Tag Archive: “Assault” Weapons

Gun Control Fail: New York’s ‘Assault Weapon’ Registration Is Loudly Miss-Firing As Deadline Nears


Register Nothing NY




”  April 15th, any New Yorker that owns an “assault weapon” is to have registered their gun, per the requirements of the New York SAFE act passed last year. But it’s looking more and more like a tiny percentage of New Yorkers are actually doing it.

  While the state of New York has not released actual firearms registration numbers, the rumors of registrations in the 3,000-5,000 range mean that 99% of those affected gun owners are refusing to comply with the law.

  Furthermore, gun manufacturers are already responding to the law by designing guns that carefully circumvent its specific requirements.”


Read more







New York State Gun Owners Expect Few To Register Under New Law



register Nothing




” Many New York gun owners expect the April 15 deadline to register assault weapons under the state’s strict new law to be largely ignored. 

“ People are pretty much convinced once they get on this registration, the next time they’ll say they’ve got to turn them in,” said Stephen Aldstadt, president of the Shooters Committee on Political Education, who helped organize a protest at the Capitol this past week against the law.

  The state’s SAFE Act, spearheaded by Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo and passed in the wake of the 2012 school shooting in neighboring Connecticut, bans New York sales of semi-automatic weapons with detachable magazines and one military-style feature.

  For an estimated 1 million older guns already owned by New Yorkers, including popular AR-15s, the law requires registration. State police have established simple online registrations but refuse to say how many they’ve received. Cuomo, when asked, said he didn’t know.

  Critics say that’s because hardly anyone is signing up. Aldstadt said his group, which counts more than 300,000 members statewide, isn’t telling people to disobey the law. But some owners have said they won’t do it, while others are removing features, such as pistol grips, from their semi-automatics so they won’t meet the state’s definition of an assault weapon. 

“ I refuse to comply,” said Jeff Tutuska, a graphic artist from West Seneca who was among a few thousand at the Capitol protest. He held a sign saying: “I’d rather have it & not need it than need it & not have it.”

  Reuben Tompkins, 59, of Greenville, said he didn’t know of anyone who planned to register a gun under the new law. “I hope nobody does,” he said. “




We’ll let an American of considerably great stature than Andy Cuomo have the last word :



 “If a law is unjust, a man is not only right to disobey it, he is obligated to do so.”





    So as you can see , we are only doing our civic duty as told by none other than the third president of the US , Thomas Jefferson.

Read on and take heart … you are not alone.







Raw video of David Codrea’s Address

Connecticut Gun Owners Fail To Register; Officials Push “Amnesty”





” After Connecticut enacted one of the most draconian gun-control regimes in America, official estimates suggest that the overwhelming majority of the citizens targeted by the latest assault on gun rights failed to comply. Indeed, analysts say it appears that most people largely ignored the new statute, which purports to ban numerous non-registered “assault” weapons and standard-capacity magazines. Now, despite resistance by the governor, state lawmakers are reportedly “scrambling” to come up with a possible amnesty plan allowing gun owners to register past the deadline.

  According to news reports, some 50,000 newly mislabeled “assault weapons” and 40,000 so-called “high-capacity” magazines (10 or more rounds) targeted under the scheme were registered with state officials by the January 1 deadline. However, estimates and an official report by the Connecticut Office of Legislative Research issued before the new law suggest there are many, many more that went unregistered. Massive non-compliance with gun-registration schemes has been the norm in the United States and abroad, experts pointed out — and analysts say that is likely what happened in Connecticut.

  Noting that the real number of “large-capacity” magazines in the state was unknown, the 2011 Connecticut Office of Legislative Research report said that it “could be in the tens of millions.” Estimates on the number of guns subject to the legislation, meanwhile, indicate that there may be as many as 500,000. Based on those figures, analysts suggested that perhaps less than 10 percent — possibly even less than five percent — of the items subject to the draconian new gun-control regime were registered with authorities by the deadline.

