Tag Archive: Bloggers

Newsmax’s Top 50 Conservative Blogs Of 2015





   Although we would classify a fair amount of these blogs as libertarian rather than “conservative” the choices are sound and united in their anti-statism . Not bad for a bunch of pajama-clad basement dwellers .


” Newsmax is out with our 2015 list of the 50 top conservative blogs.

  The Internet now allows anyone who cares to invest the time and trouble to become a political commentator with, potentially, many times the readership of the most long-established syndicated columnists. The media elite, from the Big Three Networks to the local newspaper, have suffered a collapse in influence and a hemorrhage of revenues as Americans simply click on their favorite bookmarks for informed opinions about the events around them.

  Is it any wonder that an executive branch dominated by the big-government left is determined to let nothing stop it from converting the Internet into a regulated public utility whose ultimate destination apparently involves United Nations oversight?

  Obama administration scandals like those involving the IRS and Benghazi may not have reached critical mass — yet. But if this were the old days of near-total liberal dominance of information transmission, it would be near-impossible to bring new developments before the eyes of the public if it contradicted the wishes of newspaper editors and network anchormen.

  It would also be impossible to prevent the mainstream media from snowballing an artificial scandal like Rathergate a decade ago, which easily could have jeopardized George W. Bush’s re-election, and which Power Line and other conservative websites had a substantial role in debunking.”

  London’s Hyde Park Corner has, for nearly a century and a half, been famed for the colorful characters who stand atop soapboxes on Sundays and speak their minds, with extremists from the organized right and left well-represented, and most of the speakers solemnly serious about what they tell the assembled throngs. A good few, however, have always been entertainers, sometimes feigning political passions that the crowd eventually discovers to be disguised jokes.

  It is no exaggeration, considering the multitudes of people many of them reach, to say that the conservative blogs listed below have more greatly influenced political events than all the Hyde Park diatribes ever delivered. Personality abounds. Some of the sites feature graphics that are feasts for the eyes; many deliver laughs rivaling a P.G. Wodehouse yarn. And almost all let any reader join in and comment to his or her heart’s content.

  Conservative blogs have electrified our 223-year old First Amendment like nothing the Founding Fathers could ever have foreseen. Here are the top 50 conservative blogs:


1. Instapundit – University of Tennessee law professor and hawkish libertarian Glenn Reynolds’ nearly decade-and-a-half-old powerhouse often causes “Instalanches” of Web traffic to sites to which it links articles. Reynolds posts relentlessly and the brevity and wryness of his often all-caps comments are famous, like a recent link to a Popular Mechanics report on Iran exploding a fake U.S. aircraft carrier to flex its muscles during nuclear talks. Blogged Reynolds, “WHY DON’T WE ONE-UP THEM BY BLOWING UP A REAL IRANIAN NUCLEAR RESEARCH FACILITY?” 


2. Hot Air – Founded originally by firebrand columnist and TV commentator Michelle Malkin, Hot Air persuaded veteran blogger Ed Morrissey to archive his own well-established Captain’s Quarters blog and write for Hot Air. Its other stars are American Conservative Union blogger of the year Mary Katharine Ham, and the mysterious and eloquent AllahPundit, who recently posted his skeptical take on Jeb Bush’s less-than-comfortable CPAC appearance, which he theorized wasn’t to attract votes on the right, but “to prove to people who aren’t at CPAC that he’s one of them and not afraid to broadcast that fact at ground zero of the conservative movement.”


3. RedState – Some of editor-in-chief and Fox commentator Erick Erickson’s recent headlines provide a sample of Red State’s pungent flavor: “Can We Impeach Now?” “Eunuch Mitch McConnell Squeals Like a Pig,” and “All the President’s Boot Lickers Still Pretend Obama is a Christian.” But the Eagle Publishing-owned site features plenty of substantive analysis for cyberspace’s hardcore right, much of it by volunteer contributors, like “Streiff” concluding that “Boehner and McConnell are negotiating with themselves over the terms of their own surrender” on Homeland Security funding and President Obama’s executive amnesty. Pointing out that a DHS shutdown endangers no one, Streiff warned that if Congress “won’t refuse to appropriate money to fund non-essential functions of DHS, it has become irrelevant and we are a dictatorship, not a constitutional republic.”


