Tag Archive: Buzzfeed

Facebook Reveals It’s Master Plan – Control All News Flow



Facebook , Pawel Kuczynski ,

From The Pawel Kuczynski Collection

Support this artist . He has an amazing collection of anti-statist works



” Last night, I came across an incredibly important article from the New York Times, which described Facebook’s plan to provide direct access to other websites’ content in exchange for some sort of advertising partnership. The implications of this are so huge that at this point I have far more questions than answers.

  Let’s start with a few excerpts from the article:

  With 1.4 billion users, the social media site has become a vital source of traffic for publishers looking to reach an increasingly fragmented audience glued to smartphones. In recent months, Facebook has been quietly holding talks with at least half a dozen media companies about hosting their content inside Facebook rather than making users tap a link to go to an external site.

  Such a plan would represent a leap of faith for news organizations accustomed to keeping their readers within their own ecosystems, as well as accumulating valuable data on them. Facebook has been trying to allay their fears, according to several of the people briefed on the talks, who spoke on condition of anonymity because they were bound by nondisclosure agreements.

  Facebook intends to begin testing the new format in the next several months, according to two people with knowledge of the discussions.The initial partners are expected to be The New York Times, BuzzFeed and National Geographic, although others may be added since discussions are continuing. The Times and Facebook are moving closer to a firm deal, one person said.

  Facebook has said publicly that it wants to make the experience of consuming content online more seamless. News articles on Facebook are currently linked to the publisher’s own website, and open in a web browser, typically taking about eight seconds to load. Facebook thinks that this is too much time, especially on a mobile device, and that when it comes to catching the roving eyeballs of readers, milliseconds matter.

  The Huffington Post and the business and economics website Quartz were also approached. Both also declined to discuss their involvement.

  Facebook declined to comment on its specific discussions with publishers. But the company noted that it had provided features to help publishers get better traction on Facebook, including tools unveiled in December that let them target their articles to specific groups of Facebook users, such as young women living in New York who like to travel.

  The new proposal by Facebook carries another risk for publishers: the loss of valuable consumer data. When readers click on an article, an array of tracking tools allow the host site to collect valuable information on who they are, how often they visit and what else they have done on the web.

  And if Facebook pushes beyond the experimental stage and makes content hosted on the site commonplace, those who do not participate in the program could lose substantial traffic — a factor that has played into the thinking of some publishers. Their articles might load more slowly than their competitors’, and over time readers might avoid those sites.

  And just as Facebook has changed its news feed to automatically play videos hosted directly on the site, giving them an advantage compared with videos hosted on YouTube, it could change the feed to give priority to articles hosted directly on its site.

  Let me try to address this the best I can from several different angles. First off, what’s the big picture plan here? As the number two ranked website in the world with 1.4 billion users, Facebook itself is already something like an alternative internet where a disturbing number of individuals spend a disproportionate amount of their time. The only thing that seems to make many of its users click away is content hosted on other people’s websites linked to from Facebook users. Other than this outside content, many FB users might never leave the site.

  While this is scary to someone like me, to Facebook it is an abomination. The company doesn’t want people to leave their site ever — for any reason. Hence the aggressive push to carry outside news content, and create a better positioned alternative web centrally controlled by it. This is a huge power play move.

    Liberty Blitzkrieg has much more on how the liberating effects of the internet can/will be destroyed by the behemoths of the web , namely Facebook . Couple this development with this week’s news of the Google/White House connection and bear in mind the political proclivities of the principles of both internet conglomerates and you have a recipe for Statism unmatched by the propaganda machines of Goebbels , Stalin or Mao … They’ll turn social media into “socialist media” given have the chance . 

BuzzFeed Video – If Women Were Honest When Shopping





From BuzzFeed




” Watch What Happens When Liberals Try Shooting Guns For The First Time “

It’s Thanksgiving So We Asked Brits To Label The United States

We’re So Sorry, America


   The folks at Buzzfeed put forth a challenge to our British brethren across the pond to identify the fifty state of the US on a blank map . Since Americans are constantly being disparaged regarding their knowledge of geography this was an ideal chance for the Brits to demonstrate their superiority on the subject . The resulting answers are truly comical . below you can view a couple examples . The rest are here .


What's the state capital of Squaresies?

This one is priceless … Lobsters ? Potatoes ? Guns ? Not Canada ? … LOL

Little known fact: No one actually knows what that state in the middle is.

This person gets them nearly all correct and includes some illustrations worthy of Frommer’s travel guide … 

When all else fails, draw pretty pictures.

    The reader is invited to view the rest here and while you are at it you can explore a link that provides some proof of the stereotype that American’s are less than experts of Europe . Below is but one example of our contribution to the geographical conversation … Hilarious …

OK, in our defense, Europe is really complicated.

Be sure to check them both out . The resulting answers are certain to start your day with a smile .

