Tag Archive: California

Watch This Homeowner Shoot Down A Drone Flying Over His Property





” One video shows a drone hovering over a beautiful home in Southern California and you won’t believe what happened!

  The homeowner ran out of his front door with a shotgun!

  The drone flew away with the guy in hot pursuit. His friend was recording cell phone video of the wild chase.
  The homeowner ran around his house, spotted the drone again, took aim, and fired.

  Larry Breaux of Valencia, California, is the homeowner who shot down the drone. He told INSIDE EDITION he believes the drone was sent over his house in a deliberate act of harassment.”


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   The whole thing is suspicious as hell when you take into account , the shotgun right at hand and the ground footage of Mr Breaux chasing the drone … Be sure to read the comments from many drone enthusiasts and you will wonder if this whole deal was nothing more than a publicity stunt .











Ten Deputies Suspended After Beating A Suspect In California







” Ten sheriff’s deputies in Southern California have been put on leave after several of them were shown on video kicking and punching a man following a 2½-hour chase involving a stolen horse.

  San Bernardino County Sheriff John McMahon said Friday that the video “disturbed and troubled” him and appeared to show an excessive use of force.

  McMahon announced the action after 30-year-old Francis Pusok was arrested Thursday by deputies in a violent encounter filmed by a KNBC-TV helicopter. Pusok fled by car and then on the horse, traveling several miles while deputies chased him on foot after trying to serve a search warrant in an identity-theft investigation.

  The Los Angeles Times reports: “During the beating, which involved as many as 11 deputies and lasted for about two minutes, Pusok was kicked and kneed about a dozen times and punched more than two dozen times, according to the video.” “


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Raw Video: Agents Force Innocent Man To Side Of Road, Burn Him Alive In His Car





” Raw video footage has surfaced showing the horrific killing of an innocent man at the hands of Border Patrol Agents.

  Alex Martin’s family is suing the US Government after the video made clear that he burned to death in an eruption caused by the agents, according to reports.

  The incident occurred when Alex got lost on the highway on his way back home.

  It was late at night and with low visibility, Alex accidentally got onto the wrong offramp, heading the opposite direction on the highway.”



     Read more on this horrific killing at Filming Cops and bear in mind that this took place three years ago and is just now coming to light with the filing of a wrongful death lawsuit against the federal government by the victim’s family .













USS Arizona’s Oldest Survivor Dies At 100


Joe Langdel was born in 1914, the same year work started



” Joe Langdell was working as a junior accountant in Boston when he got the idea that he should join the Navy and go to sea. It was 1940 and America edged closer every day to joining the war that raged in Europe.

  After proving his sea legs on the battleship New York, Langdell signed up. His college degree earned him a place in an officers’ training program. In March 1941, newly commissioned as an ensign, he reported for his first assignment: The USS Arizona, stationed at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii.

  By the end of the year, the mighty Arizona lay shattered beneath the harbor, sunk by Japanese bombers in the Dec. 7 attack that finally propelled the United States into World War II.

  Langdell survived the attack at Pearl Harbor, along with 334 other Arizona crewmen, and devoted much of his later years to preserving the memory of a day that changed history.

” The lesson I’ve learned from that experience is that the 1,177 men entombed on the ship right now will never know the love of a wife or the joy of grandchildren,” he said in 2006, when his son, Ted, interviewed him on video at Pearl Harbor. “We all have to remember that they did not die in vain.”

  Langdell died early Wednesday in a skilled nursing center in Yuba City, Calif. He was 100, the oldest living survivor of the Arizona. With his passing, just eight crewmen from the mighty battleship remain.”


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Some Motorists Wait Months For DMV Appointments After Immigrants Law Goes Into Effect


Cali DMV Waits

Click pic for video



” The Department of Motor Vehicles is so overwhelmed with requests for new driver’s licenses and vehicle registrations that it can take up to three months to get an appointment or a half-day wait in the lobby.

  A DMV spokesman told KCAL9 Political Reporter Dave Bryan there has been a crush of applications for new licenses for undocumented immigrants, a program that began earlier this month. The spokesman said the DMV is working to address the problems, but some people are having to take a day off of work to handle a 15-minute transaction.

  At the Hollywood DMV office, where they handle drivers license issues, the long lines outside and packed waiting areas inside are testimony to the long, grueling process that California drivers have to endure before getting service.

  For example, Jose Quiroz’s DMV ordeal spanned two days of waiting patiently with his family to have his license renewed.

