Tag Archive: Arizona

Meet The Federal Bureaucrat Who Would Not Let Kansas Prevent Foreigners From Voting





” The Supreme Court has been asked to allow Kansas and Arizona to verify that only United States citizens are registering to vote in those states. (See PJ Tatler’s coverage here). Unfortunately, a single federal bureaucrat refused to allow the two states to weed out non-citizens trying to register to vote.

  Meet Alice Miller, the acting executive director of the Election Assistance Commission.

  Miller alone, from her inside-the-Beltway office, refused to amend the Kansas and Arizona version of a federal voter registration form to include state laws requiring proof of citizenship. Backed by a swarm of left-wing groups, Miller, by herself, made it easier for foreigners to vote in Kansas and Arizona.

  You might wonder how a single federal bureaucrat could have so much power over how elections are run in Kansas and Arizona. Federal law, commonly known as Motor Voter, requires states to accept a form drawn up by the Election Assistance Commission to register voters in their state. But states can ask the Election Assistance Commission (EAC) to revise the version for their state to include state qualification laws. In Kansas and Arizona, registrants must establish that they are citizens to be qualified to register. When Kansas and Arizona asked the EAC to print new forms with those state law requirements, Miller refused.

  Kansas and Arizona sued, and a federal court ordered the EAC to reprint the forms. However, the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals reversed and held that Miller had the power to deny Kansas and Arizona new forms.

  The Supreme Court has been asked to take the case, a case which implicates both the integrity of American elections as well as the reach of federal bureaucrats.

  Normally, the commissioners at the EAC decide what versions of a form the states can use, but the EAC lacked a quorum. Into this vacuum swept Miller.

  The Public Interest Legal Foundation has filed an amicus brief for the American Civil Rights Union with the Supreme Court. The brief asks the Court to take the case and to restore the constitutional balance which Miller has disrupted.”



Read the whole thing













The Five Deadliest Police States Of 2014





” If you had to guess which states had the most per-capita police involved deaths, would you include states like California, Texas, or New York? Or maybe Florida, Missouri, or Washington? Strange as it may seem, although these states do have many police involved deaths, they do not fall within the five deadliest.

  California has a population of approximately 38,802,500. In 2014 there were around 106 killings, which calculates to about 2.73 police related deaths per million residents (PRDPMR). Texas had a population of about 26,956,958, and 53 killings, calculates to about 1.97 PRDPMR. With a population of about 19,746,227 and 19 killings, New York’s rate of deaths from police officers is only 0.96 PRDPMR. Florida’s rate is 2.01 PRDPMR, Missouri’s is 2.14 PRDPMR, and Washington’s is 2.55 PRDPMR.”

Get the specifics at CopBlock.com

” Six things you can do to reduce the slaughter:

  1. Write letters to your state legislators and city councils demanding that they require police to get trained on de-escalation strategies and less-than-lethal methods, and that police and sheriff’s departments enact stricter rules for using lethal force.
  2. Vote out prosecutors that refuse to charge officers who needlessly take life.
  3. Write your local police chiefs and sheriffs demanding that they hold their officers and deputies to higher standards when it comes to the use of force. Let them know that you will hold them accountable for any loss of life that results from the excessive use of force from members of their agency.
  4. Always keep a video recording device with you, record every police encounter you see.
  5. Email the link to this article to all of your friends.
  6. Visit VictimsofPolice.com and look up the police related deaths that have recently occurred in your state. “


Border Agent Brian Terry Statue Unveiling Ignored By Obama And Holder







” The unveiling of a new statue built to memorialize the murdered U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry on Saturday at the Homeland Security Department’s Brian Terry Border Patrol Station in Bisbee, Arizona, received minimal news coverage by the nation’s media except for the Fox News Channel, a news agency maligned and denigrated by President Barack Obama and his administration. In fact, no official from the Obama government attended the event and the sycophants in the legacy media made certain not to cover the story.

” That iconic image of Brian carrying his BordTac team member on his shoulders represents everything good about Brian, his strength, his determination, his attention to detail, his love for the Border Patrol and his love for his fellow agents,” Terry’s cousin, Robert Heyer, told FNC’s anchor Arthel Neville while standing next to the image of the hero cop.

