Fisherman Transports Massive Whale Shark On Truck In China


All in a day's work: Cai Chengzhu was fishing in Xianghzhi, eastern China, when he found this 16ft-long whale shark - before lugging it onto his tractor and driving it for half-an-hour to a market in nearby Shishi




” Dwindling in numbers, whale sharks are protected in China – and black market salesmen are punished with hefty fines. But when fisherman Cai Chengzhu, 48, spotted this 16-foot-long, two-tonne beast, he could not resist having a go. He heaved it to shore and dragged it to the street.Then, incredibly, he dumped it onto a truck – and drove it for half-an-hour to the nearest market.

Regulation states the valuable whale sharks, which can live for up to 100 years, should be set free immediately if caught. But Cai, from Xianghzhi, in the far-eastern province of Fujian, admitted he planned to sell the creature from 10,000 to 20,000 yuan (around £1,000 to £2,000). “

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