Tag Archive: Andrew Cuomo





” An upstate New York lawmaker comdemned Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo new program to reward informers helping him enforce the Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement Act of 2013 his landmark restriction of gun rights.

What was initially designed to be a tip line for citizens to call in suspected criminals in hot pursuit in six urban areas that showed a spike in crime has morphed into an old German Stasi – snitch line,” said Assemblyman William R. Nojay (R – Pittsford).

“I envision SWAT teams descending upon innocent people,” he said.

“Rat out your neighbor, rat out your co-worker, rat out the parents at your child’s school and receive a $500 cash payment for any call leading to an arrest or conviction,” said Nojay, an attorney and radio talk show host.”





Cuomo’s Shameful SAFE Act





” All things being equal, New York State’s infamous new gun laws will go down in history as a prime example of the folly of hysterical calls to action; and Governor Andrew Cuomo, who led the chase for the measures, will join them in disgrace. After 20 children were killed in Newtown, Conn., last December, progressives saw a golden opportunity to reverse the liberalizing tide of recent firearms law and leverage the national outrage in favor of long-desired gun-control codes. Freed by his reelection, the president declared, in an increasingly tiresome formulation, “Now is the time to do the right thing for our children, our communities, and the country we love.” In Albany, it appears that the governor took him literally.

Legislation cast in the wake of tragedy invariably carries with it the stench of the mob, and when it’s contrived in haste to protect “the children,” this is doubly so. Parliaments and institutions might protect us from the sight of angry, rash, pitchfork-wielding villagers in search of blood, but, however sanitized our politics have become, the impulse of rabble-rousing politicos is the same: Something must be done, it must be done right this second, and all naysayers are on the side of the monster. Wise men understand this, and they act to cool passions. Andrew Cuomo, we have learned in recent months, is not a wise man. His signature now adorns a law that has proven unworkable from start to finish. Next time we are told that we cannot wait for democracy or reflection to soothe passions, we might remember the course that New York has taken.”







” New York’s Democrat Gov. Andrew Cuomo is rescinding his ban on 10-round magazines after realizing that most gun manufacturers don’t make magazines smaller than 10 rounds.

Speaking on March 20, Cuomo said the state needs to allow the sale of handgun and rifle magazines that hold 10 rounds, “but New Yorkers will still be required to keep no more than seven bullets in them.” “


NY SAFE Act Nabs its First Gun Owner: An Iraq War vet (VIDEO)




” A Western New York man now faces seven years in prison for violating Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s new gun control-law, the NY Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement Act (or SAFE Act).

Benjamin M. Wassell, an Iraq War veteran, was charged with twice selling newly banned military-style ‘assault’ weapons and standard-capacity magazines to an undercover police officer as part of a sting operation conducted by State Police and the New York Attorney General’s Office, the Buffalo News reported.

The first sale Wassell made to the undercover officer was made nine days after the Governor rammed through the law in the dead of night after waving the mandatory three-day legislative review period.

Instead of arresting Wassell after his first offense, the investigators held out and remained undercover to see if he would sell another banned firearm.  Unfortunately, he did.

Thoughts and analysis

This is only beginning.

Gun owners in the Empire State should be on high-alert moving forward.  Both Cuomo and NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg will continue to appropriate state and city resources to conducting sting operations that attempt to entrap law-abiding gun owners.

NY SAFE Act: Question on ‘Assault’ Weapons Registration

The way it looks, lawmakers want to ensure that this law is taken seriously.  Previously legal firearms are now banned.  And if you fail to register them in the coming weeks, you’re now a criminal in the eyes of the state.

Also, please note that these laws do not only apply to firearms, but magazines as well.  The NY SAFE Act put a retroactive ban on magazines that hold more than 10 rounds.  If you’re caught with a 10-plus round magazine, you’re a criminal.  If you load more than seven rounds in your ten round magazine, you’re in violation of the law.”