4. Power Line – The law school-educated weightiness comes through in this polished, eclectic political site founded by three Dartmouth-grad attorneys. An example: A recent post from John Hinderaker diving into the technical details of the Obama administration’s new bullet regulations and demonstrating that Second Amendment fears regarding them are “not irrational; liberals have openly argued for attacks on ammunition as an indirect means of achieving gun control.”


5. Free Republic – “Working to roll back decades of governmental largesse, to root out political fraud and corruption,” and “always have fun doing it. Hoo-yah!” Free Republic might just be the national bulletin board for the Tea Party, among serving other functions. Thousands of “Freepers,” with handles like Alamo Girl and cripplecreek, link to articles other sites usually miss, then post endless pithy commentaries. Typical is a recent post by GreyFriar on the FCC turning the Internet into a public utility: “The Democrat version of democracy means three unelected bureaucrats voting for something that none of us is allowed to see.”

6. The Corner – With National Review’s full arsenal represented, like the forceful mind of terrorist prosecutor Andrew McCarthy and the incisive reporting of Joel Gehrke, conservative political junkies fly to “the one and only” Corner for anything-but-amateur rapid response analysis on just about anything that’s happening. Washington Editor Eliana Johnson (whose father, Scott, co-founded Power Line), for instance, crashed the garden party for the latest “anti-Jeb” with her recent “Two Scott Walkers” post, reporting that hundreds of donors at the Club for Growth’s winter conference in West Palm Beach were eager to see “the man who has slayed Wisconsin’s public-unions and delivered a boffo performance” at CPAC. “Instead, they got the Walker who is shaky, unsure of himself, and hazy on policy details.”

7. Avik Roy – Forbes magazine opinion editor and Manhattan Institute Senior Fellow Avik Roy’s knowledge of the maze of legislative language that makes up ObamaCare is unrivaled, and as it inevitably declines in effectiveness, the blog written by Roy, former House Budget Committee Chairman Bill Frenzel, and a half dozen other experts is the place to check in often and watch its slow death.

8. NewsBusters.org – With all the resources of Brent Bozell’s Media Research Center at its disposal, NewsBusters watches the mainstream media’s every move and skewers its chronic bias, sloppiness, inaccuracies, and even outright deceit. A Matthew Balan post recently pointed out how the evening news shows of all the Big Three networks ignored the Treasury Department’s new “active investigation” into IRS “potential criminal activity,” yet “all devoted full segments to the viral photograph of a dress that appears to be either black and blue or gold and white.”

9. Café Hayek – “The Road to Serfdom” author F.A. Hayek would be delighted with the undiluted capitalism served at the blog bearing his name. One recent post by Don Boudreaux linked to a YouTube clip of the “Price is Right” game show from 1972 to demonstrate that the conventional wisdom about stagnant living standards is wrong. One of the show’s prizes was a “30-inch electric kitchen range priced at $385.” Boudreaux pointed out: In 1972, the average hourly earnings of a production or nonsupervisory private-sector worker in America was $3.90. So, such a worker in 1972 had to toil for 99 hours to earn enough income to buy that range.” But today, Home Depot sells a 30-inch range for $349, with the average hourly wage $20.80. “So, today’s ‘ordinary’ worker can earn enough income to buy a 30-inch electric kitchen range in just 16.8 hours — a mere 17 percent of the work time required in 1972.”

