Tag Archive: Charlie Hebdo

Charlie Hebdo Receives Free Speech Award, Standing Ovation at PEN Gala


” The staff of Charlie Hebdo was honored tonight at the PEN American Center gala, following much controversy, and they received a standing ovation as they affirmed their commitment to free speech and free expression.

  There was a recent controversy when a group of authors refused to participate in the gala because of their opposition to what they perceive as the French publication’s “intolerance.” Salman Rushdie and a whole host of other writers stood up for Charlie Hebdo, defending them from that charge of intolerance and insisting the free speech principle is of paramount importance.

  Well, the gala happened tonight (under heavy security), and they received the award to a standing ovation.”

   The six dhimmi authors who shamefully refused to participate are: Peter Carey, Michael Ondaatje, Francine Prose, Teju Cole, Rachel Kushner and Taiye Selasi .

Mediaite has more


‘Draw The Prophet’ Contest, Islamic Centre Fire Put Texas On Edge






” The announcement of a Prophet Muhammed cartoon contest and a suspected arson attack on an Islamic centre building have put a Texas town on edge.

  The controversial ‘Draw the Prophet’ contest is scheduled to be held in Garland, Texas, in May, the organizers have announced.

  The contest will take place at the same venue where the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) had held the “Stand with the Prophet” conference following the Charlie Hebdo attack in January. 

  Pamela Geller, the President of the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI), told Brietbart News that she will conduct the cartoon contest and an art exhibit at the Curtis Culwell Center in Garland on 3 May.”


Story continues












Is America At War With ‘Radical Islam’?





Published on Jan 21, 2015

” MRCTV’s Dan Joseph asks people if America is at war with ‘radical Islam’? “












Journalism School Dean: The First Amendment Ends At Insulting Mohammed




” Unusual, not because it’s rare to see an American journalist bowing to Islamic sensibilities on depictions of Mohammed but because typically they don’t go so far as to demand legal limits on their own profession. When the New York Times refuses to run a cartoon goofing on Islam, they don’t want the reason to be government censorship. They prefer to be censored by more sympathetic agents, like violent Muslim radicals.

  To be precise here, though, DeWayne Hickham, the dean of Morgan State’s J-school, isn’t demanding a “Mohammed exception” to the First Amendment. He’s demanding an exception for all speech that would make the audience so angry that they might react violently — exactly the sort of slippery slope on censorship that people like you and me worry about when images of Mohammed are suppressed. Actual line from this op-ed, regarding the new cover of Charlie Hebdo: “The once little-known French satirical news weekly crossed the line that separates free speech from toxic talk.”

  The most current issue of Charlie Hebdo again has Mohammed on its cover. This time, he appears crying under a headline that reads: “All is forgiven.” Well, apparently not. Ten people have been killed during protests in Niger, a former French colony. Other anti-French riots have erupted from North Africa to Asia. In reaction to all of this, Pope Francis has said of the magazine, “You cannot make fun of the faith of others.”… “


Read it all at Hot Air












BBC Mocks Admin’s James Taylor Outreach To France: ‘No Better Definition Of Soft Power’




This statement from the comments on the video sums things up nicely: 

  This is amazing. These people are amazing. Greg Gutfeld summed this up perfectly; he said it would be like France sending some mimes to Boston after the marathon bombing.”

How Multiculturalism Caused The Paris Terror Attacks

 Afterburner w/Bill Whittle





Published on Jan 15, 2015

” It wasn’t the Mohammed cover art that caused the Charlie Hebdo terror attacks in Paris; it was the multicultural treatment of Muslims in France. Another scorcher of an Afterburner from Bill Whittle on PJTV, share it on Facebook! http://goo.gl/qVMQgx “











A Judenrein Europe





” Had they not died as part of the Charlie Hebdo killers’ final act, I wonder how much publicity the murders of Philippe Braham, Yohan Cohen, Yoav Hattab, and François-Michel Saada at a kosher grocery store would have attracted. An Islamic fanatic killed another quartet of Jews at the Jewish Museum in Brussels last spring, and it was a big story for a couple of days, and then faded away. Over the last decade, the Continent seems to have developed a certain psychological ease with the routine murder of Jews. What remains of Jewish communal life in Europe now takes place behind reinforced doors and barbed wire, and the actual extinction of an entire identity group’s presence is discussed as calmly as the long-range weather. Forty-five per cent of British Jews say Jews have no future in Britain, and 58 per cent says Jews have no future in Europe.

