Tag Archive: CDC

Tuberculosis Infects 27 At Kansas City Area High School







” Nearly 30 people have tested positive for tuberculosis at a Kansas City-area high school, officials confirmed Wednesday.

  That’s about 10 percent of the 300 tested after one person tested positive at Olathe Northwest High School last week, KSHB reports. Officials have not confirmed who may have been the original carrier of the disease.

  Tuberculosis is an airborne bacteria that usually attacks the lungs. It’s typically spread when a person coughs, sneezes, speaks or sings, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.”

The reader must scroll way down to get to the heart of the matter:

” In the U.S., there are about 9,500 TB cases each year, of which about 500 die. A majority of U.S. cases come from foreign-born persons, according to the CDC.”

   Surprise , surprise … another gift from Obama’s Open Borders policy and his quest for the “permanent democratic majority” … read on

Anybody Care To Guess How America Continues To Suffer From Previously “Eradicated” Diseases ?





   The CDC has provided us with the answer to the above question and we are certain that it comes as no surprise to readers not blinded by political correctness . We quote from the CDC’s Measles FAQ page:



” Q: Has measles been eliminated from the United States?

A: Yes. In 2000, the United States declared that measles was eliminated from this country. The United States was able to eliminate measles because it has a highly effective measles vaccine, a strong vaccination program that achieves high vaccine coverage in children and a strong public health system for detecting and responding to measles cases and outbreaks.

Q: What does “measles elimination” mean?

A:Measles elimination is defined as the absence of continuous disease transmission for 12 months or more in a specific geographic area. Measles is no longer endemic (constantly present) in the United States.

Q: If measles is eliminated, why do people still get it in the United States?

A: Every year, measles is brought into the United States by unvaccinated travelers (Americans or foreign visitors) who get measles while they are in other countries. They can spread measles to other people who are not protected against measles, which sometimes leads to outbreaks. This can occur in communities with unvaccinated people.

  Most people in the United States are protected against measles through vaccination, so measles cases in the U.S. are uncommon compared to the number of cases before a vaccine was available. Since 2000, when measles was declared eliminated from the U.S., the annual number of people reported to have measles ranged from a low of 37 people in 2004 to a high of 644 people in 2014. “



    The rest of the CDC FAQ may be viewed here .


    To us it is inconceivable that a massive influx of unscreened , unvaccinated illegal aliens does not play a significant role in the spread of infectious disease , especially when one takes note of the fact that these illnesses always seem to rear their heads in urban schools where the illegal population is highest .

    Our leaders have nothing to fear though , there are damn few illegals attending their children’s fancy private schools .













CDC: In Top 10 Abortion States, 60% Of Babies Killed Were Black And Hispanic




” In the top ten states that report their abortion statistics to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC),  the numbers show that 60.48% of the babies killed in those states were black and Hispanic, a total of 201,744 abortions out of 333,560

  However, the data also show that in those areas blacks comprised an average 17.18% of the population and Hispanics, 11.56%. In other words, 60% of the abortions there came from a combined 28.74% of the population: black and Hispanic women.

  The CDC numbers come from the agency’s latest Abortion Surveillance report, published on Nov. 28, and covers the year 2011, the latest for which the abortion data are available. 


  As for the black and Hispanic abortions in those top ten states, the numbers show this:

