US society has grown tired of his banality.”

“ This will be the most recent manifestation of America’s weakness and they will figure that into their deliberation,” said Jon Hunstman, a Republican who served as U.S. Ambassador to China under Obama and pointed to Chinese adeptness at sizing up power. “They will see it through that prism and consider whether this president still has the swat to actually get anything done.” “














Stepmom Caught On Camera Ruthlessly Beating Young Girl




” Troubling footage out of China shows a stepmother relentlessly beating a young girl because the child wet herself. The stepmother kicks, punches, and whips the girl for over four minutes as the child screams.

  The video begins with the woman whipping the girl on the front of her legs repeatedly with the stick. She pauses periodically to scold the girl before resuming the beating.

  The abuse goes on for several minutes as the mother transitions from whipping the girl to punching and kicking her. The child screams as she is knocked to the ground multiple times, but her agony elicits no reaction from the stepmother.”


Opposing Views










Beijing From Above, And The Story Of How I Was Detained By The Police For Flying My DJI Quadcopter






Published on Jun 19, 2014

” I wrote a full story about this video and getting detailed by the Chinese police! Check http://www.stuckincustoms.com/2014/06… – I also have more about how I made the video, equipment, etc etc.

This music is by the great Jon Hopkins. This song is called “A Drifting Up.” “










China Just Overtook The US As The World’s Largest Economy







” Sorry, America. China just overtook the US to become the world’s largest economy, according to the International Monetary Fund.

  Chris Giles at the Financial Times flagged up the change. He also alerted us in April that it was all about to happen

  Basically, the method used by the IMF adjusts for purchasing power parity, explained here.

  The simple logic is that prices aren’t the same in each country: A shirt will cost you less in Shanghai than in San Francisco, so it’s not entirely reasonable to compare countries without taking this into account. Though a typical person in China earns a lot less than the typical person in the US, simply converting a Chinese salary into dollars underestimates how much purchasing power that individual, and therefore that country, might have. The Economist’s Big Mac Index is a great example of these disparities. “


Heck of a job , Barack … read more 














Arrests Made In Hong Kong Demonstrations







” Hong Kong police said Saturday that they have arrested 19 people, some of whom are believed to have organized crime ties, after mobs tried to drive pro-democracy protesters from the streets where they have held a weeklong, largely peaceful demonstration.

  At least 12 people and six officers were injured during the clashes, district commander Kwok Pak-chung said at a pre-dawn press briefing. Protest leaders called off planned talks with the government on political reforms after the battles kicked off Friday afternoon in gritty, blue-collar Mong Kok, across Victoria Harbor from the activists’ main protest camp.

  Police struggled for hours to control the battles as attackers pushed, shoved and jeered the protesters. Those arrested face charges of unlawful assembly, fighting in public and assault, Kwok said, adding that eight men are believed to have backgrounds involving triads, or organized crime gangs.”


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    For those who might be interested in the growing student protests and increasing crackdown of same by the Chinese authorities we provide the reader with a pair of live feeds from Hong Kong .



Live Hong Kong Feed



The above feed is from Ustream subscriber 本台設有下載區及網誌  Mee JTV



Live Feed Hong Kong

The second feed is from 佔領中環直播 Occupy Central,Hong Kong Live




   Bear in mind that these feeds sometimes cease broadcasting for a time but usually go live again fairly quickly so keep checking back for the latest developments .
















Alibaba Set To Price IPO Shares Amid Investor Frenzy







” Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. is set to sell some $22 billion of shares on Thursday, capping a two-week road show that drew frenzied interest from investors worldwide and may be the world’s largest ever initial public offering.

  The shares are expected to be priced after the markets close at 4 p.m. Thursday and start trading on the New York Stock Exchange on Friday under the ticker “BABA.”

  Investors, keen to buy into China’s rapid growth and evolving Internet sector, have been clamoring to get shares since top executives at Alibaba, including co-founder and executive chairman Jack Ma, kicked off the road show last week.

  Alibaba, which handles more transactions than Amazon.com Inc. and eBay Inc. combined, boosted the IPO price range to between $66 and $68 a share due to the strong demand.

  At the top end of that range, the IPO would raise almost $22 billion, but if underwriters exercise an option to sell more shares, Alibaba’s market debut will top Agricultural Bank of China Ltd.’s record $22.1 billion listing in 2010.”



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See Pride Mega Yachts’ 115m Superyacht Estatement At The Monaco Boat Show




Estatement super yacht Pride Mega Yachts Monaco boat show





” This enormous megayacht concept comes from the specialist superyacht division of the Chinese CIMC Raffles shipyard. She follows the sale of the yard’s 88.8 metre new build superyacht Illusion, which is due for delivery in late 2015.”



Here is a video of Illusion … 






” Based on her smaller sistership Illusion, Estatement was designed by Sinot Exclusive Yacht Design. She will feature an 18.1 metre beam, a steel hull and an aluminium superstructure with a displacement of 5,500 gross tons.

  Her spacious, contemporary interior will accommodate 22 guests in a master stateroom, two VIP cabins and eight double cabins. She will also be able to accommodate 35 crew.

  With a fuel capacity of 300,000 litres, Estatement will have a cruising speed of 15 knots and a top speed of 17.5 knots. She is expected to have a range of 6,000 nautical miles.

