Tag Archive: Border Security

From We The People





How can you argue with this ?














My Son Is Dead Because The Concept Of Borders Is Dead






” A grieving Texas father told Breitbart Texas, “my son is dead because the concept of borders is dead.” Spencer Golvach was senselessly murdered by an illegal alien who had been deported a number of times after being convicted of committing crimes, including as law enforcement officers now tell us, crimes of violence. Golvach was shot in the head on January 31st while sitting in his car waiting for a stoplight to change. Golvach’s father said he wants the “boomerang” of deportation and illegal reentry into the country to be stopped.

  Victor Manuel Reyes was a violent man who on the night of Golvach’s execution, went on a killing spree through the streets in Harris County. He killed two men, including 28-year-old Juan Garcia. Then he shot at another couple before he was shot to death by a Harris County deputy.

  Mr. Golvach recounted the tragic events of his son’s death. “My son, Spencer, pulled up to a stoplight … A Victor Manuel Reyes, an illegal alien,  pulls up next to him, pulls his gun out, rolled his window down and blew my son’s brains out.”

  Golvach said he “understands that not all of those who enter here illegally are bad, but the current system does not allow us to check. This leaves Americans vulnerable, as we see with my son.”

  The grief-stricken father told Breitbart Texas “this has to do with foreign intruders into our country. We are not … filtering out …we simply do not know who is coming in.” “


Breitbart has the exclusive interview












Drones Now Patrol Half Of Mexico Border







” The U.S. government now patrols nearly half the Mexican border by drones alone in a largely unheralded shift to control desolate stretches where there are no agents, camera towers, ground sensors or fences, and it plans to expand the strategy to the Canadian border.

  It represents a significant departure from a decades-old approach that emphasizes boots on the ground and fences. Since 2000, the number of Border Patrol agents on the 1,954-mile border more than doubled to surpass 18,000 and fencing multiplied nine times to 700 miles.

  Under the new approach, Predator Bs sweep remote mountains, canyons and rivers with a high-resolution video camera and return within three days for another video in the same spot, according to two officials with direct knowledge of the effort on condition of anonymity because details have not been made public.

  The two videos are then overlaid for analysts who use sophisticated software to identify tiny changes — perhaps the tracks of a farmer or cows, perhaps those of immigrants who entered the country illegally or a drug-laden Hummer, they said.

  About 92 percent of drone missions have shown no change in terrain, but the others raised enough questions to dispatch agents to determine if someone got away, sometimes by helicopter because the area is so remote. The agents look for any sign of human activity — footprints, broken twigs, trash.

  About 4 percent of missions have been false alarms, like tracks of livestock or farmers, and about 2 percent are inconclusive. The remaining 2 percent offer evidence of illegal crossings from Mexico, which typically results in ground sensors being planted for closer monitoring.”


NewsMax has the story











Ebola Yes, Bagpipes No





” Thomas Eric Duncan has the distinction of being America’s Patient Zero – the first but not the last person to develop Ebola symptoms in the United States.

  Is he a US citizen? No, he’s Liberian.

  Is he a resident of the United States? No, he landed at Washington’s Dulles Airport on September 20th, in order to visit his sister and having quit his job in Monrovia a few weeks earlier.

  So he’s a single unemployed man with relatives in the US and no compelling reason to return to his native land. That alone is supposed to be cause for immigration scrutiny.

  In addition, visitors from Liberia have the fifth highest “visa overstay rate” in the United States. That’s to say, they understand very clearly that all that matters is getting in. Once you’re in, they’ll never get you out.

  And, of course, Liberia is one of the hottest spots of Ebola’s West African “hot zone”. It’s been all over the front pages, except apparently in The US Customs & Border Protection Staff Newsletter, where it rated a solitary “News In Brief” item at the foot of page 37.

  Just to give you an example of how hard-assed the boneheads of America’s immigration bureaucracy can be when they want to:

  The legendary Gord Sinclair, longtime news director of CJAD in Montreal, had a ski place near Jay in northern Vermont, and he invited his engineer on the show to come down and visit him. “What’s the purpose of your visit?” asked the agent at the small rural border post.

” Oh, just a relaxing weekend at my boss’ place,” said Gord’s colleague affably, and then chortled, “although I don’t know if it’ll be that relaxing. He’ll probably have me out in the yard chopping wood all day.”

  So the immigration agent refused him entry on the grounds that he would be working illegally in the United States.”