“ Yesterday, I was here for four hours standing outside, and when I got to the front line they said that they were not taking us in no more,” Quiroz told Bryan. “And now I am back here again, because I am here to fix my license, and I have been here five or six hours.”

  Quiroz says he called about a week ago to try to expedite the process.

“ I tried to make an appointment, but they wanted to give it to me in June,” he said. “That was the earliest they had, so that’s why I’m here. Because I can’t risk getting pulled over because I have my kids. I have to get my kids to school.” “


















Koch Event Drawing 2016 Hopefuls Rubio, Paul, Cruz, Walker





” Florida Sen. Marco Rubio is sending clear signs about an expected run for the presidency in 2016.

  The first-term Republican lawmaker planned to join several other potential candidates at a gathering Sunday in Palm Springs, California, organized by the conservative billionaire Koch brothers, who have a keen interest in the party’s contenders.

  More than 450 allies and donors to the Koch network were to attend, with the closing event a panel discussion with Rubio and fellow Sens. Rand Paul of Kentucky and Ted Cruz of Texas on domestic policy.

  The organizer, Freedom Partners, is the central hub for the political machine backed by wealthy industrialists Charles and David Koch. The traditionally private Koch group planned to let reporters watch an Internet broadcast of the event.

  Over the past two days, Rubio met with his main group of 300 supporters on Miami’s South Beach, and he intended to skip the Senate’s schedule for the upcoming week for fundraisers on the West Coast, Texas and Illinois. Future visits are expected to Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina, states that play a critical early role in the nominating process.”


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I Rode A Hoverboard With Tony Hawk







” I’ve been saying that a lot lately. Out loud. At all kinds of inopportune moments. Like, “Hey, sorry I didn’t get back to you—I was busy because I WAS RIDING A HOVERBOARD WITH TONY HAWK.” Or, “Ketchup? Oh yeah, that reminds of this time I WAS RIDING A HOVERBOARD WITH TONY HAWK.” Total dick.

  But I really did ride a hoverboard with Tony Hawk. A totally real, not fake, working hoverboard. This isn’t any of that Funny or Die bullshit. It’s real. The folks at Arx Pax dropped a press release and a video in October claiming that they have developed the technology to make shit hover. At the time, I interviewed the company’s founders, Greg and Jill Henderson, and at the end of our interview they invited me up to their lab in Los Gatos, Calif. to ride the hoverboard myself.

  Hendo’s hover technology relies on magnets, which means the hoverboard can, for the time being, only hover over non-ferrous materials. When I first spoke to Greg and Jill, I apologized for not being a scientist before I began asking stupid questions like, “What does non-ferrous mean?” and “Why can’t I ride it down the street?”

“ No worries about not being a scientist,” Greg said, “because neither are we. I’m an architect by trade, and that’s where this technology came from. Right now, what we have is essentially the Model-T [of hoverboards]. This is a proof of concept. And because we made this big leap in efficiency, we are able now to do what other folks couldn’t do on a conductive material like aluminum or copper. As we optimize this system, ideally we’ll be able to go on other surfaces.” “


The Ride Channel












Two California High School Teachers Arrested For Hosting Boozy Beach Sex Parties With Students





” Two California teachers have been arrested on suspicion of having sex with students during two beach trips.

  Melody Lippert and Michelle Ghirelli, both teachers at South Hills High School in West Covina, California, were arrested on Saturday after allegedly hosting trips to an Orange County beach where they plied students from the school with alcohol and had sex with them, NBC Los Angeles reports.

  The first of these trips occurred in November and was allegedly organized by Lippert, investigators from the Orange County Sheriff’s Department said.

  A group of male students purportedly accompanied Lippert, 38, to San Clemente State Beach, where she gave them alcohol and “engaged in a sexual relationship with one of them,” according to the Los Angeles Times.

  A few weeks later, Lippert allegedly set up a second overnight trip and invited Ghirelli, 30, along as well. Both teachers are accused of having sex with students on that trip.”


Read more at People.com












El Capitan: Yosemite Duo Complete World’s Toughest Climb





” Two climbers in California’s Yosemite national park made history on Wednesday, reaching the summit of what has been called the world’s hardest rock climb.

  After weeks of herculean effort, Kevin Jorgeson, 30, and Tommy Caldwell, 36, scaled the half-mile section of exposed granite known as the Dawn Wall on El Capitan peak.

  Upon clambering over the final ledge they paused, looked at each other and raised their arms in triumph.