  European leaders like M Hollande insist they’re able to protect the Jewish community – or at least hold the remorseless picking-off of their members to manageable levels. The leader of the continent’s biggest Jewish group is disinclined to take such assurances:


  In a letter sent to interior ministries around Europe and obtained by Newsweek, Rabbi Menachem Margolin, director general of the Rabbinical Centre of Europe (RCE) and the European Jewish Association (EJA) – the largest federation of Jewish organizations and communities in Europe – writes: “We hereby ask that gun licensing laws are reviewed with immediate effect to allow designated people in the Jewish communities and institutions to own weapons for the essential protection of their communities, as well as receiving the necessary training to protect their members from potential terror attacks.”


  The Jews are always the canaries in the coal mine, so they won’t be the last in Europe to discover that, when it matters, the state isn’t there for you. There is a memorable moment in Michel Houellebecq’s new novel Soumission, released the day of the Charlie Hebdo slaughter, in which the protagonist’s Jewish girlfriend Myriam decides it’s time to get the hell out of France and flee to Israel. And François says bleakly, “There is no Israel for me.” “



   Lacking the balls to do it themselves , the countries of Europe are subcontracting their latest attempts at the “Final Solution” to their Muslim immigrant citizens . Oh those “enlightened” Europeans … you cannot publish an image of the “prophet” Mohammad , but you can kill Jews with impunity … That’s certainly “progressive” …

As usual , read it all
















” In the kind of response that sounds like a joke — even to liberal journalists — Secretary of State John Kerry brought Seventies pop star James Taylor (now almost 67) to sing his old chestnut “You’ve Got a Friend’ to the French as a show of support after President Obama blew off the “historic” rally of world leaders last Sunday.

  Try Washington Post political reporter Aaron Blake as a non-plussed MSM member:

Our “smart diplomats” are sending France a “Big Hug” … could they be any more lame ?











‘Charlie Hebdo’ Post-Attack Issue Sells Out, eBay Bids Top $1,100






” What is being billed as “the survivors’ issue” of Charlie Hebdo will increase its record print run from 3 million to 5 million, distributor MLP said on Wednesday. Amid huge demand, copies of the issue also appeared on eBay in markets outside of France, with one auction on the U.K. version of the site reaching a price of more than $1,100.

  Across France there were lines as newsstands opened at 6 a.m. to get one of the historic issues, which depicts the Prophet Muhammad in cartoon form against a green background under the words “All Is Forgiven” and holding one of the now-ubiquitous “Je Suis Charlie” (“I Am Charlie”) signs on its cover.

  It had previously announced a 3 million print run.

  By 10 a.m., the issue was sold out across France, and the paper announced that an additional 2 million copies would be printed and delivered throughout the week, with an additional 1 million to be delivered to newsstands later in the day on Wednesday and an additional 500,000 each Thursday and Friday.

  The issue was designed to be on sale for eight weeks — though it’s expected not to last that long. The historic demand for the tiny satirical weekly follows the terrorist attack on its offices that killed 10 staff members and two police officers one week ago. The record 5 million print run is a huge jump from its typical weekly circulation of 60,000.”


The Hollywood Reporter











March Of The Parisiens




” World leaders march in solidarity with France at a rally for free expression following the Charlie Hebdo attack, but U.S. representatives are curiously absent. (7:07)  “

     Jon Stewart skewers the Obama administration for it’s complete absence at the massive rallies in Paris following the Charlie Hebdo “workplace violence” attacks . There is nearly five minutes of shots at the French and their culture prior to the comedian getting around to Obama’s empty chair appearance so if that is your main interest skip to about 4:45 to see Stewart’s caustic response .

Charlie Hebdo’s First Post-Terrorism Cover Earns Widespread Praise


Source: www.liberation.fr




” Undeterred after previous depictions of Muhammad garnered threats from Islamic extremists, French satire magazine Charlie Hebdo was the site of a terrorist attack last week that left 12 dead. Despite the violent incident and worldwide attention it received, the outlet’s surviving staff members proved this week that even such a calculated attack will not cause them to retreat from their mission.

  Attorney Richard Malka spoke on behalf of the magazine ahead of the release of its first edition after the deadly incident.

“ We will not give in,” he said, “otherwise all this won’t have meant anything.”