10. Big Government – It’s undoubtedly insulting to call the best-known section of the multi-faceted Breitbart website a blog; the late and legendary Internet pioneer Andrew Breitbart’s baby is fast growing into a professional journalistic global empire, opening bureaus everywhere from Texas to London to the Mideast. But the whole massive operation, launched to destroy the “old media guard” dominated by the left, has always had a blogger’s rebellious soul. The trademark Breitbart cheekiness was on full display in a recent post by C-FAM president Austin Ruse, who asked the head of American Atheists if the president is faking being a Christian and got this agnostic response: “Obama was raised by an atheist and a skeptic, so he at least knows the arguments.” “



Click through to see where your favorite blog ranks













Bloggers, Surveillance And Obama’s Orwellian State






 After resigning as the press secretary for President Obama on June 20, Carney gave insight into the Obama administration’s handling of classified documents, and responded to criticism that this administration has been the most Orwellian in recent history.

“ I know — because I covered them — that this was said of Clinton and Bush, and it will probably be said of the next White House,” said Carney in a recent New York Times Magazine interview. “I think a little perspective is useful…It is a serious, serious matter to leak classified information. Some of the debate around this kind of forgets how serious that is.”



Even in retiring Carney can’t help but pull out the old “Bush did it” card …



” But, it could also be the changing nature of the relationship between the media and the White House. At a recent event at the New America Foundation, journalists and historians challenged Carney, arguing that this White House has been more secret than previous occupants.

“Increasingly, the Obama White House has become so brittle, and so controlling of the message, that people are afraid to respond to me,” said Kimberly Dozier, a former Associated Press reporter. She was one of the journalists whose phone records were obtained by the Department of Justice last spring during its investigation into a leak of classified information about a failed Al-Qaeda plot. The scope of that investigation, some critics said, was unprecedented overreach.

  According to ProPublica, the Obama administration has filed eight cases under the Espionage Act, which criminalizes disclosing information harmful to national security. Before the Obama administration, only three known cases had ever been charged under the act.”


    In the end Time reverts to it’s roots and blames bloggers in justifying the administration crack-down on journalistic freedom , comparing bloggers to “pamphleteers” and calling for them to uphold “the same standards as 20th century journalists” … LOL , not exactly setting a very high bar now are they ?  … Read the rest at Time












Owe Back Taxes Or Talk Bad About Government? No Travel For You Anymore


tsa on obama



” Planning on flying anywhere for the holidays? If you owe back taxes, are a frequent flyer, or own a blog that is critical of the government, you might want to rethink your plans. Under the radar in October, the TSA tightened their screening guide lines to include these in their “screenings”. In fact they want a full background check.

The procedure has been in place but was not activated until recently.  The TSA released the screening regulations in order to comply with government requirements. The new regulations put some of the data collection of the National Security Administration (NSA) scrutiny to shame.  As usual the details of the new provisions were never announced to the public.

So what are the things they are looking in to? Here is a quick list from TSA and the New York Times.

  • private employment information to include who you work for
  • vehicle registrations
  • travel history
  • property ownership records and what property you claim
  • physical characteristics
  • tax identification numbers and tax history
  • past travel itineraries
  • law enforcement information
  • “intelligence” information (the key word list used by the NSA)
  • passport numbers
  • frequent flier information
  • other “identifiers” linked to DHS databases (including web history and information, critical speaking of the government)


It has gotten so far out of hand that people came to the New York Times to get the information out.

I think the best way to look at it is as a pre-crime assessment every time you fly,” said Edward Hasbrouck, a consultant to the Identity Project, one of the groups that oppose the prescreening initiatives. “The default will be the highest, most intrusive level of search, and anything less will be conditioned on providing some additional information in some fashion.” “



This is wrong on so many levels that we don’t even know where to start .




Read On












Netroots Bloggers Mark 10th Birthday in Decline and Struggling for Survival




 ” “We didn’t trust the traditional progressive movement—labor, the issue orgs, the party—because of a record of failure and futility,” writes Markos Moulitsas, founder of Daily Kos, in an email. “In turn, they didn’t like us petulant upstarts. A popular sentiment was, ‘What are those bloggers going to do, hit George Bush in the head with a laptop?’”

