Tag Archive: Brazil

Young People Inspired By Libertarianism, Conservative Free-Market Ideals Push For Change In Brazil





    Above is a video of the demonstration for those that understand Portuguese and much more may be found here and here .



” Microphone in hand and standing atop the sound truck, the raspy-voiced protest leader jabbed his finger into the air shouting for the ouster of Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff, igniting wild cheers from the crowd below him.

” What Lula and Dilma have done shouldn’t just result in their being banned from politics. It should result in them being in jail!” Kim Kataguiri yelled, denouncing Rousseff and her predecessor, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva.” 





” The March 15 demonstration was the largest Sao Paulo had seen in more than three decades, since 1984 protests demanding democratic elections after a long dictatorship.

  But more surprising than the crowd of more than 200,000, according to the Datafolha polling and statistics agency, was the fact it was being led by Kataguiri, a skinny, 19-year-old college dropout, and other young Brazilian activists inspired by libertarianism and conservative free-market ideals.

  The grandson of Japanese immigrants, Kataguiri is a social media star whose quirky videos skewer Rousseff and the ruling party’s social welfare policies. His ascent as a protest figure has been rapid. Two years ago, when protests erupted across Brazil over corruption and poor public services, Kataguiri was a high schooler who avoided the unrest.”


Deseret News












 Photos Reveal Just How Meager US Students’ Meals Are Compared To Even The Most Cash-Strapped Of Nations



What is it? School lunches in the United States stand in stark contrast to the wholesome and in some cases even decadent meals served to kids in other markedly less fortunate nations

Michelle’s American Slop

” Mouthwatering photos of school lunches served around the world reveal even children in Ukraine, Estonia and Greece are treated to delectable meals each day. School children in America, meanwhile, aren’t nearly so lucky.

  Whereas a kid in France might be treated to a juicy steak and a hunk of brie, the richest country in the world’s youths are more likely to receive unidentified meat served alongside little more than a starch like white pasta, fries or a roll.

  The contrasts between America’s school meals and those in far less fortunate economies are stark and suggest Michelle Obama’s push for more healthful lunches nationwide may not be enough.”

Then we have the French school lunch …

Brie, green beans, carrot, rare steak and pudding of kiwi fruit and apples is served in French schools 

” Brie, green beans, carrot, rare steak and pudding of kiwi fruit and apples is served in French schools”

” The first new school lunch standards championed by Michelle Obama have been phased in over the last several school years.

  In addition to whole grain requirements, the rules set fat, calorie, sugar and sodium limits on foods in the lunch line and beyond. While many schools have had success putting the rules in place, others have said they are too restrictive and costly.

  Backlash against the rules have spawned a wave of social media photos along with the tag #thanksMichelleObama. If these pictures are any indication, schools have responded to the rules by cutting down on portions to reduce fat and calories rather than by using potentially more costly ingredients. 

  Meanwhile, the widely different meals from Spain, Ukraine, Greece, South Korea, Brazil, France, Finland and Italy are all fresh and wholesome, with fish, steak and vegetables featuring prominently.”

    Well , you say , France has plenty of money considering their sky high tax rates … This is so but even near bankrupt countries such as Greece feed their children better than the prisoners of our public school system …

Greek school lunches feature baked chicken with orzo, stuffed grape leaves, salad of cucumber and tomatoes, yogurt with pomegranate seeds and two oranges

” Greek school lunches feature baked chicken with orzo, stuffed grape leaves, salad of cucumber and tomatoes, yogurt with pomegranate seeds and two oranges “

Then there is Michelle’s idea of a healthy lunch …

Thanks Michelle Obama? New school lunch rules backed by FLOTUS have students nationwide tweeting '#thanksMichelleObama' along with photos of meals like this

    Skeptics would be well-advised to visit the Daily Mail and see just what the children of the world are fed in such diverse countries as the Ukraine , Brazil , South Korea , Spain , Japan and more … For crying out loud , even Cuban children eat better than American students , look here:

