Tag Archive: Boston

The Boston Yeti Is Back! Monster Spotted In New Snowstorm




The above video is from the Boston Yeti’s first appearance last month during Juno



” The Boston Yeti, who made his debut during last month’s blizzard, was on the run again Monday as New England woke up to a fresh round of snow.

  A new storm threatening to bring up to 1 to 2 feet to some areas churned across the already snow-weary Northeast, making for a slippery, tedious commute. But that didn’t stop the yeti, who was spotted at least once this morning.

  The Boston area could receive up to 2 feet of snow by Tuesday, giving the Yeti plenty of time to terrorize the city once again.

  The Yeti’s movements are being documented on the @BostonYeti2015 Twitter handle, which mysteriously appeared during the first snowstorm as residents across the Northeast battened down the hatches.”


Thanks to Mashable












Time Capsule Left By U.S. Founding Fathers Laid Bare In Boston






” A 220-year-old time capsule containing coins, documents and other artifacts left by U.S. founding fathers Samuel Adams and Paul Revere was opened by Massachusetts officials on Tuesday.

“ The history of Massachusetts is the history of America,” Secretary of the Commonwealth William Galvin said before the box was opened, adding the items were symbols of the “great hope” of the country’s founders.

  The corroded 4 1/2 kilogram brass box, removed from beneath the state house last month, was painstakingly dismantled and unpacked by custodians at Boston’s Museum of Fine Arts in a gallery hung with oil portraits of both men.

  Among the items in the box were two dozen coins including a 1652 Pine Tree Shilling struck by colonists in defiance of England, a bronze medal portraying George Washington, a silver plate made by Revere and colonial records and newspapers.”


    Historians have opened the “time capsule” buried by Paul Revere and Samuel Adams that was unearthed in Boston last month . Continue reading about the contents here .











Paul Butterfield – Mike Bloomfield Reunion Boston 1971




Published on Dec 5, 2013

” Fenway Theater, Boston – on December 10-11 1971 – a reunion gig of several members of the Paul Butterfield Blues Band –
Paul Butterfield – harp vocals
Mike Bloomfield – guitar
Mark Naftalin – piano
John Kahn – bass
Billy Mundi – drums
Video Recording © 1971, 2013 Robert C Lewis – incidentally my first ever 2-camera live-switch direction – and without camera monitors or a clue … recorded on an IVC 1″ – and transferred to 3/4″ that wouldn’t play because of tape breakdown – careful pre-baking and dozens of headcleaning sessions, most of the set finally played well enough to post. I’ve omitted really unwatchable parts but left it if the distortion was short. thanks for watching … “












Paul Revere’s 1795 Time Capsule Unearthed







” Paul Revere hasn’t stirred up this much anticipation in Boston since his midnight ride from Charlestown to Lexington.

  More than two centuries later, a recently unearthed time capsule he buried with fellow revolutionary Samuel Adams — the man whom Revere was riding to see that night to warn that the British were coming — has got his former city, state and most of the Internet abuzz.

  The artifact was unearthed Thursday thanks to a water leak near its resting place inside a cornerstone at the Massachusetts State House in Boston.

  When workers investigating the leak stumbled upon it, Secretary of State William Galvin, who heads the state historical commission, called Pamela Hatchfield, the head of object conservation at Boston’s Museum of Fine Arts.

” There was a big discussion about whether or not it should be removed,” Hatchfield told Brooke Baldwin on “CNN Newsroom” on Friday. “(But) because there was water infiltration in that area of the building, it was decided that we’d try to see if we could find it, investigate and see whether the box was still intact.”

  Hatchfield spent seven hours Thursday delicately and painstakingly chipping away at the stone to extricate it.

” The contents are of concern, but the plaster that held the box in place is in good condition,” Galvin said.

  According to Galvin, the box-shaped capsule was placed by the Revolutionary-era duo in 1795, a year when Adams was governor and when construction began on the State House and its iconic dome, which would eventually be overlaid with copper by Revere.

