Tag Archive: Campaign





 ” Peter Schweizer, president of the Government Accountability Institute, said President Barack Obama had a “recycling” program that used crony capitalism to reward its campaign contributors, who would then funnel money back to the Obama campaign.

Appearing on Fox News’s one-hour special on Thursday about the “District of Corruption” movie, Schweizer said crony capitalism was so rampant in the Obama administration that Obama campaign bundlers received more than $21,000 on average in government-backed loans and grants for every dollar they contributed to the Obama campaign.

Schweizer said the Obama administration treated taxpayer dollars as “gift bags” to give to its top donors, which he called “the Obama recycling program.” “




The Obama Campaign Circus: Biden Day of Gaffe


Katie Pavlich of TownHall.com has done a heck of a job of tracking Joe Biden’s campaign movements this October; though, today, it hasn’t been all that difficult.

  Coincidentally, today is Halloween, but the VP needs no costume to make a statement. He only needs to go as himself to turn heads.

  Most of us have probably already heard about Biden’s statement on C-SPAN, saying something about a ‘load’. “

Give If You Can

Allen West 

” Murphy supporters are stealing & vandalizing signs. Help buy more signs & fight back:”

Axelrod : ” We’re Winning “



  ” Senior Obama campaign strategist David Axelrod said Monday night that the presidential race is where the campaign expected it to be two weeks before Election Day ,  and that he believes the President Obama is winning. “


” Winners act like winners. Losers act like losers. And according to members of the same media elite who have spent months protecting him, Barack Obama is now looking like a loser in the closing days of his reelection campaign. This morning, a few members of the elite “Gang of 500,” including Time’s Mark Halperin, The National Journal’s Ron Fournier, ABC’s Terry Moran, and Politico’s Roger Simon, publicly voiced their disapproval of a campaign they describe as “belittling,” “not confident,” “peevish” and worse:”

Rumor in Afghanistan: President Sucking Assets Away



” Apparently a huge percentage of our C17’s are being pulled for ‘Presidential Duty’ meaning instead of working to airlift troops and equipment in and out of Afghanistan and cover the other global logistics they are hauling the POTUS gear around on the campaign trail. If this is true I’d love someone to bring it to light. I lack the connections to check it out myself especially from here. I hope do hope this is pure rumor. It couldn’t possibly be legal even for the POTUS.  Fraud Waste & Abuse hotline anyone?

I’d think with the Obama campaign raising a record 181M in September they could afford to charter their own cargo planes and leave the military to do what it’s supposed to be doing . “

* Let us pray that he ends up with even less than that on election night .


Mort Zuckerman

  “Voters can forgive a candidate who stumbles in the heat of an election,.trapped by “gotcha” questions from journalists, being quoted out of context in cunning TV attack commercials, and in the Twitter age, failing to appreciate that nothing that is said is secret anymore. We all know the game, and Romney has demonstrated that he is not perfect at this game.”

   ” Last week, the Obama
campaign started selling a refashioned American flag with its logo replacing the stars, and then urged Americans to pledge
allegiance to Barack. Did we just wake up in Mao’s China?


  The flag print, designed especially for the campaign by a pair of obviously incredibly hip artists, tries to improve the musty look
of Old Glory by taking out a few stripes and swapping the star field for the Obama “O” logo. The campaign is selling the limited
edition prints for just $35.

  Amazingly, this isn’t the first time the American flag has been desecrated to better suit Obama sycophants. “

  “The Obama Administration has now acknowledged the glaringly obvious: that the four Americans who died in the September 11 attack in Libya “were killed in the course of a terrorist attack on our embassy.”

This statement came from no less an authority than Matthew Olsen, director of the National Counterterrorism Center, in response to a question at an open Senate hearing Wednesday. Finally, someone is making sense. Reversing itself 180 degrees, the White House today scrambled to back Olsen up.

“It is self-evident that what happened in Benghazi was a terrorist attack,” White House spokesman Jay Carney told reporters traveling with President Obama. “Our embassy was attacked violently and the result was four deaths of American officials.” Really? As recently as this morning, the White House was singing a different tune.”

Steyn on Shame

  ” On Hugh Hewitt’s radio show Thursday night, National Review columnist Mark Steyn, author of “After America: Get Ready for Armageddon,” said President Barack Obama gave an embarrassing performance Wednesday during his campaign swing through Las Vegas, Nev., in the wake of attacks on U.S. diplomatic stations in Libya and Egypt.

“I thought that thing last night with the president saying he had ‘a tough day’ and comparing the dead Americans in Libya to campaign supporters, which he did — I thought was one of the most disgraceful, inept and embarrassing performances by a head of state or government that I have ever seen,” Steyn said. “Every American should be ashamed of their president.” “


Listen to the audio at the link .

Mr. Cool

“Tech challenge: Obama has trouble with iPhone”

  “The president had stopped at a campaign office in Port St. Lucie, Fla., to thank volunteers. Then, for the cameras, Mr. Obama was supposed to call two campaign workers who were out working on his behalf.

But when White House trip director Marvin Nicholson handed the president his personal iPhone, Mr. Obama couldn’t get it to work. A reporter who witnessed the scene said the president looked “befuddled.”

“It’s not clear he knows how to dial on an iPhone,” the reporter wrote in a pool report.”

‘executive actions’

Obama says he’ll be taking ‘executive actions’ without Congress on ‘regular basis’ to ‘heal the economy’

  ” President Barack Obama told an audience in Nevada on Monday that he will be regularly announcing “executive actions” his administration will take to “heal the economy” without the “dysfunctional” Congress.

“I’m here to say to all of you and to say to the people of Nevada and the people of Las Vegas, we can’t wait for an increasingly dysfunctional Congress to do its job. Where they won’t act, I will,” Obama said.”


These Hands

Mr. President , We Built This

  “Dirtiest Campaign Ever?

” The race for the White House has grown so toxic that it’s become a top topic among reporters and analysts covering the contest — and some are even calling on
President Barack Obama and
presumptive GOP nominee Mitt Romney to call a truce. “



  “Is it me, or does this gentleman look like he’s being forced against his will to hold that sign by an off-camera gunman? Seriously, I’ve seen more enthusiastic-looking black people at Wallace ’68 campaign stops.”

Lots more at the link . Enjoy

Investors Business Daily

  ” There’s no question that a sober discussion about the proper size and scope of government would be welcome. And Ryan has proved
himself more than capable of engaging in such a dialogue. But don’t expect anything even
remotely resembling that from today’s Democrats. The party of FDR these days is only interested in one thing: spreading fear.

   To get a taste of the Democrats’ “sober” and “serious” approach to big issues, consider the ad a liberal group ran last May attacking Ryan’s
Medicare reform. That ad depicted a Ryan lookalike shoving a screaming, wheelchair bound woman off a cliff. Not one prominent Democrat decried that ad.”

Reviving the War on Women? 

” Sandra Fluke, the free- contraception activist whose claim to fame was getting insulted by Rush Limbaugh, is hitting the campaign trail with President
Obama in Colorado today. But she
started the day off with an anti-Romney column in the Huffington Post (via Daily Caller ):

  The morning of noted contraception activist Sandra
Fluke’s campaign appearance
with President Barack Obama
in Denver, the newly minted
lawyer explained she is “standing with Obama” in an effort to protect women’s health care. “