VA Refuses To Follow N.Y. Gun Law




” Mental-health professionals won’t report names of patients

(AP) – The federal Department of Veterans Affairs said Monday its mental health professionals won’t comply with a new gun law in New York that requires reporting the names of patients they believe likely to hurt themselves or others.

That provision is set to take effect Saturday. Several veterans and their advocates warned it would deter many from seeking counseling and medications to deal with post-traumatic stress disorder or other psychological issues. Veterans fear their rights would be taken away.”






NY State Supreme Court: Gov. Cuomo Must Prove New Gun Laws are Constitutional



” Do New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s new draconian gun laws pass constitutional muster?

n the lawsuit, Tresmond challenges the constitutionality of the NY SAFE Act on the grounds that it violates not one’s Second Amendment rights, but one’s Fifth and Fourteenth Amendment protections against government seizure of private property without “due process and just compensation.”

In an interview with the Utica Observer-Dispatch, Tresmond explained how his two plaintiffs, both gun owners who possess ‘assault’ weapons and ‘high’-capacity magazines will be forced to forfeit their property when the new laws take effect.

“If you can take somebody’s $20,000 gun or firearm without any compensation whatsoever, that’s criminal,” Tresmond added, noting that the case may be on its way to becoming a class action lawsuit. “



Cuomo To Modify Strict Gun Control Laws To Exempt Hollywood…




” (CBS) – Just a month after Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed the strictest gun control law in the country, state officials plan to make some exemptions.

The law toughened restrictions on military-style rifles and high-capacity semiautomatic handguns, but those restrictions will be changed so those types of weapons can be used on the sets of television shows and movies being shot in New York.

An estimated 10,000 opponents of the new restrictions will descend on Albany Thursday as legislators consider additional amendments. “




Gov. Cuomo’s Gun-Reform Bill To Have New Ammo Behind It, As Activists From Several Groups, Celebs Like Ed Norton, Russell Simmons, Forming Coalition Supporting Law





” A new coalition of activists, unions and celebrities has formed to hit back against the vocal opposition to Gov. Cuomo’s recently approved gun-reform law, sources told the Daily News.

The coalition, according to one source, will include activists from the following groups: Brady Campaign To Prevent Gun Violence; Mayors Against Illegal Guns, which Mayor Bloomberg co-founded; New Yorkers Against Gun Violence; Moms Demand Action; and the powerful health care union Local 1199 SEIU.

A series of public events are being planned across the Empire State to tout the advantages of the reform bill, which the Legislature approved last month.

Among the celebrities said to have joined the nascent effort are hip-hop mogul Russell Simmons, actor Ed Norton and the Rev. Al Sharpton.

“Despite the protestations of a vocal minority, polls consistently show that New Yorkers are in favor of common-sense gun laws by a wide margin,” one source said.

A pro-gun-control event is expected to be held at the state Capitol within the next few weeks.”


Courtesy Of Rep. Steve McLaughlin



NY Counties Oppose SAFE




” This is the map we have so far of the counties that have opposed or have resolutions pending opposed to the NY unSAFE Act. We can now add Ulster to the list of counties opposed as I have just received word that their resolution passed 14-8 a short time ago. Let me know if this map has any mistakes. We’ll be updating it often.”



Ulster County Passes Resolution To Oppose Cuomo’s SAFE Act




” “The Ulster County Legislature does hereby oppose, and request the repeal of, any legislation, including the sections within the NY SAFE Act (Chapter1 of the Laws of 2013), which infringe upon the right of the people to keep and bear arms.”

With those words, the Ulster County, NY Board of Legislators last night passed a resolution opposing Governor Cuomo’s SAFE Act (http://exm.nr/11kGGQv).

The Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement (SAFE) Act of 2013 is the most restrictive gun control law in the country. It was signed into law on 15 January presumably in response to the horrific shooting at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut.

Ulster County’s resolution defies the NY SAFE Act, but it is also intended to counter President Obama’s Federal efforts to push gun control at the national level. The county is sending copies of their resolution to President Barack Obama, Vice President Joseph Biden, Governor Andrew Cuomo, Senator Charles Schumer, Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, and Congressman Chris Gibson as well as their state senators and assembly members.