“ Governor Daniel Malloy and the government of the state of Connecticut are having their own ‘Oh, poop’ moment, now that they’ve tallied the number of citizens who have registered their ‘assault weapons’ and ‘high-capacity magazines’ required by the state’s unconstitutional gun laws, compared that to the estimated number of applicable weapons and magazines in the state, and realize they’ve been ignored,” observed Bob Owens, editor of the pro-Second Amendment website BearingArms.com.

Historically speaking, 90-percent or more of those required to comply with gun registration laws in the U.S. refuse to do so, and there is no reason to suspect that this registration attempt in Connecticut is any different,” Owens continued in comments about the radical new registration scheme. “I’ve seen estimates of 1,000,000 firearm magazines that should have been registered under the law, but the state reports registering only 40,000 … just 4 percent.”




Continue reading





The Problem For Gun Control Advocates Is That They Keep Promising That No Way Will Registration Lead To Confiscation Of Firearms, Even As It Does Just That.





” The problem for gun control advocates is that they keep promising that no way will registration lead to confiscation of firearms, even as it does just that. The Brady Campaign’s Dennis A. Henigan accuses the National Rifle Association of peddling “fear” for even raising the possibility. In the New York Times, Charles Blow calls such concerns “cultural paranoia.”

  Yet gun owners seem to have legitimate worries. Hundreds of New York City residents are receiving, and publicizing, letters demanding the surrender, not of scary “assault weapons,” whatever arbitrary definition may locally apply to that slippery term, but of target rifles and cowboy guns. Among the forbidden items gleaned from New York City registration lists and ordered to be surrendered or removed from city limits are the bolt-action Marlin 25N, and lever-action Browning 92 and Winchester 94 rifles. Semi-automatic rifles of the plinking variety, such as the AR-7, have been targeted, too.”









Via ReasonTV Comes This Discussion Of Guns And Mental Illness



Published on Nov 19, 2013

” In the wake of any mass shooting, there’s a predictable and justified burst of public outrage and sorrow followed by a series of “do something now” legislative proposals meant to prevent similar tragedies from ever occurring again.

Depending on the political leanings of the politician or media figure offering the solution, the proposal often rests upon one of these twin assumptions: We must rid the world of the wrong kinds of weapons (i.e., “assault weapons”), or, we must keep guns away from the wrong kinds of people (i.e., “crazy people”). 

“How many more copycats are waiting in the wings for their moment of fame from a national media machine that rewards them with wall-to-wall attention and a sense of identity that they crave, while provoking others to try to make their mark?” asked Wayne LaPierre, official lightning rod of the National Rifle Association, in the wake of the Sandy Hook elementary shooting. “A dozen more killers, a hundred more? How can we possibly even guess how many, given our nation’s refusal to create an active national database of the mentally ill?”

Even the nation’s premier gun lobby believes keeping guns away from the mentally ill is a good idea. It’s a sensible-sounding proposal, a logical precaution. But some forensic psychiatrists, whose jobs include the task of identifying potentially violent individuals, say that targeting the mentally ill isn’t as simple as it sounds.

Watch the Reason TV video above, “The Truth About Mental Illness and Guns,” to hear more about flawed gun control policies and for the full story behind the Phillips’ gun confiscation experience. 

Approximately 7:30 minutes. Produced by Zach Weissmueller. Shot by Tracy Oppenheimer, Will Neff, and Weissmueller.”









NYSAFE Act: Keeping our communities safe while respecting hunters and sportsmen

Gun Owners

” The SAFE Act prevents criminals and the dangerously mentally ill from buying guns, cracks down on illegal guns and bans only the most dangerous assault weapons. The SAFE Act protects law- abiding citizens right to bear arms and does not restrict New Yorkers’ ability to buy, sell, keep or use their guns.” *

   This is what you will find at the confiscation registration website . Each of the questions is hotlinked to a dropdown menu with the state – approved answer.

   You can register here but you cannot see the registration form until you have already given the State Police all of your personal information . Name , address , DOB , description , driver’s license # etc .