Rice, a chicken croquette, a piece of taro root and yellow pea soup is the school lunch in Old Havana, Cuba

” Rice, a chicken croquette, a piece of taro root and yellow pea soup is the school lunch in Old Havana, Cuba”

    Read it and weep as the foreign menus make your mouth water even as the American cuisine does the same to your eyes … For shame America , for shame …

Drunk Man Beats Up His Wife, Gets K.O By Flying Brick





Published on Jan 31, 2015

” According to the conversation they had on video, it all started because the wife found out that his husband was cheating her.
► Subscribe to LiveLeak Channel for more videos: http://bit.ly/subliveleak “














39-Foot Sandcastle In Brazil May Be World Record







” A California sand artist’s 39-foot-tall sandcastle on a Brazilian beach is being considered for a world record by Guinness officials.

  Guinness World Records adjudicators traveled to the Niteroi, Brazil, beach to examine the detailed castle built by Rusty Croft, a sand artist and co-owner of California-based Sand Guys, which has created sculptures for companies including Google and Facebook.

  The castle was built using 20 truckloads of sand and was sponsored by Caterpillar Inc. Archie Lionce of Caterpillar said a decision from Guinness is expected within days.

  The current Guinness World Record holder for largest sandcastle is Ed Jarrett, who constructed a 37-foot, 10-inch castle in Farmington, Conn., in 2011. “


Thanks to UPI Odd News










Brazil’s ‘Miss Bumbum 2014’ Contest Kicks Off Today






” Most American men will tell you they are either a boob guy or a butt guy. But in Brazil, it’s apparently all about the butt.

  According to Huffington Post, the “Miss Bumbum” competition kicks off today in Sao Paulo with 27 lovely ladies representing Brazil’s 26 states and one federal district hoping to win the country’s annual competition for having the best ass.

  Brazilians have until November to vote online and narrow the field down to 15 for the finals, where the winner will take home roughly $22,000 in endorsement deals and “instant celebrity.”

  For the first time in the competition’s history, twins will be duking it out for the honor of best caboose, as Rafaella and Graziella Fornazieri have both entered the contest.

  Last year’s champion, Dai Macedo , told a French newspaper that to win the title of “Miss Bumbum,” it takes a lot of devotion.

” No nightclubs. No sweets,” Macedo said. “I went to the gym Saturdays and Sundays.”

  Macedo won the title of “Miss Bumbum 2013” after sporting a moneymaker that measured in at 42 inches, proving once again that size does matter.”



   Read/view more about the 2014 candidates here and be sure to check out our coverage of 2012 and 2013 pageants . Here are some video highlights of years past …



   The finale from 2012 …

 And the candidates from 2013 …














From Facebook



” FOX Sports made a compilation thing of all the goal celebration dances from FIFA World Cup .”

Instant Justice: Robber Shot In The Head At Close Range



” Two man attempted to rob a drugstore, but the owner had a good defense and killed one of the criminals.”

He won’t do that again … Brazil is a little bit safer today , thanks to a man with a gun .

World Cup 2014: 17 Pictures Of Shocking Violence As Police ‘Open Live Fire’ On Anti-Fifa Protesters



world cup 2014 violence




” A Brazilian police officer was filmed firing what appear to be live rounds at anti-World Cup protesters this weekend.”








” The incident was captured by the Associated Press close to Rio de Janeiro’s Maracana stadium during the Argentina vs Bosnia-Herzegovina match on Sunday.

  The scenes also saw a man in plain clothes who identified himself as a police officer fire two shots into the air. He continued firing as he was driven away. The news agency was not able to confirm his identity.

  Some residents have turned to artistic protest – daubing walls with anti-Fifa graffiti.

  These powerful images show a nation discontent with corruption, greed and injustice. “



” One mural in particular, at a Sao Paulo school by renowned street artist Paulo Ito, has gone viral on social media, showing a weeping, starving Brazilian boy, knife and fork in hand, being served a football on a plate.”