  People watching from the park and online via a live feed hailed the feat, completed just after 3.30pm local time, as thrilling and inspirational.”








” “ In a time full of terrible events those dudes getting up the side of El Capitan is pretty bloody awesome!” said one typical tweet.

“ It’s incredible that we all were just able to witness one of the greatest feats in climbing history,” marvelled another.

  The pair made the 3,000ft ascent in what has been billed as the wall’s first free climb, using only natural rock holds for hands and feet. Rope was used only to arrest falls.”


The Guardian











El Capitan’s Dawn Wall: ‘Hardest Climb In The World’ Attempt






” Two US climbers may be on the verge of completing the hardest rock climb in the world.

  Tommy Caldwell and Kevin Jorgeson are attempting to conquer the imposing 3,000-foot high El Capitan peak in Yosemite, California.

  They are climbing El Capitan via the Dawn Wall side of the rock formation.”








” This is by far the toughest route to the top, with a smooth, marble-like surface offering almost no cracks or protrusions to grip.

  And they are doing it without the aid of ropes.”


Read more and see regular updates on the climber’s progress at The Telegraph












Video Reportedly Captures Young Great White Shark Off SoCal Coast







” Video showed what was believed to be a young great white shark jumping out of the water just feet from surfers at El Porto Beach.

  The video was shot by photographer Tom Kampas around 11 a.m. on Dec. 22 about a mile north of Manhattan Beach.

  Kampas said there have been several great white sightings along South Bay beaches in recent weeks.”


Thanks to KTLA












Visitors Stuck Inside World’s Largest Corn Maze Calling 911 For Help





” What’s supposed to be fall fun has some people turning to law enforcement for help. Several visitors to the world’s largest corn maze at Cool Patch Pumpkins in Dixon are calling 911 when they find they can’t get out.

  The maze seems easy to maneuver through when you first get in, but once inside this massive, 63-acre corn creation, it’s pretty tough to get out.”



Cool Patch Corn Maze




“ When it’s dark, all you see is corn,” said Matt Cooley, owner of the maze.

  A cornfield can be a field of dreams or your worst nightmare if you get lost and can’t find your way out.”


CBS Sacramento










More Californians May Carry Concealed Guns After Ruling




” A ruling with the potential to expand the number of Californians permitted to carry hidden, loaded guns in public to almost 2 million won’t be reheard by an appeals court as the state’s attorney general requested.

  A panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals voted 2-1 Wednesday to deny a bid by California Attorney General Kamala Harris, a gun control organization and two police lobbying groups to challenge the court’s February ruling that any responsible, law-abiding citizen is entitled under the U.S. Constitution’s Second Amendment to possess a concealed firearm in public for self- defense. Harris may appeal the decision. Her spokesman, David Beltran, said the office is reviewing it.

  The panel ruled in February that San Diego County’s process for determining who qualifies for a permit to carry a concealed weapon violates the right to bear arms. California’s concealed- carry laws are among the most stringent in the U.S.

  The case was brought by freelance videographer Edward Peruta, who sued after his application to carry a concealed Colt 1911 .45 caliber pistol as he traveled through high-crime neighborhoods was denied by the sheriff in San Diego County.

  Experts have said that allowing the February ruling to stand may increase the number of people with concealed guns to as much as 5 percent of the general population in California. That would equal 1.9 million of the most populous U.S. state’s 38 million residents.

  If the ruling is appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court, it could put the scope of the right to bear arms back in front of the high court justices, six years after they struck down a District of Columbia law that banned handguns in the home.

  The San Francisco appeals court’s ruling is squarely at odds with those by appeals courts in New York, Philadelphia and Richmond, Virginia, that have upheld discretionary permitting. By deepening a split among regional appeals courts, a ruling in favor of Peruta increases the likelihood that the high court will take up the issue to resolve the difference of opinion. “


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Businesses Fire Back Against Ban On The Word ‘Gun’





” Weapons retailers in California are suing the state over a ban on the display of images of handguns – even the word “handgun” – in what the business owners say is a violation of the First Amendment.

  The complaint brought by Calguns Foundation and others is on behalf of Tracy Rifle and Pistol LLC, Michael Baryla, Ten Percent Firearms, Wesley Morris, Sacramento Black Rifle Inc., Robert Adams, Prk Arms Inc. and Jeffrey Mullen.

  Named as defendants are Attorney General Kamala Harris and Stephen Lindley of the state Department of Justice Bureau of Firearms.

  The case isn’t over the right to own guns, which is protected by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

  It’s over the images. The word.