Frequently Asked Questions:

Assault Weapons

Q: I own a gun that I use for hunting, is it an assault weapon?
Q: I own a handgun, is that an assault weapon?
Q: I am not sure if the gun I own is an assault weapon. How do I find out?
Q: I have an assault weapon. Do I have to give it up?
Q: How does registering my gun compare to getting a handgun license?
Q: What do I do if I don’t want to register my assault weapon?
Q: If I modify my gun by removing all design characteristics that makes it an
assault weapon, do I have to register it?
Q: If I don’t currently own an assault weapon, how does the new ban on
assault weapons affect me?

Assault Weapon Registration

Q: Where do I get the assault weapon registration form?
Q: How much does the registration cost?
Q: How do I complete the form?
Q: Once the form is submitted, how will I know that my weapon has been successfully registered?
Q: By when do I have to register my weapon?
Q: What happens if I fail to register my weapon by the deadline?
Q: Will this information be publically available?
Q: Once I’ve registered my weapon, do I ever have to register it again?
Q: Do I have any other obligations associated with registering my assault weapon?


Q: How does the SAFE Act impact magazines?
Q: Can I continue to buy 10 round magazines?
Q: How many rounds can I put in my magazine?
Q: Is there anything else I should be aware of?

Antique Guns & Magazines

Q: Is there any exception for historic or antique guns and magazines?
Q: What qualifies as an antique gun or magazine?
Q: I have an antique gun that now qualifies as an assault weapon. Can I transfer it?
Q: I have an antique gun with a magazine that can contain more than ten rounds.
Can I keep the magazine?

Private Sales

Q: What types of private handgun, rifle or shotgun sales or transfers are subject to background check requirements?
Q: What family members are exempt from the private sale/transfer provision?
Q: As a private individual seller/transferor, how do I conduct a background check
on a buyer or transferee?
Q: Do I need to get a background check if I am selling or transferring the firearm
to a relative?
Q: Are dealers required to facilitate a private sale or transfer?
Q: What if I fail to comply with the background check provision?

Safe Storage

Q: When am I required to safely store my gun?
Q: What do I have to do to safely store my gun?

Please note: This website is informational only and does not constitute legal advice.



* We’ve got a bridge for sale if you believe this .





   PS : Here is a poem from the comments at the Breitbart link to the NY State registration story .We thought it very apt for the occasion .


John (magnum)  MarvLS1 • 32 minutes ago


America is the land of the free,
Millions have died for you and me.
Our Constitution is under attack,
By “The Messiah” , the socialist Barack .

The Democrat party has ceased to be,
They wish total control over you and me.
Socialists and Communists they have become,
Destroy America, their rule number one.

Cutting the military their ultimate goal,
Along with selling their devilish soul.
Drones in the sky in the land of the free,
So they can keep tabs on you and me.

The Second Amendment they HATE you see,
Because it means freedom for you and me.
They tap our phones and e-mail too,
They are afraid of what we can do.

They want my guns, they are saying to me,
Not as long as I breath and able to see.
I took my oath and went to Nam,
They WILL NOT get guns from this old man !

Many have died for the red white and blue,
If the need arises, I will too.
Guns from my hands they will have to pry,
MOLON LABE is the battle cry !!!!!!

John D USN RVN 71, 72, 73, evac 75









Gun Subject-Control Drive To Get First Votes In Congress




” Wider background checks had been seen as having a good chance in Congress, but the effort has stumbled in recent days over a dispute about whether to keep records of private gun sales.Republicans fear such records would be a first step to a government register of gun owners.

Republican Senator Tom Coburn of Oklahoma appeared more optimistic on Thursday about the possibility of reaching an agreement with Democrats on background checks.

“I think we’ll ultimately get there even though the outside groups aren’t comfortable with it yet,” Coburn said on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.”

The drive for gun-control laws has taken on a new urgency since the December shooting in which a gunman killed 20 children and six adults at a school in Newtown, Connecticut.

It has become one of Obama’s top domestic priorities, along with immigration reform and fixing a series of budget messes.