  One police official noted that while President Obama made certain to appear with illegal aliens, promising them that he would punish any immigration enforcement agents or officers who did not follow his anti-deportation policy, he appeared to be indifferent to the deaths of law enforcement officers killed by illegal aliens or foreign gangs. “This is a leader who regularly disrespects law enforcement officers while being concerned about the treatment of terrorists, criminal aliens and lawbreakers,” said police officer Anna Colon.”



Read more













Two Naked American Sisters Arrested In Siem Reap, Cambodia






” Two Naked American Tourist Sisters, Lindsey and Leslie Adams, Arrested in Siem Reap, Cambodia for taking nude photos at Angkor Wat Cambodia

   American sisters, Lindsey Adams and Leslie Adams, have been arrested for taking nude pictures at the Angkor Wat Temples Complex. They have been arrested but no charges have been filed yet. [Update: Lindsey Adams And Leslie Adams Have Been Charged And Deported To Thailand By Bus]

  Apsara Authority has confirmed that that Lindsey Adams and her sister Leslie Adams were caught at Preah Khan temple taking pictures of each other with their pants down.”





” ” They lowered their pants to their knees and took pictures of their buttocks,” said Keat Bunthan, a senior heritage police official in northwestern Siem Reap province.

  This is clearly very upsetting to many Cambodians, and comes just weeks after a series of naked foreigners have been arrested while naked in Cambodia, including 3 foreigners riding around on their motorbikes naked, 3 french guys taking completely nude pictures from behind in the Angkor Complex, a Western couple having sex on a tuk-tuk and even a Japanese girl releasing pictures of herself posing topless in the Angkor Wat Temple.”



    This is hysterical , no not that the girls were so disrespectful at a Holy shrine , but the fact that their arrest is but the culmination of a rash of the nudie tourism that has been documented recently in Cambodia . Read on



















Antelope Canyon Photo Sells For Record $6.5M


LIK USA Peter Lik's Phantom




” The world’s most expensive photo depicts Arizona’s Antelope Canyon, near Page on the Navajo Reservation.

  Landscape Photographer Peter Lik sold his print, titled “Phantom,” for $6.5 million to a private collector in November.

  The black-and-white photo depicts an underground cavern inside Arizona’s Antelope Canyon, a slot canyon formed as rainwater eroded the stone into narrow passageways.

  The canyon, first opened to the public in 1997, attracts photographers and sightseers to marvel at its uniquely smooth, flowing corridors and arches, Navajo Nation parks officials said.”












Arizona Cop Caught On Cam Brutally Attacking Teen Girl While Mother Begs Them To Stop






” A video was uploaded to Facebook on Friday of a Mesa, Arizona police officer repeatedly punching and attacking a 15 year old girl as her mother begged them to stop.

  The young girl, who was reportedly a runaway, was screaming that she couldn’t breathe as her mother attempted to explain to the officers that she has mental problems as well as asthma.

  Luis Paul Santiago, the witness who filmed the violent encounter stated that police attempted to delete the video, and the second officer on the scene explained that the officer “behaved correctly” and stated that “if she needed to, she could have shot her dead.” “


Read more











Super Human Man Immune To Tasers




   This video was just published on Youtube but it relates to an event that transpired back in April in which Edward Michael Caruth resisted arrest in a West Valley , Arizona fast food restaurant . Mr Caruth received four taser shots and was still able to flee the building , only to die later in police custody . Read the whole story here at The Blaze .











Arizona Voters Approve Proposition To Reject Federal Acts







” Today, voters in Arizona approved a ballot measure that follows James Madison’s advice to stop federal overreach. With 80% reporting, the tally held steady and increasing at 51-49%.

  Approved was Proposition 122, a state constitutional amendment that enshrines the anti-commandeering doctrine in the state constitution. The language amends the state constitution to give Arizona the ability to “exercise its sovereign authority to restrict the actions of its personnel and the use of its financial resources to purposes that are consistent with the Constitution.”