  Monday’s edition supported Malka’s assertion and included a cover image depicting Muhammad shedding a tear while holding a ‘Je Suis Charlie’ banner

  The phrase , meaning “I am Charlie” in English, has been the rallying cry of free speech supporters around the world. Venerable American cartoon series The Simpsons included a scene featuring Maggie Simpson holding such a sign in its latest episode.


Read more












Sarah Palin Hammers Obama For His Snub Of The Paris Anti-Terror Rally







” President Barack Obama is coming under increasing criticism for his no-show at the massive anti-terrorism, pro-free speech rally in Paris that took place on Sunday. While virtually every other world leader was in attendance including those of France, Germany, the Ukraine, Israel, Jordan, and the Palestinian Authority, not one major American official, not even Attorney General Eric Holder who flew out of Paris over the weekend, choose to show up. Sunday, Sarah Palin, the former Alaska governor, former vice presidential candidate, and current most powerful female politician on the planet, took to Facebook pm Sunday to demand why.

  She started her post by praising the unprecedented rally, which placed over a million people in the streets of Paris, as a powerful answer to the evil inflicted by the Islamist terrorists last week. Then she noted the one man who was conspicuous by his absence. Palin’s condemnation was damning.”



Read more









Charlie Hebdo Terrorist Attack in Paris, France – True News





Published on Jan 7, 2015

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  Gunmen have shot dead 12 people at the Paris office of French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo in an apparent militant Islamist attack.

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  Get more from Stefan Molyneux and Freedomain Radio including books, podcasts and other info at:http://www.freedomainradio.com “

Judge Jeanine Responds To Events In Paris













#JeSuisCharlie – But You’re Not






” So much for national unity:

  Just a day after the Charlie Hebdo shooting left 12 dead and had politicians calling for the country to unite, a row between politicians broke out after the National Front were not invited to take part in Sunday’s rally for “national unity” in Paris.

  In the most recent national election in France, Marine Le Pen’s National Front won. So the national unity rally excludes the most popular national party. That seems likely to work.

  ~The French establishment is co-opting these brave men’s deaths for their own purposes, and for the most part the world’s media are helping them get away with it. I spent much of Thursday on TV and radio, and my irritation with the dismal #JeSuisCharlie campaign increased as the day wore on. The self-flattering evasiveness of all those cartoonists around the world offering lame variations of “the pen is mightier than the sword” was especially feeble. The cartoon at right, by Chimulus (Michel Faizant) of Le Nouvel Observateur, at least confronts the ugly truth of Wednesday morning, rather than tippy-toeing around it:

Mohammed publishes a comic strip on the death of Charb.

With plenty of boxes.

  The only problem? Chimulus drew that two years ago – December 31st 2012. This week, when his remarkably prescient cartoon came true, his courage deserted him.

  ~As to those TV and radio appearances, first up was with Joyce Kaufman at 850 WFTL in Florida, which you can hear by clicking here. It was a lively ride: as Scaramouche says, “Made my day.” “



   Read it all and treat yourself to a second helping of Mr Steyn’s blistering attacks on Western hypocrisy  , the opening of which is here:



” The French authorities killed three murderous savages yesterday. That was the only good news on a day in which a third hostage siege began in Montpellier. The bad news started at the top, with President Hollande’s statement after the Charlie Hebdo slaughter and the Kosher grocery siege:

Those who committed these acts have nothing to do with the Muslim religion.

  Yeah, right. I would use my standard line on these occasions – “Allahu Akbar” is Arabic for “Nothing to see here” – but it’s not quite as funny when the streets are full of cowards, phonies and opportunists waving candles and pencils and chanting “Je suis Charlie.” Because if you really were Charlie, if you really were one of the 17 Frenchmen and women slaughtered in the name of Allah in little more than 48 hours, you’d utterly despise a man who could stand up in public and utter those words.”












2016 And Paris: It’s The Jihad, Stupid!




” Forget the economy, forget education, forget even Obamacare. All politics is local, as Tip O’Neill famously said. And there’s nothing more local than a crazed jihadi aiming an AK-47 at your head and splattering said head against the wall and through the window.

  The last few days should remind us of that. And if you don’t think what happened in Paris can happen here, you’re out of your bloomin’ mind. It already has, as everybody knows, and the chances are about 99.9999% it will again. (We could be hit by an asteroid instead, saving us from the jihadis.)

