Attack On Bosnian Woman Near Bevo Mill Is Called A Hate Crime






” St. Louis Police Chief Sam Dotson has called in the FBI to help investigate what he is calling a hate crime because a woman assaulted by three black teens is Bosnian.

  The Friday morning attack occurred in the Bevo Mill neighborhood where earlier this week a Bosnian man was killed with a hammer by a group of teens.

  In Friday’s case, the woman, 26, told police that she was driving in the 4600 block of Lansdowne Avenue about 5:25 a.m. when three men in their late teens to early 20s walked in front of her vehicle.

  When the woman attempted to drive around the young men, at least one of them pulled a gun and ordered her to stop. One of the men struck the windshield with an object police said could have been a crowbar. The woman was pulled from the vehicle while another of the men opened the passenger door and went through the woman’s purse, saying it was empty. One of the men threw her cellphone to the ground and stomped on it.

  One of the men asked where the woman was from. She said she was European.

“ You’re a (expletive) liar. You’re Bosnian. I should just kill you now,” Dotson said of the woman’s account.”

St Louis Post-Dispatch