Tag Archive: Caliphate

Helicopters On The Roof



From London's Daily Mail, the embryo Caliphate arises



” In May 2011, in the wake of Osama bin Laden’s death, CNN’s Fareed Zakaria wrote a column headlined “Al Qaeda Is Over“:


  The truth is this is a huge, devastating blow to al Qaeda, which had already been crippled by the Arab Spring. It is not an exaggeration to say that this is the end of al Qaeda in any meaningful sense of the word.

  Al Qaeda is not an organization that commands massive resources. It doesn’t have a big army. It doesn’t have vast reservoirs of funds that it can direct easily across the world.


  Zakaria is famously a confidant of Obama’s, but there are limits to the horse manure even devoted courtiers swallow. Three years on, just one malign al-Qaeda progeny, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, now commands more territory than ever – from Aleppo in western Syria to the gates of Baghdad. It has all the tanks and weaponry abandoned by the Iraqi “army” we trained. It has control of the northern oil fields, the cash reserves of the second largest city in Iraq, and is now “the world’s richest terrorist group“.

  Meanwhile, the White House has apparently canceled its cable subscription and daily newspaper. On Tuesday, as half-a-million Iraqis were fleeing Mosul, Administration flacks were talking up Hillary’s Greatest Hits:


  Earnest was asked by a reporter at the daily press conference to describe Clinton’s accomplishments while she was Secretary of State.

“Ending the war in Iraq and winding down in a responsible fashion the war in Afghanistan, and doing that after the success of our our efforts to dismantle and destroyed Al-Qaida core that had established a base of operations in the mountains of Afghanistan and Pakistan,” Earnest answered.


  Obama and Clinton ended the war in Iraq by losing it. They “pivoted” from Iraq to Afghanistan, and wound up losing both. Hillary crowed over Gaddafi’s corpse – “We came, we saw, he died” – and then sat by as her ambassador and best friend “Chris” was devoured by the mob: He died, she sat by, we’re gone. The Arab Spring that Zakaria claims “crippled” al-Qaeda delivered Egypt to the Muslim Brotherhood and a military coup, Tunisia to soft Islamists, Libya to ever harder Islamists, and much of Syria and Iraq to jihadists too hardcore for “mainstream” al-Qaeda.

Events are moving fast on the ground. As I said on Fox News on Tuesday night:


  In Iraq, the al Qaeda flag flies in Fallujah on buildings American troops built. And as we have just heard, al Qaeda has taken hold of Mosul, the second-largest city in Iraq, earlier today. “



Read about Obama/Clinton/Kerry’s latest foreign policy triumph here










Al Qaeda Quickly Constructing Main Mideast Base in Syria




” Al Qaeda is quickly constructing its main regional Middle East base in Syria, from where it plans to export terrorism and Islamic radicalism to neighboring states, then to the West, a new report released by an Israeli security research institute warned.


” Al Nusra Front, Al Qaeda’s official arm in Syria, is quickly entrenching itself in the north and east of Syria, where the Assad regime’s rule has collapsed. Jihad will spread outwards to the region, then threaten global security — possibly with biological and chemical weapons.”


” The jihadis later aspire, according to the report, to turn “Greater Syria” — an old geographic term encompassing Syria, Lebanon, Israel and the Palestinian territories — into an Islamic caliphate.

The exhaustive study took a year to compile, according to researchers at the Tel Aviv-based Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center, which released it.

The Center itself is a part of the Israeli Intelligence and Heritage Commemoration Center, founded in the 1980s by leading members of the Israeli intelligence community.

The report identified the Al Nusra Front as Al Qaeda’s official arm in Syria; they added that the organization is quickly entrenching itself in the north and east of Syria, where the Assad regime’s rule has collapsed. “



     These are our president’s  “allies” in Syria , the ones that US taxpayer dollars are being used to supply weapons to . This is real “change you can believe in” . 









After Nidal Hasan Admitted Helping The Taliban, Can We Treat The Fort Hood Massacre As A Terrorist Attack?




” Hasan’s defense now makes it clear that this is how he considers his actions. Despite the best attempts to cover up his actions, he stated in open court that he had acted to aid the Taliban.

The judge read from his request for a continuance, seeking to confirm Hasan’s defense: that he acted “because death or grievous harm was about to be inflicted on the members of the Taliban and Mullah [Mohammed] Omar specifically by the people against whom you used deadly force.”

“That is correct,” Hasan said.

There is no longer any dispute about Hasan’s motives or affiliations. He was acting to aid the Taliban after corresponding with an Al Qaeda leader.”



   When do we cease this charade that is “political correctness” and start acknowledging the truth ? This cult of multiculturalism gets exposed for the fraud that it is at every turn by the perpetrator’s own words and yet we are to believe that religion has nothing to do with it … they are “disturbed individuals” , “disenfranchised youth” or “enraged employees” but never terrorists . 

     At what point to we recognize the cultural and societal mass suicide that is the Left’s moral relativism and realize that the proponents of radical Islam will stop at  nothing to achieve their plainly stated goal of a world-wide Caliphate ?







Very cool timeline/map of Empires great and small . 


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