Tag Archive: Armed Citizens

Chicago Robberies Drop 20% After Concealed Carry Permits Are Issued




” When’s the last time you heard any good news out of Chicago, at least as it relates to crime figures? Well, prepare yourselves for a change from the status quo. While the murder rate and gang violence are still bad – and frequently in the local news – the robbery rate has gone down recently. And the police think they might know why.

  Since Illinois started granting concealed carry permits this year, the number of robberies that have led to arrests in Chicago has declined 20 percent from last year, according to police department statistics. Reports of burglary and motor vehicle theft are down 20 percent and 26 percent, respectively. In the first quarter, the city’s homicide rate was at a 56-year low.

“ It isn’t any coincidence crime rates started to go down when concealed carry was permitted. Just the idea that the criminals don’t know who’s armed and who isn’t has a deterrence effect,” said Richard Pearson, executive director of the Illinois State Rifle Association. “The police department hasn’t changed a single tactic — they haven’t announced a shift in policy or of course — and yet you have these incredible numbers.” “



Hot Air has more










Detroit Police Chief James Craig Talks Self-Defense Shootings In NRA Magazine



Chief James Craig




” Detroit Police Chief James Craig is getting national attention for encouraging residents to arm themselves for their own self-defense.

  Craig is featured on the cover of the NRA magazine America’s 1st Freedom. In the cover story, the chief insists he’s not responsible for a recent slew of self-defense shootings. Since January, there have been seven incidents of homeowners shooting intruders. Six resulted in death.”


HT/MyFoxDetroit … Read NRA interview here











11 Key Lessons From Officers’ Perspectives







” Never before has such a comprehensive survey of law enforcement officers’ opinions on gun control, gun violence, and gun rights been conducted.

In March, PoliceOne conducted the most comprehensive survey ever of American law enforcement officers’ opinions on the topic gripping the nation’s attention in recent weeks: gun control.

More than 15,000 verified law enforcement professionals took part in the survey, which aimed to bring together the thoughts and opinions of the only professional group devoted to limiting and defeating gun violence as part of their sworn responsibility.

Totaling just shy of 30 questions, the survey allowed officers across the United States to share their perspectives on issues spanning from gun control and gun violence to gun rights.

Breaking down the results, it’s important to note that 70 percent of respondents are field-level law enforcers — those who are face-to-face in the fight against violent crime on a daily basis — not office-bound, non-sworn administrators or perpetually-campaigning elected officials.”



   The graphic above accompanies the first question relating to “high capacity” magazines , while the next one deals with “assault” weapons bans . As you can see the opinions of the rank and file cops on the street facing danger every day have a decidedly different attitude about an armed public than do the political appointee chiefs and superintendents that inhabit the rarified air of city halls , conference rooms and media conclaves .





” 2.) The majority of respondents — 71 percent — say a federal ban on the manufacture and sale of some semi-automatics would have no effect on reducing violent crime. However, more than 20 percent say any ban would actually have a negative effect on reducing violent crime. Just over 7 percent took the opposite stance, saying they believe a ban would have a moderate to significant effect. ”



     The poll continues with a steady stream of majority positions guaranteed to make the most avid gun banners cringe , yet fall right in line with what gun owners and common sense would dictate . Here are a couple more examples from the poll . Be sure to read the whole thing . It is something you may want to bookmark and unholster the next time your progressive friends start in with the specious argument that “but police support gun control” .



Concealed Carry :






    Is it any surprise that the cop walking the beat recognizes the deterrent effect on criminal behavior of an armed populace ? 




Mass Shootings:






    The concept that the armed citizen on the scene would be much quicker to respond to mass shooting incidents than the police who are miles away is a simple matter of common sense , one that the anti-gunners must rationalize away by using their limitless powers of denial .

 The poll delves into all of the hotly debated gun control issues of the day such as , arming teachers , waiting periods , gun buy-back programs , causes of gun violence and many others . All in all it is a very insightful , comprehensive example of the attitudes of the average law enforcement officer that has the most skin in the game and thus is most closely associated with gun violence , crime and the imminent risk of death at the hands of the armed criminal element .

  Truly not to be missed .










