Tag Archive: Cane

Manchester Man, 95, Fends Off Would-Be Robber With Cane







” A 95-year-old World War II veteran used his cane to fight off a would-be robber in Manchester over the weekend.

  Arthur Kamberis said he has been in tough situations before, including climbing down a cargo net 70 years ago on his way to invade Okinawa, but he was still unnerved when he was accosted by a man Saturday morning.

” But damn it, if I’d have had my cellphone, we would have nailed that guy, because the police station is only one block down,” Kamberis said.

  Police said they always recommend surrendering goods during robberies because things can be replaced, but people can’t. Despite the attempted robbery, Kamberis said he has no plans to change his routine — with one exception.

” When I go out alone, my .357 Magnum will be with me all the time when I’m alone, because I cannot protect myself other than the cane,” he said.”















Update: Officer Charged In Death Of Elderly Veteran







” A Park Forest, Illinois police officer has been charged in the death of 95-year-old John Wrana, a WWII veteran who was killed in a dispute over medical treatment. Officer Craig Taylor appeared before a judge and faces one charge of reckless conduct, a Class 4 felony. He was freed on his own recognizance.

  As reported last August, police were called to the Victory Centre Senior Living Facility because Wrana was refusing medical care and had reportedly become aggressive in his refusal. According to the police, Wrana was “combative” and went so far as to shake his cane at the staff, as well as a knife. Police also claimed he had brandished a shoehorn that was first mistaken for a machete.

  There were several police officers at the scene, and they used a riot shield to force entry into Wrana’s room. After an attempt to Taser Wrana had failed, Taylor allegedly fired five bean bag rounds at him while he was sitting in a chair.”



     Another example of the culture of violence bred into today’s law enforcement officers … numerous fit , highly trained police could not manage to contain a single 95 year-old man who needed a walker to get around without resorting to deadly force … and before you go and say “but bean bag rounds are not deadly force” think about that . Five rounds from close range at a seated centenarian has got to be considered excessive in our minds . 



Read the rest from Ben Swann