Ulster County now joins the growing number of county and local officials and law enforcement officers that either oppose this latest push for gun control or have vowed not to enforce the new laws.

As of 31 January, 228 County Sheriffs and Sheriffs Associations nationwide have vowed not to enforce President Obama’s gun control executive orders (http://exm.nr/VoiaXP).

The Ulster County resolution, sponsored by Legislators Belfiglio, Bernardo, Fabiano, Gerentine, Harris, Lopez, Maio, Maloney, Roberts, Ronk and Wawro, is named “Opposing The Process Of Enactment And Certain Provisions Contained Within The New York SAFE Act.” “

 N.Y. Vet Arrested For 30-Round Magazines

” Nathan Haddad, a decorated combat veteran, was arrested earlier this month in New York for possessing unloaded 30-round magazines. Mr. Haddad, who has been recognized by the Army for his selfless acts of generosity to fellow soldiers, was charged with five felony counts of possession of “high-capacity” magazines.

Since 1994, magazines over 10 rounds have been illegal. This month, Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed legislation that makes any ammunition feeding device over 7 rounds illicit in New York. (Click here to read New York’s Radical Gun-Control Law.)

Mr. Haddad, who was medically discharged in 2010 after 12 years of service, was arrested when he was stopped by police on Jan. 6 in LeRay, Ny. Through his brother Michael, Mr. Haddad declined to comment on the cause until after his Feb. 20 conference date to meet with the prosecutor and the judge. ”



UPDATE : Via Instapundit comes word of a legal defense fundraising effort for Nathan Haddad . You can contribute here.

Cuomo Support Dips After Gun-Control Push




” Cuomo’s approval rating fell to 59 percent from an all-time high of 74 percent in the survey, conducted by Quinnipiac University.

That fall was driven almost entirely by Republican voters souring on the governor after he signed into law tough new gun restrictions. They included a ban on assault weapons and high capacity magazines, increased penalties for purchasing illegal guns, and requirements to report potentially harmful behavior by the mentally ill. Many of the state-level provisions championed by Cuomo have also received support from President Obama, who called for new federal gun controls in the aftermath of the elementary school shooting in Newtown, Conn.”

‘Wall St.’ Flees NY For Tax-Free Fla.




” The city’s hedge-fund executives are flying south — and it’s not for vacation.

An increasing number of financial firms, especially private equity and hedge funds, are fed up with New York’s sky-high city and state tax rates and are relocating to the business-friendly climate in Florida’s Palm Beach County.

And they’re being welcomed with open arms — officials in Palm Beach recently opened an entire office dedicated to luring finance hot shots down south.

“Florida is a state of choice,” said Thalius Hecksher, global development chief for Apex Fund Services, who moved many of his operations to Palm Beach. “It’s organically grown. There’s no need to drag people down here. It’s a zero-income-tax jurisdiction.”

New York Gun Owners Flip the Bird to “Assault Weapons” Registration Law





” New York Governor Cuomo the Junior may have rushed throughhis new gun control law with such speed thatpolice will avoid its restrictions only through the blessed miracle ofselective enforcement, but he may have a little trouble getting the state’s firearms owners to attend his party. The new law requires owners of those scary-looking rifles known as “assault weapons” to register their property (amidst assurances that, oh no, the registration lists will never be used for confiscation), but gun rights activists are actively urging gun owners to defy the new mandate.


According to Frederic Dicker at the New York Post:

Assault-rifle owners statewide are organizing a mass boycott of Gov. Cuomo’s new law mandating they register their weapons, daring officials to “come and take it away,” The Post has learned. “




Assemblyman Steve McLaughlin Discusses The New York SAFE Act


Y’all Come To Texas, State Official Tells New York Gun Owners



” Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott has a message for New York gun owners: Come to Texas, and bring your guns with you.