Sanford Police Chief Flips On Gun Ban For Neighborhood Watch





” The police chief in the town where George Zimmerman shot and killed Trayvon Martin has reneged on a plan to ban volunteers from carrying guns while participating in the neighborhood watch program.

Sanford Police Chief Cecil Smith was expected to announce the ban on guns at a community meeting Tuesday night, but said instead that the police department will merely urge volunteers to remain unarmed, rather than requiring it. 

“We’re recommending that no one is armed,” Smith said Tuesday, according to the Orlando Sentinel. “If you choose to have a firearm, that’s your right.

But last week, Sanford Police Department Spokeswoman Shannon Cordingly told NBC News that volunteers would be banned from carrying firearms while participating in the neighborhood watch program. 

Guns rights groups were critical of that announcement.

“If they’re licensed to carry, they’re licensed to carry, and that should not be restricted,” Carrie Lightfoot, founder of the Well Armed Woman, said of the rule according to a report from NBC’s WESH, which also noted that at least one local gun rights advocate was pleased to learn the ban was off the table. “









Woman Holds Burglar At Gunpoint Until Police Arrive



” Police arrested a burglar in the act Thursday morning after the owner of the home he targeted held him at gunpoint.

Authorities said Tammy Takach was sleeping inside her Steubenville home when she heard what sounded like a door slamming.”







Barack Obama, World’s Greatest Gun Salesman




” The United States is the most heavily armed nation in world history, and it seems we have President Barack Obama to thank for it.

Before you ask: we’re not talking about the U.S. military, we’re talking about the firearms owned by the general population. The National Rifle Association’s Institute for Legislative Action (NRA-ILA) estimates that there are roughly 300 million firearms in the United States — and of those, nearly 40 million new firearms have been sold just since Barack Obama came into office in 2009.

This is a staggering jump of more than 15 percent in just over four years, in a nation 237 years old.

The current standing military of the United States, including National Guard, Air National Guard, and Reserve units, is approximately 2.2 million servicemen. Citizens have purchased enough new firearms since 2009 to equip every member of the military 18 times. Of those arms purchased, the overwhelming majority aren’t sporting arms (like Vice President Joe Biden’s recommendation of an archaic double-barrel shotgun). As I noted in December, people are buying very specific arms designed for very specific purposes:

Manufacturers were running full-bore, but couldn’t come close to keeping up with market demand. It wasn’t just the AR-15s, the AK-pattern rifles, the M1As, and the FALs that were sold out. It really hit me when I realized that the World War-era M1 Garands, M1 carbines, and Enfield .303s were gone, along with every last shell. Ubiquitous Mosin-Nagants — of which every gun store always seems to have 10-20 — were gone. So was their ammo. Only a dust free space marked their passing. I’ve never seen anything like it.

Every weapon of military utility designed within the past 100+ years was gone …










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” 10 page article.

     American culture is buzzing with heated debates on the Second Amendment, gun control, and the rights of individual citizens to use firearms to defend themselves. In the wake of the mass shooting in Newtown, CT, the administration is proposing draconian new gun laws that would almost certainly eventuate in the loss of all privately owned firearms. As Christian citizens hear those debates, and participate in them, it ought to be our priority to follow the principles of Scripture, rather than the opinions of man. This article from pastor Gordan Runyan and the Happy Siege publishing club is meant to arm you with the principles of the Word of God. If your right to defend yourself and your family is a right that comes from God, then no man and no government has the right to take that from you. What does the Bible say? “


Product Details



” 0 of 1 people found the following review helpful
3.0 out of 5 stars Not much scripture, March 29, 2013
J. Cox (Western Ohio, USA) – See all my reviews
Amazon Verified Purchase(What’s this?)
This review is from: The Biblical Case for Private Gun Ownership (Kindle Edition)

I am a gun owner and am concerned about the attack being made on the Second Amendment, but I did not find this book illuminating. I found this to be long on the author’s opinion, but short on readings from the Bible.