  Meanwhile, under the watch of the man who masquerades under the moniker of president of the United States, someone who can barely muster a dopey three-minute speech filled with banalities about the killings in France, radical Islam has metastasized across the world in a manner only dreamed of on 9/11. A map on Gretawire shows terror networks cutting a wide swathe across the planet, from South America through North Africa on to the Indian subcontinent and then into South-East Asia. In a sense the map should already include Western Europe, the way things are going.

  And most likely things are going to get worse. Al Qaeda (operating with impunity in Syria, Yemen and elsewhere) and ISIS (with a state of its own the size of Indiana) are in a pissing contest for terrorist maniacs of the year while Boko Haram is doing its best to exterminate everyone in Nigeria, and apparently succeeding – all in the name of Allah. And our president never uses the word “Islamic” or acknowledges that we are at war — even though, quite obviously, the Islamists are at war with us and with Western civilization. And they seem just to be getting started. Only the morally narcissistic buffoons at the New York Times would think otherwise. “


    As poor as the Democratic choices for president are likely to be , it is doubtful the the candidate put forth by the Republicans will be much better .

Read more












‘Two Dead’ In New Paris Siege






” Two people have been killed in a Kosher store in eastern Paris where a ‘heavily armed’ Islamic terrorist is currently holding as many as six hostages, police believe.

  Sources in the Paris force said the suspected murderer was Amedy Coulibay, 32, who is wearing body armour and brandishing two Kalashnikov automatic weapons. He was said to have screamed: ‘You know who I am’ as he stormed the store.

  He is understood to be working with a woman called Hayat Boumeddiene, 26, who police claimed was ‘armed and dangerous’.

  Shots rang out close to the Porte de Vincennes while the two brothers believed to be behind the murderous attack on the Charlie Hebdo satirical magazine were themselves hold up north of the capital. 

‘ There is a hostage situation – shots have been fired,’ said a Paris police spokesman, who said up to five people were originally being held in Vincennes, and there were ‘believed to be two fatalities’.

  A 20-year-old student is among the hostages taken at the kosher shop in Paris. The young woman, whose name remains unknown, called her uncle who works nearby from the basement of the building where she was being held.

  There are also unconfirmed reports that there is a serious incident developing near the Trocadero in central Paris.

  The siege at the grocery store occurred after the Charlie Hebdo killers in Dammartin-en-Goele – currently holed up with a hostage at a business premises – were believed to have made contact with an associate.

  Police immediately scrambled phone signals in the area – but not before the killers were able to make their call.

  It is now feared that Said Kouachi and his brother Cheriff contacted Amedy Coulibaly – and possibly ordered him to take hostages in a bid to force police to allow them to escape.

  It is not known whether Boumeddiene was in the Kosher store with Coulibay.

  It means that two sieges by suspected Islamic terrorists are playing out at the same time, as fears grew that they would be looking to cause another bloodbath.

  Coulibay is believed to be the one responsible for shooting a policewoman dead in south Paris on Thursday.

  The revelation has led police to link it to the murder of 12 people around the offices of the Charlie Hebdo satirical magazine on Wednesday.

  Clarissa Jean-Philippe, 27, was unarmed and directing traffic in Montrouge, in south Paris, when she was gunned down by Coulibay, who was still wearing body armour and using an automatic assault rifle.

  The murderer has been identified by police who said he belonged to the Buttes Chaumont network, which sent Jihadi fighters to Iraq. “

    Try as we might , we were unable to find any hard information among the wire services regarding another alleged attack in the Trocadero area near the Eiffel tower although the Daily Star is reporting the Trocadero incident as a false alarm .

More at The Daily Mail

Charlie Hebdo: Fresh Shootings Near Paris, Hostages Taken In Manhunt, Reports Say








” Two suspects in Charlie Hebdo killing have been identified in French town of Dammartin-en-Goele, north of Paris. There are reports of shooting and hostages taken in.

  A French security official said two suspects in the storming of satirical French newspaper Charlie Hebdo that left 12 people dead have stolen a car and are on the move again.

  The two, brothers with al-Qaida sympathies, stole a Peugeot on Friday morning in the town of Montagny Sainte Felicite, about 50 kilometers (30 miles) northeast of Paris. Shots were fired.