Nobody ridicules government incompetence and idiocy as well as Mark Steyn , read it all 












DHS Forced To Admit To Terrorists Caught At Texas Border







” During the House Homeland Security Committee hearing yesterday, Congressman Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) caught Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Jeh Johnson off-guard when he began questioning Johnson about the situation at our southern border.

  That’s when Congressman Chaffetz dropped the bomb.  Not only did he explain to the Secretary of DHS that there were in fact reports of FOUR individuals with ties to terrorist organizations that were apprehended at two separate locations on the Texas border, but he also had information from an internal DHS document containing statistics on immigration activities.

  According to that document, during the 351 days of fiscal year 2014, there were 466,000 apprehensions of illegals, also 157,012 illegals that “got away,” and 142,630 individuals that were reported “turn backs”. The compilation of apprehensions represented people from 143 different countries. Additionally, the sensors that are placed in locations primarily in the southwest, recorded a jump of over 1,000,000 hits from fiscal year 2013 until now.”


Read on











Illegals Rushing Border Fearing U.S. Crackdown



Illegal Flood

Click pic for video



” The summer lull in illegal border crossings from Mexico is about to give way to a rush of even more immigrants in a frenzy of fear that Washington is about to shut the door, according to several Hispanic leaders.

  In Honduras, for example, U.S. threats coupled with those from local leaders warning about the dangers of crossing the border have instead reenergized children and adults to run fast to America and pay inflated fees to “coyotes” to get them there.

“ As I am speaking, hundreds of children are trying to leave Honduras,” said Jose Guadalupe Ruelas, a Honduran leader who advocates for children. “When people in Honduras hear that the U.S. is going to get stricter with immigration rules and laws then people think to themselves, ‘Now is the time for me to go,’” he said through an interpreter.”


Read on












Texas Border Ranchers Fear For Their Lives And Families – Ask Veterans For Help







” Texas border rancher vows to stand and fight the cartels, saying “There’s no backup in me” and calls on Texas veterans to join him in stopping the cartels from taking over Texas ranches along the border with Mexico.

  These bastards [cartel members] are going through the valley, alright?They’re sending people up to Houston, St. Louis, any town where they’ve got a population over ten people, and they’re going up North to your backyards, moving in next door to you, they’re gonna be your neighbors, and think about it, if you’re doing shift work, and you go to work at night, or you’re going to the bowling league, and your wife and kids, your grandkids, are at home, these self-same guys are gonna walk in on your family. What the hell are you gonna do about it? You gonna come home, outside of crying are you gonna do anything, are you gonna do something now, before it gets to that point? I’m doing my crying all the day. Everyday. That’s my message to them. They’re going to your backyard. You’ve got a chance to stop em. Do you stand back, or do you go forward? There’s no backup in me. I want somebody to join me. Don’t backup to these bastards. Don’t. We got too much to lose. Don’t lose as much as I have, please. [in reference to his relatives in Mexico, who were recently killed by the cartel].  – Texas Rancher “Rusty” Monsee

  Ranchers along the Texas side of the border with Mexico are in fear for their lives and the lives of their families, as they face a Mexican drug cartel takeover of their ranches and nearby ranches.    Below are two interviews with Texas ranchers who own land on the border.  Both describe how the American people are being lied to, and not told the truth about what is really happening on the border.”



Of course the drug cartel thugs are the least of our problems …



” In the interview Rusty describes Border Patrol intercepting Muslim men from Somalia, Iran, Iraq, Syria, and says “when they [Border Patrol] take them in, they’ll disappear – they’ll take them somewhere – and even the records will disappear. And I asked one of them ‘what’s the deal on the records’ and he said ‘that’s an order from way up the line, up in DC – they don’t want anybody to know how many are coming through’…they [the local Border Patrol agents] keep records but the records disappear, out of the mainframe – out of the computer – and the paper records too.”

  Rob, an out-of-state Oath Keepers member who has been serving as a volunteer guard on Rusty’s ranch for the past month, adds that:

  [they] had six middle eastern males on Rusty’s property [which Border Patrol was able to catch] … all I know is they were Muslim.   I wasn’t told a whole lot of information about it.   I do know they had told me they had caught eleven of the same group, the week prior to that, that had been on our United States terrorist wanted list [for acts against the United States] – not watch, but wanted list.  And this is the kind of stuff that they are not releasing to the public, they’re not allowed to release it.