This language is consistent with the advice of James Madison, who wrote in Federalist #46:

  Should an unwarrantable measure of the federal government be unpopular in particular States, which would seldom fail to be the case, or even a warrantable measure be so, which may sometimes be the case, the means of opposition to it are powerful and at hand. The disquietude of the people; their repugnance and, perhaps, refusal to co-operate with the officers of the Union; the frowns of the executive magistracy of the State; the embarrassments created by legislative devices, which would often be added on such occasions, would oppose, in any State, difficulties not to be despised; would form, in a large State, very serious impediments; and where the sentiments of several adjoining States happened to be in unison, would present obstructions which the federal government would hardly be willing to encounter. [emphasis added] “


Tenth Amendment Center










2nd Amendment Success Story – Armed Citizen Kills Serial Bank Robber, Another Arrested



Phoenix Bank Robber Killed



” The duo behind a rash of Phoenix bank robberies is out of business, with one now dead and the other under arrest, thanks to the efforts of an armed local businessman.

  On Wednesday, the Desert Schools Federal Credit Union was targeted by Lyndell Cherry, age 29 and Vincent Jones, age 21, who entered at around 2 p.m. and demanded money. The two had left the keys in the ignition and the engine of their getaway vehicle running, a mistake which proved to be their undoing.

  While the robbery was taking place, one credit union employee was able to call Sean Quaid, who owns a business next door to the credit union and told him what was happening. Quaid grabbed his gun and ran outside.  After determining which was the likely vehicle of the perpetrators, Quaid removed the keys from the ignition.

  When attempting their getaway, Cherry and Jones ran outside to their car and found they had no keys. They went back inside to see if they might have dropped them somewhere along the way, even going as far as searching a woman’s purse inside to see if she might have picked them up.

  With time running out, the robbers ran back outside and accosted a couple in a Chevy pickup, with Jones pointing his gun and demanding their vehicle. At that point, Quaid stepped in, ordering the felonious pair to stop. It was then that Cherry reportedly spun around and aimed his gun at Quaid, who fired first, striking Cherry. “


Universal Free Press has more details








Surveillance Video Apparently Catches Guy Doing Something At The Ballot Box That Left Republican Monitor Stunned


” An Arizona county party official said he saw a man stuffing “hundreds” of ballots into the ballot box and later told a local news outlet the entire incident was caught on surveillance video. 

“ A person wearing a Citizens for a Better Arizona T-shirt dropped a large box of hundreds of early ballots on the table and started stuffing the ballot box as I watched in amazement,” said A.J. LaFaro, chairman of the Maricopa County Republican Party.

  LaFaro said it all happened as he was working with the elections staff during early ballots processing. The team in charge of processing the ballots got “way ahead” so the information systems coordinator convened an extended lunch period from 11:30- 1:00 p.m.

  It was between 12:54 and 1:04 that LaFaro said he was seated at one of the cubicles, heard a loud thud and turned around to see the man who he claims was caught on tape stuffing “hundreds” of ballots. LaFaro described the man as a “vulgar, disrespectful, violent thug” with “no respect for our laws.” He said he would have followed the man to his car to get his tag number but “feared for [his] life.”

“ America used to be a nation of laws where one person had one vote,” LaFaro said, the Daily Independent reported. ”I’m sad to say not anymore.” “


    While the Citizens For A Better Arizona organization bills itself as a collection of democrats , republicans and independents , a quick look at the bios of their board reveals a collection of lawyers , teachers and union representatives … do the math , but remember , vote fraud is a myth .




Story continues here and here












Protests Planned To Target U.S. Southern Border Entry Ports






” American citizens describing themselves as “deeply concerned” with Obama administration immigration policies plan a mass protest on Saturday to press their demand to seal the southern border by blocking traffic at more than a dozen U.S. crossings.

  Demonstrators will attempt to stop incoming and outgoing traffic at 17 of the 63 locations in Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California listed on the U.S. Customs and Border Protection website.

  Rob Chupp, an organizer of the action publicized as “Shut Down All Ports Of Entry,” said more than a thousand people are expected to gather across the several states at the same time, 8 a.m. PDT/10 a.m. CDT at targeted checkpoints, park their vehicles in every lane and turn them off.”


Yahoo News



Update: Due to threats of violence the planned “Shut Down All Points Of Entry” protests planned for today have been cancelled :




  There has been an unsubstantiated threat of mass violence to attendees, along with very suspicious activity on the Facebook site. These two items are more than enough for me to immediatelystop any protest that was going to occur.

Your lives, and the lives of our law enforcement, are more important than any protest.

  ​I apologize for the inconvenience, but we must remain safe and not put anyone in danger. If you attend, you are not just putting yourself in danger, but the law enforcement officers, as well. They are there to watch you, the protesters against you and the unknown threat. That is not the purpose of this event! Risking anyone's life is not worth it!

