“From space Earth looks completely untouched.

However, it’s deceptive, as a new video shows in mesmerising fashion.

‘Anthropocene demonstrates just how much the planet has been transformed by humans by illuminating every road, shipping route and flight path.

“The three-minute clip is the result of 13 years of devotion by Canadian anthropologist Felix Pharand. Using an ordinary home PC, Pharand input data from agencies such as the Geospatial Intelligence Agency and Atmospheric Administration to create accurate illustrations of how humans have ‘domesticated’ our planet – superimposing the data on images of the earth’s cities lit up at night.”

Illuminating: Anthropocene is a three-minute rollercoaster ride through the latest chapter in the story of how one species has transformed a planet

Video Here .

  This is a very cool video . That someone put thirteen years of effort into creating this three minutes of awe is just as much a tribute to the human spirit as is the transformation of the planet that it depicts . While I recognize the possibility that the intention here was to play into the global warming , Luddite mantra , to me the video displays a monument to human achievement . Likely not the desired effect . When I look at the video I don’t see disaster or climate catastrophe or crimes against Gaia .

  No , I see billions lifted out of poverty . I see medical care where there was only premature death , I see food where there was famine . I see enslaved people finding the means to cast off their bonds . I see mass production . I see innovation . I see leisure . I see freedom and liberty instead of indenture and misery .    

The question is ? When do we start paving Mars ?