  As well as presenting the Estatement concept, Pride Mega Yachts will also be providing an update on Illusion‘s building progress at the Monaco boat show. “









Overall length: 115 m
Maximum beam: 18.1 m
Maximum draft: 4 m
Gross tonnage: 5,500 GRT
Maximum speed: 17.5 KT
Cruising speed: 15 KT


Range: 6,000 nautical miles
Fuel capacity: 300,000 liter
Fresh water capacity: 75,000 liter
Hull material: Steel
Superstructure material: Aluminum


Guest capacity
22 persons 8 double cabins, 2 VIP cabins, owner stateroom
Crew capacity 35 persons
14 double cabins, 6 staff, 1 captain)
Water sports
2 x sports tender, 1 x limo tender, 4-6 wave runners


Pride Mega Yachts

Exterior & Interior Design
Sinot Exclusive Yacht Design “




Thanks to BoatInternational

See here for more on the Monaco Yacht Show













Chinese Teen Gets World’s First 3D-Printed Vertebra Implant





” The use of 3D printers in the medical field took another step forward this week after a group of Chinese surgeons successfully implanted an artificial vertebrae replacement in a patient. The procedure is considered to be the first of its kind.”








”  Doctors at Beijing’s Peking University Third Hospital were able to replace the second vertebrae on a 12-year-old boy identified as Minghao. According to China Central Television, Minghao was diagnosed with cancer after injuring his neck while playing soccer. Doctors treating Minghao for the neck injury identified a malignant tumor on the boy’s spine.”


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Does George Soros Know Something We Don’t About The S&P 500?





” Oh, goody. It’s 13F time, when mere mortals like us get to see how the big boys rolled the dice in the last quarter.

  Among the highlights, Soros Fund Management increased a bear-call bet on the S&P 500 in a huge way. The fund lifted a put position — a bet the market will go lower — on the S&P 500 ETF SPY +0.29% to its biggest size yet, in terms of value and portfolio percentage, making a 605% leap over the previous quarter.

  Bullion Baron, who has long kept a beady eye on Soros’s SPY moves, has summed up the latest dealings. He speculated that this could be  a hedge — or Soros is really worried about something. One possible something is China, which the hedge-fund titan referred to as a global uncertainty earlier in the year, notes the Baron.

  Soros also lifted positions in Apple and Facebook, so it seems he can’t be all that gloomy. As for that China unease, WSJ’s MoneyBeat reports that China bears are entrenched and see stocks headed for a big fall. One strategist says it’s not good to see that stocks there have been rallying on both good and bad economic news.

“ In [a] market frenzy, it is difficult to keep a cool head. But if things don’t add up, it will eventually fall apart,” Hao Hong, Bank of Communications international strategist, tells MoneyBeat.

  Now the only problem here, says the Baron, is that if things go pear-shaped in China, that’s not great news for equity markets anywhere, especially those at overvalued levels.”



Read more and see also …



” Legendary investor George Soros nearly doubled his ownership in a U.S. gold mining companies ETF and initiated new stakes in other gold producers, suggesting the big names in hedge funds continued to have confidence in the yellow metal. “










Stratcom: China Continuing To Weaponize Space With Latest Anti-Satellite Missile Shot




Graphic of a Chinese kinetic kill interceptor




” China last month conducted another test of a satellite-killing missile that reflects Chinese efforts to weaponize space, the commander of the U.S. Strategic Command said Wednesday.

“ It’s very problematic to see China working to weaponize space in tests like this one they just had, and so [it’s] very concerning to me as the U.S. Strategic Command commander, and to our nation at large, given our dependency on that capability,” said Adm. Cecil D. Haney, Strategic Command chief.

  Haney, speaking to reporters after remarks to a Stratcom-sponsored conference on nuclear deterrence, also voiced worries about the recent increase in Russian strategic nuclear bomber incursions into U.S. air defense identification zones near Alaska and close to U.S. territory.

“ I will say that the business of them coming close to the United States of America, we take very seriously,” said the four-star admiral who is in charge of U.S. nuclear warfighting forces.

  The blunt comments about Chinese weaponization of space are unusual and followed the July 23 test of what U.S. officials said was China’s low-earth orbit DN-1 anti-satellite interceptor. It was the latest ASAT test by China that both Pentagon and State Department spokesmen described as a “non-destructive” prototype.”


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Fisherman Transports Massive Whale Shark On Truck In China


All in a day's work: Cai Chengzhu was fishing in Xianghzhi, eastern China, when he found this 16ft-long whale shark - before lugging it onto his tractor and driving it for half-an-hour to a market in nearby Shishi




” Dwindling in numbers, whale sharks are protected in China – and black market salesmen are punished with hefty fines. But when fisherman Cai Chengzhu, 48, spotted this 16-foot-long, two-tonne beast, he could not resist having a go. He heaved it to shore and dragged it to the street.Then, incredibly, he dumped it onto a truck – and drove it for half-an-hour to the nearest market.

Regulation states the valuable whale sharks, which can live for up to 100 years, should be set free immediately if caught. But Cai, from Xianghzhi, in the far-eastern province of Fujian, admitted he planned to sell the creature from 10,000 to 20,000 yuan (around £1,000 to £2,000). “

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Six ‘Cult’ Members Arrested In China Over McDonald’s Woman Beaten To Death





” Six people who are believed to be members of a religious cult have been arrested over the beating to death of a woman at a McDonald’s restaurant in eastern China, police said Saturday.

  Four of the six are members of the same family and allegedly attacked the woman because she refused to give them her phone number, Zhaoyuan police said on their microblog.”







” Authorities said the group belong to an organisation that called itself the “All-Powerful Spirit” and has been conducting a drive for new members. They were looking to recruit the unidentified woman, according to the official Xinhua news agency.

  All-powerful spirit, or “Quannengshen”, was founded in the northeastern province of Heilongjiang in the early 1990s and later spread to the country’s eastern provinces, the newspaperSouthern Metropolis Daily reports.”


The Independent