Please pass the word along to everyone!


​Stasyi Barth "








6 Cities React To Illegal Immigrants In Their Communities


A demonstrator at a protest near the entrance to the US Border Patrol facility in Murrieta, Calif. on July 7, 2014. (Photo: Newscom)



” An influx of illegal and unaccompanied immigrant children from Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador in U.S. border towns is causing the federal government to look elsewhere around the country to house them. But many Americans oppose the placement of illegal immigrants in their communities.”


See how these half-dozen different cities react to Obama’s illegal immigrant hordes …












Mexican Military Chopper Crosses The Border, Shoots At Agents






” News 4 Tucson has learned a Mexican military helicopter travelled across the border and fired on U.S. Border Patrol agents.

  It happened in the early morning hours Thursday, west of the San Miguel Gate on the Tohono O’Odham Nation. The chopper fired on the agents but missed them. The chopper then flew back into Mexico. We’re told Mexican authorities contacted the U.S. and apologized for the incident.”







 ” We’ve received two statements regarding the incident:

Art del Cueto, Border Patrol Tucson Sector union president:

  The incident occurred after midnight and before 6 a.m. Helicopter flew into the U.S. and fired on two U.S. Border Patrol agents. The incident occurred west of the San Miguel Gate on the Tohono O’odham Indian Nation. The agents were unharmed. The helicopter went back into Mexico. Mexico then contacted U.S. authorities and apologized for the incident.”


Police Confrontation With Man Carrying Hockey Stick Leads To Deadly Shooting



Hockeystick killing

Click Picture For Video

” TPD says they got a call from the apartment complex landlord after two previous tenants returned to their apartment after being evicted.

  The landlord told police a man and woman were inside the apartment and wanted officers to remove them.

  Officers responded to the scene, but received no answer when they knocked on the door. When they entered through the unlocked door, they saw a closed bedroom door.

  Police say 28-year-old Michael Duncklee came out of that room with a hockey stick. A confrontation ensued between officers and Duncklee and that’s when both officers shot him. Police say Duncklee died later at the hospital.

  The two TPD officers involved were Robert Soeder, a 14 year veteran of TPD, and Allan Meyer, a two year veteran of TPD.

  The officers then realized there was a woman in the room who also had been shot during the confrontation. She was treated and released from the hospital.”












Western Lawmakers Gather In Utah To Talk Federal Land Takeover





” It’s time for Western states to take control of federal lands within their borders, lawmakers and county commissioners from Western states said at Utah’s Capitol on Friday.

  More than 50 political leaders from nine states convened for the first time to talk about their joint goal: wresting control of oil-, timber -and mineral-rich lands away from the feds.

” It’s simply time,” said Rep. Ken Ivory, R-West Jordan, who organized the Legislative Summit on the Transfer for Public Lands along with Montana state Sen. Jennifer Fielder. “The urgency is now.” “

Federal Lands

” Utah House Speaker Becky Lockhart, R-Provo, was flanked by a dozen participants, including her counterparts from Idaho and Montana, during a press conference after the daylong closed-door summit. U.S. Sen. Mike Lee addressed the group over lunch, Ivory said. New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, Wyoming, Oregon and Washington also were represented.

  The summit was in the works before this month’s tense standoff between Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy and the Bureau of Land Management over cattle grazing, Lockhart said.

” What’s happened in Nevada is really just a symptom of a much larger problem,” Lockhart said.

Fielder, who described herself as “just a person who lives in the woods,” said federal land management is hamstrung by bad policies, politicized science and severe federal budget cuts.

“Those of us who live in the rural areas know how to take care of lands,” Fielder said, who lives in the northwestern Montana town of Thompson Falls.”

Story continues




Mexico Confirms Confrontation With Border Patrol Agents




” Two heavily armed, camouflaged Mexican soldiers crossed 50 yards inside Arizona in January and drew their guns against U.S. Border Patrol agents who confronted them in a tense standoff, according to documents obtained by The Times/Tribune Washington Bureau.

  U.S. officials said it was one of nearly two dozen border incursions by Mexican soldiers into southern Arizona in the last four years.