“Texas is better than New York, and New York just gave us another excuse to say that,” Abbott, a Republican, said on Thursday, after ads extolling Texas appeared on several media websites.

One ad says in classic Western script: “WANTED: Law abiding New York gun owners seeking lower taxes and greater opportunities.”

Clicking on the ad leads to a Facebook page touting the virtues of Texas, including the fact that the state has no income tax so “you’ll be able to keep more of what you earn and use that extra money to buy more ammo.” ”



NY Poised to Pass First Gun Bill Since Sandy Hook Shooting

” A key New York Senate leader and the Assembly speaker said they expect the state Legislature to vote Monday to enact what would be the nation’s first gun control measure following last month’s Connecticut school shooting.

“I think when all is said and done, we are going to pass a comprehensive gun bill today,” Sen. Jeffrey Klein told reporters Monday morning. “I’m very excited about it. I am very confident we are going to vote on a comprehensive bill that will be agreed on by the governor, the Senate and Assembly.”

People familiar with closed-door negotiations told The Associated Press a tentative deal was struck over the weekend.

The tentative agreement would further restrict New York’s ban on assault weapons, limit the size of magazines to seven bullets, down from the current 10, and enact more stringent background checks for sales. Other elements, pushed by Republicans, would refine a mental health law to make it easier to confine people determined to be a threat to themselves or others.
Senate Republicans also have included a further crackdown on illegal gun trafficking into New York, the people said. Most New York City gun crimes involve weapons illegally brought into the state, state and city officials say. “
  With the murder rates in NY state at the lowest point in FIFTY years , it is all of a sudden imperative that draconian new laws be passed on the basis of knee-jerk emotionalism ? This should tell any thinking individual exactly how much this new ” policy ” is really about ” public safety ” . 
  If you look at the table below you will see that from a peak of 2605 murders in the state in 1990 , with a slight one year rise here or there the rate of killings has been steadily downward to a point where in 2011 , the last full year of complete records available , the total number of murders was 774 , a decrease of two thirds in the past thirty years . 
New York Crime Rates 1960 – 2011
Year Population Index Violent Property Murder Rape Robbery assault Burglary Theft Theft
1965  18,073,000  554,050  58,802  495,248  836  2,320  28,182  27,464  183,443  253,353  58,452 
1966 18,258,000 609,465 62,561 546,904 882 2,439 30,098 29,142 196,127 286,409 64,368
1967 18,336,000 692,528 75,124 617,404 996 2,665 40,202 31,261 219,157 314,472 83,775
1968 18,113,000 829,453 98,515 730,938 1,185 2,527 59,857 34,946 250,918 375,143 104,877
1969 18,321,000 837,210 105,870 731,340 1,324 2,902 64,754 36,890 248,477 367,463 115,400
1970 18,190,740 904,314 124,613 779,701 1,444 2,875 81,149 39,145 267,474 386,553 125,674
1971 18,391,000 935,022 145,048 789,974 1,823 3,225 97,682 42,318 273,704 388,612 127,658
1972 18,366,000 804,605 138,542 666,063 2,026 4,199 86,391 45,926 239,886 321,096 105,081
1973 18,265,000 814,349 135,468 678,881 2,040 4,852 80,795 47,781 246,246 320,307 112,328
1974 18,111,000 911,703 145,427 766,276 1,919 5,240 86,814 51,454 271,824 390,357 104,095
1975 18,120,000 1,021,197 155,187 866,010 1,996 5,099 93,499 54,593 301,996 447,740 116,274