1) NY: 42,629 blacks, 28,282 Hispanic – Total: 70,911

68.7% of abortions in that state

2) TX: 17,890 black, 27,216 Hispanic – Total: 45,106

63% of abortions in that state

3) GA: 14,550 black, 5,178 Hispanic – Total: 19,728

70.6% of abortions in that state

4) NJ: 8,753 black, 5,619 Hispanic – Total: 14,372

55.6% of abortions in that state

5) VA: 10,527 black, 2,606 Hispanic – Total: 13,133

54.8% of abortions in that state

6) OH: 9,047 black, 963 Hispanic – Total: 10,010

42.4% of abortions in that state

7) MI: 10,297 black, 800 Hispanic – Total: 11,097

51.6% of abortions in that state

8) TN: 7,792 black, 609 Hispanic – Total: 8,401

53.8% of abortions in that state

9) MN: 2,434 black, 674 Hispanic – Total: 3,108

29.4% of abortions in that state

10) AL: 5,549 black, 329 Hispanic – Total: 5,878

62.2% of abortions in that state

Total:  201,744 


Nationally, blacks make up 13.2% of the population, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, and Hispanics comprise 17.1% of the population. Combined, that’s 30.3% of the population. “




CNS News

Americans Rate Two Agencies Worse Than The IRS





” What’s America’s favorite federal agency? Apparently it’s the U.S. Postal Service. Beyond the rate hikes, job cuts, hemorrhaging finances, processing center closures, union tensions and persistent calls for reform, a large majority of people—72 percent—think USPS does an “excellent” or “good” job. That’s a significantly higher rating than the next highest runner up, the FBI, at 58 percent, according to a new Gallup poll assessing American’s perceptions of 13 agencies.

  Four of the 13 agencies included in the poll—Postal Service, the Secret Service, the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the Veterans’ Affairs Department—were rated for the first time.

  Perhaps most striking was the fact that two agencies rated lower in Americans’ esteem than the scandal-plagued Internal Revenue Service, which may have the most onerous mission among federal agencies—parting people from their money. While only 41 percent of respondents thought IRS was doing a good to excellent job, fewer thought the Federal Reserve Board or Veterans Administration were doing excellent to good work, 38 percent and 29 percent, respectively. “


Story continues










Maryland School Survey: Sex Questions Not The Most Relevant Issue…All Parents Need To Read This!


Maryland Grade School Survey




” It is always the stories that I assume are going to be easy that morph into the most important. EVERY PARENT WITH CHILDREN IN PUBLIC SCHOOL NEED TO DOWNLOAD THIS SURVEY. Not just Maryland parents, all parents. If Maryland has one of these surveys, eventually your state or the Federal Government will be getting something similar to this, into your child’s hands. This survey is: “Middle School FALL 2014 Maryland Youth Tobacco and Risk Behavior Survey”, Montgomery County sixth, seventh, and eighth graders. Basic age group is 11 to 14. The public school system is required to give these surveys, but parents have the choice to “opt-out” their children. The surveys are supposed to be anonymous, but that is highly suspect, based on some of the questions. This information is allegedly being collected to improve health education. The Maryland Department of Education and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are the originators of these surveys.

  There are 83 multiple choice questions, covering a wide range of topics. The four questions (#51-#54) regarding sex are not the most dangerous, inappropriate, or invasive of the questions. Some questions are asked more than once, just the way it is asked is different. This is a common technique to get the truth, not just the answer the child thinks is the ‘right’ answer. The length isjust long enough to lose the attention span of children and adults alike. I found myself drifting by the third time I reached a tobacco related question. They are interspersed throughout the survey. This isanother covert way to get the truth. Normally I advocate telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, however, when the ‘truth’ might possibly be used against you for a nefarious purpose, I object. I would encourage all parents to “opt-out” their children. “


The DC Gazette has the details and here is a PDF link to the survey itself 










Doubts Chip Away At Nation’s Most Trusted Agencies






” Even as Americans’ trust in government eroded in recent years, people kept faith in a handful of agencies and institutions admired for their steadiness in ensuring the country’s protection.

  To safeguard the president, there was the solidity of the Secret Service. To stand vigil against distant enemies, the U.S. nuclear missile corps was assumed to be on the job. And to ward off threats to public health, the nation counted on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

  Now, in the space of just a few months, the reputations of all those agencies – as well as the Veterans Administration – have been tarred by scandal or tarnished by doubt. Maybe a public buffeted by partisan rhetoric and nonstop news should be used to this by now. But, with the CDC facing tough questions about its response to the Ebola outbreak, something feels different. Government is about doing collectively what citizens can’t do alone, but its effectiveness is premised on trust.