  Both he and Hatchfield said that based on historical records, the box is believed to contain coins, a plate and a Revere-inscribed plaque — but no one knows for sure. “


Here are some other links to the story :


Time capsule buried by Paul Revere, Samuel Adams sees light of day

Paul Revere’s Time Capsule From 1795 Unearthed In Boston

Time Capsule from Paul Revere and Samuel Adams …

1795 time capsule found in Boston capitol

Paul Revere and Samuel Adams Time Capsule Found :People.com

Paul Revere’s and Sam Adams’s centuries-old time …

Revere-Era Time Capsule Uncovered at The State House …







Will Obama’s Scamnesty Destroy the Foundations of the Democrat Party?







” Boston ‘Teeming With Protesters’ in Giant Rally Against Housing Illegal Immigrants in the State | Video | TheBlaze.com

While Bree Sison of WBZ-TV estimated the crowd numbering in the hundreds, Boston.com described the area in front of the State House as “teeming with protesters,” noting that rally organizer Jeff Kuhner, host of WRKO’s The Kuhner Report, put the number closer to 10,000.

  Glenn Reynolds slugs his blog of this story “Even in Blue State Massachusetts.”  I’d say it would be more accurate to say “Especially in Blue State Massachusetts.”



Image source: Twitter/Marc Lombardo

Image source: Twitter/Marc Lombardo

Does this look like “hundreds” to you ? 



” Blue states tend to be characterized by dominating urban areas jammed full of permanent Democrat voters who are, by and large, poorer, less educated, less employed (or employable) and generally less able to compete for good jobs.”


Read more from Bill Quick and a tip of the hat to Glenn Reynolds










Obama’s Aunt Who Fought Deportation Has Died




Obama Auntie

Click Pic For Video



” An aunt of President Barack Obama who was denied asylum in the U.S. but stayed illegally for years has died in Massachusetts.

  Zeituni Onyango, who was 61, died Monday night in Boston, according to her immigration lawyer. She died in a rehab facility after a long battle with cancer. She was the stepsister of President Obama’s late father.”

Read more 

‘Nevermore’ Forevermore: Bringing Edgar Allan Poe Back to Boston





” As many of us are fully aware, Boston can be a difficult place for one to plant their roots. Looking back in time to the 19th century, things weren’t much different. Celebrated author and poet Edgar Allan Poe may have had a tough time of it here in the Hub, engaging contentiously with local literati, but over a century later, Poe’s hometown holds him in the highest esteem. And so too will future Bostonians when they gaze upon the life-sized, bronze-cast statue of American literature’s most enigmatic writer.

  The Edgar Allan Poe Foundation of Boston has worked tirelessly to reincarnate Poe in bronze in the center of his native city, and their efforts certainly are not in vain. Stefanie Rocknak, the artist responsible for bringing Poe back to life, recently completed work on the full clay statue and has since delivered it to the foundry (New England Sculpture Service) in Chelsea.”


Story continues








10 Cities Where You’re Most Likely To Achieve The American Dream




” A new study from The Equality of Opportunity Project has mapped the 10 best and the 10 worst cities for economic mobility in the United States. Researchers from Harvard University and the University of California at Berkeley used millions of anonymous earnings records to measure the chance that someone born into the bottom fifth of income earners reaches the top fifth. A full summary of their findings can be viewed here.



Upward Mobility in the 50 Biggest Cities: The Top 10 and Bottom 10 
Rank Odds of Reaching Top Fifth
Starting from Bottom Fifth
Rank Odds of Reaching Top Fifth
Starting from Bottom Fifth
1 Salt Lake City, UT 11.5% divider 41 Milwaukee, WI 5.6%
2 San Jose, CA 11.2% 42 Cincinnati, OH 5.5%
3 San Francisco, CA 11.2% 43 Jacksonville, FL 5.3%
4 Seattle, WA 10.4% 44 Raleigh, NC 5.2%
5 San Diego, CA 10.4% 45 Cleveland, OH 5.2%
6 Pittsburgh, PA 10.3% 46 Columbus, OH 5.1%
7 Sacramento, CA 10.3% 47 Detroit, MI 5.1%
8 Manchester, NH 9.9% 48 Indianapolis, IN 4.8%
9 Boston, MA 9.8% 49 Charlotte, NC 4.3%
10 New York, NY 9.7% 50 Atlanta, GA 4.0%









The Story Behind President Obama’s Uncle Omar



Omar Obama




   The uncle that President Obama “never met” gets the Kelly Files treatment as the White House admits to yet another lie from the administration .