But reviving an assault-weapons ban that expired in 2004 has almost no chance in Congress, with opposition from Republicans and some Democrats.

The two parties are closer to agreement on the two lesser elements of the gun-control drive: cracking down on the illegal trafficking of firearms and bolstering school security.”


   What the hell happened to Tom Coburn ? He used to be a man of principle and believer in liberty . They’ve all over-stayed their welcome in DC . Now he’s turned into some sort of Olympia Snow ? Oklahoma … call your Senator … he needs a reminder of what he is supposed to stand for .



Update: Maybe Coburn is growing a pair . Keep burning up those phone lines folks .


” Democrats had hoped to reach a bipartisan deal on expanding federal background checks with conservative Sen. Tom Coburn, R-Okla. But on Wednesday, Democrats set aside their efforts to win over Coburn after weeks of talks failed to resolve a dispute over requiring that records of private sales be retained.

Their inability to craft a deal with Coburn was a blow to Democrats because of his solid conservative credentials and “A” rating with the NRA. His support could have meant backing from other Senate Republicans and even moderate Democrats, including several facing 2014 re-election campaigns in GOP-leaning states.”


Cuomo To Modify Strict Gun Control Laws To Exempt Hollywood…




” (CBS) – Just a month after Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed the strictest gun control law in the country, state officials plan to make some exemptions.

The law toughened restrictions on military-style rifles and high-capacity semiautomatic handguns, but those restrictions will be changed so those types of weapons can be used on the sets of television shows and movies being shot in New York.

An estimated 10,000 opponents of the new restrictions will descend on Albany Thursday as legislators consider additional amendments. “



3D Printed Gun Parts Hit Road Blocks (and Why it Matters)





” As states like Colorado try to make manufacturing some magazines illegal, than legality must be a concern. But regulation is going to be complicated, if not impossible, when people begin printing magazines at home.

But it goes beyond legislation.  After Sandy Hook, many people and corporate entities are distancing themselves from guns. There is the proposed sale of Freedom Group. Even firearms retailers pulled back from controversial guns.

Even Ebay is getting (more) skittish.  They’re paranoid about the mention of “Assault Weapons” in any description.  You can still sell a part that might fit more than one gun, but not if you mention assault weapons, or any of those taboo guns associated with assaults.  Theirpolicy page now reads: “Accessories that fit a variety of different weapons, including assault weapons [can be posted]. But in your listing, you can’t mention any assault weapon compatibility.”

And Thingiverse, the online repository of printable projects associated with MakerBot printers, recently pulled the plans for an AR-15 lower, citing a violation of their service terms (you’re not allowed to store files that can be used to make weapons).

This has to be an expected setback for HaveBlue (aka Michael Guslick), the designer that posted the AR-15 plans.  Similar things are happening to others.  Cody Wilson and the team at Defense Distributed, for example, now seem to be spearheading the printed firearms movement.  They have an SLA Printed 30 round AR magazine.  The only thing that isn’t printed is the mainspring.”





” A new gun law calls on sheriffs to search the home of assault weapon owners.

A proposed Washington State gun law will call on the county sheriff to inspect the homes of assault-weapon owners.
Seattle Times reported, via Free Republic:

One of the major gun-control efforts in Olympia this session calls for the sheriff to inspect the homes of assault-weapon owners. The bill’s backers say that was a mistake.

Forget police drones flying over your house. How about police coming inside, once a year, to have a look around?

As Orwellian as that sounds, it isn’t hypothetical. The notion of police home inspections was introduced in a bill last week in Olympia.

That it’s part of one of the major gun-control efforts pains me. It seemed in recent weeks lawmakers might be headed toward some common-sense regulation of gun sales. But then last week they went too far. By mistake, they claim. But still too far.

“They always say, we’ll never go house to house to take your guns away. But then you see this, and you have to wonder.” “


Missouri Democrats Introduce Legislation to Confiscate Firearms – Gives Gun Owners 90 Days to Turn in Weapons



” Missouri Democrats introduced an anti-gun bill which would turn law-abiding firearm owners into criminals. They will have 90 days to turn in their guns if the legislation is passed.