1976 18,084,000 1,125,739 156,988 968,751 1,969 4,663 95,718 54,638 318,919 516,328 133,504
1977 17,924,000 1,091,144 149,087 942,057 1,919 5,272 84,703 57,193 309,735 498,653 133,669
1978 17,748,000 1,027,993 149,257 878,736 1,820 5,168 83,785 58,484 292,956 466,516 119,264
1979 17,649,000 1,095,140 161,906 933,234 2,092 5,394 93,471 60,949 308,302 500,589 124,343
1980 17,506,690 1,209,984 180,235 1,029,749 2,228 5,405 112,273 60,329 360,925 535,783 133,041
1981 17,594,000 1,214,935 188,178 1,026,757 2,166 5,479 120,344 60,189 350,422 539,486 136,849
1982 17,659,000 1,142,202 174,833 967,369 2,013 5,159 107,843 59,818 295,245 534,244 137,880
1983 17,667,000 1,042,811 161,489 881,322 1,958 5,296 94,783 59,452 249,115 504,346 127,861
1984 17,735,000 989,126 162,157 826,969 1,786 5,599 89,900 64,872 222,956 488,621 115,392
1985 17,783,000 993,811 165,365 828,446 1,683 5,706 89,706 68,270 219,633 502,276 106,537
1986 17,772,000 1,025,037 175,210 849,827 1,907 5,415 91,360 76,528 217,010 519,570 113,247
1987 17,825,000 1,061,021 179,691 881,330 2,016 5,537 89,721 82,417 216,826 539,175 125,329
1988 17,898,000 1,129,241 196,396 932,845 2,244 5,479 97,434 91,239 218,060 560,887 153,898
1989 17,950,000 1,129,638 203,042 926,596 2,246 5,242 103,983 91,571 211,130 544,459 171,007
1990  17,990,455  1,144,874  212,458  932,416 2,605  5,368  112,380  92,105 208,813  536,012 187,591
1991 18,058,000 1,127,651 210,184 917,467 2,571 5,085 112,342 90,186 204,499 531,681 181,287
1992 18,119,000 1,061,489 203,311 858,178 2,397 5,152 108,154 87,608 193,548 495,708 168,922
1993 18,197,000 1,010,176 195,352 814,824 2,420 5,008 102,122 85,802 181,709 481,166 151,949
1994 18,169,000 921,278 175,433 745,845 2,016 4,700 86,617 82,100 164,650 452,322 128,873
1995 18,136,000 827,025 152,683 674,342 1,550 4,290 72,492 74,351 146,562 425,184 102,596
1996 18,185,000 751,456 132,206 619,250 1,353 4,174 61,822 64,857 129,828 399,522 89,900
1997 18,137,000 709,328 124,890 584,438 1,093 4,075 56,094 63,628 118,306 386,435 79,697
1998 18,175,000 652,202 115,915 536,287 924 3,843 49,125 62,023 104,821 363,295 68,171
1999 18,196,601 596,743 107,147 489,596 903 3,563 43,821 58,860 93,217 338,118 58,261
2000 18,976,457 588,189 124,890 483,078 952 3,530 40,539 60,090 87,946 340,901 54,231
2001 19,084,350 556,025 98,022 458,003 960 3,546 36,555 56,961 80,400 329,316 48,287
2002 19,134,293 537,121 95,030 442,091 909 3,885 36,653 53,583 76,700 318,025 47,366
2003 19,212,425 521,565 89,486 432,079 934 3,775 35,790 48,987 75,453 311,422 45,204
2004 19,280,727 507,648 84,914 422,734 889 3,608 33,506 46,911 70,696 311,036 41,002
2005 19,315,721 491,829 85,839 405,990 874 3,636 35,179 46,150 68,034 302,220 35,736
2006 19,306,183 482,270 83,966 396,304 921 3,169 34,489 45,387 68,565 295,605 32,134
2007 19,297,729 461,731 79,915 381,816 801 2,926 31,094 45,094 64,857 288,929 28,030
2008 19,467,789 466,131 77,546 388,585 836 2,799 31,789 42,122 65,537 297,952 25,096
2009 19,541,453 452,647 75,110 377,537 781 2,582 28,141 43,606 62,769 292,897 21,871
2010 19,395,206 456,202 76,492 379,710 868 2,797 28,630 44,197 65,839 293,232 20,639
2011 19,465,197 449,745 77,490 372,255 774 2,752 28,396 45,568 65,397 287,547 19,311


   Having already established the FACT that crime in general , and murder in particular have been steadily declining throughout the state for the past three decades one might say , that’s all well and good but , since crime rates nationally have been in a similar decline , maybe NY state hasn’t done as well as it could and thus we need new laws . The next table should disabuse one of that notion fairly quickly . 