  The Jan. 26 confrontation, described in a Border Patrol foreign military incursion report and confirmed in a separate letter from U.S. Customs and Border Protection Commissioner R. Gil Kerlikowske, ended when the Mexican soldiers retreated back over the border after U.S. agents — who also drew their weapons — summoned assistance. The soldiers, who misidentified themselves to border agents, claimed to be pursuing drug smugglers, documents show.

  U.S. officials characterized the incident as one of the most serious incursions in recent years. Though gunfire was averted, the 35-minute confrontation underscored the continuing friction between the U.S. and Mexico when it comes to policing the often chaotic and violent Southwest border. It also raised questions among some U.S. officials about whether the Mexican soldiers were chasing drug smugglers, as they claimed, or protecting cartels as they used drug routes to Arizona.”



     Read more about our porous southern border and how heavily armed foreign soldiers were able to just walk into the US . 










Two States Win Court Approval On Voter Rules




” A federal judge in Kansas on Wednesday ordered federal election authorities to help Kansas and Arizona require their voters to show proof of citizenship in state and local elections, in effect sanctioning a two-tier voter registration system that could well set a trend for other Republican-dominated states.

  Judge Eric F. Melgren of United States District Court in Wichita ruled that the federal Election Assistance Commission had no legal authority to deny requests from Kansas and Arizona to add state-specific instructions to a national voter registration form. The states sued the agency to force the action after it had turned them down.

Insane Photos Of The Marine Silent Drill Team Performing With Blue Angels Overhead



” There should never be a doubt in anyone’s mind as to the professionalism and the discipline of the U.S. Marine Corps.

  To exemplify the Marine Corps’ high standards, the Silent Drill Platoon was formed in 1948.

  Composed of a 24-man rifle platoon, the Silent Drill Platoon performs at various venues across the country, and represents the Marine Corps abroad. In their shows, they move with incredible precision — marching, moving into different formations, and tossing rifles — without the use of any commands.

  Their silence, put simply, is what makes their shows so awesome to watch.

  Below are some remarkable photos recently released by the Pentagon of the Silent Drill Platoon carrying out an exhibition drill, as ‘Fat Albert’ of the Blue Angels flies overhead.”

Marine Silent Drill Blue Angles

    Read more and see some beautiful still photos at Business Insider and below is the 2014 schedule for The Blue Angels public performances . See them at an air show near you .

Dates Location
MAR 15


NAF El Centro, CA

MAR 2122


Lancaster/Palmdale, CA

MAR 23


Fontana, CA

MAR 2930


NAS Kingsville, TX

APR 56


Lakeland, FL

APR 12


Louisville, KY

APR 2627


NAS Fort Worth JRB, TX

MAY 34


St. Louis, MO

MAY 1011


Vero Beach, FL

MAY 1718


North Kingstown, RI

MAY 21


US Naval Academy, MD

MAY 23


US Naval Academy, MD

MAY 2425


Jones Beach, NY

MAY 31


La Crosse, WI



La Crosse, WI

JUN 78


Latrobe, PA

JUN 1415


Smyrna, TN

JUN 2122


Milwaukee, WI

JUN 2829


Dayton, OH

JUL 56


Traverse City, MI

JUL 12


Pensacola Beach, FL

JUL 1920


Offutt AFB, NE

JUL 2627


St. George, UT

AUG 23


Seattle, WA

AUG 1617


Chicago, IL

AUG 2324


Duluth, MN

AUG 3031


Cleveland, OH



Cleveland, OH

SEP 67


Selfridge ANGB, MI

SEP 1314


Baltimore, MD

SEP 2021


NAS Oceana, VA

SEP 2728


Pearl Harbor, HI

OCT 45


MCAS Miramar, CA

OCT 1112


San Francisco, CA

OCT 1819


Millington, TN

OCT 2526


NAS Jacksonville, FL

NOV 12


Houston, TX

NOV 79


NAS Pensacola, FL

Caught On Camera: Little Pug Picks Fight With SWAT Team During Arizona Standoff !!



   Given the authorities’ propensity for killing family pets , this pug is lucky to have escaped with it’s life . Here’s a brief news story about the standoff and the bold pug . The standoff ended with the besieged robbery suspect , Andrew Joseph Desgranges , allegedly killing himself .


19 States Join Lawsuit Against NJ Gun Law



” Support is mounting for a lawsuit that challenges New Jersey’s tight restrictions on handgun ownership and its high standard of “justifiable need” for carrying a weapon outside the home.

