Tag Archive: Bullshit

That Zero Hedge Article On Unsold Cars Is Bullshit



That Zero Hedge Article On Unsold Cars Is Bullshit




” I usually enjoy reading Zero Hedge because the insights are often interesting and I think pessimism is an underrated virtue these days. However, this guest article on unsold cars is so demonstrably false I had to take a break from my Sunday morning to dispute it. 

  It is an admittedly appealing idea to think that automakers, unable to sell cars, are just wildly producing them and then dumping them around the world in an endless cycle of mass production hysteria. So much of the modern economy seems senseless and inexplicable, which is why an article like this seems to give some credence to the feeling many of us have inside that something is terribly wrong.P

  The visuals are strong, the headline is clear, and you almost don’t have to read the article to viscerally understand the problem. I, more than anyone, get the appeal of this story because it seems to largely rip off an article I wrote — including the images and headline — more than five years ago (which itself was largely a rehash of a Guardian article).”



    We posted the Zero Hedge article yesterday and in the interests of equal time present Jalopnik’s refutation of same . 

    While we have no expertise in these matters and therefore are in no position to declare who is correct , one thing we can say is that while the Jalopnik author claims the photos in the Zero Hedge article are old , one on our site , a Google Earth view was not from the article and was found by us yesterday .










Sequester This! President Obama’s Colossal Media Blunder




” President Obama has gone all-in trying to get Republicans to blink and serve up another round of tax increases in lieu of the looming spending sequester. Eschewing talks with Congress or any pretense of leadership, he is instead flying around the country burning $180,000 an hour on Air Force One laying out a parade of horribles that will descend upon us if the growth of federal spending were reduced by one iota.

Why is he doing this? Because the mainstream media are lapping it up. Poisoned meat coming to grocery shelves near you! Air traffic grinds to a screeching halt! Fires, murder, and mayhem in the streets as first responders are laid off! No visits to the Washington Monument! OK, it all makes for good copy.

Well, Jay, explain this to me: The most imperial president in American history, a man who boasts that he will rule by Executive Action if Congress refuses to pass legislation he favors, can’t figure out how to direct spending cuts in a way that does the least harm to the American people?”



See companion story :  After The Sequester, Bring On The Blame Game


” Just as every newsworthy weather event these days is blamed on global warming, every negative economic report between now and the 2014 midterm elections will be blamed on obstructionist Republicans, their ill-advised sequester, and their determination to ruin an otherwise recovering economy just to make Obama look bad. The only way to fix it? Hand total control of all three branches of government to the party that really knows how to party.”






” The Defense Department said in early February that it would not deploy the U.S.S. Harry Truman to the Persian Gulf, citing budget concerns relating to the looming cuts known as the sequester.

“Under the Constitution, the President is commander-in-chief and employs the force. And so we now have the President going out because of this piece of paper and this agreement. ‘I can’t do what I need to do to protect the country,'” Woodward said.

“That’s a kind of madness that I haven’t seen in a long time,” he said.

Woodward’s harsh criticism came after he stirred controversy last weekend by calling out Obama for what he said was “moving the goal posts” on the sequester by requesting that revenue be part of a deal to avert it.”


Penn & Teller

 Bullshit!  Gun Control



Obama, Clinton Escape Blame In Benghazi Report



” “Systemic failures and leadership and management deficiencies at senior levels within two bureaus of the State Department resulted in a Special Mission security posture that was inadequate for Benghazi and grossly inadequate to deal with the attack that took place,” says the report, which was written by the “Accountability Review Board for Benghazi.”

“However, the Board did not find reasonable cause to determine that any individual U.S. government employee breached his or her duty,” state the report’s authors, all picked by the administration. “



Us pajamas-clad bloggers can’t be trusted to report the news because we lack the research staff and legal teams to get the facts straight BEFORE we publish them ?

   Good thing the major media employ all those fact checkers . They might end up being sued or maybe broadcast something untrue or otherwise incorrect .

Professor Jacobsen

“A gunman identified as James Holmes killed 12 people at the opening of the new Batman
movie. Details still are unclear as to who he is, but ABC News already has blamed the Tea Party because
there is someone with a similar name who is a member of a local Tea Party group in that area.

  Plenty of people on Twitter and elsewhere are doing the same thing.
As usual, the hunt is on to tie a gunman to the Tea Party, as if there were cause and effect, and despite numerous such attempts in the past
which failed. “