   The state bans gun stores from putting up signs telling customers they sell handguns. Images of and descriptions of rifles and shotguns are fine with the state.

“ I am one of the most heavily regulated and inspected businesses in existence, but it’s still illegal for me to show customers that I sell handguns until after they walk in the door,” said Baryla, who owns Tracy Rifle and Pistol.”











FBI Raids Calexico Police Department





” Several officers in Calexico were suspended after federal agents raided the police department Thursday, authorities said.

  FBI agents entered the Calexico Police Department at 9:45 a.m. and seized computer hard drives, documents and other items as a part of an on-going investigation, according to San Diego FBI special agent Darrell Foxworth.

  Calexico Interim Police Chief Michael Bostic suspended several police officers from duty, but did not release any other details.

  The FBI, District Attorney’s Office and Imperial County Sheriff’s Office were involved in the investigation and refused to discuss information about the investigation.”


Story continues










Suspect In Police Killings Had Multiple Identities






” Luis Enrique Monroy-Bracamonte was living in the United States illegally. He had been convicted in Arizona for selling drugs and he had been deported to Mexico twice.

  His background would have almost certainly flagged him to be expelled from the country again. But he appeared to be living quietly with his wife in a suburb of Salt Lake City until being arrested Friday, accused of going on a shooting rampage in Northern California that left two sheriff’s deputies dead and a motorist seriously wounded.

  Investigators were trying to determine how he avoided scrutiny.

  The suspect said he was 34-year-old Marcelo Marquez of Salt Lake City when he was taken into custody, but his fingerprints matched biometric records of Monroy-Bracamonte in a federal database, said U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement spokeswoman Virginia Kice. He was first removed from the country in 1997 after a conviction for possession of drugs for sale in Arizona, then arrested and repatriated to Mexico again in 2001.”

AP News

Creepy Clown Sightings Go Nationwide







” The rash of creepy clown sightings in California appears to have spread nationwide, with reported en-clown-ters in Florida, Indiana and New Mexico.

  The Wasco Clown, a California photography project by a husband-and-wife team who said they wish to remain anonymous, appears to have inspired copycats that have been photographed and videotaped in Albuquerque, N.M.; Fishers, Ind.; and Jacksonville, Fla.”







” Jacksonville residents said people dressed in creepy clown costumes have been appearing in security camera footage. One recording shows a clown walking up to a resident’s porch, tearing apart a pumpkin and staring directly into the camera before walking away.”













Census Bureau: California Still Has Highest U.S. Poverty Rate





” California continues to have – by far – the nation’s highest level of poverty under an alternative method devised by the Census Bureau that takes into account both broader measures of income and the cost of living.

  Nearly a quarter of the state’s 38 million residents (8.9 million) live in poverty, a new Census Bureau report says, a level virtually unchanged since the agency first began reporting on the method’s effects.

  Under the traditional method of gauging poverty, adopted a half-century ago, California’s rate is 16 percent (6.1 million residents), somewhat above the national rate of 14.9 percent but by no means the highest. That dubious honor goes to New Mexico at 21.5 percent.

  But under the alternative method, California rises to the top at 23.4 percent while New Mexico drops to 16 percent and other states decline to as low as 8.7 percent in Iowa.

  The only other state to approach California in the alternate rankings is Nevada at 20 percent, although Washington, D.C., is close at 22.4 percent. “


Does anyone else find it peculiar that the poverty rates are greatest in the areas of Obama’s greatest support ?



Sacramento Bee












Fox News Poll: Voters Reveal Which State They Want Kicked Out Of The Union





” There’s lots of talk about it. Last month, Scotland voted against it. In 2013, some residents in California, Colorado and Maryland signed petitions to do it. And Texas has toyed with the idea off and on for years. What is “it”? 


  But it’s a lot more talk than anything else, according to a Fox News national poll that asked voters if they would support their state splitting off from the United States. Just nine percent said they would. 

  The poll also gave people another option: What if you could boot other states out of the union? 

  Nearly twice as many — 17 percent — liked that idea.

  Which state would be the first voted out? California. Of the voters willing to ditch a state or two, 53 percent pick the Golden State. 

  Next out the door is New York (25 percent), followed by Texas (20 percent) and Florida (11 percent). Respondents were allowed to name multiple states they wanted out of the union.”


Read more










Gov. Brown Signs Bill Telling College Kids Where, When To Have Sex







” California Gov. Jerry Brown affixed his signature to SB 967—the “Yes Means Yes” affirmative consent bill—which will require colleges to police their students’ sex lives.