When asked what happened to those men on the Terrorist Wanted List, Rob said:

  They were caught and they were turned over to Homeland Security, and everything pretty much disappeared like what Rusty was saying.  None of that is any public information or anything like that, so they don’t want it to be public.  [ the BP is not allowed to tell anyone that known terrorists are coming across the border].  They aren’t allowed to speak about it.  The only thing we [the American public] hear about is women and kids… and when they make huge drug busts, that’s what we hear about.  We don’t hear about the gang-bangers coming across, we don’t hear about the terrorists coming across.  We don’t hear about the violence going down on the border.  I had a rancher call me last week, and begging for help on 15,000 acres.  He had been moved off his ranch because he doesn’t feel safe with his family there.  He’s been shot at and threatened.  We don’t hear that [on the news]. “



Read more at Oath Keepers … HT/Gateway Pundit














Chicago A Top Terror Target; Ominous Tweet Connects ISIS Threat In City




” Over the past six years, Chicago has become a top potential target for international terrorists, a top security expert said Friday, making the posting of a veiled threat by Islamic radicals on Twitter a higher cause for concern.

“ Many terror organizations refer to Chicago as Obama Town,” said CBS 2 security expert Ross Rice, a former FBI agent in Chicago. Under President Obama, the U.S. took out Osama bin Laden, and used repeated drone strikes to weaken terror networks.

  In the meantime, the U.S. government on Friday issued a security bulletin to all U.S. law enforcement in light of the overall threat posed by Islamic State, commonly known as ISIS or ISIL.

  The ominous post on Twitter, purportedly from somebody connected with Islamic State, shows a photo of the Old Republic Building, 307 N. Michigan Ave., in Chicago and the White House.

The text reads:

Oh the irony …

CBS Chicago has the story

The Punitive Bureaucracy’s Day Off





” I wrote two weeks ago about two New Hampshire teenagers having their bagpipes seized at the northern border by US Customs & Border Protection. This would be the same “border” “protection” agency that has turned the southern border into an express welfare check-in for any of the world’s seven billion people minded to show up there.

  My fellow Granite Staters – 17-year-old Campbell Webster and Eryk Bean, of Concord and Londonderry, New Hampshire – understood that if you go to a highland fling a couple of hours north in Quebec you’re now obligated to get your bagpipes approved by US Fish & Wildlife.

  Because that’s just the way it is in the Land of the Free.

  So Messrs Webster and Bean got their CITES certificate and presented it to the US CBP agent at the Vermont border crossing.

  Whereupon he promptly confiscated their bagpipes on the grounds that, yes, their US Fish & Wildlife CITES paperwork was valid, but it’s only valid at 28 ports of entry and this wasn’t one of them.

  Nor is any other US/Canadian land crossing. So, if you’re a piper in, say, Pittsburg, New Hampshire and you want to play in a competition in La Patrie, Quebec 20 minutes north, you have to drive four-to-five hours south to Logan Airport in Boston, fly to Montreal and drive two hours east to La Patrie.

  Because that’s just the way it is in the Land of the Free.

  When the CBP agent seized Messrs Webster and Bean’s bagpipes, he told them – with the characteristic insouciance of the thug bureaucracy – that they were “never going to see them again”. But thanks to the unwelcome publicity the Homeland Security mafiosi were forced to cough ’em up.

  The two pipers are now heading to a competition in Scotland. So they’ll be flying back via Boston, which is one of those 28 valid ports of entry. They’ve called Fish & Wildlife to arrange for the mandatory “inspection” of the bagpipes upon landing at Logan Airport.

  Unfortunately, the official Fish & Wildlife bagpipes inspector is taking a day off that day – she’s visiting her Auntie Mabel, having a seaweed wrap at the spa, whatever. So she won’t be available to inspect the pipes. So she’s told them they’ll have to drive back to New Hampshire and then drive back to Logan the following day for the Fish & Wildlife bagpipes inspection. So she’s taking a day off on Wednesday, and the bagpipers will have to take a day off on Thursday – just to comply with the diktats of the Department of Paperwork.

  Because that’s just the way it is in the Land of the Free. “




You can’t make this stuff up . As always Mr Steyn is today’s required reading













Rightwing News






Why can’t we get this response at the border ?









James O’Keefe As Osama bin Laden Crosses Border From Mexico To US





Published on Aug 11, 2014

” In a Project Veritas investigation released on Monday, James O’Keefe crossed the Rio Grande from Mexico to the United States disguised as Osama bin Laden.”


