Tag Archive: “Channel Stuffing”

That Zero Hedge Article On Unsold Cars Is Bullshit



That Zero Hedge Article On Unsold Cars Is Bullshit




” I usually enjoy reading Zero Hedge because the insights are often interesting and I think pessimism is an underrated virtue these days. However, this guest article on unsold cars is so demonstrably false I had to take a break from my Sunday morning to dispute it. 

  It is an admittedly appealing idea to think that automakers, unable to sell cars, are just wildly producing them and then dumping them around the world in an endless cycle of mass production hysteria. So much of the modern economy seems senseless and inexplicable, which is why an article like this seems to give some credence to the feeling many of us have inside that something is terribly wrong.P

  The visuals are strong, the headline is clear, and you almost don’t have to read the article to viscerally understand the problem. I, more than anyone, get the appeal of this story because it seems to largely rip off an article I wrote — including the images and headline — more than five years ago (which itself was largely a rehash of a Guardian article).”



    We posted the Zero Hedge article yesterday and in the interests of equal time present Jalopnik’s refutation of same . 

    While we have no expertise in these matters and therefore are in no position to declare who is correct , one thing we can say is that while the Jalopnik author claims the photos in the Zero Hedge article are old , one on our site , a Google Earth view was not from the article and was found by us yesterday .










Where The World’s Unsold Cars Go To Die


” In the past several years, one of the topics covered in detail on these pages has been the surge in such gimmicks designed to disguise lack of demand and end customer sales, used extensively by US automotive manufacturers, better known as “channel stuffing”, of which General Motors is particularly guilty and whose inventory at dealer lots just hit a new record high. But did you know that when it comes to flat or declining sales and stagnant end demand, channel stuffing is merely the beginning?



Where the World’s Unsold Cars Go To Die (courtesy of Vincent Lewis’ Unsold Cars)

” Above is just a few of the thousands upon thousands of unsold cars at Sheerness, United Kingdom. Please do see this on Google Maps….type in Sheerness, United Kingdom. Look to the west coast, below River Thames next to River Medway. Left of A249, Brielle Way.”



Unsold Cars Sheerness UK



” There are hundreds of places like this in the world today and they keep on piling up…

  Houston…We have a problem!…Nobody is buying brand new cars anymore! Well they are, but not on the scale they once were. Millions of brand new unsold cars are just sitting redundant on runways and car parks around the world. There, they stay, slowly deteriorating without being maintained.”






” There is proof that the worlds recession is still biting and wont let go. All around the world there are huge stockpiles of unsold cars and they are being added to every day. They have run out of space to park all of these brand new unsold cars and are having to buy acres and acres of land to store them.

  The images on this webpage showing all of these unsold cars are just a very small portion of those around the world. There are literally thousands of these “car parks” rammed full of unsold cars in practically every country on the planet. Just in case you were wondering, these images have not been Photoshopped, they are the real deal!

  Its hard to believe that there are so many unsold cars in the world but its true. The worse part is that the amount of unsold cars keeps on getting bigger every day.”



    Go to ZeroHedge for many more photos and much more info on the millions and millions of brand new , unsold cars stockpiled and rotting around the world .