  A year ago, with Washington shut down and trust in government near records lows, the CDC still won a 75 percent approval rating, the highest of any federal agency, a poll by the Pew Research Center found. But when CBS News surveyed Americans in mid-October, just 37 percent said the agency was doing a good or excellent job.”

   There is no mystery to this lack of confidence in the State , When you politicize government agencies you immediately gain a near fifty percent disapproval right at the start . There is nowhere to go but down . 

” The Homeland Security Department won a 66 percent approval rating a year ago. But that was before the Secret Service, which is a part of the agency, was caught in a number of lapses: among them, the agency’s failure to stop a man armed with a knife from scaling the fence and running into White House and the unchecked entry of an armed contractor onto an elevator with the president. In the new CBS news poll, just 38 percent of those questioned rated the Secret Service’s performance as good or excellent and 43 percent did so for its parent department.

  The Veterans Administration was viewed favorably by 68 percent of those polled last year. But it too has since been swept up in a scandal over long wait times for veterans seeking care and records that were falsified to camouflage the problems. In the CBS poll, just 30 percent rated the VA as doing a good job.”

    While the trend is not exactly a new thing there can be no doubt that it has been greatly accelerated over the past six years by the King of Politicization himself .

   The trend away from big government and the subsequent move back towards local government control and  accountability , while certainly unintentional on Obama’s part , will turn out to be his greatest accomplishment .

    It takes a Statist to make people abhor the State .

    The magnitude of the shift is even more impressive when one takes into account the massive effort exerted by the MSM these past six years in carrying “Dear Leader’s” water . Imagine where public sympathies would be if they weren’t bombarded on a daily basis with Statist propaganda and instead were offered the truth .

AP News

Obama Administration Doesn’t Know What It’s Doing


Is CDC Hiding Enterovirus Link To Illegal Alien Kids?






” A disease that was once rare in the U.S. is killing Americans, and its rise coincides with the tidal wave of unaccompanied minor children arriving from Latin America under our de facto open-border policy.

  The CDC website reports that from mid-August to Oct. 10, the CDC itself or state authorities confirmed that 691 people in 46 states and the District of Columbia had come down with some sort of respiratory illness caused by EV-D68. Five children, including Eli, died from their infections.

  It is true that EV-D68 has been in the U.S. at least since 1962. But according to a study done by doctors from the Division of Viral Diseases at the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases published on the CDC’s own website, EV-D68 “is one of the most rarely reported serotypes, with only 26 reports throughout the 36-year study period (1970 through 2006).”

  There’s often a disconnect between coincidence and correlation. But we suspect that the jump in cases from 26 in 36 years to nearly 700 in one year coming at the same time as the open-border influx of improperly screened illegal aliens is more than just a coincidence.”


  Given the lack of veracity from the present administration regarding just about everything they claim IBD’s conclusion is very difficult to dismiss …


” And after the CDC’s bungling, rethinking and dissembling about the Ebola outbreak, it looks as if we can’t trust anything it says about the origins and spread of EV-D68, either. “


Read the whole thing and decide for yourself










Protocol Theatre


Slice 2





” Thomas Frieden has now got his Protocol Ali routine down pat:

  Dr. Tom Frieden, director of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), said during a telephone press briefing Wednesday that you cannot get Ebola by sitting next to someone on a bus, but that infected or exposed persons should not ride public transportation because they could transmit the disease to someone else.

  Gotcha. You can’t get Ebola on a bus or a plane, you can only give it. Good to know. Thanks, Doc.