Scary Snowman In Boston Frightens Unsuspecting Walkers



” RipFilms brought back the snowman they dub as ‘Freaky The Snowman,’ who they placed on the streets of Boston to scare unsuspecting people walking by.”










Washington: A World Apart


Where The Money Is

This map highlights in yellow the nation’s Super Zips — those ranking highest on income and college education.
The largest collection of Super Zips is around Washington, D.C.

    It should come as no surprise that the bulk of the nation’s income resides in the DC to Boston corridor but the fact that DC is ground zero for riches , even beyond Manhattan should be appalling to every average American .

” A Washington Post analysis of the latest census data shows that more than a third of Zip codes in the D.C. metro area rank in the top 5 percent nationally for income and education. But what makes the region truly unusual is that so many of the high-end Zip codes are contiguous. They form a vast land mass that bounds across 717 square miles. It stretches 60 miles from its northern tip in Woodstock, Md., to the southern end in Fairfax Station, and runs 30 miles wide from Haymarket in Prince William County to the heart of the District up to Rock Creek Parkway.

One in four households in the region are in a Super Zip, according to the Post analysis. Since the 2000 Census on which Murray based his analysis, Washington’s Super Zips have grown to encompass 100,000 more residents. Only the New York City area has more Super Zips, but they are a much smaller share of the total of that region’s Zip codes and are more scattered.

Zip codes are large swaths of territory, and people from many different walks of life live in them. But many Washington neighborhoods are becoming more economically homogenous as longtime homeowners move out and increasing housing prices prevent the less affluent from moving in. The eventual result, in many cases, is a Super Zip. And because the contiguous Super Zips are surrounded by areas that are almost as well-off, it’s possible to live in a Super Zip and rarely encounter others without college degrees or professional jobs.”



DC Super Zips


Largest clusters of elite zips

” Here are the nation’s largest contiguous Super Zip collections, and their nearest major city or area, ranked by number of households.

1. Washington

2. E. Manhattan

3. San Jose

4. Boston

5. Oakland

6. Bridgeport

7. Newark

8. Chicago

9. N. of Los Angeles

10. Long Island *(see below)

11. W. Manhattan

12. Trenton

13. Philadelphia

14. San Diego

15. S. of Los Angeles

    Who controls these moneyed areas you ask ? Well , who do you think ? The party of the “common man” … LOL , Democrats all .

   * Long Island is harder to quantify given that it is a geographic area and not a municipality , but it is comprised of four different counties and we hereby provide the links to those which are also predominantly democratic in composition . The four counties/boroughs are Queens , Brooklyn aka Kings County , Nassau and Suffolk . Queens and Brooklyn being boroughs of the City of New York .

    Nassau and Suffolk counties once Republican strongholds, these days see-saw back and forth between Republican and Democratic control but as the money from NYC spreads east once loyal republican districts are seeing their political make-up changed to be more in keeping with the statist agenda most commonly held in the city of NY . 

    It is certainly ironic that the majority of support for the “little people” resides in the gated communities that are actually  the bastions of wealth in this country .

Joe Biden Called And Congratulated The Wrong Man For Boston MayoralElection



Joe always knows just what to say …LOL


” After securing a victory in Tuesday evening’s Boston mayoral election, Democratic mayor-elect Marty Walsh fielded congratulatory phone calls from President Obama and outgoing Mayor Thomas Menino.

Missing from that list? Vice President Joe Biden.

But here’s the catch: Biden did call Marty Walsh. Just not the Marty Walsh.

Instead, he called former Sen. Edward Kennedy campaign staffer Marty Walsh, beginning the conversation with “You son of a gun.” “



You can’t make this stuff up .  This gives us a happy excuse to run a video of “Crazy Uncle Joe” highlights . Just for laughs .