  Thousands of French security forces have mobilized to find the brothers after the attack on the Charlie Hebdo offices on Wednesday.

  Investigators were scrutinizing the recent past of two brothers with al-Qaida sympathies and a place on the US no-fly list as a manhunt for the suspects in the newsroom massacre at a satirical French weekly entered its third day Friday.

  Police SWAT teams swarmed a region north of Paris, fearing a second strike by the suspects, who are described in a nationwide notice as “armed and dangerous.”

  One brother was convicted of terrorism charges in 2008, and survivors of the bloody assault on Charlie Hebdo said the attackers claimed allegiance to al-Qaida in Yemen. The weekly newspaper had been repeatedly threatened – and its offices were firebombed in 2011 – after spoofing Islam and depicting the Prophet Muhammad in caricature.

  Heavily armed security forces with air cover moved along country roads and among old stone buildings. The country’s maximum terror alert was extended from Paris to the northern Picardie region, focusing on towns that might be safe havens for Cherif Kouachi, 32, and Said Kouachi, 34.”



 Unsurprisingly it has come to light that these brothers are well known to police and are actually on the US “no-fly” list while one has already been convicted of terrorism and the other has recently traveled to Yemen … Political correctness kills …



” A senior US official said on Thursday the elder Kouachi had traveled to Yemen, although it was unclear whether he was there to join extremist groups like al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula, which is based there.

  The younger brother, Cherif, was convicted of terrorism charges in 2008 for his links to a network sending jihadis to fight American forces in Iraq.

  Both were also on the US no-fly list, a senior US counterterrorism official said. The American officials also spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss foreign intelligence publicly.

  French President Francois Hollande called for tolerance after the country’s worst terrorist attack in decades.”



    By all means Hollande , tolerance will save the day … I would say that your over-emphasis on “tolerance” is what brought on the deaths of twelve of the citizens your are sworn to protect .

Read more

The Mohammed Cartoons – Everyone Should Flood the Web With Them







By: Terresa Monroe-Hamilton

” We will not be subjugated by radical Islam – period. The Jihadists can pound sand. Today’s murder of Charlie Hedbo, the Mohammed cartoonist and 11 others at a French media outlet, was a sad and horrific event. I watched as a cop pleaded for his life and was executed, cold-bloodily by an Islamist. 15 others were wounded. As my friend Zombie put it aT PJ Media: “Today’s terror attack on Charlie Hedbo, the irreverent French satirical magazine that was one of the few media outlets in France to publish the original “Mohammed cartoons,” is an attempt by Islamic fundamentalists to enforce shari’a worldwide, even on non-Muslims.” It was indeed… may Charlie find peace and bless his soul. Murdered for the crime of satire. France is now at war from within. Better clean Jihadist house and quick.  We must not let fear stop us from exercising free speech and calling out the murderers as they strike those who would raise their voices against a broken and corrupt theology and political structure. Each of us must endeavor to show these asshats the disrespect and mockery they deserve. They can’t shut all of us up – they can’t kill every one of us. I choose to not be silenced, not be cowed, not kneel before a barbaric Caliphate and its evil followers. ISIS and the rest of their Islamic cohorts can stuff it. You can kiss my ass.

  You will not silence our voices. You will not invalidate the Constitution of the United States and our freedoms. You will not enslave those who will fight until the death if necessary to defeat you. I’ll dance with you right into eternity if I have to. Every Christian, every Jew, every person who gives a damn about freedom… you need to post these cartoons and yell it from the rooftops. We will not submit. Ever. I intend to post these cartoons and I reserve the right to do a two-step boogie on a Quran if I choose to. Stuff that in your hookah and smoke it.

  Having said that, Zombie has published the cartoons again and has all of them on file for posterity. Zombie speaketh:

  The Mohammed Image Archive, which I have hosted at zombietime since the day of the original “Mohammed cartoon crisis” back in May of 2006, has not only a full collection of the original cartoons, but more importantly the largest collection of Mohammed imagery ever assembled in the history of the world.

  I hereby grant permission, and even encourage, anyone reading this to repost any images found anywhere on the Mohammed Image Archive. No limits. Repost them all, if you want to.

  Go to any of these pages, download whatever images you choose, repost, and help to win the most important cultural war humanity has faced in a long time:





Without further ado, I give you a sampling of le cartoons – Bon Appetit – this is for you Charlie:




The original cartoon that started the entire controversy back in 2006, which culminated in today’s terror attack.






