Tag Archive: Boston Police Department

Journalist Faced Prison for Posting Media Relations Number




” Carlos Miller is not one to back down. As the founder and publisher of Photography is Not a Crime, a leading blog about free speech and press rights in the U.S., Miller has made it his mission to publicize examples of government overreach and the suppression of journalists’ and other news gatherers’ rights. And although he frequently finds himself taking law enforcement officials to task through a combination of original reporting, analysis and activism, Miller never expected that his work would lead to a criminal charge punishable by a decade’s imprisonment.

  A veteran reporter, Miller has covered breaking news as both a full-time staff reporter and a freelancer with news organizations in several states, including several years on the police beat for the Arizona Republic. Miller founded Photography is Not a Crime after he was arrested for photographing a group of police officers while he was on assignment in Miami six years ago, an arrest for which he was ultimately vindicated. “I’m very careful of not breaking the law,” Miller told the Committee to Protect Journalists. “If I had broken a law, then I would just admit to it, ‘Okay, you got me,’ and then I would have to deal with the consequences. But if I’m not breaking the law, then I’m going to be very adamant about it. I’m going to stand up and fight it.”

  The story of how Miller came to face such a serious charge — which police dropped on Nov. 15 after a massive backlash from free expression advocates and members of the press — is as convoluted as it is improbable.”




    Carlos Miller and PINAC are godsends in the fight for freedom and against the police state . Please visit his website , support it if you can afford it and keep your camera ready to record and share public officials behaving badly . “Sunshine is the best disinfectant”










Boston Police: 3 More Suspects Taken Into Custody In Boston Marathon Bombing







BREAKING: Three More Suspects Arrested in Boston Bombing


Boston Marathon Bombing: Three More Suspects Arrested over Terrorist Attack


” Boston.com reports that the three are alleged college students at UMass Dartmouth who were connected to Dzhokhar Tsarnaev and helped him after the fact. Boston Police said “there is not threat to public safety”. CNN reported that the three are accused of “obstruction of justice” and two of them are of Kazakh origin.

According to the Sunday Mirror, a source close to the investigation said: “We have no doubt the brothers were not acting alone. The devices used to detonate the two bombs were highly sophisticated and not the kind of thing people learn from Google.

“They were too advanced. Someone gave the brothers the skills and it is now our job to find out just who they were. Agents think the sleeper cell has up to a dozen members and has been waiting several years for their day to come.” “



Three suspects arrested in connection to Boston bombing: …

3 additional suspects arrested in connection to Boston Marathon …










Boston Bombing Surprise: Officials Say Suspect Unarmed In Boat




” In yet another twist to the Boston marathon bombing, Associated Press reports that an official told them Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was unarmed when captured in a boat in a backyard. Dozens of reports had said he exchanged gunfire with police.

AP wrote that two officials told them Dzhokhar did not have a gun with him on the boat. This is surprising given the New York Times reported an M4 carbine and two handguns were found on the boat, that many news organizations reported the suspect exchanged rounds with officers and that other reports said his neck wound was self-inflicted. Further, Boston police and commissioner Ed Davies described a firefight taking place between the suspect and law enforcement”






LIVE UPDATES: Boston Bombing Suspect in Custody, Say Police


 LIVE UPDATES: Boston Bombing Suspect in Custody, Say Police




” 9:52 p.m. ET: Police say an infrared camera mounted on a helicopter helped confirm the suspect’s hiding place in a boat owned by a Watertown, Mass., resident.

9:47 p.m. ET: Bombing suspect Dzhokar Tsarnaev  is in “serious condition,” says Boston Police Commissioner Ed Davis.

9:46 p.m.ET: “The hostage rescue team tried to negotiate [the suspect] out of the boat,” in which he was hiding, says Boston Police Commissioner Ed Davis. The suspect, however, was unresponsive.

9:27 p.m.ET:  Federal law enforcement officials will invoke the public safety exception to the Miranda law and not offer the suspect the right to remain silent during his interrogation, ABC News has learned. The exception is invoked in instances in which the public is at risk of a clear danger.

9:10 p.m ET: Suspect was injured by a “flash bang” grenade and is bleeding badly, federal sources tell ABC News. The extent of his injuries is unknown at this time.

9:09 p.m. ET: Contacted by ABC News, the father of captured bombing suspect Dzhokar Tsarnaev advises his son to “tell the police everything.  Everything.  Just be honest.”

9:00 pm ET: The President’s High-Value Interrogation Group, made up agents from the CIA, FBI and Defense Intelligence Agency, is on standby and waiting to question the suspect, sources tell ABC News.

