Tag Archive: Bureaucrats

Washington: A World Apart


Where The Money Is

This map highlights in yellow the nation’s Super Zips — those ranking highest on income and college education.
The largest collection of Super Zips is around Washington, D.C.

    It should come as no surprise that the bulk of the nation’s income resides in the DC to Boston corridor but the fact that DC is ground zero for riches , even beyond Manhattan should be appalling to every average American .

” A Washington Post analysis of the latest census data shows that more than a third of Zip codes in the D.C. metro area rank in the top 5 percent nationally for income and education. But what makes the region truly unusual is that so many of the high-end Zip codes are contiguous. They form a vast land mass that bounds across 717 square miles. It stretches 60 miles from its northern tip in Woodstock, Md., to the southern end in Fairfax Station, and runs 30 miles wide from Haymarket in Prince William County to the heart of the District up to Rock Creek Parkway.

One in four households in the region are in a Super Zip, according to the Post analysis. Since the 2000 Census on which Murray based his analysis, Washington’s Super Zips have grown to encompass 100,000 more residents. Only the New York City area has more Super Zips, but they are a much smaller share of the total of that region’s Zip codes and are more scattered.

Zip codes are large swaths of territory, and people from many different walks of life live in them. But many Washington neighborhoods are becoming more economically homogenous as longtime homeowners move out and increasing housing prices prevent the less affluent from moving in. The eventual result, in many cases, is a Super Zip. And because the contiguous Super Zips are surrounded by areas that are almost as well-off, it’s possible to live in a Super Zip and rarely encounter others without college degrees or professional jobs.”



DC Super Zips


Largest clusters of elite zips

” Here are the nation’s largest contiguous Super Zip collections, and their nearest major city or area, ranked by number of households.

1. Washington

2. E. Manhattan

3. San Jose

4. Boston

5. Oakland

6. Bridgeport

7. Newark

8. Chicago

9. N. of Los Angeles

10. Long Island *(see below)

11. W. Manhattan

12. Trenton

13. Philadelphia

14. San Diego

15. S. of Los Angeles

    Who controls these moneyed areas you ask ? Well , who do you think ? The party of the “common man” … LOL , Democrats all .

   * Long Island is harder to quantify given that it is a geographic area and not a municipality , but it is comprised of four different counties and we hereby provide the links to those which are also predominantly democratic in composition . The four counties/boroughs are Queens , Brooklyn aka Kings County , Nassau and Suffolk . Queens and Brooklyn being boroughs of the City of New York .

    Nassau and Suffolk counties once Republican strongholds, these days see-saw back and forth between Republican and Democratic control but as the money from NYC spreads east once loyal republican districts are seeing their political make-up changed to be more in keeping with the statist agenda most commonly held in the city of NY . 

    It is certainly ironic that the majority of support for the “little people” resides in the gated communities that are actually  the bastions of wealth in this country .

Chiefs of Police Completely Misrepresent Law Enforcement





” Let me quickly dispel any thoughts you may have that the average working cop is coming for your guns. You should not remotely consider that Police Chiefs (and I mean specifically Police Chiefs, not Sheriffs) speak for those whom they command. They most certainly do not! Police Chiefs are politically appointed administrators who, for fear of losing their cushy jobs, toe the line of the of the city officials who appointed them. Those people who work under the police chief have absolutely no say in the chief’s selection, and more often than not, the chief and those who work under him/her are often at odds over many things, including how to run the day to day operations of the department.

To lend a little credibility to my claim that line-level cops are supportive of gun rights, I offer a survey conducted by POLICE Magazine in which they concluded “More than 88 percent of a diverse population of American law enforcement officers who read POLICE Magazine gave a thumbs up to the Second Amendment of the Constitution.” That survey is not the only one conducted of cops which showed overwhelming support for citizen’s rights to guns. Noted gun rights supporter and author, John Lott documents several surveys with similar results here.”










How About Czar’s Pay ? If we are talking bloat here , then let’s start with politicians , bureaucrats and administrators before we think of cutting the pay of the one branch of government that is truly justified .

And remind us again how many aides Michelle has .





” Panetta said there were four areas he looked at when trying to achieve savings: efficiencies; force structure reductions, or decreasing total troop strength; procurement reforms; and, perhaps most controversially, compensation.

Troop pay was not directly affected by the Budget Control Act reductions, but if Panetta was laying out a road map for future cuts, as he appeared to be doing, it may not be spared for long.

“Everything has to be looked at if you’re serious about achieving the kind of savings that we need to achieve to address the budget deficit,” Panetta said, adding that he faced a $50 million healthcare bill at the Defense Department and that pay rates had grown significantly in recent years.

Still, military pay seems a strange place to start cutting. While troops do have a robust benefits package during service, pay can be barebones, starting at roughly $1,500 per month for junior enlisted service members. Cuts or cost increases to veterans’ healthcare are also a sore spot, as fee increases in the current defense budget bill have left some retirees feeling let down by the military. “







” WASHINGTON (AP) — While the “fiscal cliff” of looming tax increases and spending cuts dominates political conversation in Washington, some Republicans and business groups see signs of a “regulatory cliff” that they say could be just as damaging to the economy.

For months, federal agencies and the White House have sidetracked dozens of major regulations that cover everything from power plant pollution to workplace safety to a crackdown on Wall Street.

The rules had been largely put on hold during the presidential campaign as the White House sought to quiet Republican charges that President Barack Obama was an overzealous regulator who is killing U.S. jobs.

But since the election, the Obama administration has quietly reopened the regulations pipeline.”



Illustration By Steve Rustad

… That Changes All Lives




 ” Christiana Figueres, who leads the United Nations negotiations to cut greenhouse gas emissions, described the climate change she seeks as a world-encompassing “revolution” engineered by “centralized” governments.

“We are inspiring government, private sector, and civil society to [make] the biggest transformation that they have ever undertaken,” Figueres, executive secretary of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, said in an interview published by The Guardian last week.”

Our Tax Dollars Screwing US

“Senior FAA officials accused of telling workers ‘job security’ at risk if GOP wins”

  It’s gotten so we can’t have any faith in government institutions at all . Never in our lifetimes have the federal agencies been so politicized . We need change . The entrenched government worker mentality will be the ruin of this country .


  “Two federal agency supervisors allegedly warned employees earlier this year that a Republican takeover in Washington could threaten their jobs — comments that some workers apparently took as guidance on “how to vote” and that one group claims may have violated federal law. 

Nonprofit watchdog Cause of Action wrote a letter Wednesday asking the Department of Transportation’s inspector general to launch a probe into the incident, involving senior officials with the Federal Aviation Administration. The incident occurred in May during a meeting at the FAA’s Seattle office, according to the letter. 

Emails obtained by FoxNews.com show one FAA employee recalling what John Hickey, deputy associate administrator for aviation safety, said at the meeting. “

“Court strikes down NLRB rule to speed up union elections”

  “A federal judge ruled Monday that a contentious union election rule proposed by the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) is “invalid.”

In an 18-page memorandum opinion, U.S. District Judge James Boasberg struck the regulation down, saying the labor board only had two members when it voted on the final rule in December 2011. Boasberg said the agency needed at least three members to have a quorum for action on the rule.” 


Some rarely exhibited common sense has prevailed , although one must note that the judge’s ruling was based on a technicality and not on the merits of the rule enacted by NLRB . All the more reason for a change of administration . It’s time for people that actually contribute to the GDP to have some say in the rules .