US States Crime 2004 -2006 Crimes per 100,000 and Ranking

” The table below provides the rank of each State’s reported rate of crime as compared to the 50 States and the District of Columbia.  1 = the highest reported crime rate and 51 = the lowest. Going from one year to the next a higher number means, that compared to other States, the relative crime rate is increasing and a lower number means that the relative level of crime is decreasing.  The Index category represents the total number of crimes, and since most crimes involve property crime it is weighted towards these types of crime.  “

State Year Population  Index  Violent  Property  Murder  Forcible Rape  Robbery  Aggravated assault  Burglary  Larceny- Theft  Vehicle Theft
New York 2008 3 47 25 49 27 50 11 26 48 49 46
New York  2007 3 48 25 48 29 50 11 25 49 48 46
New York  2006 3 47 23 48 27 50 9 25 48 48 44
New York  2005 3 46 22 48 29 49 5 25 48 47 45

  While New York possesses the third largest population in the country it consistently ranks between 46-48 on the crime index . That means that 45-47 states have a higher crime rate than this state . Half the states have higher murder rates , yet ” We Must Do Something Now ” .  

  This is all just one more nail in the coffin of our freedoms . Get mad people . Get mad and channel that anger . Get involved , write letters , volunteer , donate time or money , educate your children , just do something . 

  One last table , Lest anyone think that the raw total numbers might be misleading here are the index numbers per 100,000 people . Again they show a current crime rate in the state of New York at levels unseen for nearly fifty years and that with a population increase of nearly one and a half million . Show us the crisis Mr Governor . 