8:59 p.m. ET: Suspect Dzhokar Tsarnaev is alive, federal law enforcement sources tell ABC News.

8:53 p.m.ET: “We got him,” tweets Boston Mayor Thomas Menino.

8:50 p.m. ET: Cheers erupt from Watertown, Mass., crowd gathered near where suspect was captured.

8:45 pm ET: Boston bombing suspect, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, is in custody, say Boston Police. Officers sweeping the area. His condition is unknown.

8:03 p.m. ET: A Watertown, Mass., homeowner spotted blood and body in a  covered boat kept in his yard, neighbor and eyewitness George Pizzuto tells ABC News.  The homeowner discovered the person, after removing the boat’s cover. He then called police.

7:53 p.m. ET: Three college aged individuals were taken into custody by the FBI late this afternoon in connection with the manhunt for bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev,  Lt. Robert Richard of the New Bedford Police Department told ABC News. The three people were taken in for questioning, he said.

7:15 p.m. ET: New Boston Police tweet: “Heavy police presence in area of Franklin St in Watertown. Residents remain inside.

7:03 p.m. ET: Boston Police tweet, “Police operations in the Franklin Street Watertown area. Residents shelter in place.

Approximately 7 p.m. ET: Apparent gunfire heard in Watertown, Mass.

6:38 p.m. ET:  The FBI interviewed Tamerlin Tsarnaev, 26, two years ago on behalf of a foreign government.  They found nothing suspicious and closed the file, law enforcement sources tell  ABC News.”



Lots More Over At ABC Including Live Updates







What Is A ‘False Flag’ Attack — And Was Boston One?






” During the Boston Police Department’s final press conference of a confounding and deadly day, someone in the audience asked if Monday’s bombing was a “false flag” attack. We can both explain and answer that question.

What is a “false flag” attack?

The term originates with naval warfare. For centuries, ships have sailed under a flag identifying their nationality. During times of war, ships would sometimes change the national flag they flew in order to fool other vessels that they sought to attack or escape from. They would fly, in other words, a “false flag.” The term then expanded to mean any scenario under which a military attack was undertaken by a person or organization pretending to be something else.

Unsurprisingly, Bidondi’s colleague Alex Jones, the founder of InfoWars, who tweeted this within an hour of the bombings to his 180,000-plus followers:

Our hearts go out to those that are hurt or killed #Boston marathon – but this thing stinks to high heaven #falseflag

— Alex Jones (@RealAlexJones) April 15, 2013

Nor were InfoWars the only conspiracists; as of 10:30 p.m. Eastern on Monday night, a search for “boston marathon false flag” returned more than 85,000 hits on Google.”







(PHOTOS) Suspect Handcuffed After Boston Marathon Bombing

(PHOTOS) Man Handcuffed After Boston Marathon Bombing 3

” Photos taken by Eric Twardzik after Boston Marathon bombing. No further information is available about the suspect. ” 

More photos at the link .


See also …

Boston Marathon Bombing: Authorities Questioning Saudi National, Denies Involvement

” Following the twin blasts at the Boston Marathon that has claimed three lives and injured more than 100, a Saudi national is being held in custody in relation to the incident who was near the scene of the blast, CBS News correspondent John Miller reported.

Law enforcement sources told Miller a witness saw a person acting suspiciously when the explosions happened along the marathon route.

“They see him running away from the device,” said Miller. “Now, a reasonable person would be running away. But this person had noticed him before. This is a civilian — chases him down, tackles him, turns him over to the Boston police. The individual is being looked at [and] was suffering from burn injury. That means this person was pretty close to wherever this blast went off, but not so close as to suffer the serious injuries that other people did.” “












Member of Biden’s Gun Control Task Force Has a Son Convicted of Planning School Mass Murder


Joseph Nee aka Thomas Nee's Son



” President of the National Assocation of Police Officers and Boston Police Officer Thomas Nee is a member of Vice President Joe Biden’s gun control task force, which was created by President Obama in the aftermath of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting. Nee’s son, Joseph Nee, was convicted in 2008 for planning to commit mass murder of students and teachers at Marshfield High School in Massachusetts, similar to that of Columbine in 1999. After spending nine months in prison, Nee’s conviction was upheld by the Supreme Judicial Court.

Nee told police the plan involved taking ammunition and explosive devices into the school, securing the school’s exit doors with bicycle locks, and shooting students and staff.

As the blog SipseyStreetIrregulars first pointed out, Nee may have planned to carry out murders of his classmates with his father’s service gun. “