Now, however, the Netroots, which were once thought to do to the political left what evangelical Christianity was supposed to do to the professional right, are 10 years old. In that time they vaulted Howard Dean to within a scream of the presidency, helped Democrats take both houses of Congress and several statehouses across the country, and gave the party what many in the movement believed to be some much-needed spine.

But with another critical election two weeks away, politicians, political operatives, and even the bloggers themselves say the Netroots are a whisper of what they were only four years ago, a dial-up modem in a high-speed world, and that the brigade of laptop-wielding revolutionaries who stormed the convention castle four years ago have all but disappeared as a force within the Democratic Party. “


So , in typical progressive fashion , as long as the service provided is deemed necessary to the powers-that-be you are welcome to help , but only till the goal is reached . Then it’s … Don’t Call Us , We’ll Call You 


 ” “They may still be one of the most influential groups on the American left, but this is still the American left we are talking about,” said David Karpf, author ofThe MoveOn Effect: The Unexpected Transformation of American Political Advocacy. “It’s a little like talking about who is the best player on the Washington Wizards. In 2008 the digital people were new and sparkly enough that they got extra care and feeding by the campaigns, because they didn’t really know who was behind all of this. But now those in the Democratic Party who want to ignore it realize that they can.”

What’s left of the Netroots say they aren’t finished yet. They point to the handful of candidates for office this year that they got behind, like Elizabeth Warren in Massachusetts and Tammy Baldwin in Wisconsin, as proof of their relevance—never mind that most of the Democratic establishment lined up behind them as well. They point to the mass protests in Wisconsin last year as proof of their ability to bring issues to the forefront—never mind that those protests ended up securing the anti-union lawmakers who voted on them in the first place. They plan on blogging away as ever—as Congress and whoever is the next president face the next round of budget fights. “



Tea Partier Cruz Uses Social Media Expert to Redefine Politics

   ” In 2012, Tea Partier and now Texas Senate Candidate Ted Cruz and his team of social media experts, including Vincent Harris of Harris Media , have begun to redefine the landscape of political campaigns forever with his victory over Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst yesterday in a run-off to decide the Republican candidate for a Texas
Senate seat.

  According to Politico, Cruz, guided by Harris, his digital campaign strategist, made weekly calls
with supportive bloggers, had two full-time staffers dedicated to social media content, built a website that “empowered volunteers to take on tasks and print out campaign literature,” and
subsequently ended up with a mailing list Harris called “bigger than most of the failed Republican
candidates for president.” ”

Social media …. It’s not just for progressives anymore .


Via Breitbart 


The Honorable Eric Holder
U.S. Attorney General
U.S. Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Suite 5111
Washington, D.C. 20530-0009

Dear Attorney General Holder:

We write you concerning the growing threat of “SWAT-ting” and its costly ramifications. These crimes occur when individuals call emergency dispatchers under the guise of another person’s name with fraudulent claims, causing local law enforcement to swarm the home of innocent Americans. SWAT-ting first arose in 2002, but as technology and the Internet has expanded, the dangers of SWAT-ting are also on the rise.”

Check the list for your congressman . Note there is not a Dem to be seen . So much for the Left’s live of “free speech “

Action alert: Ask Congress to defend and protect the #FreedomToBlog

  While Michelle Malkin is taking part in the Day of Blogging Silence , she herself is not remaining silent . Here is a piece on Kimberlin from today’s National Review .


   “In 1978, Kimberlin was sentenced to more than 50 years in federal prison for drug dealing, impersonating a federal officer, and a weeklong bombing spree in Speedway, Ind. The violent crimes left one victim so severely injured that he committed suicide. A civil court awarded the widow of the victim, Carl DeLong, $1.6 million. Kimberlin was released from jail in 2001, but he has yet to pay up.”

A link filled history of the Kimberlin affair from Stacy McCain

Be sure and read it all for a complete understanding of what is going on .



