Tag Archive: Asset

U.S. Obama Unfreezes $8 Billion In Iranian Assets


We trust this man for the security of the world ?



” The United States released $8 billion in frozen assets to Iran on Sunday in a move meant to ensure Tehran’s compliance with a nuclear pact signed over the weekend, according to top Iranian officials.

Iranian government spokesman Mohammad Baqher Nobakht confirmed on Monday morning that the U.S. government had unfrozen $8 billion in assets that had been previously blocked by the Obama administration.


    Undoubtably nothing could have kept Bagher Nobakht from confirming in a most public way that the Obama/Kerry capitulation contingent had in fact engorged the Iranian terror coffers to the tune of $8 Billion dollars . The “smart diplomacy” of Barack “Peace Prize” Obama is paying off in spades … if you are a terrorist or jew hater … for the rest of us ? Not so much .









The depths that these clowns will go to for votes knows no bounds .

BOMBSHELL: Al-Qaeda Infiltrator was Working for Brits not CIA, Cover Blown for Election Year Politics ”

  EVERYTHING is political . Earlier today we posted about “them” , and I deliberately use the term “them” because it should be obvious to all by now that they certainly aren’t US , soiling Mother’s Day , but that is trivial compared to this .

“But as the week progressed, a developing bombshell story got buried under President Obama’s gay marriage announcement. Not only is the supposed CIA asset not a CIA asset at all, but the entire operation was exposed prematurely and the double-agent’s life was immediately threatened by an intelligence leak
that very well may have come out of the White House for political gain. ”

  The sixties “me” generation  ” do whatever works for you ” mantra of the left has found it’s personification in the “One ” . No matter what the cost he must be allowed to proceed .

“The leaks about the operation from the American side have infuriated British intelligence officials , who had hoped to
continue the operation. The leaks not only scuttled the mission but put the life of the asset in jeopardy . Even CIA officials, joining their MI5 and MI6 counterparts, were describing the leaks as “despicable,”
attributing them to the Obama administration. ”

We have Brian Terry and hundreds of others dead at his administration’s hands . We have who knows how many intelligence leads and efforts compromised in hasty , politically motivated announcement of bin Laden’s death and now we have the administration putting allie’s intelligence assets at risk for votes .
And let’s not forget the completely unwanted publicity he gave SEAL Team 6 , who paid a horrendous price just months later .

Depicable , absolutely despicable .

Be sure and read the comments , here’s a sample :

5. Wigglesworth

“Another team scored a touchdown and Obama is trying to spike their football. Classy! “