The Boston Yeti Is Back! Monster Spotted In New Snowstorm




The above video is from the Boston Yeti’s first appearance last month during Juno



” The Boston Yeti, who made his debut during last month’s blizzard, was on the run again Monday as New England woke up to a fresh round of snow.

  A new storm threatening to bring up to 1 to 2 feet to some areas churned across the already snow-weary Northeast, making for a slippery, tedious commute. But that didn’t stop the yeti, who was spotted at least once this morning.

  The Boston area could receive up to 2 feet of snow by Tuesday, giving the Yeti plenty of time to terrorize the city once again.

  The Yeti’s movements are being documented on the @BostonYeti2015 Twitter handle, which mysteriously appeared during the first snowstorm as residents across the Northeast battened down the hatches.”


Thanks to Mashable