Tag Archive: Automation

UC Study: Minimum Wage Hike Of 2007-09 Cost 1.4M Jobs





” Raising the minimum wage, a stated goal of the Obama administration, likely would cost jobs and hurt low-income workers.

  University of California San Diego economic researchers discovered that the federal minimum wage increase from $5.15 to $7.25 per hour between 2007 and 2009 actually cost the economy 1.4 million jobs, Breitbart News reports. “



” Even worse, the increase’s negative effect landed squarely on the people it was designed to help — low-paid, unskilled workers, who found themselves blocked out of low-paid or internship positions that would give them a shot at gaining experience and achieving higher-paid jobs, the study notes.

” We find that binding minimum wage increases significantly reduced the likelihood that low-skilled workers rose to what we characterize as lower middle class earnings. This curtailment of transitions into lower middle class earnings began to emerge roughly one year following initial declines in low wage employment. Reductions in upward mobility thus appear to follow reductions in access to opportunities for accumulating work experience,” the report states. “




” While the wage distribution of low-skilled workers shifts as intended, the estimated effects on employment, income, and income growth are negative. “



   For every government mandate on businesses , industry and technology will create a way to avoid them . If increasing the mandatory minimum wage by two dollars cost a million and a half jobs just imagine the losses from a doubling of the present state-mandated wage for unskilled workers , and machines don’t need healthcare .

   Read more at NewsMax











Meet The Robot That’s A Minimum Wage Killer


” Small business owners in Southern California have struggled against high taxes and a rising minimum wage for years. But a new robotics startup in San Francisco called Momentum Machines wants to sooth the burdens created by oppressive government by designing a machine that will solve these problems.

Momentum Machines is hiring for certain positions. Do you think they pay above minimum wage? ”









Nerf Sentry Gun Tracks, Takes Out Targets


Nerf Sentry Gun


” The best part about this is that you too can make yourself a Nerf sentry gun! (And it’s not limited to Nerf guns, it was originally designed for paintball and airsoft, and who knows how long it’ll be before someone hooks one up with a real gun!)

(Holy shit can you imagine how ballistic people will go if someone 3D-prints a sentry gun with a 3D-printed gun inside? The internet could collapse.)”





” All you need to make your own Nerf sentry gun is:

Platform parts:












Can the Tablet Please Take Your Order Now?




” Carla Hesseltine is considering buying a few tablet devices for her bakery so customers can place orders for her signature M&M cupcakes on their own, straight from the counter. 

The reason: She fears the $7.25 an hour that she currently pays her 10 customer-service employees, mostly college students, could rise, perhaps to $9 an hour under a pledge by President Barack Obama earlier this month.

In order for her Just Cupcakes LLC to remain profitable in the face of higher expected labor costs, Ms. Hesseltine believes the customer-ordering process “would have to be more automated” at the Virginia Beach, Va., chain, which has two strip-mall locations as well as a food van. Thus, she could eliminate the 10 workers who currently ask customers what they would like to eat.”


    Government job destruction picks up speed . While the government cannot create jobs except at huge cost to the taxpayer , it certainly can and does destroy jobs and the pace is excellerating .