Tag Archive: Charlie Daniels

Gun Owners Like Me Are Not The Problem And Taking Our Guns Away Won’t Reduce Gun Crime




” Of course, the well meaning, but naïve, people who believe the problem lies in the private ownership of firearms are out there beating the drum, while those whose purposes are not as noble are leading the way and self-serving politicians are coming out of the woodwork just itching to pass another meaningless piece of feel-good legislation that will mean about as much to illegal gun owners as the ones already on the books now.

Our problem is not a lack of gun laws; we have enough now to paper the south wall of the Grand Canyon. We just need to enforce them.

How about we start at the top by forcing Eric Holder to tell the truth about Fast and Furious?

How about we bust the people who deal guns out of the trunks of their cars on inner city street corners?

How about the Obama administration setting an example about how it should be done by cleaning up his hometown of Chicago, a city with some of the toughest gun laws in the nation and one of the highest murder rates. Where law-abiding citizens can’t buy a handgun for protection, but street thugs have no problem at all.

I will be the first to admit that, like in every other business, there are unscrupulous gun dealers who do things they know are wrong and put guns in the hands of people who will either use them offensively or sell them to others who will.

They should be identified and put out of business, period.

I am aware there are areas that need cleaning up, but another unenforced law is not going to make any difference. ”




DANIELS: I won’t just shut up
and sing

  “Where I come from, a redneck is
just a hardworking man who gets up before the sun does and spends the day working outside, getting the
back of his neck rosy in the process.
I happen to think those folks are the
salt of the earth… – C. Daniels”