Tag Archive: Beholden

Lobbyists … What Lobbyists ?

Tim Carney points out the ridiculousness of Politico’s “Lobbyists ready for a comeback under Romney” lede with the greatest of ease . He reminds us of the lobbying past of over four dozen Obama Administration staff from cabinet heads on down . 



“Some of the highest-level positions in a potential Romney administration are expected be filled by former lobbyists and Washington insiders.”


  ” Former lobbyists in some of the highest-level positions? Shock! What would HHS Secretary — and former head of the lobbying group Kansas Trial Lawyers Association – Kathleen Sebelius say? Or former NEA lobbyist, now Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack (16)? Or former Fannie Mae lobbyist and Goldman Sachs consultant Tom Donilon(17), now National Security Advisor. Or even Atty. Gen. and former registered lobbyist Eric Holder (18)?

Does Defense Secretary Leon Panetta (19) hold one of “the highest-level positions”? Because he was a registered lobbyist, too.”

Obama … Hollywood Stooge

   Mr 99% is beholden to the entertainment industry as was amply demonstrated by his comment of a couple weeks ago regarding celebrities being ” the ultimate arbiter “ . We’ve always been aware of the whole stage-managed , theatrical , phoniness of his rise and ultimately his election but it seems that given his disappointing performance his record is more akin to “Cutthroat Island* ” than “Jaws”.


  We can only hope that this box office bomb , foisted upon us by a prostrate media and the morally challenged hypocrites in the entertainment industry receives the hook and is pulled , kicking and screaming no doubt, off of our stage in November . This box office bomb has run on WAY too long .


” John Carter, Battleship, The Dictator, Dark Shadows—add Barack Obama’s campaign to the list of Hollywood bombs shelling the 2012 summer box office. Like them, Obama for America is in the red, and reviews are not positive.

Obama’s reelection is the ultimate studio production, a sort of political It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World that costs millions, features a cast of thousands, and stars some of the biggest names of the day. However, like all screwball comedies, things are not going as the protagonist intends. The entertainment industry has captured Obama’s presidency, and shifted the national agenda onto terrain familiar to California and New York liberals, but unfavorable to the independent voters who will decide 2012.”

*                                                 Cost                    Gross                Net Loss                           Loss in 2012 $           

Cutthroat Island 1995 115,000,000 18,517,322 96,482,678 83.90 147,157,681