Judge Pirro To Barack Obama: Put On Your Big-Boy Pants And Get In The Game!






Published on Jul 19, 2014

” Article at: http://www.westernfreepress.com/?p=24…
Judge Jeanine Pirro cycles through 5 major crises raging on the President’s watch while, she claims, he “dithers”. Comparing Barack Obama’s responses to those of Ronald Reagan’s, she calls on the President to get engaged and show us some leadership!
From Fox News’ “Justice with Judge Jeanine”, July 19, 2014 “





Democrats Are Positive The Border Is Secure









” The border is secure. It’s more secure than ever. It’s so, so secure.

  Democrats from the White House, U.S. Senate and House of Representatives have repeated that chorus over the years, but the crisis at the U.S.-Mexico border has seen more than 50,000 children caught crossing it just since October. Undocumented immigrants have been sent to states like Oklahoma and Nebraska without warning. President Obama, fiercely criticized for attending fundraisers last week rather than visiting the border, has an approval rating of just 28 percent on the subject.

  Yet President Obama declared in 2011 his administration had solidified the border during an address in El Paso, Texas, advocating for immigration reform.

“ We have strengthened border security beyond what many believed was possible,” he said, later mocking Republicans in his usual exaggerated manner by saying they would next want a moat with alligators.”




What a farce … it would be laughable if the consequences were not so dire .


Read the rest at the Free Beacon














Texas Takes Border Security Into Own Hands Because Of Federal Inaction







” Texas, the second largest state by population and land mass in the nation has decided to take state funded action to protect its citizens from the multitude of illegal immigrants swarming over the border. The federal government’s inaction on border control poses a huge risk to the safety and security of not just Texans, but to all Americans. Texas has had enough of the ‘hurry up and wait” attitude adopted by not just the Obama administration but by the politicians in Washington. The priorities of these politicians are skewed by political ambition and party line agendas that do little to serve the nation but often serve to get them re-elected. If current trends are any indication however, these so-called public servants may be in for a shake-up come November 2014.

  In a recent joint statement by Texas Governor Rick Perry, Texas Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst and state House Speaker Joe Straus, Perry said that the state cannot “afford to wait for Washington” and he has authorized a “surge” in border patrol activities. Perry further stated that his administration (ostensibly as opposed to the Obama administration) will not “sit idly by while the safety and security of citizens are threatened.” To facilitate this Governor Perry has authorized the Department of Public Safety to spend $1.3 million in emergency spending a week to further secure the Texas border by preventing illegal crossings and apprehending illegal immigrants who do successfully slip through security.

  The surge includes air support and boots on the ground and comes on the heels of the tremendous influx of not only illegal immigrants from Mexico, but also those who have come from El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras hoping to cash in on the Obama administration’s reputation for extreme leniency. These illegal immigrants are referred to by border patrol as “Other than Mexican” (OTM). Currently, there are three U.S. military bases overflowing with children who have been trafficked to the U.S. by families hoping to follow and this has created a humanitarian crisis with no practical solution in sight. “



Read more










Overrun By Immigrants, Border Agents Doing Paperwork Instead Of Patrolling







” “It’s certainly a critical situation,” says Congressman Henry Cuellar (D-Laredo) “Because if you’re just looking at the lower Rio Grande Valley we’re getting about 1,200 people a day. Over 70 percent of them are not from Mexico but from other places and 300 to 400 of them are young people coming in without parents.”

  Cuellar says the major influx of illegal immigrants is also putting a major strain on the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. “Almost 40 percent of the Border Patrol Agents are not at the border they’re actually filling out paperwork, transporting, feeding, moving these folks around. “

  Another factor that’s increasing the amount of illegal immigrants trying to reach the border is a rumor among Central Americans that if they reach the United States with young children they will get to stay.”


Read more




    Why can’t we as legal citizens sue the Federal government for their willful failure to secure our borders ? After all , national security is the primary raison d’etre for a people to form a central government in the first place , to wit the preamble of the Constitution reads:


” We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”




   Let us take a moment to explore the meaning of these famous words and compare them with the actions of our current overseers in the District of Corruption , shall we ?