Forcible Aggravated Larceny- Vehicle
Year Population Index Violent Property Murder Rape Robbery assault Burglary Theft Theft
1965  18,073,000  3,065.6  325.4  2,740.3  4.6  12.8  155.9  152.0  1,015.0  1,401.8  323.4 
1966 18,258,000 3,338.1 342.6 2,995.4 4.8 13.4 164.8 159.6 1,074.2 1,568.7 352.5
1967 18,336,000 3,776.9 409.7 3,367.2 5.4 14.5 219.3 170.5 1,195.2 1,715.1 456.9
1968 18,113,000 4,579.3 543.9 4,035.4 6.5 14.0 330.5 192.9 1,385.3 2,071.1 579.0
1969 18,321,000 4,569.7 577.9 3,991.8 7.2 15.8 353.4 201.4 1,356.2 2,005.7 629.9
1970 18,190,740 4,971.3 685.0 4,286.3 7.9 15.8 446.1 215.2 1,470.4 2,125.0 690.9
1971 18,391,000 5,084.1 788.7 4,295.4 9.9 17.5 531.1 230.1 1,488.2 2,113.1 694.1
1972 18,366,000 4,380.9 754.3 3,626.6 11.0 22.9 470.4 250.1 1,306.1 1,748.3 572.1
1973 18,265,000 4,458.5 741.7 3,716.8 11.2 26.6 442.3 261.6 1,348.2 1,753.7 615.0
1974 18,111,000 5,034.0 803.0 4,231.0 10.6 28.9 479.3 284.1 1,500.9 2,155.4 574.8
1975 18,120,000 5,635.7 856.4 4,779.3 11.0 28.1 516.0 301.3 1,666.6 2,471.0 641.7
1976 18,084,000 6,225.1 868.1 5,357.0 10.9 25.8 529.3 302.1 1,763.5 2,855.2 738.2
1977 17,924,000 6,087.6 831.8 5,255.8 10.7 29.4 472.6 319.1 1,728.0 2,782.0 745.8
1978 17,748,000 5,792.2 841.0 4,951.2 10.3 29.1 472.1 329.5 1,650.6 2,628.6 672.0
1979 17,649,000 6,205.1 917.4 5,287.7 11.9 30.6 529.6 345.3 1,746.9 2,836.4 704.5
1980 17,506,690 6,911.6 1,029.5 5,882.0 12.7 30.9 641.3 344.6 2,061.6 3,060.4 759.9
1981 17,594,000 6,905.4 1,069.6 5,835.8 12.3 31.1 684.0 342.1 1,991.7 3,066.3 777.8
1982 17,659,000 6,468.1 990.1 5,478.1 11.4 29.2 610.7 338.7 1,671.9 3,025.3 780.8
1983 17,667,000 5,902.6 914.1 4,988.5 11.1 30.0 536.5 336.5 1,410.1 2,854.7 723.7
1984 17,735,000 5,577.3 914.3 4,662.9 10.1 31.6 506.9 365.8 1,257.2 2,755.1 650.6
1985 17,783,000 5,588.5 929.9 4,658.6 9.5 32.1 504.4 383.9 1,235.1 2,824.5 599.1
1986 17,772,000 5,767.7 985.9 4,781.8 10.7 30.5 514.1 430.6 1,221.1 2,923.5 637.2
1987 17,825,000 5,952.4 1,008.1 4,944.3 11.3 31.1 503.3 462.4 1,216.4 3,024.8 703.1
1988 17,898,000 6,309.3 1,097.3 5,212.0 12.5 30.6 544.4 509.8 1,218.3 3,133.8 859.9
1989 17,950,000 6,293.2 1,131.2 5,162.1 12.5 29.2 579.3 510.1 1,176.2 3,033.2 952.7
1990  17,990,455  6,363.8  1,180.9  5,182.8  14.5  29.8  624.7  512.0  1,160.7  2,979.4  1,042.7
1991 18,058,000 6,244.6 1,163.9 5,080.7 14.2 28.2 622.1 499.4 1,132.5 2,944.3 1,003.9
1992 18,119,000 5,858.4 1,122.1 4,736.3 13.2 28.4 596.9 483.5 1,068.2 2,735.8 932.3
1993 18,197,000 5,551.3 1,073.5 4,477.8 13.3 27.5 561.2 471.5 998.6 2,644.2 835.0
1994 18,169,000 5,070.6 965.6 4,105.0 11.1 25.9 476.7 451.9 906.2 2,489.5 709.3
1995 18,136,000 4,560.1 841.9 3,718.3 8.5 23.7 399.7 410.0 808.1 2,344.4 565.7
1996 18,185,000 4,132.3 727.0 3,405.3 7.4 23.0 340.0 356.7 713.9 2,197.0 494.4
1997 18,137,000 3,910.9 688.6 3,222.4 6.0 22.5 309.3 350.8 652.3 2,130.6 439.4
1998 18,175,000 3,588.5 637.8 2,950.7 5.1 21.1 270.3 341.3 576.7 1,998.9 375.1
1999 18,196,601 3,279.4 588.8 2,690.6 5.0 19.6 240.8 323.5 512.3 1,858.1 320.2
2000 18,976,457 3,099.6 553.9 2,545.7 5.0 18.6 213.6 316.7 463.4 1,796.4 285.8
2001 19,084,350 2,913.5 513.6 2,399.9 5.0 18.6 191.5 298.5 421.3 1,725.6 253.0
2002 19,134,293 2,807.1 496.6 2,310.5 4.8 20.3 191.6 280.0 400.9 1,662.1 247.5
2003 19,212,425 2,714.8 465.8 2,249.0 4.9 19.6 186.3 255.0 392.7 1,620.9 235.3
2004 19,280,727 2,632.9 440.4 2,192.5 4.6 18.7 173.8 243.3 366.7 1,613.2 212.7
2005 19,315,721 2,554.3 444.4 2,101.9 4.5 18.8 182.1 238.9 352.2 1,564.6 185.0
2006 19,306,183 2,487.6 434.9 2,052.7 4.8 16.4 178.6 235.1 355.1 1,531.1 166.4
2007 19,297,729 2,392.7 414.1 1,978.6 4.2 15.2 161.1 233.7 336.1 1,497.2 145.3
2008 19,467,789 2,394.3 398.3 1,996.0 4.3 14.4 163.0 216.4 336.6 1,530.5 128.9
2009 19,541,453 2,316.4 384.4 1,932.0 4.0 13.2 144.0 223.1 321.2 1,498.8 111.9
2010 19,395,206 2,352.2 394.4 1,957.8 4.5 14.4 147.6 227.9 339.5 1,511.9 106.4
2011 19,465,197 2,310.5 398.1 1,912.4 4.0 14.1 145.9 234.1 336.0 1,477.2  99.2
New York Crime Index Rates Per 100,000 Inhabitants


