Tag Archive: Assault

Video Allegedly Shows Pittsburgh Officers Beating, Restraining Man At Halfway House







” Investigators who looked into a video of Pittsburgh police beating a man at the Renewal Halfway House last August said Monday that the level of force appeared to be justified.

  However, the victim continues to argue that he was brutally beaten for no reason. 

  Security video (WATCH ABOVE) obtained first by Target 11 allegedly shows two city police officers approaching a Renewal Halfway House resident, pushing him up against a wall and then hitting him multiple times with a retractable baton.

“ It’s an assault by these officers of the law, and it’s disgusting,” said attorney Scott Wescott, who represents the resident, Lonnie Jenkins.”


Read more at WPXI












10 Of The Most Disturbing Pictures And Videos From The Ferguson Rioting Last Night



Looting Selfie





” * Some idiot doing a “Looting selfie,” courtesy of Twitchy. “



Right Wing News has the rest













Mapping 30 Days Of Craigslist Crimes



Craigslist Crimes





” Everyone knows that Craigslist is a magnet for crime.

  The ubiquitous listing site is the tenth most-highly trafficked website in the United States and has been the go-to place for people looking for everything from used lawn furniture to no-questions-asked sexual partners for nearly two decades. And as with nearly anything that smashes together great swaths of humanity, Craigslist is unavoidably utilized by individuals whose intentions are less than pure.

  So everyone knows that Craigslist deals carry certain risks. Yet it’s still difficult to get a big-picture perspective of both the scale and the general tenor of crime on Craigslist.

  To this end, we attempted to take a snapshot of what crime on Craigslist actually looks like by collecting every news story that mentioned a crime committed using Craigslist in the United States during the month of April and displayed that information on a single Google map*. Is this method scientific? Not even close. But it does allow us to view crime facilitated by the listing site in fresh light.”


Daily Dot has much more











Solari Trial: Cop Gets 5 Years In Prison After Punching Handcuffed Man





” As a police officer with the Little Silver Police Department, Steven Solari was the person placing handcuffs on the wrists of criminals.

  On Thursday, however, the 40-year-old Solari was the one walking out of a Monmouth County courtroom handcuffed and en route to prison.

  Superior Court Judge Francis Vernoia sentenced Solari to five years in prison, without the possibility of parole, after a jury found Solari guilty of four counts of official misconduct in October, as well as one count each of simple assault and hindering his own apprehension.

  The charges stemmed from a Dec. 20, 2009 incident when Solari admittedly punched an intoxicated, but handcuffed, man multiple times in the head.”


Continue reading








Cedar Grove Police Chief Arrested On Brandishing And Assault Charges



” A police chief is facing charges after an alleged confrontation with a man in a grocery store parking lot.

  Cedar Grove Police Chief Aaron Roop, 31, has been charged with misdemeanor assault and misdemeanor brandishing.

  According to the criminal complaint, on February 16, Roop confronted a man and two women in the parking lot of a grocery store in Smithers and told the man, “(Name) the next time you threaten my wife and child with a firearm, I will slice your throat and kill you.” “


More at WSAZ.com







Exclusive: Dashcam Video Clears NJ Man



” The tale of the police dashcam video has now helped clear a Bloomfield, New Jersey man who faced a multitude of criminal charges, including eluding police and assault.

  Investigative Reporter Sarah Wallace obtained the dashcam tapes, and has spoken exclusively with the 30-year old DJ who was looking at years in prison.

  It was quite a turnabout, all the criminal charges against Marcus Jeter have been dismissed, and two Bloomfield police officers have been indicted for falsifying reports, and one of them, for assault.

  A third pleaded guilty early on to tampering. It’s all thanks to those dashcam tapes. It’s the video that prosecutors say they never saw when the pursued criminal charges against 30 year-old Marcus Jeter . In the video, his hands were in the air. He was charged with eluding police, resisting arrest and assault. One officer in the video can be seen throwing repeated punches.

Sarah Wallace: “It this tape hadn’t surfaced?” 
Marcus: “I’d be in jail.”


    Yet another case of the police investigating themselves and , even when confronted with overwhelming video evidence to the contrary , concluding that the officers involved acted properly .








Woman Thrown In Jail For Legally Recording Traffic Stop




” The woman, Brandy Berning, was pulled over by Broward Sheriff Deputy William O’Brien after driving in the carpool lane on Interstate 95.

