Put CCTV In Every Home: Householders Should Help Us Trap Burglars, Says Scotland Yard Chief





” Homeowners should consider fitting CCTV to trap burglars, the country’s most senior police officer declared yesterday.

  Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe said police forces needed more crime scene footage to match against their 12million images of suspects and offenders.

  And he called on families and businesses to install cameras at eye level – to exploit advances in facial recognition technology.

  But privacy campaigners condemned the Metropolitan Police Commissioner’s suggestion.

‘ The proposals on increasing the amount of privately owned CCTV cameras are quite frankly Orwellian and risk turning members of the public into an extension of the police,’ said Renate Samson of Big Brother Watch.

‘ Private CCTV is completely unregulated. Recommending greater use of CCTV to gather more images of people’s faces – often innocent people’s faces – undermines the security of each and every one of us.’

  She pointed out that a House of Commons committee had on Saturday released a report on the problems with facial recognition.”

Thus Britain nears the endgame of civilian disarmament and total dependence on the State … Read the rest .