  The Centers for Disease Control is one of those elite federal agencies that people hitherto assumed was, so to speak, immune to the pathologies of less glamorous government bureaucracies. It turns out it’s the DMV with test tubes – just the usual “Sorry? Did we say you need two copies of the green form? We meant you need three copies of the pink form” routine with extra lethality. The Protocols of the Elders of Druid Hills have proved to be boundlessly mutable and mostly honored in the breach:

~Don’t worry, the Protocols are in place – except that Thomas Duncan, the original Ebola patient, was left in an open area of the Dallas emergency room for hours and the medical staff treating him did not have protective clothing for the first two days.

~Don’t worry, they did eventually get fully sealed, protective clothing – well, except for their necks, which remained exposed.

~Don’t worry, exposed medical staff aren’t supposed to fly – except that Nurse Amber Vinson got on a flight to Cleveland with a fever.

~Well, okay, but that was totally in breach of the Protocols – except that Nurse Vinson called the CDC to check and they said, “Sure, get on the plane. What’s the worst that can happen? And make sure you share the bag of mini-pretzels…”

~Well, okay, but the next time Nurse Vinson got a flight, everyone followed the Protocols and wore hazmat suits – except for the guy with the clipboard, who works for the CDC and so can’t be expected to know all this Protocol stuff… “


Read on









Second Texas Health Care Worker Tests Positive For Ebola







” A second health care worker at a Dallas hospital who provided care for the first Ebola patient diagnosed in the U.S. has tested positive for the disease, the Texas Department of State Health Services said Wednesday.

  The department said in a statement that the worker reported a fever Tuesday and was immediately isolated at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital in Dallas. Health officials said the worker was among those who took care of Thomas Eric Duncan, who was diagnosed with Ebola after coming to the U.S. from Liberia. Duncan died Oct. 8.

  The department said a preliminary Ebola test was conducted late Tuesday at a state public health laboratory in Austin, Texas, and came back positive during the night. Confirmatory testing was being conducted at the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta.

  The statement said the health care worker, who wasn’t identified, was interviewed to quickly identify any contacts or potential exposures. It said others who had interactions with the worker or possible exposure to the virus will be monitored. “


Boston Globe










The Centers For Disease Control Loses Its Grip



” I have lived long enough, now, to have seen it again and again. Something goes badly wrong involving a corporation, a university, a religious denomination, or a branch of government, and the executive in charge or a designated minion goes before the press to engage in what is euphemistically called “damage control.” The spokesman does not level with the public. He or she tries to be reassuring and — more often than not — by lying, succeeds in undermining confidence in the institution he or she represents.

  This is what is now going on with the Centers for Disease Control. In recent years, this well-respected outfit has branched out, opining in a politically correct manner on one issue after another outside its proper remit. Now it is faced with a matter absolutely central to its responsibilities — actual disease control — and it flips and flops and flounders because the ultimate boss, the President of the United States, cannot bring himself to put limits on contacts between Americans and the citizens of the countries in Africa where there is an Ebola epidemic.

  There is only one way to prevent the spread of an epidemic, and that is quarantine. No medical professional with any sense would suggest that we should admit individuals from Liberia to the United States at this time, and no medical professional worth his or her salt would say that we can test for the disease when the prospective visitor arrives at Immigration and Passport Control. Like most diseases, Ebola has an incubation period. Early on, there are no symptoms: none at all. There is no reliable way to tell whether those arriving at our ports of entry have contracted the disease or not. If we do not want it coming here, for a time, we have to keep everyone out who has been in that neck of the woods. 

  And what are we told by the authorities? That cutting off contact would contribute to the spread of the epidemic. “Just how?” we are entitled to ask. But no explanation is given because, of course, there is none. We were also told that the disease would not come here. And, when it did come here, we were told that it could easily be contained. And, when it was not contained and a medical professional wearing all the proper gear came down with the disease, we were told that he did not follow the protocol. “



Read the whole thing from Paul Rahe


Illustration by John Darkow












Michigan Toddler Dies Of Enterovirus D68, A Pernicious Strain Of A Spreading Virus





” A Michigan toddler has died of enterovirus D68, another reminder of the deadly potential of a disease that has infected hundreds nationwide in two months.

