Tag Archive: Britain

What You Should Know Before Flying A Drone In The UK






” Drones used to be scary, specialist equipment reserved for the military and dystopian sci-fi novels. But now they’re everywhere. Companies have worked out how to make these unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) cheap and reasonably easy to fly, enticing a whole new wave of amateur pilots. Whether you want to use one for photography or filming purposes, or simply to master the art of flight, it’s never been easier to have a go.

  The rapid rise in drone ownership has left many governments scrambling to work out how, if at all, these lightweight aircraft should be regulated. The rules and restrictions vary around the world, so it’s always a good idea to familiarize yourself before launching a drone somewhere new. Keen to start flying in the UK? Here’s everything you should know first.”


    Before any of you Brits plunk down your hard earned money on a drone be sure to read the rules on the current state of drone use in the UK .













The Cream Puff Corps: Australia, Belgium, Britain And France – Not Just The Netherlands




” If trains and buss are no longer safe places for soldiers on their way to work, surely they are no longer safe for ordinary citizens either.

” The best thing you can do is to make an effort to kill any infidel, French, American, or any of their allies… Smash his head with a rock, slaughter him with a knife, run him over with a car throw him from a high place, choke him or poison him.” — Mohammed al-Adnani, ISIS spokesman, September 2014.

  Instead of telling their soldiers to hide themselves, Western governments should tell their soldiers to show themselves to make clear to the jihadists, and to frightened citizens, that we in the West are not afraid of terrorists. On the contrary, we will root them out and come down on them with all our military might.

  Earlier this week, Timon Dias wrote on these pages that the Dutch authorities have ordered Dutch soldiers not to wear their uniforms when they are using public transport on their way to the barracks. But the Dutch are not the only cowards in the West. Unfortunately, the Netherlands is not the only country that, for fear of attacks by Muslim extremists, has advised its military to no longer wear their uniforms in public. Apparently, Australia, Belgium, Britain and France have done the same. “



Read more here and here
















Woman Confronts Muslim Extremists Who Invaded Her Hometown




” Muslim cab drivers and Subway franchise managers refusing disabled customers with guide dogs. Muslim refugees on welfare demanding Sharia Law-compliant food banks. Towns surrendering to the complaint of a single Muslim to remove an ad for bacon. Man ordered to remove an American flag because it was ‘offensive to Muslims.’

  The demands of Muslims in America are spreading more quickly than we can document it. Yet despite the record influx of immigrants and “refugees” from Muslim nations, the population in America is (for now) well below that of Britain.

  And it is from Britain that a stunning warning video comes showing us what can happen when a large number of Muslims infiltrate a Western city.”



Read more at Top Right News and you can visit the EDL website here










British Spy Agency Reported To Tap Fibre-Optic Cables





” New details of cable tapping has been reported by British daily, The Guardian. The report reveals that Britain’s spy agency the GCHQ has tapped fibre-optic cables that carry international phone and internet traffic. It is also sharing large amounts of personal information with the United States National Security Agency. The project has the codename “Tempora”. “








UK: Terrorists On Welfare Get $14K More Than Starting Soldiers





” Terrorists in the UK are being encouraged to join welfare. With all the benefits, they are able to get as much as $38K. Starting soldiers? Only $24K.

The Wall Street Journal:

Most of the extremists who have repeatedly expressed their hatred of British soldiers are themselves supported by the British state. A prominent hate-preacher—Anjem Choudary, a leader of the disbanded al Muhajiroun—was even caught on video earlier this year extolling Britain’s “jihad-seekers’ allowance.” As he explained to his followers, “The normal situation, really, is to take money from the kafir”—a slur for non-Muslims. “Allahu akbar. We take the money.” “




Margaret Thatcher, The “Iron Lady” Of British Politics, Is Dead




” Margaret Thatcher, Britain’s first female prime minister and uncompromisingly conservative “Iron Lady” of the 1980s, has died. She was 87.

She died following a stroke.

“We’ve lost a great leader, a great prime minister and a great Briton,” Prime Minister David Cameron said.