Michael Hastings, ‘Rolling Stone’ Contributor, Dead At 33




” Michael Hastings, the fearless journalist whose reporting brought down the career of General Stanley McChrystal, has died in a car accident in Los Angeles, Rolling Stone has learned. He was 33.

Hastings’ unvarnished 2010 profile of McChrystal in the pages of Rolling Stone, “The Runaway General,” captured the then-supreme commander of the U.S.-led war effort in Afghanistan openly mocking his civilian commanders in the White House. The maelstrom sparked by its publication concluded with President Obama recalling McChrystal to Washington and the general resigning his post. “The conduct represented in the recently published article does not meet the standard that should be met by – set by a commanding general,” Obama said, announcing McChrystal’s departure. “It undermines the civilian control of the military that is at the core of our democratic system.” “



” A contributing editor to Rolling Stone, Hastings leaves behind a remarkable legacy of reporting, including an exposé of America’s drone war, an exclusive interview with WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange at his hideout in the English countryside, an investigation into the Army’s illicit use of “psychological operations” to influence sitting Senators and a profile of Taliban captive Bowe Bergdahl, “America’s Last Prisoner of War.” “




















“A timeline compiled by Buzzfeed compares Obama’s dishonest stance on civil liberties before and after the election.

Also interesting to note is how this Kenyan fraud has a different accent for different audiences — he can sound educated when addressing whites, so they think he is on their level, and he can sound stupid when addressing blacks, so they think he’s on their level.”







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Internet Campaign To Confuse Government Surveillance Systems Scheduled For June 12






” With word that the National Security Agency is snooping on the electronic communications of nearly everyone in the nation, some Internet users are preparing to strike back with “Operation Troll The NSA.”

The plan is to “test” the system by texting, emailing, and verbalizing keyword-like messages about terrorism in as many communications as possible on Wednesday, June 12 at 7PM EST.

A website was set up to inform denizens of the Internet of the project. “They say they don’t read or listen to the contents of our messages. Why not test it out? It’ll be fun,” the website says.”





” The creators have written a seemingly innocuous email about travel plans and work. But the thing is filled with key words that would catch filters built to search out terrorism.

The effort was started in reaction to revelations about the NSA’s massive spying on Americans as revealed by whistleblower Edward Snowden.”




























18 Amazing Things You Most Likely Never Get To See

Sometimes the most boring things are the most amazing.

8. What a liter bottle of soda looks like before compressed air is added:

What a liter bottle of soda looks like before compressed air is added:



View the rest here .




Uhh And Then Some

Hilarious: Teleprompterless Obama’s 51-Second “Uhh” Debate Compilation


Not really a surprise to anyone , is it ?

  ” When desperation sets in, true colors come out. As Democrats try not to completely lose hold of their once astounding leads across politics from just four years ago, their efforts are as see-through as the Hawaiian waters the Obama family gets to see during their taxpayer funded vacations.

At multiple Mitt Romney rallies Tuesday in Michigan, several protestors were allegedly paid to protest. One Obama campaign official and two of the protesters (all anonymous) confirmed the allegations to Buzzfeed reporters.”

Nearly 90% of the Americans who gave $200 to Obama’s 2008 campaign haven’t re-upped this year.

Breaks my heart … 

“In 2008, more than 550,000 gave more than $200 to Barack Obama, entering their names in the longest list of individual donors ever seen in American politics.

That list was a snapshot of the hope Obama inspired in a cross sections of liberals, young professionals, African-Americans, and Democrats who saw in him a generational and historic moment. But now, as Obama struggles to keep pace with his 2008 fundraising clip, that list offers a cross-section of Democratic disappointment and alienation. According to a BuzzFeed analysis of campaign finance data, 88% of the people who gave $200 or more in 2008 — 537,806 people — have not yet given that sum this year. And this drop-off isn’t simply an artifact of timing. A full 87% of the people who gave $200 — the sum that triggers an itemized report to the Federal Elections Commission — through April of 2008, 182,078 people, had not contributed by the end of last month.”

My Sentiments Exactly

“I thought we were going to see John McCain all over again,” said Brad Thor, a bestselling novelist and popular figure on the right who supported Santorum. “But you know what? That fire I’ve felt for previous candidates, I’m starting to feel it. And that surprise presser at Solyndra was like pouring accelerant on the fire.”

Thor said when he heard about the Solyndra stunt, he cheered aloud: “Way to go Mitt!”

My God, this is right out of Breitbart’s playbook. I love it!” he said. “I swear to God, if he roller skates into the DNC convention, or hijacks an Obama press conference — if he does either one of those I’m going to give my kid’s college money to his Super PAC.”

“Told that conservatives were comparing Romney’s tactics to Breitbart’s, one aide responded: “Oh great, that’s what we were going for.” “