Tag Archive: Black on White Crime

Vicious Hate Crime In Missouri: Blacks Attack White Couple; Race Hustlers Silent







” This is a REAL hate crime. A white couple is innocently walking around Springfield, Missouri, which is located roughly three and a half hours from Ferguson, when suddenly they are attacked by four black thugs.

  They are slammed against the wall. They are slammed on the ground. They are hit. They are kicked over and over again. And it is all caught on camera. The attack is disturbing to watch.The thugs, I cannot call them men, run off, then you see police chasing after them. 

  Not a word from Al Sharpton as he is back to battling it out with the teleprompter on MSNBC. Not an outcry from Eric Holder or Barack Obama that these thugs should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. There is utter silence as the police search for these perpetrators.”



Welcome to Obama’s “post racial” America













Bill Whittle: Ferguson And The Real Race War





Published on Aug 20, 2014

” Since the shooting of Michael Brown by a white policeman and the ensuing riots and looting in Ferguson, MO, Americans have been told, yet again, that there is an epidemic of crime against black people in this country. But is there really a race war, and if so, which side is actually waging it? “





Video: Man Allegedly Screaming “I Hate White People” Attacked Three In Union Square


I Hate White People


” A man was arrested this afternoon in Union Square after allegedly attacking three people. According to witness Joey Boots, the African-American suspect attacked a white man around 2:30 p.m. “He bloodied him up pretty good,” Boots said. When two others came to aide the victim, the suspect allegedly assaulted them as well, and started shouting, “I hate white people.” “


Video At The Link















Black Mob Pounces On Woman: ‘Shut Up White [bleep!]’




” As the black mob kicked her in the face, pulled her hair and punched her – all the while directing racial slurs at her – Ginger Slepski thought she was going to die.

She didn’t. This Pittsburgh electrician and mother of two escaped with torn ligaments in her shoulder and cuts and bruises that most police reports call “minor injuries.”

The black mob attack happened Sunday as Slepski pulled up to a stop sign in the black part of Pittsburgh.

Channel 11 News in Pittsburgh picks up the story:

Slepski was savagely beaten after the girls threw a bottle at her car on Concord Street and she stopped to confront them.”



  Here are a host of links from WND that highlight the racial attacks taking place nationwide and largely being ignored or downplayed by the media and law enforcement .


About that violent gang, the ‘Obama Boyz’

Intended Knockout Game victim shoots back

Black mob-in-training bullies white girl, 3

Black mob on rampage fractures cop’s skull

Black teen, 16, who beat WWII vet to death arrested

Police: Teens kill baseball player ‘for fun’

Downtown Memphis? Safe, of course

Black mob looting: ‘This is the city of Detroit’

Black mobs erupt in Ivy League region

Dad: Son ‘sorry’ for beating white boy on bus

Man in coma after black mob of 50 pummels him

Black-on-black murders epidemic in this city

Black mob targets off-duty police

Vicious: Blacks pummel white child on bus

Even media can no longer ignore black violence

Black man in hoodie stabs white girl 11 times

Black mob leaves waiter with broken jaw

Race violence alarms, before Zimmerman verdict

Black mobs go ‘bang’ on July 4th

Kaboom! Now black mobs kill 4th of July

Family picnic turns to horror thanks to black mob

Mall maul nothing much, authorities report

Black mob strikes Ohio mother

Bike trail builds reputation for mob attacks

Woman sics dogs on reporter

Knockout Game victim’s eye kicked out of socket

Happy holiday! Let the violence begin

Beach week fun: Kevlar vests and weapons

FBI called into hate crime targeting whites

Police blamed for black crime spree

Shooting victim wanted ‘tribe’ to be peaceful

Violence takes over ‘CelebrAsian’

Black violence surges from D.C. rail line to Master’s

‘Beach week’ draws black crowd — and violence

Gun owner stops home invaders dead

Black mob attack on elderly white halted

Strategy: Reduce violence by taking away Facebook

Media label black-mob violence ‘mischievous teens’

Violent threats follow Detroit takeover

Torture-slaying retrial declared ‘victim-free’ zone

Black mob beats man ‘for no reason’

7 injured at party for 13-year-old rapper

‘COPS’ slammed for portraying blacks as criminals

Taser-armed security guard chases black mobs

25-year-old victim loses Knockout Game

TV-smashing, rock hurling ‘candlelight vigil’

It’s ‘scuffle’ with dozens of people, guns

Help ‘tending wounds’ sought for black attackers

Sanford healing 1 year after Trayvon’s death?

