Tag Archive: Attack

Taliban Attack U.N. Compound In Afghan Capital



” Taliban militants launched a coordinated attack on a U.N. compound in the center of the Afghan capital, Kabul, on Friday setting off explosions and battling the security forces.

A plume of smoke hung over the city center after the attack was launched, eight days after six Americans, soldiers and civilians, and nine Afghans were killed in a suicide car bombing in Kabul.

The Taliban, fighting to expel Western forces and establish Islamist rule, claimed responsibility, saying a compound used by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), had been attacked.”











Electromagnetic Pulse Caucus Battles Skeptics In Push To Protect The Planet



” A small but growing cadre of House members is set to relaunch efforts to protect the nation against what they say is a very real threat: the unleashing of an electromagnetic pulse either by a solar storm or a nuclear-armed foe that could cripple much of the nation’s electrical infrastructure.

“I realize there is skepticism, and I understand it’s easy to dismiss this as something coming from people who might go around wearing tinfoil hats,” said Rep. Trent Franks, R-Ariz., one of the leaders of the little-known bipartisan congressional Electromagnetic Pulse Caucus.

But Franks said that he and other members of the caucus—which has seen its roster grow to at least 18 members from 11 last session—will keep pressing “in a low-key way so as not to try to scare people” to show that the dangers are legitimate. Now is the time to take steps to protect the nation’s electric grid, said Franks, aHouse Armed Services Committee member who is also cochairman of the 39-member Missile Defense Caucus.

At the top of this effort is the belief that every facet of routine life could be at risk for a short or even long period of time with the disabling of key parts of the nation’s infrastructure. Computers and circuits of homes, hospitals, supermarkets, water-treatment facilities, and banks would be fried; telecommunications and transportation systems would grind to a halt; and public safety and even national security could be compromised.

Some of those concerned envision scenarios in which terrorists or some hostile or rogue state, such as Iran or North Korea, might someday build or acquire and then launch and detonate a nuclear warhead above the United States with the intent of triggering such a devastating electromagnetic pulse.

Aside from such an above-atmosphere detonation of a nuclear bomb to carry out this havoc, there are concerns that electromagnetic energy from a massive geomagnetic storm from the sun or a comet might do the same. “



HT/ Michael Yon

… in ‘green on blue’ Afghanistan attack


  ” Two British soldiers have been shot dead by a man wearing Afghan police uniform in what appeared to be the latest “green on blue” attack where a rogue member of the Afghan forces has killed his allies.

The soldiers from 1st Battalion The Royal Gurkha Rifles were shot dead at a police checkpoint in Helmand province.

British and Afghan officials confirmed the killer wore police uniform, but it was not immediately clear if he was a genuine member of the force, or an insurgent fighter in disguise. The killer fled and was last night being hunted. “

Timeline Of Libya Attack …

… Reveals administration Contradictions




 ” The timeline of events leading up to last month’s deadly attack in Benghazi and the administration’s shifting explanations have become a major problem for Democrats less than a month before Election Day. 

  Already under criticism for linking the assault on the U.S. consulate to an anti-Islam video, the administration raised even more eyebrows Thursday when Vice President Biden said he didn’t know about the U.S. mission’s request for more security. Biden’s statement directly contradicts sworn testimony from State Department officials given just the day before.


The following is a detailed timeline of events leading to the Sept. 11 attack and what the Obama administration has said since then.”

U.S. Now Facing Difficulties Dissenting Should Israel Strike A-Bomb Program at Iran

” The recent visits of Republican presidential candidate W. M. Romney (I am still having a problem calling a possible president Mitt; Millard Fillmore almost creates a precedent for Willard M. Romney) and defense secretary Leon Panetta to the Middle East have raised to a height of attention the perennial problem of a nuclear Iran. Mr. Romney made it clear he would support Israel if it attacked the Iranian nuclear program, and Panetta confirmed that military interdiction of the program remained an option. The widely respected former head of the Israeli secret security agency Mossad, Efraim Halevy, last week said that the Iranians have reason to be fearful of what could happen in the next twelve weeks, i.e., in the run-up to the U.S. election.”