Tag Archive: Campaign Ads

Candidates From Both Parties Packing Heat In Campaign Ads







” Guns are becoming the prop of choice in campaign ads around the country this midterm year.

  Take it as another sign that the Obama administration’s gun control push is running aground: Firearms have become this year’s go-to accessory for candidates of both parties seeking to advertise their toughness and willingness to fight.

  Republicans, and even some Democrats, in a dozen states are showing off their shooting skills in videos and television ads or posing with firearms in mailers, underscoring the backlash against federal and state proposals to restrict access to guns and ammunition.”







” This year’s tone was set by Republican Joni Ernst, who won the Iowa Senate primary in June after running a television ad that shows her firing at a bull’s-eye at a shooting range while promising to “unload” on Obamacare. She now faces Democratic Rep. Bruce Braley.

“ Give me a shot,” quips Ms. Ernst in the ad. The Iowan is by no mean the only one locked, loaded and ready for her close-up.

  Alaska Republican Dan Sullivan, who’s running for Senate, kicked off his campaign after the August primary with a memorable ad in which he shoots a television set in response to negative campaign advertising.”







” Meanwhile, the National Rifle Association announced Wednesday the launch of an $11.4 million national ad campaign, starting with Republican Senate contests in Arkansas, Colorado and North Carolina.

“ Our Second Amendment rights are under attack by the Obama administration and Sen. Mark Udall,” says one 30-second ad unveiled on the Politico website to be aired in Colorado. “That’s why we need leaders like Cory Gardner in the U.S. Senate to fight back for us.” “






” The phenomenon has become so widespread that it prompted liberal TV network MSNBC to post Monday an online poll asking, “Are candidates acting insensitively firing guns in their campaign ads?” “



MSNBC Poll Gun Insensitive



   Even with the poll slanted in the usual MSNBC way the results are surely not what they had hoped for with 51% choosing answer number two that states: “No, they are depicting their beliefs.”  . Question number one was phrased: Yes , this is the first election cycle since Newtown . You can’t get much more leading than that .
   Of course this whole article and the poll leave unmentioned the fact that these pols , especially the Dems , are doing nothing but pandering for votes and actually do not believe in the sanctity of the Second Amendment , but it does go a long way towards demonstrating the power of us gun owners …


Washington Times











Alabama Congressional Candidate DESTROYS Obamacare Bill With AR-15 In New Ad




” An Alabama congressional candidate uses a .40 Glock pistol, a .270 Cooper rifle and an AR-15 to destroy a copy of the Obamacare bill in a new video released by his campaign.

  The message in candidate Will Brooke’s video, shared first with The Daily Caller on Wednesday, is clear: Republicans have been successful in taking shots at Obamacare, but it’s going to take “more extreme measures” to get rid of it.

“ We’re down here to have a little fun today and talk about two serious subjects: the Second Amendment, and see how much damage we can do to this copy of Obamacare,” Brooke, sitting on the tailgate of a pick-up truck, says in the video.”



   Read more about this innovative campaign ad that combines healthy pokes in the eye to two of the greatest threats to our freedoms as put forth by the Statist democrats , those being gun bans and the much dreaded Obamacare legislation at The Federalist Papers .

   Good use of campaign funds Mr Brooke , we wish you much success .








Vulnerable Dems Want IRS To Step Up


IRS Dem Helper




” Senate Democrats facing tough elections this year want the Internal Revenue Service to play a more aggressive role in regulating outside groups expected to spend millions of dollars on their races.

  In the wake of the IRS targeting scandal, the Democrats are publicly prodding the agency instead of lobbying them directly. They are also careful to say the IRS should treat conservative and liberal groups equally, but they’re concerned about an impending tidal wave of attack ads funded by GOP-allied organizations. Much of the funding for those groups is secret, in contrast to the donations lawmakers collect, which must be reported publicly.

  One of the most powerful groups is Americans for Prosperity, funded by the billionaire industrialists Charles and David Koch. It has already spent close to $30 million on ads attacking Democrats this election cycle.”


Read more








New Romney Ad: It’s Just Not Getting Better

  “VOICEOVER: “In June, jobless ranks were higher
in nearly 90 percent of U.S. cities.” VIDEO TEXT:
“Jobless Ranks Rose In 90% Of U.S. Cities.” “

With a tip of the hat to Ed Morrissey at Hot Air I give you a sharp , effective ad from , of all places , the GOP establishment . I guess Romney’s competence is rubbing off . Good for them . Good for US .