  Some congrats are in order, I suppose? To collectivist feminists, doomsayers of the “rape is an ever-worsening epidemic” variety, and other puritans: Your so-called progressivism has restored Victorian Era prudishness to its former place as a guiding moral compass. Well done, liberals.

  The law instructs colleges to define consensual sex under strict terms brilliantly thought up by the California legislature. It also requires university administrators to investigate accusations of sexual assault under a set of terrible procedures that short-change victims by denying them fundamental due process rights. The law specifically establishes the “preponderance of evidence” standard, which mandates convictions for accused students deemed 50.1 percent likely to be guilty by the campus judiciary body.”


Read the rest at Reason











Hillary Clinton, Saul Alinsky Correspondence Revealed







” Previously unpublished correspondence between Hillary Clinton and the late left-wing organizer Saul Alinsky reveal new details about her relationship with the controversial Chicago activist and shed light on her early ideological development.

  Clinton met with Alinsky several times in 1968 while writing a Wellesley college thesis about his theory of community organizing.  

  Clinton’s relationship with Alinsky, and her support for his philosophy, continued for several years after she entered Yale law school in 1969, two letters obtained by the Washington Free Beacon show.

  The letters obtained by the Free Beacon are part of the archives for the Industrial Areas Foundation, a training center for community organizers founded by Alinsky, which are housed at the University of Texas at Austin.

  The letters also suggest that Alinsky, who died in 1972, had a deeper influence on Clinton’s early political views than previously known.

  A 23-year-old Hillary Clinton was living in Berkeley, California, in the summer of 1971. She was interning at the left-wing law firm Treuhaft, Walker and Burnstein, known for its radical politics and a client roster that included Black Panthers and other militants.”


Washington Free Beacon










Protests Planned To Target U.S. Southern Border Entry Ports






” American citizens describing themselves as “deeply concerned” with Obama administration immigration policies plan a mass protest on Saturday to press their demand to seal the southern border by blocking traffic at more than a dozen U.S. crossings.

  Demonstrators will attempt to stop incoming and outgoing traffic at 17 of the 63 locations in Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California listed on the U.S. Customs and Border Protection website.

  Rob Chupp, an organizer of the action publicized as “Shut Down All Ports Of Entry,” said more than a thousand people are expected to gather across the several states at the same time, 8 a.m. PDT/10 a.m. CDT at targeted checkpoints, park their vehicles in every lane and turn them off.”


Yahoo News



Update: Due to threats of violence the planned “Shut Down All Points Of Entry” protests planned for today have been cancelled :




  There has been an unsubstantiated threat of mass violence to attendees, along with very suspicious activity on the Facebook site. These two items are more than enough for me to immediatelystop any protest that was going to occur.

Your lives, and the lives of our law enforcement, are more important than any protest.

  ​I apologize for the inconvenience, but we must remain safe and not put anyone in danger. If you attend, you are not just putting yourself in danger, but the law enforcement officers, as well. They are there to watch you, the protesters against you and the unknown threat. That is not the purpose of this event! Risking anyone's life is not worth it!

Please pass the word along to everyone!


​Stasyi Barth "








Seven Months Later, Orange County Concealed Carry Permits Have Doubled







” Last February, the Ninth Circuit Court Of Appeals, which has jurisdiction over most of the Western United States, ruled that California’s concealed carry law was unconstitutional. The provision in the law stating that one must give “good cause” for a concealed carry permit was deemed too burdensome–and they’re right!

  After the ruling, Orange County saw a spike in concealed carry permits. It got to the point where the county had to spend an additional $1.6 million–and hire 14 part-time staffers–to process all the applications.

  At the time, Orange County Sheriff Sandra Hutchens said she wasn’t going to add more scrutiny to the concealed carry permit process. If you’re a law-abiding citizen and apply, you’ll get your permit. “


Read more







If Police Come To Your Door Without a Warrant, Shut Them Down Like This Guy




” If police come to your door and you don’t need their help, you can simply decline to answer. They cannot come into your home without a search warrant.

  Even if the police have probable cause, they cannot come in your home without a search warrant.

  You might even be a suspect in a criminal investigation. In such a case you should remain silent — except to say “Officer, I can’t let you inside without a search warrant.” Following such an encounter, you should immediately contact a lawyer before speaking to police again.

  The fact is that police can legally lie to try and gain access into your home and knowing how to deal with police at your door can go a long way.”

Free Thought Project