  Berning immediately pulled out her cellphone and began audio recording the encounter, informing O’Brien several moments after he arrived to her driver side door.

“ Oh, I forgot to tell you I was recording our conversation,” Berning says.

  Although Florida currently has a two-party consent law, which dictates that both parties must consent to being recorded, the supreme court has upheld that police officers do not have an expectation of privacy while working in public, therefore can be recorded without prior approval.

“ Ok, well I have to tell you that you’ve just committed a felony,” O’Brien says.

  Confused at the false claim, Berning barely has time to react as the deputy begins demanding the phone, now heading towards the passenger side door.

“ You are committing a felony. Hand me the phone,” O’Brien says.

  Berning can be heard demanding O’Brien leave her vehicle as the deputy climbs in and begins physically attempting to take the device.

“ I know the law better than you, believe me,” O’Brien says as Berning refuses to comply.”


   Apparently Deputy O’Brien does not know the law better than Ms Berning and after assaulting her over the “felony” recording “crime” he didn’t even charge her for it …



Brandy Nicole Berning
Mugshot of Brandy Nicole Berning
Mugshot of Brandy Nicole BerningSheriff's Screenshot of Brandy Nicole Berning


Brandy Nicole Berning

” Charge(s)


Arrest/Booking Date
Arrested: 03/21/2013 – 47 weeks 6 days ago
Booking ID



More Information


Name: Brandy Nicole Berning



Date of Birth: –/–/—


Race: White
Gender: Female
Height (ft): 5′ 5″
Height (cm): 165 cm
Weight: 115 lbs.
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Green



Booking ID: 501301882
Date of Arrest: 03/21/2013
Age when Arrested: 32
Arresting Agency: Broward Sheriff’s Office



Charge Desc: 1
Charge Bond: 100.00
Charge Bond USD: $100.00 USD Convert Currency
Charge Desc: 2
Charge Bond: 0.00
Charge Desc: 3
Charge Description: IMPROPER USE HOV LANE
Charge Bond: 0.00
Charge Desc: 4
Charge Bond: 0.00
Charge Desc: 5
Charge Description: FAIL TO DISPLAY VEH REG
Charge Bond: 0.00



All persons listed on this site are innocent till proven guilty. This information does NOT constitute a criminal record/history, and may not be interpreted as such. Information provided herein may not be relied upon for any type of legal action. This information is provided as a convenience to the general public and therefore no warranty is expressed or implied as to the accuracy, reliability, completeness, or timeliness of any information obtained through the use of this service.

This information was or is current at or around the time of publishing. Any new information, i.e. new charges, dropped charges, etc.., please contact the appropriate State or County records dept.”



After enduring a night in jail the Sheriff’s office had second thoughts .



” After being forced to spend the night in jail, all of Berning’s charges were quietly dropped, giving more credibility to the idea that O’Brien’s only goal was illegal intimidation. Berning has now filed suit against the Broward Sheriff’s Department.”


The lawsuit is in the works. Read more at StoryLeak








Warren, Michigan, Cop Slices Off Young Mother’s Hair Weave



” A police officer in Michigan put a young mother into a restraining chair and hacked off her hair weave.

  7 Action News Investigator had exclusive video of the officer shoving Charda Gregory, restraining her, and then using scissors to cut out the artificial hair that was sewn into a braid on Gregory’s scalp. 

 By the time she was brought in to the jail lock-up on the top floor of the Warren Police Department, Gregory had been pepper sprayed, but she appears calm. 

  It’s clear in the video that Gregory can barely stand as she comes face to face with Officer Bernadette Najor. 

“ She took it upon herself to get the scissors.  And for whatever reason, decided that she was going to butcher my client,” said Misukewicz.

  As Officer Najor pats Gregory down, the officer pushes Gregory against the wall twice.

  Suddenly Najor starts going for Gregory’s hair.  The officers struggle with Gregory, dragging her over to a restraining chair to tie down her arms and legs.

  Officer Najor starts yanking Gregory’s head from side to side, chopping out chunks of hair.  It takes 3 full minutes before Najor gives one final yank and removes what’s left of Gregory’s weave.

Gregory tells us in some places she now has bald spots because Najor ripped her real hair out by the roots.”


The investigation continues











How To Go From 0 To 300 Days In Jail In Under 60 Seconds




” This video shows the hilarious moment a woman talked her way into a 300-day prison sentence for contempt of court.