Lots more here and at the link below:












Father Shot Dead In Front Of His Family By 17-Year Old




” CCTV recording shows Thiago André Santos Souza, 28, at a bakery with his fiancée and daughter who he’s carrying, when he is shot three times by a 17-year old. 

The gunman was arrested later the same day.”

Read more

Jaguar Attacks Crocodile 





” Watch “a big hoss of a male” jaguar sneak up on an unsuspecting crocodile.

  National Geographic captured this incredible footage of a jaguar hunting down a caiman crocodile along a river in central Brazil’s Tres Irmãos River.

  The jaguar is a battle-scarred adult male that biologists have nicknamed him Mick Jaguar. While this cat can’t dance on stage like his rock n roll namesake, he does have some slick moves in his own right.”


Wide Open Spaces







Rio Revels In ‘Greatest Show On Earth’

” More than a million Rio Carnival revellers laid aside bitterness at Brazilian leaders to join wild festivities Saturday in what has been dubbed “the greatest show on Earth.”

” Many participants said they had resolved to forget — at least until festivities end Tuesday — about lingering protests over corruption and the cost of hosting the World Cup.”

” The Rio tourist board said 1.3 million people joined the fray to cavort as the Marvelous City’s oldest bloco or street party group Cordao da Bola Preta danced to a raucous samba beat. A total of four million are accepted during the entire five-day event.”

” But there was a reminder of some of Brazil’s social problems as festivities in the northern city of Salvador were tainted by the fatal shooting of a young man.”

” Rio’s flamboyantly dressed residents were adamant that, for now, they had spent enough time demonstrating — and wanted to let loose instead.”

“Carnival is carnival. Celebrate! Protests can wait — at least for now,” shouted Christophe Land, one of 50 men decked out in black “Spiderman” outfits.”

Read more 

Enormous Cobia Speared Off Brazil Is Nearly 30 Pounds Heavier Than World Record




” Spear fishermen off Brazil have pulled from the depths an enormous cobia that weighed nearly 30 pounds more than the existing spearfishing world record, and nearly 40 pounds heavier than the angling record.

  The behemoth weighed 172 pounds on two separate scales, because the fishermen wanted to be sure, and because it seemed impossible that a cobia could weigh so much.

  The International Underwater Spearfishing Association lists as the men’s world record a 145.9-pound cobia subdued by Valente Baena off Mexico in 2011.

  For the sake of comparison, the International Game Fish Association lists a 135-poind 9-ounce cobia as the largest ever captured on rod and reel.”










This Video Will Put Your Heart In Your Throat




Kid Escapes Harm -Run Over By Car





” Translation of the TV commentary: “The child and the grandmother have already left the hospital and are doing fine, thank God.” “









The Other Side Of Brazil


Surveillance Cams Catch Acts Of Kindness




   We are pleased to present a collection of video clicks captured from street surveillance cameras that highlight something other than the unseemly side of life . This video will warm your heart as you witness numerous acts of kindness and gestures of help from the streets of Brazil .









… On Brazilian Beach To Warn Son To Get Out Of Water


Published on Jan 16, 2014

” A mother was killed in front of her family when she was struck by lightning on a Brazilian beach.
Rosangela Biavati a 36-year-old married mother of one, died instantly when she was hit by the bolt of electricity during a trip to Guaruja, a popular seaside resort on the coast of Sao Paulo.

  The first photograph shows the victim heading towards the water with outstretched arms as she warns her 11-year-old son to get out of the sea because of the gathering storm overhead. The next image captures the electrical discharge streaking down.

  A Mitsubishi pickup obscures the moment the bolt hits the woman as she steps towards the water’s edge but the tragic outcome is clearly evident in the following image in the sequence of shots.

  Three men, including the victim’s husband who is wearing white swimming trucks, drag her lifeless body onto the beach.