“Somewhere between the time in October 2010 he threatened to sue Patrick Frey and the decision last week to make a similar threat
toward Ali Akbar, Brett Kimberlin crossed a Rubicon of desperation and burned the bridge behind him. In the past three weeks, Kimberlin
and his allies have escalated their deceitful war against conservative bloggers to the point that it
cannot be ignored, and must now be fought to a conclusion with the entire political world watching. “

Finally , some official notice of the despicable act of SWATting . Not that I would expect Holder and his brown shirts to do anything , but the exposure is welcome .

  “Today, U.S. Sen. Saxby Chambliss, R-Ga., sent a letter to Attorney
General Eric Holder regarding recent reports that several conservative political
commentators have been targeted with harassing and frightening actions.
  Chambliss demanded that Holder examine these cases to determine if federal laws have been violated. “

Stacy McCain Reports


  “Convicted felon Brett Kimberlin is the nephew of a wealthy Maryland woman who has contributed to a foundation that helped fund a 501(c)3 organization of
which Kimberlin is the director .                  
    Kimberlin’s activities have recently attracted widespread attention because of his attempts to intimidate and harass bloggers
who wrote about his criminal history.
   Harriet Crosby, 66, reportedly an heiress to the General Mills fortune, was one of the original donors to the Threshold Foundation, which contributed $20,000 to Kimberlin’s Justice Through Music Project
in 2008, according to database research I reported May 19 . “

Keep him on the public’s mind .


  “Convicted terrorist Brett Kimberlin’s failed attempt to silence bloggers who tell the
truth about Kimberlin’s criminality will be the subject of a court hearing Tuesday morning in Montgomery County,
   Kimberlin, who in 1981 was sentenced to 50 years in federal prison for his Indiana bombing spree and other crimes , has
requested a “peace order” against Virginia attorney Aaron Walker, who says Kimberlin tried to “frame” him on an assault charge
earlier this year.
   The final hearing on
Kimberlin’s peace order request – which Walker has described as “frivolous” – is scheduled for Tuesday at 8:30 a.m. in Montgomery County District Court ( 191 E. Jefferson St., Rockville, Md. 20850 ), according to the court’s official Web site .”

  “We Will Not Be Silent”

  ” In the past year bloggers such as Aaron Walker, Stacy McCain, Patterico and Liberty Chick (Aaron Worthington) have been harassed
and threatened by a terrorist known as the “Speedway Bomber” Brett Kimberlin.

  Kimberlin was convicted of several federal felonies in 1981 and sentenced to 50 years for terrorizing an Indiana town with a weeklong bombing
spree. Kimberlin was released from prison in 2000 and since his release he has harassed and threatened anyone who dares to write about his past or current actions.

  Stacy McCain has not been silenced by this terrorist. He has been forced to leave his home in order to continue.his investigation from an undisclosed location. Brett Kimberlin is a nightmare. In fact, he is the stuff nightmares are made of.  American citizens, exercising their First Amendment right.to speak freely, are being viciously targeted and terrorized by a George Soros-funded violent domestic terrorist.

  Today, in a strong showing of unity, spearheaded by Michelle Malkin, bloggers across the country are standing together to expose this predator of free speech to the world. “

  How did lawyers and the fear of lawsuits become the driving force in society today ? From the cost of consumer goods , to the fear of opening one’s mouth to sky high medical costs , when you get down to it , lawyers are the culprit . When a convicted terrorist like Brett Kimberlin can manipulate the system to his advantage and persecute the average citizen for speaking the truth you know there is a problem .

“Did the US Congress strip American citizens of their right to state demonstrably true facts without unending harassments? Did we lose that right simply because Brett Kimberlin has decided, as a Congress of One, that we should no longer have it?

If we have not lost that right — if it is still legal to say, in America, that Brett Kimberlin was convicted of planting eight bombs in Speedway, Indiana, one of which took a man’s leg, and then, distraught over his maiming, his life, via suicide — if it is legal to say this, can we have it stated by a US Congressman for the record that it is still legal to say this?”