  Ebony Burks, 32, appeared in Elyria Municipal Court, Ohio, accused of domestic violence and assault. Speaking to her over video feed, judge Gary Bennett told her she was not to have contact with either of the victims involved.

  Burks took issue with the fact she would not be able to contact or see her grandfather, Shedrick McCray, because she lived in his house.

  After she lost her cool, Burks was initially handed down 30 days by Judge Bennett. But as she continued to argue and speak aggressively towards the judge, he gradually increased the prison sentence.”


Conservative Outfitters has more







Knockout Game: Black Teen Hits Older White Woman For Fun Then Posts Video On Facebook (Video)




” This is some serious dirtbaggery.  A black teenager loitering around the entrance of a store in Rochester, New York, waited with glee for a small, older white woman to come out so he could hit her.  And that’s exactly what he did.  With a swinging fist to her head.  His friend video taped the whole event and then posted it on Facebook.”

Gateway Pundit has the scoop

Omaha Family Sues Police In ‘Caught-On-Tape’ Case





” Police Chief Todd Schmaderer and 32 of his officers—nearly four percent of the department—are listed in a federal lawsuit filed Monday accusing police of excessive force and illegal search and seizure.

  The lawsuit stems from a highly publicized caught-on-tape incident last March 21.

  The video—shot by a member of the public— shows a police officer (see video below) throwing a man to the ground and hitting him several times, while a dozen other officers storm a home across the street.

Sharon Johnson issued this statement:

Officers entered the home while I was watching from the front door. Juaquez enters and next thing I know an officer enters, throws my wheelchair and me out of the way. I end up with the wheelchair on top of me, my legs in the air. Several officers continued to walk over me as they entered the house. I eventually rolled my way into the living room and got myself upright. I saw Juaquez surrounded by officers and started asking what was going on. I ended up in handcuffs. It wasn’t until a family member came by later that I was able to get back into my wheelchair. I was taken to the hospital in an ambulance. I still have physical pain from that day.”







Hundreds Of Teens Trash Mall In Wild Flash Mob





” Hundreds of teenagers stormed and trashed a Brooklyn mall in a wild flash mob that forced the shopping center to close its doors during day-after Christmas sales, sources said on Friday.

  More than 400 crazed teens grabbed and smashed jars of candy, stole cheap items such as baby balloons and beat up security guards at Kings Plaza Shopping Center in Mill Basin between 5 p.m. and 7 p.m., merchants said.

  A violent game of “Knockout” also broke out on the upper level of the mall — and one teen may have been carrying a gun, sources said.

  The teens used social media to plan the mass looting, vowing to put the mall “on tilt” – or to raid it, according to posts on Facebook and Twitter. “



Read more at NY Post













Horrific Viral Video Shows Terrifying Level Of Youth Violence As Girl Called Sharkeisha Sucker-Punches Female ‘Love-Rival’ And Friends Coolly Film The Assault On Cell Phone


” A video of a horrifying assault on a young woman by a female attacker has spread across the Internet.

  In a smartphone clip, uploaded to Instagram on Tuesday, a girl called Sharkeisha is seen viciously sucker-punching a girl called Shay in the face before kicking her in the head as she lies curled up on the ground.

  Sharkeisha then has to be restrained by another young woman as her victim lies on the ground, protecting her head with her hands.”


   We’ve raised a generation of animals … nay , that is an insult to the animal kingdom . Animals do not maliciously attack others for the joy of it . Only humans can be evil enough for that . We have raised a generation that has no respect for themselves , others , proper behavior or anything resembling human decency . 

Woman Assaults Videographer in Front of Tucson Cops, Who Claim They Saw Nothing




” For more than eight long minutes, Raymond Rodden, who is no stranger to PINAC, was allowed to stand on a public sidewalk and video record a woman going through a sobriety test with a Tucson police officer.

Rodden continued recording even after the woman’s friend walked up to him, telling him he was not allowed to record her friend.

Rodden calmly assured her he was allowed, not even getting upset when the woman kept placing her hand in front of his lens.

A nearby police officer, of course, sided with the woman, telling him to turn off the camera.”









