New York Lawmakers Complain Alabama’s Remington Win Due In Part To ‘Gun-Friendly’ Political Climate



Remington Alabama





” Remington’s decision to move two gun production lines from New York to Huntsville is drawing sharp criticism from northern lawmakers who said their state’s stringent gun laws are costing jobs.

  The gun manufacturer announced Friday it would move production of its Bushmaster and R1 handgun lines to its new Alabama facility.

  The Bushmaster, a semiautomatic weapon, is no longer allowed to be sold in New York unless it is modified.
Alabama’s pro-2nd Amendment political climate is without a doubt an attractor to the Remington company.
Everyone knows in Alabama – we like our guns.

  It’s all well and good for our neighbors to the north to chide Alabamians and our lawmakers for what some characterize as a regressive, backwoods, homegrown approach to gun laws – but when it comes to losing jobs and growth to gun-toting southerners – that’s a different story altogether.

  While it most certainly will take some hefty renovations for the sprawling old Chrysler facility near Huntsville International Airport to accommodate Remington Outdoor Company, the business and political climates are already perfectly primed to welcome a major firearms manufacturer to move business here. Some New York leaders and lawmakers are sore over Huntsville’s recent acquisition. The local business community’s reaction to the recent squabblings? ‘New York – why are you surprised?’ “


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