Tag Archive: Asylum





” National Security Agency leaker Edward Snowden wrote in a lengthy “open letter to the people of Brazil” that he’s been inspired by the global debate ignited by his release of thousands of National Security Agency documents, and that the NSA’s culture of indiscriminate global espionage “is collapsing.”

  In the letter, obtained on Tuesday by The Associated Press, Snowden commended the Brazilian government for its strong stand against U.S. spying.

  He said he’d be willing to help the South American nation investigate NSA spying on its soil, but could not fully participate in doing so without being granted political asylum, because the U.S. “government will continue to interfere with my ability to speak.” “









Snowden Receives Asylum Offers





” The quest by NSA leaker Edward Snowden for a safe haven has taken a turn toward Latin America, with offers for asylum coming from the leftist presidents of Nicaragua and Venezuela.

But there were no immediate signs that efforts were under way to bring him to either nation after Nicolas Maduro of Venezuela and Daniel Ortega of Nicaragua made their offers during separate speeches in their home countries on Friday.

The offers came one day after leftist South American leaders gathered to denounce the rerouting of Bolivian President Evo Morales’ plane over Europe amid reports that the fugitive American was aboard.

Snowden, who is being sought by the United States, has asked for asylum in more than 20 countries, including Nicaragua and Venezuela. Many another nations have turned him down.”












NSA Whistleblower Snowden Applies For Asylum In 21 Countries



” Moscow – While Edward Snowden, the NSA whistleblower, languishes in Moscow’s Sheremetyevo Airport, he has now sent out a number of requests for asylum or asylum assistance, bringing a total of 21 countries approached by him.
According to a statement released by WikiLeaks on Tuesday, legal advisor to Snowden, Sarah Harrison, submitted by hand several requests for asylum and asylum assistance on his behalf to an official at the Russian consulate at Sheremetyevo Airport in Moscow, late in the evening on June 30.


According to the WikiLeaks statement, among the countries receiving requests are:


The Republic of Austria, the Plurinational State of Bolivia, the Federative Republic of Brazil, the People’s Republic of China, the Republic of Cuba, the Republic of Finland, the French Republic, the Federal Republic of Germany, the Republic of India, the Italian Republic, the Republic of Ireland, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the Republic of Nicaragua, the Kingdom of Norway, the Republic of Poland, the Russian Federation, the Kingdom of Spain, the Swiss Confederation and the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.


Previous requests had been made to the Ecuador and Iceland.

Russia has already said that it would give Snowden asylum, as long as he stopped releasing data that could cause damage to the US.”


President Vladimir Putin said on Monday: “If he wants to stay here, there is one condition: he has to stop his work aimed at damaging our US partners, no matter how strange this sounds coming from me.”


However, Putin added: “Snowden feels he is a fighter for human rights, he doesn’t appear to intend to give up such work. Therefore he should pick a country for himself and travel there. When this will happen, I don’t know.”

Hong Kong Lets Snowden Leave To Moscow, With Cuba Among Possible Destinations



” HONG KONG (Reuters) – A former contractor for the U.S. National Security Agency, charged by the United States with espionage, was allowed to leave Hong Kong on Sunday, his final destination as yet unknown, because a U.S. request to have him arrested did not comply with the law, the Hong Kong government said.

Edward Snowden left for Moscow on Sunday and his final destination may be Cuba, Ecuador, Iceland or Venezuela, according to various reports. The move is bound to infuriate Washington, wherever he ends up.

“It’s a shocker,” said Simon Young, a law professor with Hong Kong University. “I thought he was going to stay and fight it out. The U.S. government will be irate.” “










In Tweak To US, Russia Would ‘Consider’ Asylum For Snowden



” Russia might be willing to grant asylum to Edward Snowden, the whistleblower who exposed the extent of the National Security Agency’s electronic surveillance, if he asked for it, Kremlinspokesman Dmitry Peskov said Tuesday.

“If such a request is made, it will be considered. We’ll act according to facts,” the Moscow daily Kommersant quoted Mr. Peskov as saying.

That single, utterly noncommittal phrase triggered a storm of commentary on Russian social media, with some exulting in the historic turn-of-fortunes situation that nowadays makes Russia look like a potential haven for US dissidents.”



     Wow … just wow . Imagine the irony of Americans fleeing to Russia to escape government totalitarianism . Obama world really is Bizarro World .

 Of course fleeing to Russia would probably not be such a good choice for a “freedom lover” . Escaping one Statist government by taking residence in another is not much of a step forward .








TRIFECTA — Obama Admin. Does ‘Reich’ Thing by Deporting Religious Refugees



Published on May 23, 2013

” Trifecta discusses a family that fled Germany because of the European nation’s anti-homeschooling laws. This evangelical family is now forced to comply with Nazi era educational laws that run contrary to their Christian faith. In deporting the family, Obama argued that this law, enacted under Hitler, was fair. Why is Obama defending the German educational system? Find out.”









WikiLeaks Releases 1.7m US Diplomatic And Intelligence Reports Covering Every Country In The World


Collection: The data released today includes more than 1.7million US diplomatic records from 1973 to 1976

Collection: The data released today includes more than 1.7million US diplomatic records from 1973 to 1976




” Whistleblowing website WikiLeaks today published more than 1.7million U.S. records covering diplomatic or intelligence reports on every country in the world.

The data released today includes more than 1.7million U.S. diplomatic records from 1973 to 1976 – covering a traffic of cables, intelligence reports and congressional correspondence.

WikiLeaks described the Public Library of US Diplomacy (PlusD) as the world’s largest searchable collection of U.S. confidential, or formerly confidential, diplomatic communications.

Much of the work was carried out by WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, 41, during his time in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, where he has been staying since last summer.

The Ecuadorian Government has granted Mr Assange political asylum and has repeatedly offered Swedish prosecutors the chance to interview him at the embassy in Knightsbridge, central London.

Mr Assange said the information showed the ‘vast range and scope’ of U.S. diplomatic and intelligence activity around the world.”

Henry Kissinger was U.S. Secretary of State and National Security Adviser during the period covered by the collection, and many of the reports were written by him or sent to him.

Thousands of the documents are marked NODIS (no distribution) or Eyes Only, as well as cables originally classed as secret or confidential.”