Tag Archive: Charlie Woods

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Posted by John Galt

… ‘Better to die the death of a hero
than it is to live the life of a coward’ [VIDEO]


” “I was contacted by military personnel yesterday, who
told me an interesting fact. And that is any consulate
anywhere in the world is American soil,” Woods said.
“Any attack on an American consulate is an attack on
American soil. There were American citizens that were
attacked for seven hours on American soil a couple
thousand miles away from Washington, D.C.” (RELATED
VIDEO: Father of slain SEAL Tyrone Woods accuses
White House of murder)
“My question of the president would be this: Your Honor,
I respect your office as president. But if this attack on
American citizens, on American soil, happened 2,000
miles away from Washington, D.C. — say in Los Angeles
or in Seattle — would you have waited seven hours
before you sent the first airplane? Would you have
waited seven hours until the attack was over? Would you
have waited a couple of days until you had all of the
videos and all the information before you responded in a
responsible military way?” ”

Posted by John Galt

Jennifer Rubin


  ” So how about it, Mr. President — who called off a rescue and why?
President Obama, a little more than a week before the election, won’t
tell Americans what happened. Well, why should he — the press
doesn’t hound him, the liberal elite still rushes to his defense, and
his White House attack dogs bark “Politics!” whenever legitimate
questions are asked.

  Meanwhile, the father of slain SEAL Tyrone Woods is furious with
the administration, demanding to know why his son wasn’t saved
when “apparently even the State Department had a live stream and
was aware of their calls for help. My son wasn’t even there. He was
at a safe house about a mile away. He got the distress call; he heard
them crying for help; that’s why he and Glen risked their lives to go
that extra mile just to take care of the situation. And I’m sure that
wasn’t the only one received that distress call — you know, ‘Come
save our lives.’” ”

Posted by John Galt

I do not appreciate cowardice,lies


  ” From Megyn Kelly’s “America Live” today, Charlie Woods, who lost his son in the attack on the Benghazi consulate, reacts to
the latest news that CIA command refused to send help . Speaking very calmly, Woods said his son deserves the same moral
courage from the country’s leaders that he displayed in giving his life to save his fellow Americans:

“This is not about politics … if it were about politics, it would dishonor my son’s death. It’s about honor, integrity and justice,” he said. “