Officer Pleads Guilty To Assaulting Store Clerk



Published on Oct 19, 2013

“Say something again. Say something again, I dare you, I double dare you motherfucker, say something one more Goddamn time! – KNOW YOUR RIGHTS – http://policecrimes.com/police.html – The Supreme Court recommends that you DON’T talk to police officers, but you must say out loud “I’M GOING TO REMAIN SILENT.” There’s no law that requires you or your teenagers to talk or answer any questions from a police officer, just say “I’M GOING TO REMAIN SILENT.” Talking to a police officer can be very dangerous!

Continue reading

First Video ‘Of NYPD Undercover Cop At Scene Of Brutal Road Rage Attack’ As It’s Claimed He ‘Went Rogue’ And ‘Forgot What Side Of The Law He Was On’





” The first video that appears to show an undercover cop charged for taking part in the brutal gang bike attack on a family in their SUV, can be revealed today.

It comes amid claims that he may have ‘gone rogue’ after spending too long undercover, according to a report.”


Cop Attacking SUV


” Detective Wojciech Braszczok may have become so immersed in his cover story that he forgot himself when he allegedly took part in the assault, suggested a DNAinfo source.

In an echo of films like Donnie Brasco – in which an undercover cop feels the strain of his double life – Braszczok may have stepped over the line.

A source said: ‘Sometimes an undercover spends too much time in a role, becomes the character and forgets what side of the law he is on’.”



















Several Cops May Have Stood By In Biker Beatdown



” An off-duty undercover NYPD cop was among the pack of bikers who chased a family up the West Side Highway — and he stood by as the dad was hauled from his car and beaten, sources told The Post.

The unidentified officer waited three days to come forward Wednesday night. He has been placed on modified duty and turned in his gun and badge on Friday, the sources said.

He rides with the New Rochelle-based Front Line Soldiers, a club that also counts several other cops among its members, a source said.

Internal Affairs is investigating whether those cops, too, were among the bikers — and whether they also witnessed the assault that left Internet exec Alexian Lien bleeding on the pavement as his wife and toddler cowered in their black Range Rover.”










Cop Tazes High Schooler


Live New Helicopter Footage Of The SWAT Truck And Flashbangs On Boat With Bombing Suspect



” Live new helicopter footage of the SWAT truck and flashbangs on boat with bombing suspect.You see the SWAT truck use a robotic arm to cut off the winter tarp over the boat. You then see over 4 flashbangs fly into the boat where he is at, sending shrapnel and stunning the suspect.”









In the Absence of Guns






In Britain, defending your property can get you life.



” Celebrity news from the United Kingdom: In April, Germaine Greer, the Australian feminist and author of The Female Eunuch, was leaving her house in East Anglia, when a young woman accosted her, forced her back inside, tied her up, smashed her glasses, and then set about demolishing her ornaments with a poker.

A couple of weeks before that, the 85-year-old mother of Phil Collins, the well-known rock star, was punched in the ribs, the back, and the head on a West London street, before her companion was robbed. “That’s what you have to expect these days,” she said, philosophically.

Anthea Turner, the host of Britain’s top-rated National Lottery TV show, went to see the West End revival of Grease with a friend. They were spotted at the theatre by a young man who followed them out and, while their car was stuck in traffic, forced his way in and wrenched a diamond-encrusted Rolex off the friend’s wrist.

A week before that, the 94-year-old mother of Ridley Scott, the director of Alien and other Hollywood hits, was beaten and robbed by two men who broke into her home and threatened to kill her. “


Read On , That Was Just The Prelude


” A few months ago, Shirley Best, owner of the Rolander Fashion boutique whose clients include the daughter of the Princess Royal, was ironing some garments when two youths broke in. They pressed the hot iron into her side and stole her watch, leaving her badly burnt.

“I was frightened to defend myself,” said Miss Best. “I thought if I did anything I would be arrested.”

And who can blame her? Shortly before the attack, she’d been reading about Tony Martin, a Norfolk farmer whose home had been broken into and who had responded by shooting and killing the teenage burglar. He was charged with murder. In April, he was found guilty and sentenced to life imprisonment—for defending himself against a career criminal in an area where the police are far away and reluctant to have their sleep disturbed.

Norfolk is a remote rural corner of England. It ought to be as peaceful and crime-free as my remote rural corner of New England. But it isn’t. Old impressions die hard: Americans still think of Britain as a low-crime country. Conversely, the British think of America as a high-crime country. But neither impression is true. The overall crime rate in England and Wales is 60 percent higher than that in the United States. True, in America you’re more likely to be shot to death. On the other hand, in England you’re more likely to be strangled to death. But in both cases, the statistical likelihood of being murdered at all is remote, especially if you steer clear of the drug trade. When it comes to anything else, though—burglary, auto theft, armed robbery, violent assault, rape—the crime rate reaches deep into British society in ways most Americans would find virtually inconceivable.