   “We the People” does not mean anyone that can make it over the border by any means possible . It mean the citizens (legal) who make up the electorate and pay for the government and it’s services …

” In other words, those words define that the interaction between the Constitution and the citizens of the United States is direct and immediate … “





Establish justice” is a vague term that could allow for the progressive types to attempt to extend our rights to the whole world , but interpretation falls by the wayside if one accepts the above mentioned meaning of “We the people” . The Founders were clearly referring to justice for the citizens of the US and not the whole world , the phrase referred to the establishment of the court system that oversees US law as affects US citizens .


Establish Justice






The concept  “Insure domestic tranquility” was found to be necessary in order that the central government would have the authority to keep the states from warring with each other …



” One of the concerns of the Framers was that the government prior to that under the Constitution was unable, by force or persuasion, to quell rebellion or quarrels amongst the states. The government watched in horror as Shay’s Rebellion transpired just before the Convention, and some states had very nearly gone to war with each other over territory (such as between Pennsylvania and Connecticut over Wilkes-Barre). One of the main goals of the Convention, then, was to ensure the federal government had powers to squash rebellion and to smooth tensions between states.”






  “Provide for the common defense” should be obvious to all but in today’s America seems to mean the defense of the entire world’s downtrodden . That was never the Founder’s intention . The entire purpose of having a large central government , the idea of which our forefathers abhorred , was/is to protect the states and the people of the states against foreign enemies …


” The federal government is concerned only with issues that affect the welfare of the entire nation. It has the exclusive power, for example, to create an army, to declare war, and to make treaties. Indeed, as James Madison wrote in The Federalist Papers, “the operations of the federal government will be most extensive and important in times of war and danger.”[1] For the Founders, a primary and central job of the federal government was to “provide for the common defense.” “





 “Promote the general welfare” is a tenet of the Constitution who’s interpretation has been corrupted by the political class and used as a veritable carte blanche , in the fashion of the Commerce Clause , to justify just about any action the elites decide they can get away with …


” The preamble clearly defines the two major functions of government: (1) ensuring justice, personal freedom, and a free society where individuals are protected from domestic lawbreakers and criminals, and; (2) protecting the people of the United States from foreign aggressors.

  When the Founding Fathers said that “WE THE PEOPLE” established the Constitution to “promote the general Welfare,” they did not mean the federal government would have the power to aid education, build roads, and subsidize business. Likewise, Article 1, Section 8 did not give Congress the right to use tax money for whatever social and economic programs Congress might think would be good for the “general welfare.”

  It is NOT the government’s business (constitutionally) to “help” individuals in financial difficulty.  Once they undertake to provide those kinds of services, they must do so with limited resources, meaning that some discriminating guidelines must be imposed. (so many who need that kind of help- so little resources to provide it.)

  The Founding Fathers said in the preamble that one reason for establishing the Constitution was to “promote the general welfare.” What they meant was that the Constitution and powers granted to the federal government were not to favor special interest groups or particular classes of people. There were to be no privileged individuals or groups in society. Neither minorities nor the majority was to be favored.  Rather, the Constitution would promote the “general welfare” by ensuring a free society where free, self-responsible individuals – rich and poor, bankers and shopkeepers, employers and employees, farmers and blacksmiths – would enjoy “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness,” rights expressed in the Declaration of Independence.”





  Secure the blessings of liberty for us and our posterity in the Founder’s view also pertained to the citizens of the nation and was not a right promised to the world as a whole . Everything about our Constitution was written and thought out with the notion that it was the best way to preserve a way of life that the patriots had sacrificed some much for and that those sacrifices should not perish with them , thus preserving those rights for “our posterity”.


” Federal liberty is necessary to prevent the disasters of anarchy and the diseases of natural liberty. Federal liberty is possible without lapsing into totalitarian tyranny only when it is constitutionalized so that there are ordered rules of the game established by agreement among the participants in accordance with prudence and reason. As we all know, the founders believed that liberty could only survive if proper republican institutions were established to both contain and foster it. Federalism offers the means for combining the marketplace and the commonwealth, allowing for fostering both individual and communal liberties in appropriate ways.”





   As one can see from reading the above text and following the included links our Constitution was written to codify , preserve and protect the rights of “the citizens” of this great country , and while the concept of liberty was recognized as a noble goal for all mankind , there is no mandate for America to offer those rights to any and all . Nay , the founding documents , in all instances , pertain to the citizens of these United States and thus form the reason for the existence of a large central government in the first place .

   If , as is now the case , the Federal government fails to uphold the mandate from the people , either through neglect or maliciousness , the people have a right to seek redress . As we see it , that redress can only be achieved in one of two ways , either through the courts created to “establish justice” or through force of arms . 

