Tag Archive: CBS

Sharyl Attkisson Releases Chilling Video Of Mysterious Deletions On Her Computer







” Investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson, a senior independent contributor to The Daily Signal, released video showing what she believes to be a hacker deleting data from her computer right before her eyes.

  Attkisson began experiencing technological problems during her reporting of the 2012 terrorist attacks on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, she writes in her new book, “Stonewalled: My Fight for Truth Against the Forces of Obstruction, Intimidation, and Harassment in Obama’s Washington.”

  One September night last year while Attkisson — then with CBS News —  prepped for an interview with Thomas Pickering, chairman of the Benghazi Accountability Review Board, she watched as information in a document began disappearing before her eyes. The information, she writes, was “deleted line by line in a split second: it’s gone, gone, gone.” “


Read more











Hillary’s $100 Million Hollywood Makeover





” The First Secretary of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia described the reforms which resulted in the Prague Spring as “socialism with a human face.” The New York Times calls Madam Secretary, CBS’s extremely expensive prime time contribution to the Hillary campaign, “Hillary with a human face.”

  A network series can cost between $3 and $4 million an episode. Assuming that Madam Secretary runs even one season, instead of being canceled ignominiously like Commander in Chief, the 2005 attempt at giving Hillary a human face, it will cost somewhere in the neighborhood of $100 million.

  That’s double the $46 million that Hillary’s campaign spent on TV ads against Obama and it gives the Hillary 2016 campaign over 20 hours of prime time network unpaid ad space. If the series lasts long enough to run through the whole campaign that will double to $200 million. But the Hillary 2016 campaign is expected to cost around $2 billion. CBS’s $100 million donation is only a drop in a big bucket

  Hillary won’t be able to get anyone to play Hillary Clinton once she actually runs for office. Lori McCreary, the executive producer of Madam Secretary, said that she was inspired to create the $100 million Hillary infomercial by watching the Benghazi hearings. Her obvious unspoken thought was that the scene of Hillary doing her best Khrushchev imitation while self-righteously covering up the brutal murder of four Americans would have gone much better if someone else had been playing Hillary.”


 Daniel Greenfield at FrontPage has much more












… Half Under Age 30 Never Watch News





” Network news viewers are declining in unprecedented rates, from an average of 48 million nightly network news viewers in 1985 to 24.5 million in 2013, according to Pew Research analysis of Nielsen Media Research data.

  Young people aged 18-29 are the least likely to watch network news regularly (only 11 percent did so in 2012), and 49 percent of people in this age group say they never watch the news.”













Amazon Announces Drone Home Delivery



” Amazon is about to start delivering products by air straight to your doorstep by remote control drones if you live in certain 30min zone .”

     The video is a brief clip from the CBS 60 Minutes episode that aired last night from Youtube . To see the entire segment click on the header and go directly to CBS . 











BENGHAZI: CBS 60 Minutes Full Coverage [Transcript and Video]


CBS Benghazi Report



    Free Patriot has the complete video and transcript . While it is about time that a major news network acknowledged that shame that is the Obama administration’s handling of the Benghazi terrorist attack , 60 minutes ,after promising some sort of bombshell revelations , comes up short . 

   Nothing new here to those of us that have been paying attention.



” When Chris Stevens was killed in Benghazi, Libya, on the anniversary of September 11th last year, it was only the sixth time that the United States had lost an ambassador to its enemies. The events of that night have been overshadowed by misinformation, confusion and intense partisanship. But for those who lived through it, there’s nothing confusing about what happened, and they share a sense of profound frustration because they say they saw it coming.

Tonight, you will hear for the first time from a security officer who witnessed the attack. He calls himself, Morgan Jones, a pseudonym he’s using for his own safety. A former British soldier, he’s been helping to keep U.S. diplomats and military leaders safe for the last decade. On a night he describes as sheer hell, Morgan Jones snuck into a Benghazi hospital that was under the control of al Qaeda terrorists, desperate to find out if one of his close friends from the U.S. Special Mission was the American he’d been told was there.”















CBS To Drop “Benghazi Bombshell” On Obama [Video Report]



” Listen to James Rosenthal talk here with Bill O’Reilly about what he knows that CBS knows that we’ll all know on Sunday, that the Hussein Obama administration does not want us to know! Whew!”


Courtesy Of Free Patriot.org







CBS Reporter Sharyl Attkisson: I Know Who Hacked Into My Computers (Video)

Published on Jun 17, 2013

” Tonight on The O’Reilly Factor CBS reporter Sharyl Attkisson said she knew who hacked into her computer. She also said her attorneys told her not to reveal this information at this time.”







