Tag Archive: Big Hairy News

White House Censors First Lady


“The President cannot afford to have his wife flaunting her guns at this critical point,” said one White House staffer. “He knows Michelle can’t stop flexing for the cameras, it’s all she’s got going for herself.”

White House Has 2,632 Christmas


“We have over 2,630 Christmas trees this
year,” exclaimed a jubilant Mrs. Obama,
“that’s thousands more than last year –
it’s like a forest in here!”

A central theme this year was first dog
Bo, and his own unique decorations are
everywhere. “I had to help him a little,
as he has no hands,” said the first lady. “

Big Hairy News


                                                                                                                  Call Virgins Are Us 


Election Day 2012 – Obama Circles
The Drain


“I don’t want to say they’re completely freaking out,” said one Obama campaign worker, “but Barack is chain smoking and I just saw Michelle with a half gallon
of Ben and Jerry’s Chunky Monkey and a small ham.”

Over 200 Readers Affected


” The magazine, published since 1933, has experienced a sharp decline in readership – roughly proportionate to its increasingly hard left editorial bent.

  There is no word how this move will affect Newsweek’s roughly 225
subscribers. “

Big Hairy News points us to ..


Big Hairy News

  “Barely 24 hours after the White House’s last failed effort to reach out to the Islamic world, Muslims are in an uproar over a video released by the State Department showing Secretary of State
Hillary Clinton suffering a “Janet Jackson” style wardrobe malfunction while apologizing to Muslims.”


Courtesy of Big Hairy News

We are treated to our ” Jug-eared” President’s homage to Neil Armstrong , this time from a different angle .


“SHOCKING: Newsweek Turns On

  “In what is clearly a desperate attempt to forestall the seemingly inevitable demise of Newsweek
magazine, the notoriously leftist
publication features a cover story this month actually critical of President Obama. ”


Big Hairy News has the scoop .


” Big Hairy News Exclusive  Married Senator Harry Reid (Retard-NV) has reportedly been involved in a steamy affair with a transgendered Puerto Rican woman for over six years! ”

Say it ain’t so , Harry .

….We’re not done.

From Big Hairy News , warning NSFW …

  “We ran our take on the official
“Forward” Obama campaign slogan in May, and the resulting requests by so many people to purchase it prompted us to have a bunch made up as bumper
stickers. ”


Order Here

  Leave it to Big Hairy News to set the record straight on Crazy Uncle Joe’s visit with the NAACP .


From Big Hairy News we find that along with America’s birthday , July 4th was the birthday of the 12th Imam…


“Anticipation is reaching a fevered pitch in that country
that Mahdi will soon be cast into
worldwide prominence when he destroys Israel and America after they attack Iran’s
nuclear facilities. ”

Votes … Get yer Votes Here

   Big Hairy News and the latest on the Obama vote buying pander .

 “WASHINGTON (BHN) – President Obama announced today that he has instructed the Department of Homeland Security to cease deporting illegal immigrants whosnuck into entered this country at a young age.”

Time Illegal Aliens


And as a companion piece check out this video via IMAO 

Pure Class

” Lady Gaga Ups Madonna, Exposes Penis

BIG HAIRY NEWS EXCLUSIVE – Apparently in response to Madonna’s desperate bold
attention-grabbing nipple flash, Lady Gaga struck back last night by allegedly exposing her penis during a concert performance.”

“MSNBC Rocked …

“MSNBC Rocked By Wisconsin Vote Results”

Ed Schultz Unhinged