Eye-Opening Maps Show Vast Income Disparities Between Areas Just Yards Apart In Chicago, Boston, Miami And More




From the sky: An aerial shot hides the inequalities that exist on the streets of Miami




” When enjoying the views of some of America’s most iconic cities, it can be easy to overlook the vast income disparities that exist on the streets.

But artist and web researcher Nickolay Lamm has made the fierce differences in net worth clear as day with his new set of visualizations created for the site MyDeals.com

After superimposing graphs representing median household net worth onto aerial views of New York City in August, he has now broadened the important project to cover Boston, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Miami and Chicago, to startling effect.”










Seven Foreign Chem Engineers Caught Trespassing At Boston’s Water Reservoir





” Just after Midnight Tuesday night, seven people – five men and two women – were caught trespassing at the Quabbin Reservoir.  The Quabbin is one of America’s largest man made water supplies, and delivers most of Boston’s drinking water.

So, no big deal, right?  It’s probably just some kids who decided to sneak in and have a few beers at the water’s edge.

The problem is all seven were from either Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, or Singapore.  All of them live in either Boston or New York, and all of them are recent college graduates with chemical engineering degrees.  They told police they wanted to see the reservoir due to “their education and career interests.”

Which, of course, means you sneak in after midnight.

So we have seven chemical engineers, all from countries with long histories of producing terrorist activity, caught at midnight lurking around one of our nation’s largest water supplies, which the FBI has long warned are prime terrorist targets.”











Boston One Fund Hits $29 Million, But Can’t Make Victims ‘Whole’





” The administrator of a fund for victims of the Boston Marathon bombings is warning that, although One Fund Boston is generously endowed, it doesn’t appear set to cover all the costs for those who were injured or lost loved ones in the tragedy.

Kenneth Feinberg, the attorney who is administering the account, met with victims Monday and Tuesday after releasing a draft proposal for how the funds should be distributed.

So far One Fund Boston has raised $29 million.

“I’ve learned over the years … [that] money is a pretty poor substitute for what you are going through,” Feinberg told scores of victims and family members who gathered for the hearing Monday night. “If you had a billion dollars you could not have enough money to deal with all of the problems that ought to be addressed by these attacks.” “










Student Facing 20 Years Prison Time For Obama Facebook Threat




” It’s not really news that someone who makes death threats against the president risks spending decades behind bars. The actual news is that this law is observed when the death threats are against a Democrat president but, in the past, were ignored when similar threats were made against a Republican candidate.

The guy in the hot seat right now is Cameron D’Ambrosio, a Methuen (Mass.) high school student who posted a rap on Facebook making threats against the White House and talking about the Boston bombing. According to the local police chief, He posted a threat in the form of rap where he mentioned the White House, the Boston Marathon bombing, and said ‘everybody you will see what I am going to do, kill people.”  He’s now facing a federal terrorism charge that carries with it a twenty-year prison term.”









Judge Jeanine Pirro: Obama Admin Caught Red Handed On Boston Bombing & Benghazi




EXCLUSIVE: Saudi Arabia ‘warned the U.S. IN WRITING about the threat from Boston bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev last year after rejecting his application for an entry visa to visit Mecca in 2011’


Chaos: The bombing left thousands running for their lives and sent more than 200 to hospitals, including some whose limbs were torn off their bodies by the force of the blasts


” The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia sent a written warning about accused Boston Marathon bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security in 2012, long before pressure-cooker blasts killed three and injured hundreds, according to a senior Saudi government official with direct knowledge of the document.

The Saudi warning, the official told MailOnline, was separate from the multiple red flags raised by Russian intelligence in 2011, and was based on human intelligence developed independently in Yemen.

Citing security concerns, the Saudi government also denied an entry visa to the elder Tsarnaev brother in December 2011, when he hoped to make a pilgrimage to Mecca, the source said. Tsarnaev’s plans to visit Saudi Arabia have not been previously disclosed.” 