   Since we are not advocating the overthrow of the Federal government that leaves us with only the courts to seek remedy to a clear abdication of the primary responsibility of the State … the defense of our borders .




“A nation that cannot control it’s borders is not a nation .”














As Border Security Expands, Complaints Of Abuse Rise Among Americans


Border Security



” A series of lawsuits filed in recent months in federal courts along the U.S. border with Mexico highlight what advocates say is a growing list of complaints against two U.S. agencies that have expanded rapidly amid the clamor to secure the nation’s borders.

  In one lawsuit, centered on events in Chula Vista, Calif., a Border Patrol agent is accused of leaping on the hood of a car driven by a mother of five and shooting her dead. She was unarmed. The agent had been fired from his previous job as a sheriff’s deputy for a variety of misconduct.

  In a second case, a Customs officer in Brownsville, Texas, violently pushed a disabled woman to the ground. She had a miscarriage the next day. Border officers also had to call firefighters to remove handcuffs that allegedly had bound her wrists too tightly.

  For a third woman, her return to the United States was intrusive and painful. She was pulled from a line at an El Paso, Texas, border crossing, apparently on the suspicion that she was carrying drugs. She was handcuffed. Over the next six hours, agents escorted her to a hospital, where they oversaw the probing of her anus and vagina, forced her to take a laxative and then watched as she moved her bowels. When no drugs were found, they ordered her to submit to an X-ray and a CT scan.

  When the ordeal was over, the officers asked her to sign a consent form before they allowed her to return to her home in New Mexico. When she refused, the hospital billed her thousands of dollars for the procedures.”




 Astute readers will take note of the fact that McClatchy’s headline about “increased border security” is clearly refuted by their own accompanying graphic which shows the number of agents increasing even as the arrest of illegals declines . The only ones to feel the wrath of “increased security” are the American citizens whose rights are increasingly violated by a rogue government .









Obama Judge: Mexican Border Fence May Have “Disparate Impact” On Minorities





” A Homeland Security initiative to put fencing along the U.S.-Mexico border could discriminate against minorities, according to an Obama-appointed federal judge who’s ruled that the congressionally-approved project may have a “disparate impact on lower-income minority communities.”

  This of course means that protecting the porous—and increasingly violent—southern border is politically incorrect. At least that’s what the public college professor at the center of the case is working to prove and this month she got help from a sympathetic federal judge. Denise Gilman, a clinical professor at the taxpayer-funded University of Texas-Austin, is researching the “human rights impact” of erecting a barrier to protect the U.S. from terrorists, illegal immigrants, drug traffickers and other serious threats.

  The professor sued in federal court arguing that the public interest in how the fence will impact landowners outweighed any privacy concerns. The data will allow the public to analyze whether the government is treating property owners equally and fairly or whether the wall is being built in such a way that it disadvantages “minority property owners,” according to the professor. It will also help the public understand the actual dimensions of the wall and decisions related to where it’s placed.

  Judge Beryl Howell, appointed to the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia by President Obama in 2010, agreed that the public interest is significant. Her 37-page ruling also seems to indicate that she bought the discrimination argument. “Revealing the identities of landowners in the wall’s planned construction site may shed light on the impact on indigenous communities, the disparate impact on lower-income minority communities, and the practices of private contractors,” Howell wrote.”


Judicial Watch has the story








U.S., Mexico Mull Relaxing Border For ‘Trusted’ Business Travelers



” U.S. and Mexico authorities are on the cusp of striking a deal that would relax border controls for perceived “trusted” business travelers .

  The U.K. Guardian reported that leaders for the United States and Mexico — Presidents Obama and Enrique Pena Nieto — will get together with Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper in Toluca on Wednesday to hone talks about freer economic opportunities. The talks come on the 20th anniversary of NAFTA, the North American Free Trade Agreement.

  Officials in advance of this meeting say the focal point will likely be the new agreement that will speed up border crossings for executives, business people and other “trusted” frequent travelers, via a continent-wide, pre-screening system, The Guardian reported.”


   Never fear , this measure is only designed to apply to those that follow the rules and cross the borders legally . Those that choose covert entry into the US will continue unimpeded Read more at Washington Times








Radioactive ‘Dirty Bomb’ Ingredients Stolen In Mexico






” The UN’s atomic energy watchdog today announced that a truck carrying dangerous radioactive material has been stolen in Mexico, adding that the material could be used to produce a dirty bomb. As AFP reports, the truck was carrying the material from a hospital in Tijuana to a waste center before it was stolen near Mexico City. Suspects have yet to be named, though Mexican authorities have alerted the public and are currently investigating.”