Jawdropper: Black mob meets ‘gay’ beauty pageant

TV anchor: ‘Race-baiters’ behind black-mob claims

‘Knockout Game’ perp shot, killed

70 officers needed to disperse ‘food fight’ rioters

College football stars and the Knockout Game

Detroit facing surge of black violence

Black mob takes over neighborhood, again

Video: Black mob beats man until skull breaks

Seattle in denial about black mobs

Star is born when security guard Tasers ‘crazy lady’

You’re white, you’re guilty, you’re dead!

Surge of black violence called ‘urban terrorism’

‘White and black don’t mix’

Deck the halls, and your fellow shopper, too

$10, cell phone and a bullet to head

Chicago robbery, chase, crash and a riot

Black mobs take over Washington Metro

Race-based Knockout Game meets the Moms

‘We’re looking at the background of the victim’

Football stars accused in racial Knockout Game

Black mob violence hits high-school gridiron

Heisman hopes hit by black-mob attack

Black mob picks on ‘The Wrong Guy’

‘Knockout Games’ a hit with black mobs

Black mob violence blamed on white kids drinking

Black mob hijacks store: ‘We own this’

Attempted robbery that almost became a race riot

Riots, denials and black mobs in Flint

Black mob violence and the media silence

Brand-new surge in black-mob violence

The race riot … and the media cover-up

Black commentators sound off on racial violence

Mighty Salon and little old me

See no evil: Racial violence underreported

‘Perfect storm’ of black violence on ‘gays’

2nd Amendment proves valid defense against black gangs

Black mobs now have soundtrack for violence

Black mobs’ Knockout Game raising alarms

Blogger: Why don’t blacks behave?

Judge to black perps: What are you doing with your lives?

Black mob violence hits Nordstrom








Police: Black teens kill white man ‘for fun’

” As the family of an Australian baseball player gunned down in Oklahoma mourns his death, police said today that the college athlete was targeted by three black teenagers who simply “wanted to see someone die.”

  The suspects followed Chris Lane, 22, as he jogged alongside a road in Duncan, Okla., Friday afternoon, shot him in the back and left him to die on the side of the road, said Duncan Police Chief Danny Ford.”

  “Get the book that documents racial violence in America, with hundreds of episodes in more than 80 American cities since 2010, where groups of blacks are assaulting, intimidating, stalking, threatening, shooting, stabbing and killing victims.”

Mob Of Teens Brutally Attack Man In Heart Of Little Italy


little italy


” The victim was walking home from work when he was attacked near Bank and Exeter Streets. Police say the brutality of the crime is why three juveniles arrested are being charged as adults.

A brutal attack in the heart of Little Italy. Police say a man walking home from work at an area restaurant is attacked and severely beaten near Bank and Exeter Streets by a mob of at least ten teens.

While the suspects took the man’s phone, Blattermann says that’s not what they were after.

They beat this boy. He got up, he’d run, they beat him. He got up, he’d run, they beat him. He got up, he’d run, they beat him,” said Blattermann.”




Police: Robbers Tell Man, ‘This Is For Trayvon Martin’



” A weekend robbery in a racially diverse neighborhood of Washington may have been a hate crime, police said.

“This is for Trayvon Martin,” one of the three black men told a white man as they approached him early Saturday, according to Washington Metropolitan Police Officer Anthony Clay.”





  ” Hayes and a 15-year-old Chicago boy walked up behind the 19-year-old man victim and pinned his arms to his side, police said. Hayes, 18, then picked up a large tree branch, pointed it at the man
and said, “empty your pockets white boy “