Tag Archive: Bush’s Fault

Nobody’s Fault





” All of a sudden, people have noticed that we are in trouble, and many are saying it isn’t the president’s fault. All the bad news, from Iraq to Ukraine, from Libya and Syria to the Mexican border, just seems to have happened: Obama was standing there, golfing or shaking hands with donors, and, like a burst of bad weather, the winds blew, the skies opened, and things went to hell. Mysterious forces conspired against him, terrible setbacks occurred for no reason, and we were left with effects without a cause. His supporters commiserate with him and note his bad fortune at being in office at a time when events make his life difficult.”



    Now that the fact that the world is heading to hell in a hand basket can no longer be denied and the “blame Bush” card has expired the Obama sycophants must resort to the old standby , bad luck in finding excuses for their failed “leader” .



” The reasons offered for why bad things aren’t his doing fall into three different categories: (1) The system is broken, the country is polarized, and the Republicans have become too insane to deal with; (2) stuff happens, and no one at all can do much about it; and (3) people think that the president ought to be Superman and solve all their problems, which is really expecting too much.”



Read the whole thing from Noemie Emery and see the newest ploy to shield their boy from any hint of responsibility .










Broken Down To A Science




” We’ve all been there: Stuck in a hopelessly circular argument with a liberal who won’t get to the point, acknowledge basic facts even exist, or get past juvenile name-calling in debates. It can be really frustrating.

  One thing people can do to fight back is just to code all the non-responses to logical or rational arguments. Cryptically flipping back “Give me a break with that number 5 nonsense” or “Man, number 3, again?” can really humiliate people whose stupidity is broken down to a science.”




” 5. It’s a Far-Right Conspiracy (Or The Koch Brothers Did It)”















 ” “[I]t will not be enough to put more guards in front of an Embassy; or to put out statements of regret, and wait for the outrage to pass,” Obama told the assembled diplomats and heads of state. “If we are serious about those ideals, we must speak honestly about the deeper causes of this crisis….Today, we must affirm that our future will be determined by people like Chris Stevens, and not by his killers. Today, we must declare that this violence and intolerance has no place among our United Nations.”

While claiming that Al Qaeda had been weakened, Obama said that the attacks on U.S. embassies were in fact a natural outcome of misunderstandings on both sides–of “difficulties of reconciling tradition and faith with the diversity and interdependence of the modern world.” He proceeded to attack the infamous anti-Islam video:”



   ” Big Guy can’t do anything about the deficit because he can’t get the do-nothing Congress to work with him. He can’t do anything about the terrible economy (which he isn’t responsible for anyway…that honor goes to George W and his do-too-much Congress) because the do-nothing Congress won’t let him spend any more money.

This has some of our Dems rattled. They’re starting to ask “What is Big Guy responsible for?” And “what is the Big White really competent at?” So we’ve been tasked with coming up with a list. Here’s what we’ve got so far:

  • drone attacks
  • picking Green Energy winners
  • stonewalling
  • parties for Presidential Medal of Freedom winners ”  

Larry Elder at Townhall

“President Barack Obama’s re-election turns on his ability to convince voters that 1) Obama inherited a “Great Recession,” 2) every “independent” economist supported the “stimulus,” 3) “bipartisan” economists agree that Obama’s stimulus worked, and 4) as actor Morgan Freeman puts it, racist Republicans say, “Screw the country … we’re going to do whatever we can to get this black man outta here” — nothing to do with deeply held policy differences.”

Here’s to hoping the snake oil salesman has lost his touch and the kool-aid is about gone .

   Fool me once …. Shame on you …. Fool me twice …. Shame on …. US

   As the left continues to up the ante , and continues to get slapped down one has to wonder exactly what type of rose colored glasses they wear . 

Jennifer Rubin 

  “Rather than the donkey, the Democratic Party should adopt the ostrich as its mascot. There is so much reality to ignore and so many ridiculous excuses to keep straight, you sometimes wonder if there isn’t someone, somewhere on the left (other than Bill Clinton) who is looking at this stuff rationally.”

Ed Morrissey :

“Anyone want to try defining “overnight” for me, just so that we have a rule of thumb going forward? On Inauguration Day, I would have accepted “2009″ or even “his first two years in office” as plausible answers. Instead, five months out from election day, somehow dawn still has yet to break. His braintrust is now actually on the cusp of arguing, in all seriousness, that it’s unfair to judge him on what’s happened in the jobs market over the course of his entire first term.”