    But there is no need to secure our border . What could possibly go wrong letting our southern boundary be open to all comers ?



” The cobalt-60 material onboard was used for medical purposes, and was properly sealed at the time of the robbery, the Vienna-based International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) said in a statement Wednesday. It could be “extremely dangerous,” however, if the thieves remove or damage the shielding. Cobalt-60 is a synthetic radioactive isotope used in a variety of industrial applications and for medical radiotherapy. It is usually held in medical containers that prevent people from being exposed for strong radiation.”




Nothing to see here , move along , remain calm , all is well …











Mass Illegal Alien Amnesty Violates Our Founding Principles




” The Senate will continue debate on S.744, the Teddy Kennedy Memorial Open Borders Act, this afternoon. A vote on the Schumer-Corker-Hoeven amendment is scheduled at 5:30 p.m. Eastern.

The bipartisan open-borders lobby bleats about “fairness” for the “11 million” living “in the shadows.” But America owes border violators and visa overstayers nothing. And it’s about time someone in Washington say it out loud.


President Obama and the bipartisan Gang of Eight in Washington who want to create a “pathway to citizenship” for millions of illegal aliens have sent a message loud and clear to those who follow the rules: You’re chumps!

Have you patiently waited for months and years for the State Department and Department of Homeland Security to slog through your application? You’re chumps!

Have you paid thousands of dollars in travel, legal and medical fees to abide by the thicket of entry, employment, health and processing regulations? You’re chumps!

Have you studied for your naturalization test, taken the oath of allegiance to heart, embraced our time-tested principle of the rule of law, and demonstrated that you will be a financially independent, productive citizen? You’re chumps!

Unrepentant amnesty peddlers on both sides of the aisle admit their plan is all about votes and power. Arizona Republican Sen. John McCain continues his craven, futile chase for the Hispanic bloc. Illinois Democratic Rep. Luis Gutierrez is openly salivating at the prospect of millions of new illegal aliens — future Democratic Party dependents of the Nanny State — who could be eligible for Obamacare and a plethora of other government benefits despite clear prohibitions against them.

These cynical pols insist that the rest of law-abiding Americans and law-abiding permanent residents must support Washington’s push to “do something” because “11 million people are living in the shadows.”

To which I say: So? There are 23 million Americans out of work. Why aren’t they Washington’s top priority anymore? Didn’t both parties once pledge that j-o-b-s for unemployed and underemployed Americans was Job No. 1? Why is the very first major legislative push of 2013 another mass amnesty/voter drive/entitlement expansion?

If Washington is really concerned about people “living in the shadows,” how about prioritizing the jaw-dropping backlog of 500,000-plus fugitive deportee cases. These are more than a half-million illegal aliens who have been apprehended, who had their day in immigration court, who have been ordered to leave the country, and who were then released and absconded into the ether. Poof!

After the 9/11 terrorist attacks, pols pretended to get seriousabout fixing the broken deportation system and enacted absconder apprehension initiatives to track down these national security risks. But over the past dozen years, only 100,000 out of 600,000-plus fugitive illegal aliens targeted by the program have been found. Why isn’t the search and removal of these repeat offenders more important than giving “11 million people living in the shadows” a “pathway to citizenship”?

Question: If border security and immigration enforcement are truly a priority to our elected officials, why must these two basic government responsibilities be tethered to benefits for line-jumping illegal aliens? See whether any politician can answer without sputtering about “11 million people living in the shadows” or invoking the over-worn race card.

(By the way, we all know that moldy “11 million” statistic can’t be right. Open borders groups have cited it for nearly 15 years as amnesty measure after amnesty measure attracted new generations of illegal aliens to the country.)

You know who else deserves more attention and compassion than “11 million people living in the shadows”? The 4.6 million individuals around the world who legally applied for sponsored green cards and followed the established legal immigration process. They’ve been shunted aside while the Obama administration ushers illegal alien “DREAM” waiver winners to the front of the line.

As Jessica Vaughan of the Center for Immigration Studies points out: “It is clear that there is no way the roughly one million or more potential Dreamers can be accommodated by (the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service) without noticeably slowing down the processing of legal immigrants (emphasis added). The agency already processes six million applications a year without the amnesty add-ons.