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2 of 2 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Loved this book, March 24, 2013
Leroy Schaefer (Ballinger, Tx United States) – See all my reviews
Amazon Verified Purchase(What’s this?)
This review is from: The Biblical Case for Private Gun Ownership (Kindle Edition)

It was a very through look at what the Bible has to say about being armed. What this book said is what I had understood from my study of the subject. It also added to my knowledge of the subject

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1 of 1 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Great Short Overview of What Scripture Says In Relation To Self-Defense & Checking Government Tyranny, March 24, 2013
Amazon Verified Purchase(What’s this?)
This review is from: The Biblical Case for Private Gun Ownership (Kindle Edition)

I have enjoyed many of Gordan’s writings over the years and have had the distinct pleasure to speak with him and publish some of his writings on my site. Gordan has a easy to read style and a gift from God in communicating the heart of the topics he covers. This one is no exception. Without being exhaustive, this article will simply give you a foundation to begin a more thorough study of the principles of Holy Writ regarding self-defense, defense of others, and checking Government tyranny by means of arms. If you are a pacifist, be warned: You will be challenged! For an even greater dealing of the subject, I highly recommend Runyan’s book: Resistance To Tyrants, which is much more exhaustive and even deals with arguments against his position.

Tim Brown

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4 of 5 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Does the Bible say we Christians can own guns?, March 3, 2013
Amazon Verified Purchase(What’s this?)
This review is from: The Biblical Case for Private Gun Ownership (Kindle Edition)

In today’s atmosphere – questions about gun ownership answered by a scripturally knowledgeable Christian are a MUST!

Does the Bible say anything about guns? Of course not – but it sure says a lot about weapons! I was surprised to learn how swords (sword control) were taken from the people of God – leaving them defenseless! (Yes, he gives the scripture reference).

As Christians, we want to obey the whole counsel of God and it is refreshing to find Biblical answers to our questions.

Would God have us just idly stand by and watch a neighbor (or God forbid a loved one) be abused by an evil person? Doesn’t the scripture “Love your neighbor as yourself” mean we should protect our neighbor from injury?

The issue of importance is: What does the Bible say? The author does a fantastic job of giving the reader clear principles in this article.

You’ll not regret any article you purchase from Gordan Runyan. They are scripturally sound and his sense of humor is an added bonus.

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5 of 9 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Solid Exegesis, February 23, 2013
Longhunter (North Carolina) – See all my reviews
This review is from: The Biblical Case for Private Gun Ownership (Kindle Edition)

Unfortunately for the church in the U.S. most pastors are pantywaists who fear man more than God. They are more interested in protecting their careers and positions than protecting and warning their flocks. Gordon Runyan is not numbered among these lapdogs of civil government. His short pamphlet is long on sound Biblical arguments for the right of self defense enshrined in the Second Amendment. It is essential reading for understanding the Biblical basis for defending one self not only against street thugs in gang attire but also government thugs in business attire.

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Infographic: The Value of a Well-Armed Citizenry







Virginia Pizza Joint Offers 15 Percent Discount If You Pack A Gun





“Jay Luze is the owner of the ‘All Around Pizza Deli’ in Virginia Beach and, not surprisingly, owns a gun himself and is a strong supporter of gun rights.

By his account, some 80 percent of his customers are bringing along a weapon and he intends to extend the offer, made this month, right through March and is considering making it permanent. One customer, he said, got his discount while toting an AK 47.

Luze did not say if he’s had complaints or heard of anyone frightened off by an armed clientele.”

Crowd Packs Heat; Oak Harbor Backs Down

Lucas Yonkman , the veteran that started it all was back with re-enforcements 

” There were handguns in holsters and rifles slung over shoulders and an unknown number of people concealing their weapons as the Oak Harbor City Council met. Many attended the meeting to show support for veteran Lucas Yonkman who Councilmember Almberg tried to have kicked out of City Hall last month, including Joe Hawkins who openly mocked him. “Mr. Almberg I just want you to know that I have a concealed ham sandwich right here I don’t want you to get up and walk away,” he chuckled.”

The "honorable" Rick Almberg

” Most attended the meeting to oppose the city’s ban on guns in parks and the marina. The Second Amendment Foundation had threatened to sue if the ordinance wasn’t overturned.

Sandy Peterson spoke out against the ordinance. “If the city council members are intimidated by people exercising their Second Amendment rights to bear arms, perhaps they need to examine what it is about that that makes them uncomfortable,” she said.