Thatcher suffered a series of minor strokes in recent years. She rarely appeared in public after doctors forbade her from talking to large groups in 2002 for health reasons. But she continued to meet and dine privately with old friends in recent years who guarded details of her health and condition.

Thatcher was one of the most recognizable political figures of the second half of the 20th century. She was a political soulmate of conservative U.S. President Ronald Reagan, with whom she stood shoulder to shoulder against communism in the twilight decade of the Cold War.

Her free-market policies rolled back decades of state socialism in Britain and ushered in what her fellow “Thatcherite” conservatives say was an era of prosperity that endured until recently.”









Kate Middleton and Prince William’s Baby Due in July, Palace Says



Royal Heir



“One of the most anticipated births in recent history is expected in July, when the third in line to the British throne is due to arrive, St. James’s Palace said this morning.

”Their Royal Highnesses The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are delighted to confirm they are expecting a baby in July,” the palace said in a statement. “The Duchess’s condition continues to improve since her stay in hospital last month.”

Kate Middleton, 31, who is 13 to 14 weeks pregnant, is continuing to do better after spending four nights at a hospital last month because of severe morning sickness called hyperemesis gravidarum. ”



Editor’s Note : While we care NOTHING for royalty of any kind we do like traffic and have been known to occasionally stoop to old media levels to boost same . Please excuse this brief pander . Thanks . Ed.




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Worldwide – U.S. Ranks 1st in Gun Ownership and 28th in Gun Homicide, Ron Paul says Resent and Resist




” As SLN reported, “However, according to the CATO Institute and FBI statistics, when guns were banned in the UK, armed robbery rates jumped 40%. In Australia, armed robbery rates increased 40%. The statistics also show that the majority of robberies in the UK happen when people are home, which is 50% of the time.”

Interestingly, Britain’s violent crimes rate is 2,034 per 100,000 people compared to the United States’ 466 violent crimes per 100,000 people.


A prominent figure in the Liberty movement and a man who helped Rep. Massie find his path to D.C., former Congressman Ron Paul spoke out against the idea of gun grabbing on Wednesday during the Alex Jones show. Paul said regarding Obama signing a gun-related executive order, “Well, it should go without saying, he’s has gone way too far. It should also go without saying, he’s acting with the use of illegal violence.”

The former Rep. detailed, “I’ve always assumed the line in the sand will be drawn, if the federal agent marches in, unannounced and they say, well give me your gun and give me your gold. I don’t think we’ll do that, calmly. I think the American people will highly resent it and resist.” ”




In the Absence of Guns






In Britain, defending your property can get you life.



” Celebrity news from the United Kingdom: In April, Germaine Greer, the Australian feminist and author of The Female Eunuch, was leaving her house in East Anglia, when a young woman accosted her, forced her back inside, tied her up, smashed her glasses, and then set about demolishing her ornaments with a poker.

A couple of weeks before that, the 85-year-old mother of Phil Collins, the well-known rock star, was punched in the ribs, the back, and the head on a West London street, before her companion was robbed. “That’s what you have to expect these days,” she said, philosophically.

Anthea Turner, the host of Britain’s top-rated National Lottery TV show, went to see the West End revival of Grease with a friend. They were spotted at the theatre by a young man who followed them out and, while their car was stuck in traffic, forced his way in and wrenched a diamond-encrusted Rolex off the friend’s wrist.

A week before that, the 94-year-old mother of Ridley Scott, the director of Alien and other Hollywood hits, was beaten and robbed by two men who broke into her home and threatened to kill her. “


Read On , That Was Just The Prelude


” A few months ago, Shirley Best, owner of the Rolander Fashion boutique whose clients include the daughter of the Princess Royal, was ironing some garments when two youths broke in. They pressed the hot iron into her side and stole her watch, leaving her badly burnt.

“I was frightened to defend myself,” said Miss Best. “I thought if I did anything I would be arrested.”