  According to Rosângela’s husband, his wife had gone to tell his son and nephews, who were swimming in the sea, to get out because of the bad weather.

  As she stepped into the water she was hit by a single bolt of lightning.

‘ The weather started to close in and we decided to leave. I was putting our bags into the car, and the kids were on the beach.

‘ The next minute my wife was lying on the floor. I received a mild shock,’ said a distraught Leandro Lopes Santos.

  The victim’s brother Elias Biavati added: ‘When I saw my sister she was already lying on the ground and people were trying to revive her by massaging her heart.’

  According to the Biavati, another sister who was standing near to Roseangela when the lightning struck received a black eye.

‘ We are in a state of shock. My brother-in-law is devastated by the sudden death of his wife. We can’t believe how it happened – it could have been any one of us,’ the victim’s brother said. 

  A total of 13 members, all from the same family, had gone to the beach for the day. They arrived at midday but by 3pm the sunny weather had changed as storm clouds gathered and the weather became overcast and the atmosphere heavy.

  Café owner Arionaldo Garrido, who was on the beach, said he quickly realised something was wrong. 

‘ We had taken our tables inside because we could see a storm was coming. Several rays had already flashed across the sky and streaked down,’ he recalled. 

‘ Suddenly we heard a loud bang and saw several people running. We knew that something terrible had happened. It’s a real tragedy for the family who have lost a wife and mother.’ 

  Climatologist Rodolfo Bonafim, from environmental organisation Friends of Water, said that the lightning bolts are common around this time of year.

‘ There is a high incidence of lightning now because of an increase in heat and humidity. It’s more concentrated at this time during the summer than at other times in the year because the humidity is higher.

‘ The seaside area is also a region bounded by the Atlantic Ocean, making it a perfect zone for this type of inclement weather,’ he said. “









An Open Letter To The People Of Brazil




” Six months ago, I stepped out from the shadows of the United States Government’s National Security Agency to stand in front of a journalist’s camera.

  I shared with the world evidence proving some governments are building a world-wide surveillance system to secretly track how we live, who we talk to, and what we say.

  I went in front of that camera with open eyes, knowing that the decision would cost me family and my home, and would risk my life. I was motivated by a belief that the citizens of the world deserve to understand the system in which they live.

  My greatest fear was that no one would listen to my warning. Never have I been so glad to have been so wrong. The reaction in certain countries has been particularly inspiring to me, and Brazil is certainly one of those.

  At the NSA, I witnessed with growing alarm the surveillance of whole populations without any suspicion of wrongdoing, and it threatens to become the greatest human rights challenge of our time.

  The NSA and other spying agencies tell us that for our own “safety” –for Dilma’s “safety,” for Petrobras’ “safety”– they have revoked our right to privacy and broken into our lives. And they did it without asking the public in any country, even their own.

  Today, if you carry a cell phone in Sao Paolo, the NSA can and does keep track of your location: they do this 5 billion times a day to people around the world.

  When someone in Florianopolis visits a website, the NSA keeps a record of when it happened and what you did there. If a mother in Porto Alegre calls her son to wish him luck on his university exam, NSA can keep that call log for five years or more.

  They even keep track of who is having an affair or looking at pornography, in case they need to damage their target’s reputation.

  American Senators tell us that Brazil should not worry, because this is not “surveillance,” it’s “data collection.” They say it is done to keep you safe. They’re wrong.

  There is a huge difference between legal programs, legitimate spying, legitimate law enforcement –where individuals are targeted based on a reasonable, individualized suspicion – and these programs of dragnet mass surveillance that put entire populations under an all-seeing eye and save copies forever.

  These programs were never about terrorism: they’re about economic spying, social control, and diplomatic manipulation. They’re about power.

  Many Brazilian senators agree, and have asked for my assistance with their investigations of suspected crimes against Brazilian citizens.