William Frail had an M-1 rifle on his shoulder as he testified. “Sir, my mother was Jew,” he said. “My family went to the chambers. I will not go into the night quietly while these two ask me to board the train.”


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I Support The 2nd Amendment



10 Stories That Prove Guns Save Lives



” The hypocrites who want men with guns to protect them when they’re in trouble, but want to prevent other law abiding citizens from defending themselves love to use anecdotal evidence to make their case. Those of us who are pro-Second Amendment then usually talk about our Constitutional rights or reel off statistics to counter them, but we have our own stories. There are thousands of good and decent Americans who are alive today precisely because they had guns. Gun control advocates might think the world would be a better place if those people and the ones you’re about to read about were dead and the people menacing them had gotten away with their crimes, but those of us who are serious about our Second Amendment rights disagree.


1) On February 12, 2007, a lone gunman, Sulejman Talovic, opened fire at the crowded Trolley Square shopping mall, killing five bystanders. Armed with a shotgun with a pistol grip, a 38-caliber handgun with rubber grips, and a backpack full of ammunition, he set forth on his rampage through the mall.

But he did not get as far as he had hoped. He was stopped by off-duty police officer Kenneth Hammond of the Ogden City Police Department, who was at Trolley Square having an early Valentine’s Day dinner with his pregnant wife. When they heard shots, she called 911 and he drew his weapon and confronted Talovic. He was joined by Sgt. Andrew Oblad of the Salt Lake City Police Department. They pinned down Talovic, stopping further deaths, until a SWAT team from the Salt Lake City Police Department killed him.

Hammond, a man with a weapon, was credited with saving “countless lives.” ”


Read the whole thing


Graphic courtesy of RightWing News



Libertarian Party




Are We There Yet ?

The Rio Norte Line

I was reading Utah’s post, The Spark That Finally Ignites The Secession Conflagration, and it occurred to me that, were they alive today, our founding fathers would have been shooting by now.  Thanks to our indoctrination compounds we calls schools, too few Americans are aware that the average tax-paying American (that top 50% or so who actually pay as opposed to the bottom half that receives) pay something close to 25% of their income in taxes.  Nor do they realize that our founders started shooting over something closer to a 12.5%  tax rate, or that ALL Americans paid and were expected to pay taxes at the time of our founding — no matter how ‘poor’ they were.  So I found a little something you might find interesting.  I hope the little excerpt I posted will entice you to follow the link and read more, because indoctrination U certainly isn’t going…

View original post 255 more words

The Rio Norte Line

Mayan Theater San Antonio

While the hypocrites in Washington D.C and the Hollywood elites continue to rant and attempt to remove and make gun ownership illegal, here is another example on how to prevent a shooting massacre.  This one was prevented in San Antonio, Texas on 17 December 2012.  Fortunately for the innocent people at the Mayan 14 movie theater, an off-duty Deputy Sheriff was there to stop the bad guy before anybody could be hurt or killed.

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Voice of Freedom!
Watch this video

Today I went to Capitol Hill to deliver a message that every American needs to hear.

After you watch this, I hope you’ll send it to as many people as you can.

Thank you.

Yours in Freedom,


Wayne LaPierre
Executive Vice President
P.S. I’m also interested in YOUR thoughts on this extremely important issue, so please feel free to send me a personal email to this address: WayneLaPierre@nra.org. Thank you again.




NRA Presser

That Is The Way Of The World . Yet The Democrats Continue To Be The Party Of Appeasement ,Whether We Are Talking Criminals , Terrorists Or Any Other Law-Breakers .


Gun Owners of America

Mayor Bloomberg claims that he doesn’t know what good a gun would do in stopping a school shooting.  Allow me to remind him of Pearl High School and a would be massacre that occurred on Dec. 17, 1997.  “Would-be” being the operative term.

Bookish and overweight, a 16 year old kills his mother with a butcher knife, puts on a trench coat, hides his .30-30 rifle under it and drives to school.  Upon arriving in the parking lot he opens fire killing two and injuring others.