  Nineteen states as well as the powerful National Rifle Association have joined the case’s plaintiff John Drake, who in his lawsuit claims he was denied a permit following a thwarted robbery attempt on his Sussex County business.

  Drake lost his appeal before a three-judge panel of the 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals last year and now a growing number of states, led by Wyoming, are asking the U.S. Supreme Court to hear the case, claiming New Jersey was wrong when it determined that the business owner failed to prove “justifiable need” to carry a gun under state statute.

Drake’s suit also claims that his right to bear arms under the Second Amendment has been violated.”


Read more at Newsmax









The New USA? Secession Movement Gains Steam





” If you mention the word “secession” most people think of the South during the Civil War. But today, a new movement is gaining steam because of frustration over a growing, out-of-control federal government.

  A number of conservative, rural Americans are taking about seceding and creating their own states, meaning a new map of the United States of America could include the following:

  These are real movements gaining traction with voters across the country. Jeffrey Hare runs the 51st State Initiative in Colorado, an effort to fight an out-of-control legislature trying to ram big government policies down the throats of voters.

” We’re at this point of irreconcilable differences,” Hare told CBN News.

  Secessionist talk has filled town hall meetings and the divide discussed is not just ideological.

” It’s predominately left versus right, but it’s urban versus rural because you typically find more typical conservative values in rural America,” Hare said.”


   For more information on the burgeoning secessionist movement and links to the organizations leading the charge you can go to uniondissolved.com and see what is happening in all of the states . The depth and breadth of discontent may surprise you . Obama may turn out to have been quite prescient when he said …



    Wikipedia offers this list of U.S. state partition proposals which numbers 36 and includes current and past efforts , while this link to the Middlebury Institute provides links to secessionist movements most of which are aimed at creating independent republics as opposed to adding to the states of the US .

” This is a list of official or otherwise noteworthy proposals for dividing existing US states into multiple states. It does not specifically address statewide or other movements to secede from the United States. The word secession can refer to political separation at different levels of government organization, from city to state to country; this list focuses on secession from (rather than by) U.S. states, particularly to form new U.S. states.

  Article IV of the United States Constitution provides for the creation of new states of the Union, requiring that any such creation be approved by the legislature of the affected state(s), as well as the United States Congress.

  Since the adoption of the U.S. Constitution, four states have been created from parts of an existing state: Maine (from Massachusetts), West Virginia (from Virginia), Kentucky(also from Virginia), and Vermont (from New York and New Hampshire)—though New York’s claim to Vermont was weak, as it was asked for its consent and Vermont was essentially an independent republic until 1791.”

There is no doubting that we live in interesting times . Read more from CBN News







Can You Guess Who The ‘Least Popular Senator In The Country’ Is ?





” A new Public Policy Polling (PPP) survey released on Thursday suggests that Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) is the “least popular senator in the country.” The results shouldn’t be that shocking as McCain has a low approval rating among both Republicans and Democrats.

The Republican has an approval rating of just 30 percent among all Arizona voters while 44 percent of respondents also disapprove of his job performance and 16 percent aren’t sure, according to the poll by the left-leaning PPP.”

There’s a lesson in this . When you try to be all things to all people you end up meaning nothing to nobody .



The Blaze has more . 









Arizona First US State To Attempt Legal Resistance To NSA Surveillance




” Arizona’s state senate panel approved a bill withdrawing state support for intelligence agencies’ collection of metadata and banning the use of warrantless data in courts. The panel becomes the first legislative body in US to try and thwart NSA spying.

  The bill will now have to be approved by majority of the Senate Rules committee before it can move on to the full senate. It prohibits Arizona public employees and departments from helping intelligence agencies collect records of phone-calls and emails, as well as metadata (information on where and when the phone calls were made). 

  The bill is entitled the 4th Amendment Protection Act and was introduced by Republican Senator Kelli Ward of Lake Havasu City. It was passed on Monday by the Senate’s Government and Environment committee with a 4-2 vote. 

The 10th Amendment allows states to stand up against unconstitutional federal law,” Ward said, as cited by AP. “It’s a state issue because many times the NSA is turning that information over to our local and state law enforcement and using that in cases that are basic criminal prosecutions, not anything to do with terrorism.” ”