Illustration showing Mohammed (on the right) preaching his final sermon to his earliest converts, on Mount Arafat near Mecca; taken from a medieval-era manuscript of the astronomical treatise The Remaining Signs of Past Centuriesby the Persian scholar al-Biruni; currently housed in the collection of the Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris (Manuscrits Arabe 1489 fol. 5v).





“Mohammed Cursing the Vines,” German woodcut print, c. 1481. Presumably Mohammed is cursing the vines for producing the grapes that got him drunk.






This prescient cartoon was published way back in 2006 by J.J. McCullough.






  In 1928, Liebig’s Extract of Meat Company issued a series of advertising trading cards to promote its canned beef extract products. The 1928 card set illustrated six different pivotal points in Mohammed’s life. The most striking of the cards was the second one, seen here, which showed the Archangel Gabriel escorting Mohammed up to the presence of Allah in Paradise — the climax of his legendary “Night Journey.”






  The Israeli magazine Nana published this picture showing the aftermath of a four-way orgy involving Jesus, Mohammed, Moses and Buddha.





“Piss Mohammed” is a parody of Andres Serrano’s “Piss Christ” that incorporates the original controversial Danish cartoon.




“Married to Children,” a parody of the TV sitcom “Married with Children,” lampoons Mohammed’s marriage to the 6-year-old Aisha. It circulated extensively on the Web in the months after the 2006 cartoon crisis.






  The caption to this cartoon by Steph Bergol says, in French:
Mohammed (being carried away by devils): “It is a judicial error! I am Mohammed, the prophet!”
St. Peter (with a scimitar through his chest): “Definitely: GUILTY!”




————————-A special thanks to Zombie who has showed courage and steadfastness through all of this. “

    This post is shamelessly re-printed in it’s entirety , we hope you don’t mind , from it’s home at To Hell With Islam .
    The good folks at THWI have provided us with a fount of information on anti-Mohammad cartoons that deserves to be spread far and wide .
   Please visit them and share these cartoons and the links above to many others to show your support for the side of liberty and human decency as we enter the next phase of our current “clash of civilizations” 

Grenades Thrown At A Mosque In Le Mans, West Of Paris





” Several training grenades were thrown into the courtyard of a mosque in the French city of Le Mans. One of the grenades exploded, but no injuries were reported.

  Four training grenades were thrown onto the property overnight Thursday, the local French daily Ouest-France reports. Three of the unexploded grenades were discovered by police. Police have cordoned off the mosque and so far no arrests have been made.

  A gunshot was also reported overnight, with the bullet hitting the mosque.

  French police have noted several attacks against mosques since Wednesday, when gunmen opened fire on the Paris office of the French satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo.

  On Thursday morning, an explosion was reported in a kebab shop near a mosque in Villefranche-sur-Saone, eastern France. There are no reports of any injuries and the cause of the blast remains unknown.”


Story continues











Paris Policeman Shot In Head – Harrowing Video








” Footage of a deadly gun battle on a Paris street shows one of two suspected attackers shoot a policeman in the head at point-blank range.

  Both clad all in black, the pair of gunmen are seen walking forwards from their vehicle, automatic rifles raised, before a volley of shots are fired.

  The camera pans to the right to show a stricken police officer lying on the pavement before rolling over to face the approaching attackers.

  He is seen raising his hand, apparently pleading for his life.

  One of the two men quickens pace as he reaches the injured officer and shoots him in the head.”


Sky News has more on the latest from the “religion of peace”












12 Dead In Attack On Paris Newspaper; France Goes On Alert







Masked gunmen stormed the Paris offices of a satirical newspaper Wednesday, killing 12 people before escaping, in France’s deadliest terror attack in at least two decades.

” France raised its alert to the highest level, and reinforced security at houses of worship, stores, media offices and transportation. Top government officials were holding an emergency meeting.

  The extremist Islamic State group has threatened to attack France, and minutes before the attack Charlie Hebdo had tweeted a satirical cartoon of that extremist group’s leader giving New Year’s wishes. Charlie Hebdo has been repeatedly threatened for publishing caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad, among other controversial sketches, and its offices were firebombed in 2011.”



    Voting for Palestinian statehood didn’t buy much goodwill for the French now , did it ?  But then again , appeasement has a proven track record of failure .

Story continues