CBS Reporter Sharyl Attkisson’s Computers Were Compromised



” Shortly after she began her dogged work on the Fast and Furious scandal, CBS reporter Sharyl Attkisson says her home and work computers were compromised.

“I can confirm that an intrusion of my computers has been under some investigation on my end for some months but I’m not prepared to make an allegation against a specific entity today as I’ve been patient and methodical about this matter,” Attkisson told POLITICO on Tuesday. “I need to check with my attorney and CBS to get their recommendations on info we make public.” “









Presidents Of ABC and CBS News Have Siblings Working At White House With Ties To Benghazi




” RICHARD GRENELL: I think the media’s becoming the story, let’s face it. CBS News President David Rhodes and ABC News President Ben Sherwood, both of them have siblings that not only work at the White House, that not only work for President Obama, but they work at the NSC on foreign policy issues directly related to Benghazi. Let’s call a spade a spade.

Let’s also show you why CNN did not go very far in covering these hearings because the CNN deputy bureau chief, Virginia Moseley, is married to Hillary Clinton’s deputy, Tom Nides. It is time for the media to start asking questions why are they not covering this. It’s a family matter for some of them.

JON SCOTT, HOST: So they don’t want to bring embarrassment upon folks who, who they’re close to?

GRENELL: Who directly are related to this story. Absolutely. They’re covering for them. There’s no question about it.

For the record, Ben Sherwood’s sister, Dr. Elizabeth Sherwood-Randall, is the Special Assistant to Barack Obama.

Virginia Moseley’s husband, Tom Nides, is the Deputy Secretary of State for Management and Resources.”











Hackers Hijack CBS To Claim Obama Involvement In Boston Bombings






” The mainstream media’s refusal to report on images showing private military operatives on the scene of the Boston bombings carrying heavy backpacks prompted hacking group the Syrian Electronic Army to take matters into their own hands by hijacking CBS 60 Minutes’ Twitter account and sending out tweets exposing unanswered questions behind this week’s attacks.

“The attack occurred while a “48 Hours” special about the Boston Marathon bombings was airing on the same network,” reports Boston.com.

The tweets sent out by the group mainly focused on the Obama administration’s support for Al-Qaeda militants in Syria, but also brought attention to an issue which has been subject to a corporate media blackout since it first emerged – the presence of numerous identically dressed men who were caught on camera immediately before and after the Boston bombings wearing black backpacks and behaving as if they were engaged in some kind of security exercise.

“The actual Boston bombers caught on camera, professionals under US regime protection,” one of the tweets stated. “The US government is hiding the real culprit of the Boston bombing,” added another.”








ABC, CBS, NBC Slant 8 To 1 For Obama’s Gun Control Crusade




” At next week’s State of the Union Address, President Barack Obama is likely to continue his ongoing push for more gun control. It’s a push first  spurred on by Obama’s gun control allies in the liberal media. In the wake of the horrific school shooting in Newtown, Connecticut on December 14, the Big Three (ABC, CBS, NBC) networks quickly moved to exploit the tragedy to push for more gun control legislation while mostly ignoring solutions that respect gun owners’ Second Amendment rights.

CBS was the most stridently anti-gun rights network. By a whopping 22 to 1 ratio, CBS aired more stories that favored gun control (44) to those that supported gun rights (2), with 37 neutral pieces. ABC aired almost six times as many stories that favored gun control (29) to those that favored gun rights, with 25 neutral stories. NBC pushed for more gun control in 26 of their stories to just 5 that tilted in favor of gun rights for a 5 to 1 ratio, with 43 neutral segments.”

CBS Bans SodaStream Ad -Where’s The Outrage?


 banned SodaStream’s Super Bowl spot because, apparently, it was too much of a direct hit to two of its biggest sponsors, Coke and Pepsi.

Please pause and read that sentence again.

I am shocked that CBS would ban a spot for being too competitive. But I’m even more shocked that the advertising world isn’t up in arms about it.

The media’s job isn’t to judge.

SodaStream has a product that could be wildly disruptive to the soda industry, if successful. As in, the “automobile” to the soda industry’s “buggy whip.” If SodaStream takes off, Coke and Pepsi would have a lot to worry about, for sure. But isn’t that what progress is all about?

CBS is protecting its relationship with Coke and Pepsi. Those two brands spend big bucks on the Super Bowl and on the network, in general. I get it. But all CBS would have to do, if Coke and Pepsi put the pressure on, is say, “Hey, we’re just the unbiased middle man here. It’s not up to us what competitors of yours say about you.” There’s no need for the medium to have a say in the message.”

President Barack Obama To Steve Kroft On Benghazi: $#!+ Happens, LOL




” And let’s remember that this is the president who has never encountered a problem that he doesn’t think he can solve with more government. He wants to be involved in every single decision you make every single day, but he doesn’t want to bear any responsibility when something goes wrong. That’s who he is. He wants all of the power and none of the responsibility.