I cite those celebrity assaults not because celebrities are more prone to wind up as crime victims than anyone else, but only because the measure of a civilized society is how easily you can insulate yourself from its snarling underclass. In America, if you can make it out of some of the loonier cities, it’s a piece of cake, relatively speaking. In Britain, if even a rock star or TV supremo can’t insulate himself, nobody can. ”


“Move and F-ing Die” Cop Fired


” The Hurst, Texas police officer that was caught on film physically and verbally assaulting a 17-year-old boy has been fired, according to NBC-DFW.

“Hurst police officer Disraeli Arnold has been fired after being recorded on video threatening a teen and using profane language,” NBCDFW.com states.

In the video, Arnold can be seen running up to his fellow officer and landing a knee to Rodriguez’s head.

Arnold proceeded to verbally lash out at Rodriguez, yelling, “MOVE AND DIE. MOVE AND F***ING DIE. YOU GONNA MOVE AGAIN? F***ING MOVE AGAIN. F***ING MOVE AGAIN.”

The frothing officer then turned to the person filming and threatened him as well, saying, “You too, you f***ing move if you want to.” ”


Fired Cop Texas

 ” As we have exhaustively highlighted, no matter how much they may bow up to you, filming police is a lawful act that has been upheld by a First Court of Appeals ruling as well as a recent Supreme Court decision. So remember to keep your cell phone charged at all times. “




NeighborhoodScout’s ® Top 100 Safest Cities in the U.S.


” Our research reveals the 100 safest cities in America with 25,000 or more people, based on the total number of property and violent crimes per 1,000 residents. Crimes include burglary, larceny-theft, motor vehicle theft, murder, forcible rape, armed robbery, and aggravated assault. Data used for this research are 1) the number of total crimes reported to the FBI to have occurred in each city, and 2) the population of each city. See our FAQ on how we rank the safest cities in America

Click on any city name below to get a report”


rank city
100 Mason, OH
99 San Clemente, CA
98 San Juan Capistrano, CA
97 Hoffman Estates, IL
96 Elmhurst, IL
95 Goleta, CA
94 Leawood, KS
93 Northbrook, IL
92 Milton, MA
91 Winter Springs, FL


Click Through For The Rest Of The Results

Refute This Media Stooges





  • In 2011, an estimated 1,203,564 violent crimes occurred nationwide, a decrease of 3.8 percent from the 2010 estimate.
  • When considering 5- and 10-year trends, the 2011 estimated violent crime total was 15.4 percent below the 2007 level and 15.5 percent below the 2002 level.
  • There were an estimated 386.3 violent crimes per 100,000 inhabitants in 2011.
  • Aggravated assaults accounted for the highest number of violent crimes reported to law enforcement at 62.4 percent. Robbery comprised 29.4 percent of violent crimes, forcible rape accounted for 6.9 percent, and murder accounted for 1.2 percent of estimated violent crimes in 2011.
  • Information collected regarding type of weapon showed that firearms were used in 67.7 percent of the nation’s murders, 41.3 percent of robberies, and 21.2 percent of aggravated assaults. (Weapons data are not collected for forcible rape.) (SeeExpanded Homicide Data Table 7Robbery Table 3, and the Aggravated Assault Table.)


Violent Crime Offense Figure


Explain The Need For Ever More Stringent ” Crime Prevention ” Laws .




Angel and Ashley Dobbs Suing Texas State Troopers After Being Given Roadside Body Cavity Search

” Two women from Irving, Texas are suing state troopers and the head of their department in federal court after they say they were forced to endure an illegal and humiliating “roadside body cavity search” during a routine traffic stop, The Dallas Morning News reports.

The case is currently under investigation by the public integrity division of the Dallas County District Attorney’s Office and will go before a grand jury in January.

The dash-mounted camera on a trooper’s vehicle reportedly captured the entire incident on video. Angel Dobbs, 38, and her niece Ashley Dobbs, 24, say the unlawful search happened on the night of July 13 along a state highway.

Watch the video below via The Dallas Morning News (Content Warning!):”

Click On The Picture For Video Link