Tag Archive: Child Protective Services

Protective Services Shows Up At Mom’s Home Over Something Parents Have Been Doing For 1000s Of Years








” A mother from Austin, Texas, is making national headlines after blogging about how Child Protective Services (CPS) unexpectedly showed up at her home.

CBS News reports:

” A Texas mom started a parenting debate this month, blogging about her six-year-old playing outside by himself.

…Kari Anne Roy knows all about the joys and challenges of raising a child. She has three of them. Her youngest — six-year-old Isaac — recently gained the privilege of playing outside alone for a few minutes.

Cases like this are becoming all too common:

  1. A South Carolina mother was recently arrested for letting her 9-year-old play at a park (that has an average of 40 kids playing at it per day) while she was at work.
  2. An Ohio father was charged with child endangerment after his 8-year-old son skipped church (unbeknownst to the father) and went to play instead.
  3. A Florida mom had to post a $4,000.00 bond after permitting her 7-year-old son to walk to the park.”


IJR has more










Secret List: Having Your Name On This Secret Michigan List Of 275,000 People Could Cost You Your Job



The state maintains something called the Michigan Child Abuse and Neglect Central Registry and the sole power to label you an abuser lies not with a judge or a jury, but with child protective services workers.

  And you may be surprised at how the state can define “abuse.”

  Anita Belle says she’s never been convicted of a crime.  But Belle’s name has been put on the Central Registry as a child abuser. 

“ Where is the due process,” asked Belle.

  The Central Registry is maintained by Child Protective Services workers inside Michigan’s Department of Human Services, or DHS.

  Right now, there are about 275,000 people on that secret list and many of them don’t even realize they are on it.  You don’t have to be found guilty in court to be put on the registry.  All it takes is the word of CPS staffers to label you an abuser, which can prevent you from getting certain jobs or doing volunteer work.

You just get on the registry, by a push of the button.  By one worker,” said Warner.With no verification that the crime was actually committed,” asked Catallo.“They believe that their investigation, even if it’s one sided, is all they need to ruin somebody’s life,” said Warner.”


Read more on this horrendous abuse of State power here








Judge Orders Homeschooled Children Removed From Christian Parents’ Home




” In the age of federally mandated Common Core curriculum and widespread evidence of leftist indoctrination, it is not surprising a growing number of American families are exploring educational options other than public school. As parents try to protect their children from the propagandistic government system, however, the government is in turn seeking vengeance against them.

  Nowhere was this disturbing trend more evident than in the recent removal of seven children from a Texas couple dedicated to homeschooling them. While Child Protective Services initially became involved in the case involving Trevor and Christina Tutt after two of the children wandered a short distance from home, a case worker subsequently indicated that “[t]here is no problem here.”

  The same employee, however, subsequently made a highly subjective accusation against the couple.

Nobody in their right mind would want to stay home all day with so many children,” she told a court during the hearing. In response, the Tutts provided ample evidence showing they were fit to be parents and educators to the group of children.

  Nevertheless, an activist judge directed CPS to remove the children based entirely on their manner of education. The ruling was in apparent violation of a state policy that a parent’s choice “to homeschool their children or send their child to another private or public school is not relevant to the CPS investigation.” “


Story Continues at Western Journalism









Union Co. Sheriff: DSS Worker, Nurse Charged With Abusing Foster Child





” Deputies in Union County say a Department of Social Services employee was arrested after a young boy was found handcuffed to the front porch of a home with a dead chicken tied around his neck.

According to the Union County Sheriff’s Office, a deputy was responding an animal services complaint at a home along Austin Road when he saw an 11-year-old child handcuffed to the front porch of a neighboring home.

The boy, who deputies say was handcuffed at the ankle, also had a dead chicken hanging around his neck. The report states the young boy appeared to be shivering, as well.

A few moments later, a man, later identified as 57-year-old Dorian Lee Harper, came to the porch and asked the deputy why he was there. The Deputy then asked the man for his identification, as well as an explanation of why the child was handcuffed to the porch.”



By all means put your trust in the authorities . They have nothing but your best interests at heart .