This is the New Normal, then. Four Americans are murdered by Islamic terrorists on the anniversary of 9/11. The Obama administration abandons them and lies about their own incompetence and negligence, actually blaming the whole thing on some amateur filmmaker exercising his First Amendment rights .

And then… nothing. No consequences whatsoever. They have a laugh about it with one of their good little party apparatchiks at CBS News.”

What difference does it make?






Trash The Constitution



” From Georgetown law professor Louis Michael Seidman:

I’ve got a simple idea: Let’s give up on the Constitution. I know, it sounds radical, but it’s really not. Constitutional disobedience is as American as apple pie. For example, most of our greatest Presidents — Jefferson, Lincoln, Wilson, and both Roosevelts — had doubts about the Constitution, and many of them disobeyed it when it got in their way.

To be clear, I don’t think we should give up on everything in the Constitution. The Constitution has many important and inspiring provisions, but we should obey these because they are important and inspiring, not because a bunch of people who are now long-dead favored them two centuries ago.”




Limbaugh Goes Off On Media For Lack Of Outrage Over Bob Schieffer’s Nazi/Gun Lobby Comment




” On his radio show Thursday afternoon, Rush Limbaugh scolded the media for its lack of outrage over Bob Schieffer‘s “over-the-top” comments comparing President Obama taking on the gun lobby to other difficult struggles like defeating Nazi Germany in World War II.

Limbaugh joins fellow conservative radio host Mark Levin in condemning Schieffer’s remarks and wondering aloud why the media have not expressed outrage over such a comparison.

Schieffer’s comments came immediately after Obama announced 23 new “executive actions” on gun violence. He said on CBS, “What happened in Newtown was probably the worst day in this country’s history since 9/11 […] Surely, finding Osama bin Laden, surely passing civil rights legislation – as Lyndon Johnson was able to do – and, before that, surely defeating the Nazis was a much more formidable task than taking on the gun lobby.” “



Love Him Or Hate Him , Rush Says What Needs To Be Said


Speaking Of Nazis , The MSM Is Nothing More Than A Gaggle Of Josef Goebbels And Leni Riefenstahls , The Propaganda Wing Of The Current Statist Party




The Sandy Hook Hoax Fake Actors Exposed

The Sandy Hook Hoax Fake Actors Exposed

 We here at YouViewed don’t pretend to know the truth of Sandy Hook but we do believe that we haven’t heard it yet . The conflicting stories , lack of first hand details and the major rush to legislate all seem to point towards a government that will stoop to anything in order to get it’s way . Below are a collection of links that take the opinion that we are being lied to . We won’t try to sway your beliefs one way or the other . Check the links and decide for yourselves , but we do believe that it is high time we returned to the mantra of the sixties radicals , who just happen to hold the reins of power today , that we should ” QUESTION AUTHORITY ” .

” Some say there is no Newtown conspiracy theory I beg to differ a lot of questions still have not been answered..

Re-upload and Share
Robbie Parker Fake Actor Sandy Hook Shooting Exposed
Memorial service and wake held for Emilie Parker in Utah YouTube
RE: Sandy Hook Rampage – Gene Rosen’s Greatest Hits – It’s all been like a really bad movie!
Gene rosen audition video – sandy hook HOAX !!
(I don’t believe everything in this next clip but those parents are bad actors)
Sandy Hook Families Interviewed All Fake Update
Dec 31 2011 New Years Anderson Cooper Talking to David Gergen
SANDY HOOK Shootings: Victims plug gun control
Newtown’s Daniel Barden Who Died, His Little Sister Writes Letter To Obama About Guns 😦
Has Adam Lanza Even Been Alive The Last 3 Years?
Alex Jones asks David Gergen about Bohemian Grove Rituals
Sandy Hook Elementary School Nurse Sally Cox EXPOSED Newtown Shooting FRAUD
Regular people don’t talk like this
Sandy Hook shooting – Noah Pozner’s mother’s lack of emotion
(Note not all people I’ve seen were actors..there were some who were normal people but they were not focused on by the media because they not aware of the hoax and were not as polished as the parents who lost children)
For example
A few people in this video seem like real people-still trying to find the other video I saw where a lady says she got a text from CBS??
Sandy Hook shooting: What happened?

List of disinfo videos
1/8/2013 — Sandy Hook School Shooting Tribute Vid — UPLOADED 1 MONTH BEFORE !

