Tag Archive: Brisbane

Barack Obama’s Security Team Strips Floor Of Marriott Hotel Ahead Of G20 In Brisbane


Mr Obama and his staffers will occupy multiple floors of the Marriott Hotel in Brisbane this weekend



” Barack Obama’s security team ordered the stripping of an entire floor of the Marriott Hotel and investigated installing their own wiring to keep the world’s most powerful man safe while he is in Brisbane for the G20.

  Bedding and furniture, including mirrors, have been ­removed from rooms, while others have been left with just desks and chairs as part of the elaborate security operation to ensure he cannot be spied on.

  Secure communication lines will be established and rooms will be swept for bugs to ensure he can conduct confidential business and make private phone calls from within the hotel.

  The hotel will sit inside a cordoned off ­security zone, where only those with accreditation will be allowed to enter.

 The President is expected to arrive on Saturday and will stay at the Marriott for at least one night while he attends the G20. “



    This man sure knows how to piss away our money . How is it that he seems to require so much more in the way of precautions , special treatment and taxpayer funds for his travels than any previous president ?













Australian Chef Kills And Cooks Girlfriend







” An Australian chef has killed his girlfriend, dismembered her and boiled parts of her body before taking his own life, police say.

  Marcus Volke, 28, was fleeing officers who had come to his Brisbane apartment after reports of a foul smell when he slashed his own throat in a bin.

  Officers discovered body parts of Volke’s girlfriend in a pot on the stove, while other parts of the Indonesian woman’s mutilated body were found in garbage bins outside the apartment, according to local media.”



Mayang Prasetyo has been named as the woman at the centre of a brutal murder-suicide in Brisbane



” The woman has been named locally as Mayang Prasetyo.”



Sky News

More here











Terror Raids: AFP, ASIO Move On Suspected Terrorists In Biggest Counterterrorism Raid In Australia’s History




Where the raids happened.




” Police backed up by armoured cars arrested at least 15 people of people in 12 separate pre-dawn operations in NSW, plus three more in Brisbane.

  The combined effort amounted to the largest anti-terrorism operation in Australian history — and senior officers revealed the attack by a suspected terrorist cell was imminent.

  It is believed police intercepted a phone call outlining a plan to kidnap a random member of the public and murder them by beheading, while filming the act to post on social media.

It is also understood the group had planned to target a tourist, possibly in Martin Place in the CBD.”


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New Hatteras GT 54

See More Here 



” Tuesday the 4th of December was a great day for Game & Leisure Boats and Hatteras in Australia. Tuesday was the day we launched the brand new Hatteras GT54, the first of this impressive model to arrive into Australia. We were delighted to showcase this stunning new vessel for her proud new owners and she will make her permanent home in Brisbane later this week.

What was even more exciting was that we had our great friends from New Guinea with us for the event, with their new GT54 arriving in PNG in January. We now can’t wait for the amazing new Hatteras 60 Motor Yacht to arrive mid this year. “