He would have continued his killing spree, killing countless others, until hero assistant Principal Joel Myrick heard the shots and ran to his truck. He unlocked the door, removed his gun from its case, removed a round of bullets from another case, loaded the gun and went looking for the killer. “I’ve always kept a gun in the truck just in case something like this ever happened,”

View original post 232 more words

Do Civilians Armed With Guns Ever Capture, Kill, or Otherwise Stop Mass Shooters?


” If that’s so, what examples can one give of civilians armed with guns stopping such shootings? Sometimes, I hear people asking if even one such example can be found, or saying that they haven’t heard even one such example. Naturally, such examples will be rare, partly because mass shootings are rare, partly because many mass shootings happen in supposedly “gun-free” zones (such as schools, universities, or private property posted with a no-guns sign) in which gun carrying isn’t allowed, and partly for other reasons.”

Conservative Veterans for America


Israel Safe Schools

 Concealed Carrier Walks into Robbery Trap, Shoots His Way Out

 ” Police investigated and puzzled out the source of this mysterious double shooting. According to their report, it all started when a woman invited a man back to her room at the Economy Inn, implying that it was his lucky night.

But everything wasn’t as it seemed. The woman, 18-year-old Brittany Sue Carter, was actually part of a scheme intended to rob the unsuspecting man, 28-year-old Jose Cruz. Carter had multiple armed men waiting for the pair in the motel room. As soon as the pair walked in at least one of the suspects drew a gun and demanded money from the unsuspecting mark.

Oh, but wait! Carter wasn’t the only person that night who was hiding something. Cruz was a licensed concealed carrier, and he drew his firearm and opened fire. Police revealed that two of the men had been shot in their “lower extremities.” “

More Armed Citizens

NC Store Clerk Unloads at Thieves Who Kept Her Husband Hostage


 “You frequently come across stories wherein a late-night store clerk has to open fire to defend his life from an armed thug. It’s rare that one of these clerks also has to protect the lives of a loved ones. 

But in this shooting case, Theresa Smith of White Plains North Carolina was forced to defend herself, her business, and her beloved husband against a pair of thieves. 

It all happened Sunday night around 9:30, just 10 minutes before Smith typically closes up for the night. Her husband, Barry, had just finished closing up at another business and he had come to Mrs. Smith’s Cupboard No. 2 to help her finish up for the night. When he arrived two men – one of them with what appeared to be a black, 9mm semiautomatic handgun – grabbed Mr. Smith, pressed the gun into his back, and forced their way into the store.”

” Armed concealed carrier stops a stabbing in front of school “

“The attack happened around 10:00 a.m. Tuesday outside the Bonham Academy on St. Mary’s Street. Teresa Barron, 38, had just dropped off her child at the school when the child’s father showed up, and the two got into an argument. The child’s father, 38-year-old Roberto Barron allegedly then
stabbed the woman several times in
the upper body and neck area.”

” Police say a bystander who happened to be a concealed handgun license holder pulled his weapon and ordered Barron to drop the knife. Barron surrendered and was taken into custody by the bystander and a school district officer. “

Arm Thy Selves

“I expect the crowd in power to destroy everything…”


  “What’s interesting is that I am hearing similarly discomfited talk around me, and seeing it in my emails. In the past few weeks I’ve heard some surprising people admit they’ve been arming themselves and purchasing ammunition — one such discussion happened all around me at the hairdresser’s while I sat and listened. The stylist and his boss, they’re storing food and arming themselves. The chiropractor who popped in to say hello while taking his afternoon stroll said he is armed, too: “never in my life thought I’d have a gun in the house, now we have two.”

They’re arming, they say, because they “see it all going bad.” These same folks who voted for Barack Obama in 2008 were now asserting an idea the far-left had floated around before that election, but instead of “Bush is going to install martial law and suspend elections.” they’re saying it of Obama. “He paid off his friends and did nothing to create jobs and he wants it all to go bad, because then he can stay in power and dictate.”

Yeah, it seems as paranoid and nuts as it did when it was said about Bush, but this stuff is not being said in an extremist corner of the internet — it’s being said in a middle-class suburban salon in an area where 30% (or more) of the businesses are now shuttered, and houses are being foreclosed upon and then re-occupied seemingly overnight, creating what the stylist called “a neighborhood full of changes and no hope.”