Glad I’m not the only one..doesn’t matter who wants to call it ignorant or sickening…what is sickening is people just labeling things conspiracy theories without even looking in to them
FAU professor James Tracy makes no apologies for calling Connecticut school massacre a hoax and says it was staged to get the whole country behind gun control

Did This Shooting Really Happen Or This Just Wicked Media!? ”


Breezy Point Couple Overwhelmed As Volunteers Unveil New Home



Metz's Homecoming



” A couple whoseBreezy Point home was completely destroyed inSuperstorm Sandy got the surprise of a lifetime from a group of volunteers.

Led by the Virginia-based “Operation Blessing International,” hundreds of volunteers rebuilt Bert and Jeanne Metz’s home.

The volunteers worked tirelessly to help the Queens couple get back on their feet.

As CBS 2′s Dana Tyler reported, the Metzes were led, eyes closed, to a giant blue tarp for the big reveal.

They burst into tears as their newly renovated home was revealed and much-needed cheers filled their Breezy Point neighborhood, Tyler reported.”



The 10 Most Embarrassing Examples Of Media Coverage In 2012





” The year is coming to a close. Thank goodness.

Maybe in 2013 we won’t have to worry about Honey Boo Boo, Gangnam Style, Kony 2012 and Mayans. Those topics and more were the ephemera of the year. While Democrats and Republicans were fighting to see which party could run America, the traditional media were trying to run it into the ground by consistently taking a one-sided approach to coverage.

On every major news story of the year – abortion, gay marriage, the economy, the fiscal cliff and guns – major media outlets consistently and openly sided with the left. Gone was any pretense of neutrality. From the media’s campaign against Mitt Romney to their campaign for gun control, the bias of the press was never worse.

Picking out bad media moments is like looking for egos in Washington or corruption in Congress. Here are the year’s lowlights:

10. The Gospel of Jesus’s Wife: Journalists love anything that tears down Christianity. Give them a spicy tale of Jesus’s wife and they treat it like it’s, well, gospel. The New York Times front-paged a story about a cell phone-sized scrap of papyrus that included the phrase: “Jesus said to them, ‘My wife…’” CBS reporter Allen Pizzey claimed it “challenges the very foundation of Christian thinking.” When the Smithsonian pulled a planned documentary and experts said they thought the papyrus was bogus, journalists were reluctant to report that news. “

Bozell Blasts ABC, CBS, and NBC For Censoring Footage of Union Violence

Media Research Center President Brent Bozell reacts:

The pro-union broadcast networks are deliberately censoring footage of thuggish union violence directed at conservatives. If a Tea Partier had physically assaulted a liberal journalist or ripped down a structure occupied by a liberal organization all on video, the footage would be broadcast on an endless loop. ABC, CBS, and NBC have a responsibility to the American people to expose what’s really happening in Michigan. Their double standard is absolutely outrageous.”





Fiscal Cliff: ABC Talks Taxes 17 Times More Than Spending Cuts


 ” America is racing toward the Jan. 1 fiscal cliff deadline when tax hikes and spending cuts automatically take effect. But the overwhelming news focus has been only on tax hikes as a solution to the problem. Since the election, ABC News has talked about raising taxes more than 17 times more than spending cuts.

The network isn’t alone, it was just the worst of the bunch. The Media Research Center’s Business and Media Institute analyzed evening news coverage of the budget battle and found both NBC and CBS also discussed taxes far more than spending – spinning the Capitol Hill battle into one where the liberal agenda of increased spending dominated. Overall, the networks focused more than twice as much on tax increases as they did on spending (29 minutes 31 seconds to 12 minutes 54 seconds). “

Victoria’s Secret Stills And Video



VS 2012






Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show 2012: All About Alessandra Ambrosio’s Floral Fantasy Bra (VIDEO)

America’s Freedom Watcher


CBS News and “60 Minutes” reporter Lara Logan lambasted the Obama administration for pushing the “major lie” that the Taliban has been weakened in Afghanistan by the U.S. military.

Logan gave a blistering speech in Chicago this past week that ripped the administration for the way it has handled the war in Afghanistan and the attack on the U.S. consulate in Libya.

“I chose this subject because, one, I can’t stand that there is a major lie being propagated,” Logan said about the administration touting the weakening of the Taliban in Afghanistan.

” Speaking about Christopher Stevens, the U.S. ambassador to Libya who was killed, Logan says she hopes the U.S. will “exact revenge and let the world know that the United States will not be attacked on its own soil. That its ambassadors will not be murdered, and that the United States will not stand by and do nothing about it.” “

Share your two cents 

(credit: ThinkStock)


  “The City of Chicago is considering an unlikely method of tackling the illegal gun crisis – turning to Twitter.

As WBBM Newsradio’s Brandis Friedman reports, by using the hashtag #WhatIfChicago, organizers behind the upcoming Chicago Ideas Week are encouraging anyone with a positive idea to reduce the number of illegal guns on the city’s streets to tweet it out.”