Female DNA Found On Bomb In Boston





” Investigators have found female DNA on at least one of the bombs used in the Boston Marathon attacks, though they haven’t determined whose DNA it is or whether its presence means a woman helped the two brothers suspected in the bombings, according to U.S. officials briefed on the probe.

In another development, Russian officials revealed details about contacts between the older brother and suspected Islamist radicals in the Caucasus, including Internet exchanges that led to concerns by investigators that he was trying to join up with jihadist fighters.

One official familiar with the case said agents went to the house Monday to collect a DNA sample from Ms. Russell, the culmination of days of negotiations. FBI officials also have been negotiating with Ms. Russell’s attorney in recent days to gain fuller access to question her, the officials familiar with the case said. The officials said the DNA request was needed to determine whether it matched the DNA found on the bomb remnants.”












Sports reporter Kelly Nash snaps picture of ball almost hitting her head



” That’s Sun Sports Rays reporter Kelly Nash at Fenway Park in Boston on Saturday. During batting practice, she decided to snap a picture of herself at the historic ball field. Her producer had warned her earlier that the balls were flying pretty close, but Nash decided to take a chance. She explains what happened next.”







Russia Caught Bomb Suspect On Wiretap





” Russian authorities secretly recorded a telephone conversation in 2011 in which one of the Boston bombing suspects vaguely discussed jihad with his mother, officials said Saturday, days after the U.S. government finally received details about the call.

In another conversation, the mother of now-dead bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev was recorded talking to someone in southern Russia who is under FBI investigation in an unrelated case, officials said.

Zubeidat Tsarnaeva has denied that she or her sons were involved in terrorism. She has said she believed her sons have been framed by U.S. authorities.

But Ruslan Tsarni, an uncle of the Tsarnaev brothers and Zubeidat’s former brother-in-law, said Saturday he believes the mother had a “big-time influence” as her older son increasingly embraced his Muslim faith and decided to quit boxing and school.”








Obama’s Herd Control



” Obama’s herd control is a masterpiece. He already can lie and have millions believe him. For those who do not follow him or are slow to worship him other tactics are necessary. Chaos has escalated each day after Obama was first elected. Tragedies have increased in America and the end is nowhere in sight. Some have already blamed Chechnya or Russia for the Boston bombings as though all Muslims are that unified. It is doubtful the Chechens want to cause trouble in the US especially since Obama is doing such a good job there.

Americans think they got the killers and know who’s to blame and who to kill next because the TV told them so. The TV must be true they say. Is TV their God now in the USA? The US propaganda machine has the upper hand since few Americans are willing to get the truth from other countries and even fewer know where to get it. This allows the media to report whatever they want as fact.  The US government can freely kill its’ own people. Rather, they can allow innocent Americans to be killed. As I wrote in my article, “Missing the Target USA“, “Massacres to herd the masses to accept gun control. It is just the beginning. The massacre of the innocents. Real or not they have their purpose.” “




HT/Rio Norte Line








FBI Closing In On ‘Misha’: Agents Identify Mysterious Bald, Red-Bearded Armenian-American Man Accused Of Radicalizing The Boston Bombers





” The FBI has revealed that they now know the identity of the American known as Misha who helped radicalize the Boston bombing suspects.

Family members of dead bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev have described Misha as the guiding influence in the elder bomber developing radicalized views.

Speculation as to who Misha is has varied wildly in the past week, with some suggesting he is the mastermind behind the marathon bombings while others believe he could be a Russian spy – sent to identify and keep tabs on young men like Tamerlan who are at risk of turning to militant Islam.”







Boston Bombing Surprise: Officials Say Suspect Unarmed In Boat




” In yet another twist to the Boston marathon bombing, Associated Press reports that an official told them Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was unarmed when captured in a boat in a backyard. Dozens of reports had said he exchanged gunfire with police.

AP wrote that two officials told them Dzhokhar did not have a gun with him on the boat. This is surprising given the New York Times reported an M4 carbine and two handguns were found on the boat, that many news organizations reported the suspect exchanged rounds with officers and that other reports said his neck wound was self-inflicted. Further, Boston police and commissioner Ed Davies described a firefight taking place between the suspect and law enforcement”