Statistics courtesy of The Disaster Center

Cuomo Calls For ‘Toughest Assault Weapon Ban In The Nation



  Who does he think he’s fooling ? The crime rates nationally have been steadily declining for the past TWENTY years even as the population has grown by over 20% . There is no problem that the State needs to step in and address . There is no crisis awaiting the curative hand of State intrusion . This is a power grab plain and simple . 


FBI Crime Stats 1992-2011

 New York already has some of the toughest gun laws and it certainly is one of the most intrusive of bureaucracies , witness the mass exodus of corporation departing the state due to sky high taxes , onerous regulation and this unending attitude coming from Albany that the only solution is the State solution .



“We need a gun policy in this state that is reasonable, that is balanced, that is measured,” Cuomo said. “We respect hunters and sportsman. This is not taking away people’s guns. I own a gun … that’s not what this is about.”

“It is about ending the unnecessary risk of high-capacity assault rifles. That’s what this is about,” he added. “


If this governor is really interested in helping the people of his state he should devote his attentions to the real problems that exist in New York , namely the economy and jobs . Help to create an environment that is conducive to business growth and that will lead to more jobs , more revenue and less crime .




Fracking Found Safe In New York; Let Revolution Begin





” Gov. Andrew Cuomo reportedly has been long aware of the February 2012 research compiled by state officials, who concluded that hydraulic fracturing could be performed safely in New York. Yet amid political pressure from the environmentalist lobby, he buried the findings. The report became public in recent days when a copy was leaked to a newspaper.

When Cuomo campaigned, he indicated he was open to approving the process, which has been shut down in New York since a 2008 moratorium. But he’s apparently nervous about crossing those opposed to it.

We suggest Cuomo stiffen his spine. The benefits of fracking are phenomenal.

Fracking uses fluids injected under pressure to shatter rock and release oil and natural gas. It is not a new process. But it has been modernized and is taking energy output to new heights. “





cuomo  confiscation



” Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo (D-N.Y.) during a radio interview with Albany’s WGDJ-AM said Thursday that all options, including confiscation and mandatory sales to the state, would be on the table for New York’s proposed semi automatic gun ban legislation”


..  Under Democrats and Republicans, regulation grows. “

  ” So Clinton — not Bush — was the bank deregulator.

  Were those acts responsible for the financial debacle of 2008? No. Bear Stearns, Lehman, etc. were not affiliated with commercial banks.

  Banks got in trouble because they filled their portfolios with securities built on shaky mortgages. And here is where Clinton does bear responsibility.

His secretary of housing and urban development was Andrew Cuomo, now governor of New York and apparent presidential wannabe.

  Cuomo, as Wayne Barrett wrote in the VillageVoice in 2008, made a series of decisions that “helped plunge Fannie and Freddie into the
subprime markets without putting in place the means to monitor their increasingly risky investments. He turned the Federal Housing
Administration mortgage program into a sweetheart lender with sky-high loan ceilings and no money down, and he legalized what a
federal judge has branded ‘kickbacks’ to brokers that have fueled the sale of overpriced and
unsupportable loans. Three to four million families are now facing foreclosure, and Cuomo is one of the reasons why.” “