  Madeline Reid died at Children’s Hospital of Michigan, where she had been transferred “for advanced services,” according to the Detroit hospital’s chief medical officer, Dr. Rudolph Valentini.

” The CDC confirmed EV-D68 after her arrival here, and she subsequently succumbed to her illness,” Valentini said.

  A Facebook page, dubbed “Team Maddie!,” devoted to the 21-month-old’s plight also confirmed the sad news. “


Republican Cuts Kill





” The Agenda Project is a progressive non-profit political organization founded in 2010 by  author Erica Payne. This ad, featuring clips of Mitch McConnell, Pat Roberts, and many other Republicans implies that austerity cuts to the CDC and NIH are responsible for the 2014 Ebola outbreak. This ad will run in Kentucky and other states leading up to the election. “

   If the CDC hadn’t been corrupted and politicized into the “State Nanny” , monitoring every aspect of our lives from guns to organic foods and stuck to dealing with actual , you know , diseases they would be better prepared to deal with the Obama Dem’s “Open Borders , Americans be damned policy” consequences . Read about the history of the CDC’s “mission creep” below .

Real Clear Politics



Second US Ebola Victim Infected Despite Protective Suit






” A Dallas health worker who looked after the first Ebola victim to die in the United States contracted the disease despite wearing a full protective gown, gloves and face shield as she cared for him.

  Officials in Texas said they were “very concerned” that the first transmission of the virus on US soil occurred despite following health and safety guidelines.

  The female nurse, who has asked not to be named, had been classified as having a “low risk” of carrying the disease before testing positive for Ebola on Saturday night. 

  The fact that the Dallas nurse caught Ebola despite taking apparently stringent precautions has alarmed the authorities, and is likely to create panic across America.

  Judge Jenkins, who is in charge of the civilian response to the outbreak, had already been shunned by his neighbors, with parents pulling their children out of his daughters’ school, after spending time with the Duncan family.”













CDC: Airborne Ebola Possible But Unlikely







” The Ebola virus becoming airborne is a possible but unlikely outcome in the current epidemic, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Director Tom Frieden said Tuesday. 

  The outbreak involves Ebola Zaire, a strain that is passed through bodily fluids, not the air. But some experts have expressed fear about viral mutations due to the unprecedented — and rising — number of Ebola cases.

” That is not to say it’s impossible that it could change [to become airborne],” he continued. “That would be the worst-case scenario. We would know that by looking at … what is happening in Africa. That is why we have scientists from the CDC on the ground tracking that.” 

  A change in the way Ebola spreads would make the virus significantly more dangerous. The disease kills roughly half the people it infects, and lacking a vaccine or cure, its traceable chain of transmission through bodily fluids is one reason officials believe they can contain it.”


The Hill











Ebola Threat In U.S., And We’re Not Prepared To Contain It, Experts Warn







” Mistakes and missteps in the handling of the first Ebola case in the United States trouble lawmakers, international organizations and some public health experts who say the government needs to step up its strategy to contain the virus.

“ Where is the 1-800-Ebola hotline?” asked Gavin MacGregor-Skinner, an assistant professor of public health at Penn State University who helped set up an Ebola treatment clinic in Nigeria a few weeks ago. “This is a Category 5 hurricane. It just happens to be viral.”

  Doctors have diagnosed only one person with Ebola in the United States, but as many as 50 people might have been exposed to the virus in Dallas, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

  Doctors at Howard University Hospital in Washington are monitoring a patient with Ebola-like symptoms who frequently traveled to Nigeria.

  The raging epidemic has overwhelmed weak health systems in the West African nations of Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone. Although hospitals in the United States are better prepared to handle Ebola, travel restrictions or stricter screening of people coming to the United States from Ebola-affected countries might be necessary to curb the crisis, some health monitors said.