Dana Loesch Radio reported on the new legislation being pushed by Missouri Democrats:

Any person who, prior to the effective date of this law, was legally in possession of an assault weapon or large capacity magazine shall have ninety days from such effective date to do any of the following without being subject to prosecution.”




Police Forensic Scientist At Newtown Hearing: ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban Won’t Work




Marshall K. Robinson, who said his area of expertise is “firearm and tool mark identification,” testified at the Gun Violence Prevention Working Group, which was convened at the Connecticut State Capitol in response to the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting.

“Since November 1996, I have examined approximately 2,370 firearms. Of that number 36 of them were either .223/5.56 mm or 7.62×39 mm,” Robinson said. “The percentage of those guns was about [1.5 percent].”

“I did further research on homicides and assaults in the years 2006 to 2012 inclusive. Of the 217 such cases, there were 912 bullets and 466 cartridge cases recovered. One assault involved .223 caliber and none involved 7.63×39 mm caliber. The largest number cartridge cases recovered in one case was 37 and that involved two guns. The investigations that involved the recovery of eleven or more cartridge cases was 22. Of the 22 cases, 21 involved 2 or more guns,” Robinson added.

In your infinite wisdom, you outlawed bayonet lugs, flash hiders, and collapsible stocks,” he testified. “In over forty years of being a firearm and tool mark examiner, I have never seen these components inflict any injury whatsoever on any person.


  This man of 40 years experience in criminal investigation speaks truth to power with facts that are indisputable . If only there were more people like him in positions of authority . 


Tempers Flare at Fiery Meeting – New York State Resistance

Must See Videos


Clarence NY Town Hall



” Clarence, NY (WKBW) – A question and answer session on New York’s new gun law turned testy, as gun owners unleash a fury of anger on the new legislation.

Frustration boiled over for people who feel as though they are law abiding citizens, being turned into criminals.

For many, it was a chance to vent anger at Albany.

One WNYer even said “You put a brown shirt on Mr. Cuomo and put him on television, he would look just like Hitler.”

Another chimed in, “Angry people get together, they form militias folks. This country, this WNY is prime for something like that!”



More video at the link


HT/Barracuda Brigade

Jim Carrey Is An Idiot .

Rep. Peter King: “I Really Don’t Know Why People Need Assault Weapons”


Peter King Idiot



” REP. PETER KING (R-NY): “I voted for the Assault Weapons Ban back in 1994. My father was a police officer. I really don’t know why people need assault weapons. I’m not a hunter, but I understand people who hunt.” ”


Hint : It’s Not About Hunting Peter .

If you don’t understand that by now you’re hopeless .

Daily Video 12/27

Read the finest essay on the history of the gun-banners , their thought-processes , their methods and their dishonesty in pursuit of their political agenda . Despite being repeatedly rebuffed by the facts , they continue to strive for the total elimination of privately held firearms . This piece , written by a self-avowed ” leftist gun enthusiast ” is one of the most cogent , balanced , succinct , yet thorough essays ever put forth on the subject of the ” assault ” weapons ban and the endless toying with the English language required to make it all come about it the first place . Remember , as a man of some note in recent times once said ” it depends on what your definition of “is” is ” . This piece should be read by EVERYONE …


[EDIT: After this article was published, the Democratic party officially added support of the assault weapon ban renewal to their party platform and it was reintroduced in the following Senate session in the hopes that Newtown would help it push through. It died.]

Between Two Worlds

It’s not easy being a leftist who loves guns. It’s like being a Republican who listens to NPR or supports single payer health care. But being a leftist, I get exposed to all the liberal publications and media that invariably call for gun control every time someone does something stupid with one. Being a gun enthusiast, I also get exposed to the political Right’s oversimplification of those liberals as somehow lacking moral fiber or true appreciation of freedom. Rather than agreeing with both, I tend to end up arguing with both. It’s exhausting to always feel like I’m apologizing for the other “side”.


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