There have been nearly a dozen major amnesty laws, affecting at least five million illegal aliens, passed since the Reagan 1986 amnesty. These beneficiaries and their families have crowded out legal immigrants and increased their application waiting times in untold ways. GOP Rep. Lamar Smith of Texas asked the Obama administration last summer to disclose data on how much the DREAM waiver amnesty alone has affected adjudication/processing times for everyone else. The White House has failed to answer the request.

Want a reality check? Not one of the past federal amnesties was associated with a decline in illegal immigration. Instead, thenumber of illegal aliens in the U.S. has tripled since 1986. The total effect of the amnesties was even larger because relatives later joined amnesty recipients, and this number was multiplied by an unknown number of children born to amnesty recipients who then acquired automatic U.S. citizenship.

Hopelessly naive (or stubbornly self-deluded) freshman GOP Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida insists that any new recipients of the Gang of Eight’s Grand Pander scheme will have to “go to the back of the line and wait behind everybody who applied before them, the right way.” Rubio emphasizes to conservative talk show hosts that there will be background checks and rigorous vetting.

But as I’ve reported for the past two decades, the background check process has been corrupted under both Democratic and Republican administrations. In the 1990s, the Clinton administration turned immigration policy into a massive Democratic voter recruitment machine through the Citizenship USA program. Naturalization officers simply abandoned background checks wholesale. In 2003, an INS center in Laguna Niguel solved the massive backlog problem by putting tens of thousands of applications through a shredder. And in 2006, I exposed how some high-immigrant regions rewarded adjudication officers with bonuses for rubber-stamping as many applications as possible without regard to security.

You want “comprehensive immigration reform”? Start with reliable adjudications, fully cleared backlogs, consistent interior enforcement, working background checks for the existing caseload, and efficient and effective deportation policies that punish law-breakers and do right by law-abiders.

And please don’t pretend that piling millions of new illegal aliens onto an already overwhelmed system is going to fix a darned thing. Chumps.

The lack of moral and constitutional clarity on this fundamental issue of national sovereignty is no accident. Open-borders obfuscation is calculated, deliberate, and treacherous. When you don’t stand for foundational principles, you will fall for anything.

Upholding the rule of law and the Constitution, not subverting it for electoral gain, is the sworn duty of our politicians in Washington.

That is the time-tested gold standard by which to judge the slush fund-packed, security-undermining pander package masquerading as “immigration reform” in the Senate today.

Tell your senators to abide by their oaths of office and act in America’s best interests, not George Soros’s or Grover Norquist’s or La Raza’s or the American Immigration Lawyers Association’s.

Tell your senators to stop making fools of themselves and our country.

Tell your senators to vote no on amnesty and get our house in order.

repeat: SchMcGRubio and Company want us to trust them with a thousand new pages of phony triggers, left-wing pork, and make-believe assimilation gestures. Trust them? Hell, no. There’s only one course for citizens who believe in upholding the Constitution and protecting the American dream: Stop them.”


CALL NOW: (202) 224-3121.



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” “So that’s the answer from U.S. Senators,” Crane, an ICE agent and a former marine, told Breitbart News exclusively on Sunday morning. “They know the bill is bad but plan to pass it anyway? With billions of taxpayer dollars to be spent and the safety of the public on the line, Senators plan to pass the buck to the House with hopes they might fix it? Anti-enforcement special interests have succeeded in pressuring the Senate from doing what’s best for America. This is why America has lost faith in its lawmakers.” “







GOP Border Deal Lifts Immigration Bill Chances




” A deal to double Border Patrol agents and fencing at the U.S.-Mexico border improved prospects of the Senate passing an immigration overhaul law, senators said.”


       They’ll double the guards and fences , allegedly , and that will bring our border security up from completely ineffective to marginally effective and that is being touted as “tough enforcement”?


“We are on the verge of a huge breakthrough on border security,” said Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., a member of the bipartisan “Gang of Eight” that wrote the Senate’s original comprehensive immigration reform bill that includes a pathway to citizenship for the 11 million immigrants living in the country illegally.”


    If Schumer thinks it’s good , America is in for a screwing . Don’t believe a word coming out of the Senate . It is nothing but a pack of inveterate liars seeking to keep their jobs and perks from being threatened . They are the self-serving 1% if ever there was such .











Mark Levin Goes Rounds With Paul Ryan On Immigration Reform



HT/The Right Scoop