“ Unless the World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention take extreme measures to prevent the universal spread of the disease, we could possibly end up with a pandemic,” said Phenelle Segal, president of Montgomery County-based Infection Control Consulting Services and a former infection prevention analyst for the Pennsylvania Patient Safety Authority.”

Story continues

Further reading on the state of US preparedness …

Nurses union survey finds US hospitals widely unprepared for Ebola

Ebola in the U.S.: Are hospitals and health care workers prepared?

US hospitals ‘unprepared’ to safely handle infectious

INSIGHT-US hospitals unprepared to handle Ebola waste

Enterovirus Spreads Across The Nation







” There is another virus sweeping the country. The enterovirus mostly strikes children and causes a severe respiratory illness. In the past three weeks, it has spread from 12 states to 42 states plus D.C.

  Nine-year-old Jayden Broadway started struggling for breath on a Friday afternoon. His mother Melissa Lewis says by the next day, she was rushing him to a Denver-area emergency room.

  Lewis says it’s “petrifying” to your child unable to breath. She says, “It is absolutely the scariest thing ever to see your child not be able to take a breath.”

  Doctors told Lewis her son had contracted the enterovirus D68. For most patients, the virus causes symptoms of the common cold. In children like Jayden with Asthma, symptoms can be more severe. Still, he was lucky. Doctors at the Children’s Hospital Colorado have treated 10 children who came down with polio-like symptoms.”



   Read more here and read our previous post : Are Obama’s Illegal Children Infecting Our Schools With EV-D68 Virus ?




Meanwhile USA Today is reporting on the first deaths attributed to the virus …


” Federal health officials are investigating whether a rare respiratory virus sweeping the country contributed to the deaths of four people, including a 10-year-old Rhode Island girl who was hospitalized.

  So far, no deaths have been directly attributed to enterovirus D68.

  Doctors in several states have reported that some children hospitalized with breathing problems caused by the bug have developed paralysis in their arms and legs.

  As of Wednesday, 500 people in 42 states and the District of Columbia were confirmed to be sick with EV-D68, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported. Almost all infections have been among children, many of whom had asthma or a history of wheezing.

  Earlier in the week, the CDC reported 277 infections in 40 states; two weeks ago, the tally stood at 160 infections in 22 states. “



Here is a picture of ten year old  Emily Otrando of Rhode Island , who died of the virus .





Anyone that believes the State is doing a good job of protecting it’s citizens really is not paying attention . Read more about the rapid rise and spread of this insidious disease …


First Enterovirus D68 death reported in Rhode Island: Detected in other deaths

Enterovirus D68 found in 4 patients who have died, including 10-year-old girl

Health officials investigate role of Enterovirus D68

New Enterovirus Strain Claims Four Lives

Girl’s death first tied to enterovirus










Scrutiny In Texas To Detect Whether Ebola Has Spread





” The man who has become the first Ebola patient to develop symptoms in the United States told officials at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital last Friday that he had just arrived from West Africa but was not admitted that day because that information was not passed along at the hospital, officials acknowledged Wednesday.

  The man, Thomas E. Duncan, was sent home under the mistaken belief that he had only a mild fever, a hospital administrator said; the information that he had traveled from Liberia, one of the nations at the heart of the Ebola epidemic, was overlooked. “

” Mr. Duncan came back to Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital on Sunday and was admitted for treatment, but in those two days in between, his contacts with a number of people — including five schoolchildren and the medics who helped transport him to the hospital — potentially exposed them to Ebola, forcing officials to monitor and isolate them in their homes and to begin a thorough cleaning of the schools the students attended. Mr. Duncan is now in serious but stable condition.”

NY Times has more on this even as Obama claims to have set up “screening process” at the borders

Armed Private Contractor Was Allowed On Elevator With Obama







” An armed private security agent was allowed on an elevator with President Barack Obama earlier this month in Atlanta, a Secret Service official said on Tuesday, in another case involving a security failure for the embattled agency.