  I have expressed my willingness to assist wherever appropriate and lawful, but unfortunately the United States government has worked very hard to limit my ability to do so –going so far as to force down the Presidential Plane of Evo Morales to prevent me from traveling to Latin America!

  Until a country grants permanent political asylum, the US government will continue to interfere with my ability to speak.

  Six months ago, I revealed that the NSA wanted to listen to the whole world. Now, the whole world is listening back, and speaking out, too. And the NSA doesn’t like what it’s hearing.

   The culture of indiscriminate worldwide surveillance, exposed to public debates and real investigations on every continent, is collapsing.

  Only three weeks ago, Brazil led the United Nations Human Rights Committee to recognize for the first time in history that privacy does not stop where the digital network starts, and that the mass surveillance of innocents is a violation of human rights.

  The tide has turned, and we can finally see a future where we can enjoy security without sacrificing our privacy. Our rights cannot be limited by a secret organization, and American officials should never decide the freedoms of Brazilian citizens.

  Even the defenders of mass surveillance, those who may not be persuaded that our surveillance technologies have dangerously outpaced democratic controls, now agree that in democracies, surveillance of the public must be debated by the public.

  My act of conscience began with a statement: “I don’t want to live in a world where everything that I say, everything I do, everyone I talk to, every expression of creativity or love or friendship is recorded.

  That’s not something I’m willing to support, it’s not something I’m willing to build, and it’s not something I’m willing to live under.”

  Days later, I was told my government had made me stateless and wanted to imprison me. The price for my speech was my passport, but I would pay it again: I will not be the one to ignore criminality for the sake of political comfort. I would rather be without a state than without a voice.

  If Brazil hears only one thing from me, let it be this: when all of us band together against injustices and in defense of privacy and basic human rights, we can defend ourselves from even the most powerful systems.”













” National Security Agency leaker Edward Snowden wrote in a lengthy “open letter to the people of Brazil” that he’s been inspired by the global debate ignited by his release of thousands of National Security Agency documents, and that the NSA’s culture of indiscriminate global espionage “is collapsing.”

  In the letter, obtained on Tuesday by The Associated Press, Snowden commended the Brazilian government for its strong stand against U.S. spying.

  He said he’d be willing to help the South American nation investigate NSA spying on its soil, but could not fully participate in doing so without being granted political asylum, because the U.S. “government will continue to interfere with my ability to speak.” “









Miss Pole Dance South America: See Extraordinarily Flexible Pictures From The Bizarre Competition




(UK Mirror) ” Flexible hopefuls battled it out for the title of Miss Pole Dance South America – and they put on quite a show.

  Budding dancers had the chance to compete in singles, male, female and couples categories.

  Brazilians Ekaterina Malykhina and Tallyta Torres came away with the win in the couples section at the event held in Buenos Aires in Argentina.”



”  Belen Serra and Joaquin Dezzoti from home country Argentina came second while Colombians Sandra Toro and Wilson Mejia finished in third place.

  Venezuelan Gregoris Garcia came out on top in the male category with a stunning display. “


More pictures here and here … if you’re into that sort of thing .








Surfer Takes On ‘Biggest Wave Ever Ridden’ After Storm



” A surfer may have set the world record for the largest wave ever surfed after riding an estimated 100ft wave off the coast of Portugal

Brazilian Carlos Burle took on the monster wave – created by the St Jude storm – at Praia do Norte, near the fishing village of Nazare. Estimated at nearly 100ft, it is believed to be the biggest wave ever ridden.”








Brazil’s Miss Bumbum Competition Rocked By Allegations Of Bribery After Rivals Accuse Contestants Of Paying Judges

Ms Amaral is on the left and Ms Sousa is on the right.

” An annual contest to find the sexiest bottom in Brazil has been rocked by scandal after two of the candidates were accused of bribing judges to rig the votes, it was reported today. 

Blonde beauties Mari Sousa, 25, and Eliana Amaral, 24, are among 15 finalists in the running to be crowned Miss Bumbum 2013.