And who can blame her? Shortly before the attack, she’d been reading about Tony Martin, a Norfolk farmer whose home had been broken into and who had responded by shooting and killing the teenage burglar. He was charged with murder. In April, he was found guilty and sentenced to life imprisonment—for defending himself against a career criminal in an area where the police are far away and reluctant to have their sleep disturbed.

Norfolk is a remote rural corner of England. It ought to be as peaceful and crime-free as my remote rural corner of New England. But it isn’t. Old impressions die hard: Americans still think of Britain as a low-crime country. Conversely, the British think of America as a high-crime country. But neither impression is true. The overall crime rate in England and Wales is 60 percent higher than that in the United States. True, in America you’re more likely to be shot to death. On the other hand, in England you’re more likely to be strangled to death. But in both cases, the statistical likelihood of being murdered at all is remote, especially if you steer clear of the drug trade. When it comes to anything else, though—burglary, auto theft, armed robbery, violent assault, rape—the crime rate reaches deep into British society in ways most Americans would find virtually inconceivable.

I cite those celebrity assaults not because celebrities are more prone to wind up as crime victims than anyone else, but only because the measure of a civilized society is how easily you can insulate yourself from its snarling underclass. In America, if you can make it out of some of the loonier cities, it’s a piece of cake, relatively speaking. In Britain, if even a rock star or TV supremo can’t insulate himself, nobody can. ”


So Now They Come For The Knives



British Medical Journal: Ban Long Knives


” What writer Mark Steyn has rightly called the “stupid and contemptible” public discourse on gun control in this country is getting even “stupider and contemptibler” overseas. The U.K. has once again done America a solid by providing a glimpse of the country’s Oceanic future: British medical “experts” are calling for kitchen cutlery control.

That’s right, America’s transatlantic in-laws, twice removed, have taken to contemplating a long knife ban in order to reduce the number of fatal stabbings.

A team from West Middlesex University Hospital said violent crime is on the increase – and kitchen knives are used in as many as half of all stabbings.

They argued many assaults are committed impulsively, prompted by alcohol and drugs, and a kitchen knife often makes an all too available weapon. The research is published in the British Medical Journal. The researchers said there was no reason for long pointed knives to be publicly available at all. ”




Where In The World Have Tax Increases Made Things Better?




 ” The problem is it’s not true. Raising taxes only makes things worse. The vintage conservative nostrums about higher taxes reducing revenue and enervating economies still hold.

Look at Great Britain where former Prime Minister Gordon Brown pushed through a tax hike shortly before voters booted him in 2010. Wealthy earners saw their rate increase from 40% to 50%. The top rate for capital gains also shot up 10%.

The results have been catastrophic for Britain’s economy. In 2010, there were more than 16,000 people in Britain declaring income of 1 million pounds or more. With Brown’s new taxes, that number dropped to just 6,000 as the wealthy either left Britain or trimmed their income to avoid taxation. Earlier this year, under Conservative Prime Minister David Cameron, the government announced it would drop that rate from 50% to 45%. Since then, the number of residents declaring 1 million pound incomes is up to 10,000.

Higher tax rates lead to fewer millionaires; lower tax rates lead to more millionaires. It’s as clear an illustration as you’ll ever see. And far from increasing revenue, Brown’s tax burden actually cost the treasury 7 billion pounds. Britain’s economy has stalled since Conservatives took power, leading various Krugmanians to reflexively scream “AUSTERITY!” every time they hear an English accent. Britain’s recession is complicated but one of its real causes is surely “TAXES!” ”



Illustration By Gary Varvel



This man has to go . Obama represents the height of the ” I , me , mine ” generation . What’s good for him is good , period . The rest of the world be damned . Just more of that  ” smart diplomacy ” we were promised .

“The Obama administration was seemingly so thirsty for credit when a recent al Qaeda plot in Yemen was thwarted that it quickly coughed up operational secrets to the media —compromising several investigations in the process. ”

Self-serving bastards ,

” The operation was blown, the agent had to be withdrawn —and the CIA’s window into al Qaeda in Yemen was slammed shut.

“This was gold dust,” a senior intelligence official said. “Such assets are few and far between.”