  The incident occurred while Obama was visiting the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Sept. 16, three days before a man with a knife jumped the White House fence in Washington and ran into the executive mansion.

  The White House intrusion has sparked sharp criticism of the agency responsible for protecting the president. Secret Service Director Julia Pierson told a congressional committee on Tuesday: “This is unacceptable and I take full responsibility.”

  In the Atlanta incident, first reported by the Washington Examiner and Washington Post, a security contractor with the CDC was operating the elevator carrying Obama and his Secret Service detail.

  The man began taking pictures and video of Obama on his phone, prompting the Secret Service to take him aside for questioning after they left the elevator, the agency official said.”


Chicago Tribune











Obama To Announce Ebola Force Of 3,000 US Military Personnel








” The Obama administration is ramping up its response to west Africa’s Ebola crisis, preparing to assign 3,000 US military personnel to the afflicted region to supply medical and logistical support to overwhelmed local healthcare systems and to boost the number of beds needed to isolate and treat victims of the epidemic.

  Barack Obama is to announce the stepped-up effort on Tuesday during a visit to the US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta amid alarm that the outbreak could spread and the deadly virus could mutate into a more easily transmitted disease.

  There have been appeals from the region and from aid organisations for a heightened US role in dealing with the outbreak, blamed for more than 2,200 deaths.

  Administration officials said on Monday that the new initiatives aimed to train as many as 500 healthcare workers a week; erect 17 healthcare facilities in the region of 100 beds each; set up a joint command headquartered in Monrovia, Liberia, to co-ordinate between US and international relief efforts; provide home healthcare kits to hundreds of thousands of households, including 50,000 that the US Agency for International Development will deliver to Liberia this week; and carry out a home and community-based campaign to train local populations on how to handle exposed patients.

  The US effort will include medics and other personnel for treatment and training, engineers to help erect the treatment facilities and specialists in logistics to assist in patient transportation.

  Officials said the cost of the effort would come from $500m in overseas contingency operations, such as the war in Afghanistan, that the Pentagon already had asked Congress to redirect to carry out humanitarian efforts in Iraq and west Africa.”














CDC Issues Ebola Checklist: ‘Now Is The Time To Prepare’



Ebola Warning




” The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, warning hospitals and doctors that “now is the time to prepare,” has issued a six-page Ebola “checklist” to help healthcare workers quickly determine if patients are infected.

  While the CDC does not believe that there are new cases of Ebola in the United States, the assumption in the checklist is that it is only a matter of time before the virus hits home.

  For example, one part reads: “Encourage healthcare personnel to use a ‘buddy system’ when caring for patients.” Another recommends a process to report cases to top officials: “


Read more














Enterovirus D68 Sickens More Than A Dozen In New York





” More than a dozen cases of Enterovirus D68 have been confirmed in New York state, according to officials.

” EV-D68 is causing cases of severe respiratory illness … sometimes resulting in hospitalization, especially among children with asthma,” the NYS Department of Health said in a statement Friday.

  Enteroviruses are quite common in September; the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates 10 to 15 million people are infected by these viruses each year. But doctors believe this particular type of enterovirus, Enterovirus D68, is causing more serious problems than others have in years past.

  As of September 11, more than 80 cases in six other states — Colorado, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky and Missouri — have been confirmed to be EV-D68, according to the CDC

New York is the first state in the Northeast with confirmed cases.

  On Thursday, media reports of kids flooding ERs in Alabama and Washington state spoke to the spread of the virus. Other states, including Michigan, Georgia, Ohio, Oklahoma, and Utah, are also investigating clusters of respiratory illnesses. Several have sent samples to the CDC for testing. “




    The above report from CNN offers a glimpse into our future as the Federal government of our illustrious “illegal immigrant president” refuses to do the primary job that they are charged with … providing for the security of our CITIZENS . Does anyone else find it suspicious that the arrival of this new “sickness” just happens to coincide with the beginning of the school year ?