The competition, which is in its third year, has a huge following in the country and around the world, and titleholders often go on to become national celebrities.”

   We apologize to our more prudish readers but we couldn’t resist putting up a post about Miss Bumbum just to tweek the feministas out there . For the open-minded , or lecherous among you there is a more revealing video below the fold .

Continue reading

Brazil To Host Global Summit To Draw Up New Governance Model





” Here’s a hugely important story that brings together three major threads. First, the continuing wrangling over the form that Internet governance should take. Second, the fact that NSA’s massive surveillance operations around the world have included economic espionage. And third, Brazil’s increasingly angry reaction to that spying. As a post from the Internet Governance Project explains:

the Directors of all the major Internet organizations — ICANN, the Internet Engineering Task Force, the Internet Architecture Board, the World Wide Web Consortium, the Internet Society, all five of the regional Internet address registries — turned their back on the US government. With striking unanimity, the organizations that actually develop and administer Internet standards and resources initiated a break with 3 decades of U.S. dominance of Internet governance.

Those directors have issued what they call the “Montevideo Statement on the Future of Internet Cooperation,” which includes the following:

They called for accelerating the globalization of and functions, towards an environment in which all stakeholders, including all governments, participate on an equal footing.

That’s a fairly clear call for the US to relinquish its dominant role. Another section hints at why this is happening now:

They expressed strong concern over the undermining of the trust and confidence of Internet users globally due to recent revelations of pervasive monitoring and surveillance.”

Helmet-Cam Captures Terrifying Moment Brazilian Thief Stole Motorcycle At Gunpoint Before Undercover Cop Shot Him Dead


Click Pic For Video

” A dramatic video posted online by a biker shows the tense moment when he is held at gunpoint and ordered off his bike by a thief before an undercover cop steps out from nowhere and shoots him dead.

The video was captured by the owner of the motorbike who had a camera attached to the top of his helmet.

Posted on LiveLeak from an unknown location in Brazil, it begins innocently enough following the biker as he zooms around the streets before coming to an intersection where he slows down. ”

The BRICS “Independent Internet” Cable. In Defiance Of The “US-Centric Internet”



” The President of Brazil, Dilma Rousseff announces publicly the creation of a world internet system INDEPENDENT from US and Britain ( the “US-centric internet”).

Not many understand that, while the immediate trigger for the decision (coupled with the cancellation of a summit with the US president) was the revelations on NSA spying, the reason why Rousseff can take such a historic step is that the alternative infrastructure: The BRICS cable from Vladivostock, Russia  to Shantou, China to Chennai, India  to Cape Town, South Africa  to Fortaleza, Brazil,  is being built and it’s, actually, in its final phase of implementation.

No amount of provocation and attempted “Springs” destabilizations and Color Revolution in the Middle East, Russia or Brazil can stop this process.  The huge submerged part of the BRICS plan is not yet known by the broader public.”



   When Obama promised “Hope & Change”  he didn’t say who would reap the benefits , did he ? Now we know he was really talking about the emerging markets of the world with the “west” reduced to riding in the back . No wonder the rest of the world was more enthusiastic about his presidency than were the American people .






” BRICS Cable… a 34 000 km, 2 fibre pair, 12.8 Tbit/s capacity, fibre optic cable system

      • For any global investor, there is no crisis – there is plenty of growth. It’s just not in the old world
      • BRICS is ~45% of the world’s population and ~25% of the world’s GDP
      • BRICS together create an economy the size of Italy every year… that’s the 8th largest economy in the world
      • The BRICS presents profound opportunities in global geopolitics and commerce
  • Links Russia, China, India, South Africa, Brazil – the BRICS economies – and the United States.

  • Interconnect with regional and other continental cable systems in Asia, Africa and South America for improved global coverage

  • Immediate access to 21 African countries and give those African countries access to the BRICS economies.

  • Projected ready for service date is mid to second half of 2015.”