Southern California Cop Who Attacked Videographer Needs To Be Identified


” An Oxnard police officer attacked a man for attempting to video record an arrest last week, twisting the man’s arm behind his back and violently shoving him against a bench after the man had placed the phone in his pocket.

The cop threatened to arrest the man for refusing to hand over his phone as “evidence” before a commanding officer intervened, telling the cop he was out of line.

The man, who goes by Angel B on Youtube, said he was allowed to leave, but he never did get the name of the officer.

And that is important if we want to at least try to hold him accountable.”



  Read the post for the videographer’s written account of what transpired and if you live in or frequent the Oxnard California area please watch this video and contact PINAC if you know the identity of the offending officer . This affront to personal liberty must not go unchallenged .