  The article referenced below from the Inquisitr provides the reader with an overview of where a large number of the illegal alien children were transported by our sage rulers . You don’t suppose there is any relation here do you ?




” Illegal immigrant children have now been flown and bussed to all 50 states and the Virgin Islands. A new U.S. Health and Human Services report reveal unaccompanied children placement on a state-by-state basis. Many taxpayers did not even realize an Office of Refugee Settlement existed in our federal government until the illegal immigrants report was made public this week.

Illegal Immigrant Children State-by-Stage Placement
The statistics reflect placements from January 1 to July 7, 2014

State Number Released
Alabama 407
Alaska 5

Arizona 186
Arkansas 166
California 3,150
Colorado 221
Connecticut 325
Delaware 117
DC 187
Florida 3,181
Georgia 1,154
Hawaii 8
Idaho 8
Illinois 305
Indiana 245
Iowa 122
Kansas 179
Kentucky 237
Louisiana 1,071
Maine 8
Maryland 2,205
Massachusetts 773
Michigan 92
Minnesota 173
Mississippi 179
Missouri 121
Montana 1
Nebraska 192
Nevada 122
New Hampshire 13
New Jersey 1,504
New Mexico 18
New York 3,347
North Carolina 1,191
North Dakota 4
Ohio 360
Oklahoma 212
Oregon 50
Pennsylvania 386
Rhode Island 119
South Carolina 350
South Dakota 21
Tennessee 760
Texas 4,280
Utah 67
Vermont 3
Virgin Islands 4
Virginia 2,234
Washington 211
West Virginia 10
Wisconsin 50
Wyoming 6

Total: 30,340″








    For those readers who might be skeptical of the connection between the introduction of Enterovirus D68 with the massive influx of unexamined illegals from south of the border we offer further reading: 



The Invasion of Enterovirus EV-D68

Hundreds of children are being hospitalized

Enterovirus Likely to Spread Through Schools

Enterovirus EV-D68: All About The Respiratory Illness

Virus hospitalizes hundreds of kids in Midwest and South




     As a parting thought  consider this: If an illness can be accidentally introduced into our population as easily as this what is to prevent the Islamists from infecting a large number of “refugees” with something more deadly and with a longer incubation period into our society ? Home schooling anyone ?

    We’ve all witnessed some of the horrific methods that the Jihadis are willing to stoop to in order to strike at the “infidel” but what happens if our children become the first casualties ?















CDC Director: Ebola Outbreak ‘Is Spiraling Out Of Control’






” The director for the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention says that the Ebola outbreak is going to get worse.

  Speaking to CBS This Morning following his trip to the West African countries dealing with the outbreak, Dr. Tom Frieden explained that they have to act now to try to get Ebola under control.

“ It is the world’s first Ebola epidemic and it is spiraling out of control. It’s bad now and it’s going to get worse in the very near future,” Frieden told CBS News. “There is still a window of opportunity to tamp it down, but that window is closing. We really have to act now.”

  Frieden, who visited Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea, will tell Washington tomorrow that the Ebola outbreak is “spiraling upward.” The CDC director explained that these countries still need help to deal with the deadly outbreak.”



CBS Atlanta









Forgotten Vials Of Smallpox Found In Storage Room







” A government scientist cleaning out an old storage room at a research center near Washington made a startling discovery last week — decades-old vials of smallpox packed away and forgotten in a cardboard box.

  The six glass vials were intact and sealed, and scientists have yet to establish whether the virus is dead or alive, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Tuesday.

  Still, the find was disturbing because for decades after smallpox was declared eradicated in 1980, world health authorities said the only known samples left were safely stored in super-secure laboratories in Atlanta and in Russia.”



   The discovery of the “forgotten” vials of smallpox comes on the heels of over eighty CDC workers being exposed to the Anthrax virus in Atlanta . Just another thing to make you go , hmm .



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